What a great start to life in year 6 all the children have made, we are so impressed with their attitude and commitment to school life, very proud! We're deep into our novel - writing lots of detailed characters, have produced some impressive poetry, huge numbers in maths, lots of Pe (including our daily jog), started our French and so much more. time for a well earned weekend.
Star mathematicians of the week went to Soren, Jacob and Leila, well done!
We are moving away from this blog to our new format of Tapestry. Please bear with us whilst we get to grips with it. Any questions please let us know.
Homework: Spellings have now gone home and reading records are due on Monday.
Just a very quick last blog to say a MASSIVE thank you for all the generous card and gifts - all the staff really are touched at your generosity. What an epic last day, especially that water fight!!
Good luck each and everyone of you. We will miss you.
Well then, it really is 'nearly' the end of the journey. The children have continued to make us proud; all being troopers and mixing work and play with a real positive attitude.
All children's letters have now been polished, wax sealed and delivered to various businesses, celebrities and the like to help in our quest for an improved outdoor area - fingers crossed we get some positive responses.
Year 6 have been completing our novel Holes, some bubbles even starting on the movie, others saving it for next week.
Quite a few messages for what will be my final blog so please check carefully to avoid any confusion.
Next week Year 6 will cover the Changing Me unit of work from our Jigsaw scheme. We will use the 'ask-it basket' and cover what we feel is appropriate ...so perhaps be prepared for a few questions! To be honest most of the coverage was done last year so not too many new surprises. Topics will include:
All resources have been shown before at our parents sessions - if you would like to know more about them or discuss any concerns regarding this unit of work please get in touch ASAP.
As we have been reading Holes we have decided it would be great character building to ask the children to do some digging, just as the children at Camp Green Lake did in our novel. We have 10 tonnes of soil that needs moving, spreading and raking onto the trim trail at school and if children would like to offer some muscle we will attempt this task starting on Monday next week, prior to the new turf arriving which they can also assist with. What could go wrong?!
*If the children have a suitable spade or rake, a pair of gloves and some wellies they can help Mr. Chaloner and the rest of our team (if any parents could lend a wheelbarrow that would also be very welcome!) This is of course an optional activity.
For our last day (Friday 24th) we will have what has been somewhat of a tradition, our Year 6 water fight! It will be done with social distancing in place.
*Could children please bring in their own water pistol (if they have one)
*No water pistols to be used on the way to school please - this might jeopardise the water fight for everyone.
*Could children have some dry clothing with them ready for a quick change before leaving school - for what will sadly be the last time as a pupil at All Saints'!
*Bubbles will be leaving at their usual time and locations, which in itself is a sad way to wave the children off - but from experience it is always nice to have a parent to collect on the last day if possible.
Mrs. Pratt is also arranging a socially distancing sports day for each of the bubbles to compete so we should have a lovely last day.
*If any children purchased any of the novels we have read this year and would like to donate them for future classes that would be a very welcome touch.*
I have thoroughly loved teaching this cohort and even though it was a bizarre way to end I am so glad the children had the opportunity to return. Massive thanks to Miss. Taylor, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs, Daniels, Miss. Daley and Mrs. Chapman who have helped teach the bubbles over the past weeks.
This week has been just wonderful, giving true understanding to the phrase 'work hard play hard.'
We have continued reading our exciting novel (each bubble is on a slightly different chapter so I don't want to give too much away) other than 'This aint no girl scout camp!'
On Wednesday Marple Hall staff visited and gave us the low-down on everything high school related. I think one or two faces were a little shell-shocked but I am confident the children are more than ready for their next step on the educational ladder...even if it might be a little wobbly. For those going to Marple Hall in September, a novel and an accompanying booklet were handed out to be completed over the Summer months.
Later in the day we were treated to a pizza or pasta courtesy of the Parents Association and La Dolce Vita restaurant. Yum, yum, yum.
Harrison's dad came in to film for the Year 6 leavers DVD he is creating (a Ping should have been received about this) He captured children in high spirits; dancing, singing and sharing their hopes and wishes for the future.
The following day the celebrations continued with ice-creams and lollies...and some people thought working in a 'bubble' would be a miserable experience! Again these treats were supplied by our ever generous PA.
On Monday the 13th of July the battle against Year 5 begins. Will Year 6 be defeated by the next in line to the Year 6 throne? Times Tables Rock Stars is where it is at and the battle will last for one week.
I know most of you are busy in school now but attached below are some booklets to work on at home. You will find a Year 7 Algebra book to get your High School ready ...if you are up the the challenge that is!
FINALLY but importantly, next week we will attend a virtual leavers service. https://chesterdbe.co.uk/leavers Here is the link (which I hope will work) for the 10am service on Tuesday 14th July. The link should be available afterwards for a little time so people can view the service at a later date if needed.
Tricky writing a blog when we are in three separate bubbles but another productive week has seen us produce letters to send off to various people to ask for support for our outdoor vision as part of our Year 6 legacy. Fingers crossed we get some positive responses and backing.
Some of us have been making our ‘Sweet Feet Sneakers’ out of Modroc and have been getting even ‘deeper’ into our novel Holes.
In maths arithmetic has continued and it is positive that we can still do lots of the tricky calculations we were doing before lockdown.
We have been outside plenty too, playing various games and sports to keep active and breath in the fresh air – even though it has been rather wet this week.
Next week we have lots to look forward too, Wednesday 8th July being a particularly busy day!
In the morning we have Marple Hall visiting as part of transition, we have Harrison’s dad visiting to capture some memories for a DVD and we have a Pizza Party so kindly organised by our generous Parents Association. Big thank you in particular to Mrs. Hallas and Mrs. Lacava!
Advance notice: On Tuesday 14th July at 10am we will be joining an online Chester Diocese Year 6 Leavers Service, which we will broadcast from school. We will share the link if we are able to for families or children not currently in school with us. If each child could bring in a jar or a box that would be great.
Take care everyone
Mr. McShane
Another week gone and another quickly underway. Really nice to see more faces return to our Year 6 bubbles which have so far proved very successful. Lots of All Saints' hoodies are now being worn - some with very strange nicknames on!
I know it isn't quite 'normal' but we are fast getting used to the new way of working and the atmosphere in school is very positive. For those who haven't returned we miss you lots and have been emailing via DB to keep in touch - please do try to write to your friends.
We have been working our way through Holes, with some bubbles writing letters back to Mom, drawing detailed story maps or preapring to make our own 'Sweet Feet Sneakers'. Lots of Jigsaw and wellbeing activities, outside PE and some forest school activities with one bubble even finding frogs in the long grass!
In Science we are starting to look at different systems - muscular, digestive or skeletal and in maths we are going over the basics to see what we can remember!
Congratulations to Harrison who is through to the Marple Young Writer’s Competition finals, massive achievement, so proud.
Headstart Primary have produced some lovely, simple activity booklets which we know would be of great benefit to our children. They are also currently available at a bargain price of £1.38 each. This price is only valid until the end of June so if you wish to place an order for your child, please do so by Monday 29th June.
You will today, receive a ping with an order form attached.
To see a sample of the workbooks please go to: https://headstart-primary-ltd.myshopify.com/
Spelling test on Wednesday and please try to complete Mathletics tasks and Readingexpress.
Well then, that was an unusual few days in school. So lovely to see the children who have returned and also the children I visited whilst dropping off your hoodies! Even if you are not currently in school you are still very much part of our team and the children in school will be emailing you to keep in touch.
Think one or two children were shocked into silence the first few days; having to get up and dressed for a set time seemed to be the biggest hurdle but it hasn't taken long for the natter to return. There has been a lovely atmosphere even though we are separated into small bubble groups.
A massive thank you to all the other staff in school who are supporting the Bubbles and who have made the children settle quickly. All Saints' really is a special place.
Things are still very much in the early stages but the children are quickly getting to grips with the 'new-normal' and luckily we had some half decent weather to enjoy the outdoor areas. Thank you to Mr. Granite for all his socially distanced outdoor sporting ideas.
Whether in school or not we will be working on our Leavers Books soon (Mrs. Pratt is the lady who will run the rule on these) so
Remember to be on time and keep your distances and wear fresh clothing each day - ideally sporty so we can get plenty of fresh air.
For those in school we have started on a novel 'Holes' by Louis Sachar and for those not in school I will email you a sneaky copy Ssshhhhh!
Keep checking DB Primary forums, emails and blogs and remember your Mathletics, Reading Eggspress and weekly spellings.
Mr Mcshane
Is it really another Friday blog already?! Wow.
We’ve had some scorchers this week and I hope you have all managed some time outdoors. Mrs.Mcshane wants me to let her ‘tidy up’ my wild hair with the clippers but I’m not that daft.
I’ll buy a hat.
Micah and I went for a walk (socially distanced) down the river yesterday which was lovely and tired us out (that was the plan, it’s 8am now and he’s still asleep - unheard of!)
You have continued to impress me with work emailed in.
Take a look at Ben's cool Science investigation (the straw is wet on the first attempt and dry on the other)
And how about this brilliant banner from Caitlyn and her family, beautiful messages.
I know many of you are working on different things, CPG books, BBC Bitesize and the like so there is no pressure to add this to the forum, just continue doing what is working for you as a family.
I'll continue to call you over the next week so if you've not heard from me yet look out for my call. It has been really uplifting to hear how well you are doing and what inventive ways you have come up with to deal with this lockdown.
We are challenging you to beat the highest score achieved in one minute! All you have to do is submit a video of yourself (with adult permission) playing a Studio game by 23:59 on 4th June 2020. Can you beat 186? I know we have speedy players in Year 6 so why not give it a go!
Please visit https://ttrockstars.com/page/gwr for more information.
Good luck!
Congratulations to all who tried the SATs lockdown quiz - hope you enjoyed it. The Headstart booklet and Mathletics booklets should be keeping you busy too! (look in the resources section on the class page)
New writing task – writing is perhaps the most difficult task to keep on top of during lockdown learning so here is a challenge.
Persuade someone (in the form of an advertisement) to buy something that is impossible to sell like, ‘uncomfortable shoes made of metal’ or ‘a drinks bottle made of paper’ or at hair cut by Mrs. Mcshane!’ be inventive, creative and make me smile.
Reading Eggspress: Rory, Ollie, Ben, Archie M and Ella are racking up the points this week, fantastic!
Mathletics: Three Silver awards this week so congratulations to Dan, Archie M and Ben but it is Oliver M who leads the points this week
TT Rockstars: Zac makes his rise back up the leaderboard (I am sure he will be interested in the World Record attempt) but we need some fresh Year 6 names up there, come on TEAM!
DB Primary points table is forever changing - so many points being dished out for a whole range of things. Currently the top 5 is Archie M, Isabelle, Oliver, Tia and Ben.
Take care everybody and enjoy the weekend.
Mr McShane
The Headstart document is now attached in the resources section and also the Mathletics Geometry booklet. These should keep you very busy and learning at the appropriate level. Any questions get in touch with Mr. Mcshane or Mrs. Pratt!
Hello everyone, well another week has come and go. I hope you are all safe, well and managing.
Parents should have received a Ping message to ascertain your views on the Government's plan for a phased return to Primary School. If you haven't received this please let school know and if you haven't already please give your honest feedback to help us determine how a re-opening can be organised and what numbers we are working with to assist us with this intricate planning. Thank you.
I hope you enjoyed the alternative SATs lockdown paper. If you haven't had a go please do, it's light hearted and should keep you busy. (Hopefully I will have one or two more photos to share from the last paper (celebration task) so keep them coming in, but for starters - hats off (or maybe you should have one on) for Oliver and his version of the Crazy Hair Celebration!! ha ha.
(He bravely gave permission for this to be shared!) What a star!
I have finally uploaded a script for 'As You Like it.' It is a touch rough around the edges but should give you:
A) Something enjoyable to read
B) A simpler version of the story to understand
C) A chance for you to learn some lines that might help if/when we return.
Why not have a go at memorising some scenes, act them out, record them, blog them or just go with where ever your imagination takes you.
I have also uploaded some Matheltics booklets and will add more in the coming days (these have also been emailed and added to the forum, along with some Shakespeare reading).
On Monday I will attach a booklet that should keep you challenged in both Maths and English for many hours - so keep your eyes peeled. Don't say I never treat you!
Remember, these are tasks for you to use as best you can. Dip into some, ignore others, spend time on what you as a family feel is a priority or manageable. There is so much out there at the moment it could become a little overwhelming.
I have had so many emails to read this week which has been lovely. I must mention share a couple. Firstly, Ben has sent in this Roarsome acrostic poem which is just fabulous.
Next we have a very fine piece of artwork from Maddy.
I would like to steal some credit for all our work on proportion and portraits but I think this is just raw talent! The eyes especially are very intricate. I hope this finds a frame on a wall somewhere.
Mathletics: Dan, Ben, Oliver, Ollie, Archie M, Thomas, Rachel, Rory, Dougie and Harrison have all been accumulating points the past week or so with Oliver M even collecting a Silver Certificate! WOW!!!
Reading Eggspress: I can see many more of you are logging on, please keep at it as this site is really useful: it's packed with hundreds of interactive reading activities, online children’s books and literacy games.
Keep posting onthe forum guys and enjoy your weekend.
Mr. McShane
Dear all
NEW UPDATE! Answers for the lockdown SATS and spelling tests should now be in the documents and I will put in the forum. Good luck everyone!!
UPDATED!!! New Alternative SATS Document uploaded. Answers to follow. Have fun with it! (It has also been emailed and is on our forum!)
Also, there are some further resources on this page, your emails and the class forum. If you need anything else let me know!
Good news - I have avoided the temptation this week for a DIY disaster with my hair, although it was a close call. Shave it or save it?! I've decided for the latter (for now). I hope you are well and managing. The sunshine has certainly helped this week and I am sure many of you have been taking full advantage.
Next week would have been SATs week. I know you puts lots of effort into leading up to them but that dedication, that work ethic, those learning skills will not be for nothing - that drive and positive attitude you showed will stand you in good stead for the future. The realisation that we are not doing SATs might bring many emotions but remember not every skill is taught in school and even less are tested. All your creativity in drama, singing, dancing, art and design aren't tested. Your sporting prowess or ICT expertise wouldn't have been tested. What you believe in or what you value wouldn't have been tested. Your caring and considerate personality wouldn't have been tested either! So don't feel worried or anxious that you missed them.
Thank you again for the many messages about what you have been up to and what learning you are managing. Here's just two to share; Rory making his catapult (which by the looks of it could clear the boundary of Marple when complete) and a very colourful Casa Batllo by Isabelle.
Thank you for those who have shared their sociograms on As You Like It and for those who are making an effort to learn the basics of the complicated story.
As you may know, tomorrow is VE day (Victory in Europe Day) so I have done the blog early in case you wanted to study this over the coming days. There will be lots on the news throughout the day and many stories shared - you might want to delve into your own family history and find stories or memories that will help the legacy stay strong. I know many of you have already shared lots during our war topics and invited family members in which was both moving and fascinating.
Perhaps celebrate by organising a 1940's style party (this might also help beat the lock-down boredom!)
Use your maths skills to work out a budget, DT skills (cooking and nutrition) to prepare some food, and play or dance to 1940s music.
I have attached two powerpoints in the files section of our Year 6 blog (and also on our forum) that you can use as inspiration for some home learning - please do share anything with the class! There are also a number of PDF's that may prove useful.
Many points have been accumulated on Mathletics which is very pleasing. You will be keeping your skills sharp. Daniel, Archie M, Ben, Rachel have all achieved a certificate this week.
Well done to Ben who claims a Reading Eggspress trophy this week. Along with Ben; Tia, Archie, Rory, Zac, Dougie and Rachel are leading the way with amount of time on our new site. (If anyone has issues with their level on this please let me know - my guess is that you didn't focus on the placement test.
I have already moved some of you up to a more challenging level).
Please don't forget about TT Rockstars - https://ttrockstars.com/ Year 4 are dominating that leaderboard...surely you can't be happy with that?
I know some of you like nothing more than a question and answer sheet so I have attached some Maths worksheets in the forum and on this class page. And finally, please remember your weekly spellings!
Take care everyone. Remember the sun-cream.
Mr McShane
Well, another week has been and gone.
It has been really nice to receive much more communication this week, I really am interested to know what you are up to and what learning you are managing. My little boy seems to be the boss of me now which isn't something I am used to - I imagine you guys find this hilarious, well wait until you see my hair, there's a right laugh for you just there! At home I'm managing to do a bad job of impersonating someone who can do DIY (which is perhaps a master bluff to get out of it ) but I am enjoying getting time with my family whilst juggling school work. One bonus is I am full of even more useless facts with the amount of family Zoom quizzes I am doing! Blackpool tower is 158 meters tall for instance.
Congratulations to Thomas who has sent in some very creative artwork (I'm still trying to figure out how he created it!) I am very, very impressed with it.
I know many of you are finding your own things to work on as a family but remember if unsure check our class 6 forum out and keep an eye on your DB emails as well as this blog.
As You Like It
There is a really good introduction to the story on the video clip found on the link below. This is your starting point.
I have also attached a story synopsis and a word search in the links found at the top of this page (I will also add these to our forum). Please take the time to familiarise yourself with this story. Once you have done this I would like to create a sociogram like we have done many times before to show who the main characters are and how they are connected. Use any medium for this. It will be quite a tangled web I'm sure.
Remember, your weekly spelling list is there to be learnt and do not forget the new and exciting Reading Eggs.
Dougie has managed 2 Gold certificates already, take a bow young man!
I have set everyone a new activity on Reading Eggspress so do make an effort to complete it.
Well done to Dan, Ben, Rachel. Maddy and Ollie who have all accumulated more than 1000 Mathletics points recently.
It goes without saying, if anybody needs anything please do get in touch either with me,via DB primary or you can use the headteacher's email address from the website. We are happy to help in any way that we can. Look out for next week's whole school project on the website under the COVID home learning tab which is underneath the pictures of the headteachers on the main page
And finally, a little maths to work your brain.
Keep safe everyone and have a lovely weekend
Mr. McShane
Well, the strangest Easter without a doubt. I was so glad the Easter Bunny was classed as a key worker though and managed to get enough stock to deliver to my house! Shame he/she can't cut hair...talk about an Easter bonnet!
Hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. I know Mrs. Morton has been calling you and she has been passing messages my way and it has been lovely to have some email communication from many of you. Remember I am there to answer any questions, worries, concerns or point you in the direction with any work. We are missing you lots, life just isn't the same though Micah has been calling me Sir and leaving a trail of destruction in my house so it feels quite familiar.
I can see lots of you have been smashing your Mathletics tasks or Times Tables Rockstars records (As a school we are currently 5th on the local leaderboard!) so do keep this up. Nice to know many of you have been looking at the BBC Bitesize or Vorderman maths which is great news too, keep those brains from drying up. I have also uploaded some maths activities in the resources section along with your NEW weekly spellings!!! Yes, you read correctly...spellings are there to be learnt (parents, older siblings, household pet - please find time to test once a week!) Mrs. Pratt has kindly uploaded the spellings onto DB so you can learn them well
Hopefully you all now have access to reading Eggpress. Go to 'lessons' and do a short assessment first which will put you on the right level. It looks great.
As part of the weekly challenges that are set on the website https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning I have been leaving work on the forum. I must celebrate this great piece of craft work from Isabelle – love it!
Many of you have such brilliant dance moves I wonder if you can learn this tricky routine to High Hopes Panic! @ the Disco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT9vvBLM4F4 Feel free to upload your efforts onto our forum.
Streamed on YouTube from 11am - 12pm, students, schools and parents are able to go behind the scenes and see how RSC actors approach the text of Macbeth with our free online live lesson.
Recorded in 2018 alongside our most recent production of Macbeth, this Live Lesson focuses on the character of Lady Macbeth. Niamh Cusack as Lady Macbeth works with Assistant Director Peter Bradley on key speeches from Act 1, Scene 5 and help to unlock the language, offering a greater understanding of the plot, and character choices in Macbeth. The Live Lesson is suitable for KS2 - KS4.
We have created some great resources to help you prepare for the Live Lesson, including a context film about the play during Shakespeare's time, a video breaking down the plot of Macbeth and a resource pack filled with activities.
Want to learn more about Macbeth or being actor at the RSC? Tweet your questions using #RSCMacbeth by 12pm on 28 April. After the Live Lesson, @RSC_Education will tweet the actors' answers, so be sure to check #RSCMacbeth in the afternoon.
Access the Macbeth Live Lesson via this link at 11am on 28 April
Take care. Stay safe. and if anyone has any home hairdressing tips please do get in touch.
Mr. McShane
Comments 1
Dear All,
Well, what a strange few weeks indeed. Being trapped at home isn't as much fun as I first thought! Life can be very tricky without structure and routine but I have been impressed with the creativity and resolve shown amongst these uncertain waters. So glad we had some sunshine amongst this lock-down too. I know the entire Year 6 team are missing each and every one of you.
Massive well done to all the parents home-schooling, sterling effort!
Thank you to the many who have been emailing or uploading things to our forum - lovely to know you are doing well and are continuing to work hard.
Whilst you have some time on your hands it might be worth investing in a longer term project. That stop/start motion animation you have always wanted to make, a piece of artwork that takes a real investment of time, learning a song or dance routine, writing a feature length story or reading a book that has always seemed too daunting! There are so many ideas; here is one I might have a go over the coming days.
I have uploaded more ideas to our forum and have attached some links below that you might like to explore. Remember to check the home learning link on our homepage (or under the Parents tab - Coronavirus) for even more ideas.
I might not be responding to messages/ setting work over the Easter Holidays as much as I have been doing but if anyone has anything you need to discuss with school then please do email headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk and Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor will respond ASAP.
Have a restful Easter and stay safe.
Mr. McShane
https://www.themathsfactor.com/ Why not see if your parents can help you get set up on this great site today and try some of the maths challenges, games and tests? Let me know how you get on.
Also, I have included a tricky Sudoku challenge. I find this frustrating!! Each line must include each number 1- 9 and each 3 x 3 box must only have the numbers 1-9 too. Patience and strategy is key to this!
I will also add a crossword to our Year 6 forum so head over and have a look! If possible do add something to the forum - a video or a message, a picture of your work or what you have been up to so we can get the conversations going.
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ Dear all. I hope you are well this week. I have sent some new work via email and on the forum. however, you will find some great maths here. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ it is free to use and there are little videos that explain it. Have a go and tell me how you got on.
Dear Families, Carers and Children of Year 6.
Obviously the last few weeks have been difficult for all, but from a school point of view Year 6 had a particularly sourish end; having to say goodbye so unexpectedly with many children already at home self-isolating.
We are very mindful that if Year 6 do not return to All Saints’ before they start High School, this is of course a very sad way to finish their story at All Saints', missing the final few chapters! Therefore, although we cannot plan anything at the moment, when the time comes to say goodbye we will arrange certain things (including Leavers Hoodies) and something special where we can all get together and celebrate the wonderful Class of 2020!
I have set a creepy crawly challenge on our forum but in the meantime why not head over to Chester Zoo today and enjoy the animal antics!
If any of you have any questions, worries or concerns whilst we are closed please do email me thorough DB Primary or use the forum and I will try my best to answer them.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Your PE starts here at 9am EVERY day - please log in and join in to keep active!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaq74gHBALPcb1nbJ1EF2Q Your literacy starts here at 9:45 each day - join in! I am sure you will love it as your writing has been truly brilliant this year.
I have set some new Mathletics tasks too. https://www.mathletics.com/uk/
If any of your family members have Facebook then there is a special lesosn today at 9:30 from Steve Backshall - well worth checking out Year 6!!!
If any of you have any questions, worries or concerns whilst we are closed please do email me thorough DB Primary or use the forum and I will try my best to answer them.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Your PE starts here at 9am EVERY day - please log in and join in to keep active!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaq74gHBALPcb1nbJ1EF2Q Your literacy starts here at 9:45 each day - join in! I am sure you will love it as your writing has been truly brilliant this year.
I have set some new Mathletics tasks too. https://www.mathletics.com/uk/
It feels really starnge not seeing you all at school today. I hope you are all safe and well. To stop you and your parents going bonkers at home I will try to keep on top of this blog so you can keep busy. I have also started a forum too on our secure site.
If any of you have any questions, worries or concerns whilst we are closed please do email me thorough DB Primary or use the forum and I will try my best to answer them.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Your PE starts here at 9am EVERY day - please log in and join in to keep active!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaq74gHBALPcb1nbJ1EF2Q Your literacy starts here at 9:45 each day - join in! I am sure you will love it as your writing has been truly brilliant this year.
Dear Year 6
A very unusual day with lots of questions and to be honest a few tears. Obviously news that the children will not be sitting SATs brought mixed emotions. The children have worked so very hard towards this; always dedicated with their revision and always giving 100% in lessons ...but at the same time exams aren't always a fair reflection of their skills/talents and knowledge so for some there was a cheeky ‘I'm off the hook’ grin!
I am immensely proud of every individual in the class and that includes the many children who are currently at home self-isolating...we obviously miss you all and hope you are doing well.
At this stage we do not know how long the school will be closed and for Year 6 a realisation has crept in that this 'could' be the last time we are a class together but we hope this is not the case. If it is to be, this is really sad as we had plans to celebrate and end our time together in a much more rousing way with our usual All Saints’ traditions. I am sure there will be an opportunity to do something special at a later date should we need to ‘sign off’ before High School.
Even though we do not know if today will be our last day we have allowed children to sign their T-shirts; for those who have unfortunately had to miss this we still hope there will be opportunity in the future.
We have held circle time discussions and answered as many questions as possible. Obviously transition to high school was a concern and we have agreed to not worry about this until we have further information.
Whilst school is shut all children have an up-to-date password list to access many subscriptions (if you are currently not in school please get in touch and we will endeavour to get these to you) and through our Class 6 forums we can safely keep in touch and communicate.
I have also added a home learning pack on our Year 6 page that you can access.
We were SO close to finishing our class novel 'Who Let the God's out?' and we have managed to sneak the remaining chapters onto our Year 6 area of the website so you can finish it!
King regards
Mr McShane and the Year 6 team
Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this week.
In literacy we have planned our dual narratives based around Hansel & Gretel; working extremely hard on a variety of exciting sentences to create suspense. I am thrilled at how keen the children are to make this piece of writing special.
Have a sneak at some of our sentences:
‘Silence appeared. Hansel was afraid, all he could see around him was the paper-white moon shining in the tight-time sky. The smell of the chocking smoke covered the air.’ by Ella.
‘Fog was strangling the boughs like a cobra killing its prey.’ By Sasha.
‘She sniffed. She sniffed cautiously. She sniffed cautiously and quietly until she saw a colourful house in the distance of the pitch-black forest.’ By Oliver M
In maths we have been converting units of measurement and now have some key facts that we must learn. We used estimating skills to see how much capacity a container could hold and then had to decide what was the best unit to measure it in. This is a great activity that can be rehearsed in the kitchen at home!
We have been moving mountains in Geography – looking in particular at how fold mountains are formed (tectonic plates colliding over many millions of years). We used our atlas skills to locate the Alps and will use this region as a basis of study.
Revision club started this Thursday and it was pleasing to see so many children committed their revision. A variety of games were played - such as Scrabble or Splat - and many children used the time to rehearse key skills or get 1:1 tuition. We even snuck in a pan au chocolate!
A big thank you to all the children who have donated a cream egg for Francis House, we know the charity will be grateful.
This weekend I have sent home three revision books (that is 30 minutes of revision) all due back in by Friday 20th (next week).
Mathletics continues to be monitored and rewarded (1000 points is not impossible) and continue the fine reading you are already doing!
Finally, a letter went home this week regarding a meeting aimed towards Year 5 and 6 parents regarding the ever changing and often frightening world of social media and the internet. From discussions with children within school and some incidents that have occurred as a recently as a result of such technology I strongly recommend attending to ask questions and see how you can continue to safeguard your child.
This week Year 6 have been thinking about Dual Narrative in literacy looking at the different characters from Hansel and Gretel. We have looked at how the characters feel and how easy it is to be attracted to things we know we shouldn’t e.g. taking sweets from a stranger when you are really hungry. We have also been doing recounts of our trip to Crucial Crew.
In maths we have been looking at algebra and algebraic expressions. We have also revised using angle measurers and working out how to calculate an angle without any equipment.
It was so lovely to see so many of the class dressed up for World Book Day, thank you for all your efforts.
Thank you also to Mr Kenna, who was our mystery reader this week, who came in to the class to read a section of one of his favourite stories ‘The Fate of Jeremy Visick’, he also very kindly left a copy of the book for the children to read.
Also many thanks for the donations of crème eggs for Francis House, remember you can still bring these in any time before Monday 16th March.
What a very busy first week back we have had. We went to Crucial Crew at the Armoury in Stockport, where we learnt all about keeping safe in the world we live in. We learnt about Cyber Safety, staying safe on public transport and the railways, how to put someone in the recovery position and much more.
We have also started to look at the fairy-tale Hansel and Gretel, the version we are reading is quite dark and mysterious. In Literacy we have started to creatively use personification to create the chosen mood and atmosphere for our setting of the woods. We are extremely proud of the work that the children have produced and will be continuing with this over the next few weeks. Leona was our star writer this week, well done Leona your setting was amazing.
In maths we have started to look at algebra and been revising rotation and reflection in a four quadrant grid.
All children have been given a sponsorship form for the sponsored read.
Don’t forget next Thursday, 5th March is World Book Day and children can come dressed as their favourite book character.
Revision club will start Thursday 12th March and everyone is welcome from 8.15 am in year 6 classroom.
I cannot believe how much we have packed into this week…totally bonkers!
Yesterday we had the Christians in Schools Trust working with Year 6 on a fun and interactive version of Luke’s story. The children were very receptive and polite with our visitors (as always).
On Tuesday Year 6 had visitors in the form of Trainee Teachers who were interested in how the children access their Design Tech. They were impressed that we were using craft knives, wire cutters, hot glue and impeccable behaviour whilst maintaining amazing creativity!
In Science we have been making circuits; parallel and series. The children have had many lightbulb moments and can now draw their circuits correctly, make them do a job and adapt them in many creative ways. We used motors, buzzers, bulbs and tested which materials are insulators or conductors. All of this knowledge has gone into our fairground rides which are coming on really well.
In maths we continue to spot bargains; finding percentages of amounts. Usually finding 10% first is a really good starting point. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znjqtfr/articles/z8ws3k7 might be useful.
You should have now received two trip letters; one for a Blackpool theatre trip and another for Crucial Crew. Please check bags, pockets, reading records or any other hiding places!
Can I also say a big thank you to everyone for supporting with the 10 minute busters; they children are already showing a responsible attitude with them.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Hey babes, it’s Maddy and Rachel here!!! (To give this opening some context, we have a sassy character in our story who calls everyone babes!! )
We are going to be telling you about our fantabulous week! This week has been hectic as we have been very busy working hard. In maths, we have been learning about how to convert decimals, fractions and percentages: we now know how to divide and multiply them by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also been enjoying our class novel ‘Who Let The Gods Out’ and are eager to read more! Three new characters have been introduced; Hermes (God of fashion), Zeus (king of Gods) and Pegasus (Zeus’ ‘noble’ steed). In English, we have been working extremely hard on writing a newspaper about a commotion that has recently happened in our novel. On Thursday, we attempted to create a HTML webpage in I.C.T. On Tuesday, a few lucky ladies from Y5/6 went out to play a tournament on Manchester United’s old training grounds and even came second!!! I am sure we can say this for everyone in school, we are so proud of them and every child that went to the one, the only… YOUNG VOICES 2020!!!
Spag busters due back on Tuesday
Remember to bring your reading book and record in five times
Remember to learn your spellings
Try to get on Mathletics or do something equivalent to 1000 points
Remember to bring your PE kit in on Wednesday and Thursday.
P.S. Have a great weekend!
Hey this is Isabelle and Nicola.
In maths this week we were turning fractions into decimals and the opposite of that.
In English we have been looking at writing our own newspapers and what features they have. The newspaper was base don our class novel 'Who Let the Gods out?'
We have been drawing Greek temples and learning about them, including the different pillars and doing some painting to go with it.
We have also been making top trump greek God cards.
The Mathletics competion has been on this week and ends on Sunday...keep going on everyone!
Next week we have PE as usual and some of us are going to Young Voices. Please read 5 times and fill in your journal.
10 minute buster books have been sent home this week. Just the two so far. Well done for bringing them back in and completed. I have not sent one home this weekend; find time for Mathletics, TT Rockstars and your spellings and reading.
Firstly can I say how lovely it was to see so many parents at the parents' evenings this week. I can't stress enough how delighted I am with the children this year and appreciate all the support from families.
This week we have really got into our decimals...multiplying them and dividing them. https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/decimals-dividing-animation.html This website may help! Hopefully this will stand us in good stead when it comes to the All Saints' Mathletics Competition which starts on Monday!! I want a big push from everyone to collect as many points as possible and help us get our hands on the trophy... (If just to keep Mrs. Noble quiet who is determined Year 2 are going to win!!!!)
We have been doing lots of reading response work based around our class novel and have also been looking at the effects of drugs in our Jigsaw work.
For our topic we have started to research Greek Gods and are making our own Top Trump cards.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z87tn39/articles/zgt7mp3
As mentioned at Parents' evenings we will soon be sending home our 10 minute buster revision books . To check the children can be relied upon (before I send the books home) children should have brought home a crossword today which must be returned, completed, by Monday next week.
Please keep reading and remember that you need your book in with a comment, each day next week.
Have a lovely weekend everybody.
Welcome back and Happy New Year. It is so lovely to see everyone back and refreshed and raring to go!
It has been full on this week and we have managed to cram lots of learning in. To kick off our new topic, 'Long, Long ago' we are well into our new novel 'Who let the God's out?' and have been sampling Greek foods (a variety of faces were pulled! ).
In maths we have been working incredibly hard on decimals, multiplying and dividing numbers with up to three decimal places by 10, 100, 100 - I have been very impressed with the resilient attitude to the problem solving. On Tuesday we had Mrs. Morton join us for maths and on Wednesday Mrs. Gaynor took the class for some maths and poetry and was very impressed with the attitude of the children.
We have ended the week with some RE detective work (looking at Trinity through art) and started our Jigsaw for work for the term which is Healthy Me - looking at responsible choices we can make and responsibilities we have.
New spellings have been handed out today. Please do not lose them but if you do they are on the website. Learn them and learn them well and remember to read a minimum of 5 x per week.
Maths - Mathletics and 1000 points is your expectation (or a suitable alternative).
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Dear Parents and carers
We have reached the end of term and indeed 2019. What a hectic last few weeks of what is already a packed term! So much to celebrate; so much to be thankful for.
This week has been really nice to see us wrap up our topics and also celebrate with our carol services and achievement assemblies. On Tuesday we had one a created a real memory by having a cinema trip followed by our Christmas party - the Year 6 play-list was truly eclectic!
Year 6 have spent some special time with their buddies, completed some truly impressive Christmas writing, worked on a mince pie thief problem in maths and have generally been great scientists as we looked at light and shadows.
On behalf of Mrs. Adshead, Mrs. Pratt and myself, can we say a heartfelt thank you for the many kind cards and gifts- very generous and appreciated, there really was no need!
I hope you all have a lovely family holiday (and for the many who are feeling under the weather you get the rest and recuperation you need!)I very much look forward to seeing you all in January.
Ho ho ho ...Mr.Mcshane
Please try and keep on top of your reading during all the mince pies, presents and family fun. TT Rockstars, Mathletics, spag.com will remain open for anyone who wants to have a go.
How quickly has this week passed, Monday started with our Christmas Cake decorating. WOW what wonderful creations were produced, and even the classroom looked quite tidy when we finished.
We have also been writing modern versions of the Christmas story - Mary and Joseph are having great trouble getting to Bethlehem, cars breaking down, problems with mobile phone bookings and many other problems. We have been trying to get different types of Alan Peat sentences in to make our writing more creative.
As much as we don't like these dark days, it has been good for science this week as we have been looking at Light and Shadows. How does light travel? Why are shadows the same shape as their object?
We can now divide fractions by both whole numbers and other fractions.
Next week -
Tuesday - Cinema Trip am (school uniform) KS2 Christmas Party pm - (can bring a change of clothes and party food)
Thursday - rehearsal at church am Church Service 6.00 pm (Christmas jumpers at evening service)
Friday - Achievement Assembly am, Church Service 1.45pm (Christmas jumpers all day)
All yoga balls will go home over the holidays.
Hi it's Maddy and Leona,
Here's a quick recap of our week! We started the week with English, writing a scene of Mary and Joseph's voyage to Bethlehem. We used relative clauses to make exquisite sentences based on the Nativity story. On Wednesday, we started designing our Christmas Cakes and sent the designs home ( don't forget your decorations on Monday). We also did a survey based on the past lessons, we did this to see how much knowledge we had gained and how much we remembered. The next day, we practised our ice cream challenges like Oceans of the world,capitals of the UK and fraction questions. Finally on Friday, we got going at making our Christmas cakes it took a lot of perseverance and effort to create our masterpieces. Remember to bake your cakes at the right temperature, it is on the Christmas cake letter and has been sent on SchoolPing to all parents.
Do not forget your reading record or to do your homework! Also remember any last cake decorations that are needed on Monday.
Literally, where has this week gone?!
I have been thoroughly impressed with the attitude this week as we had lots to cram in. From finishing our trashion show projects and parading down the catwalk, to writing some global neighbours poems (Finn was our star writer this week ) or working on tricky maths such as finding percentages of amounts; the class have dealt with it superbly.
We also finished our novel: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone which we have just loved!
Remember, next week we have our class assembly on THURSDAY 28th of November at 9am. It should last approx 25 minutes and parents are welcome to stay a little longer for a drink and a slide show of RobinWood photographs.
It also assessment week starting on Monday - we will do it in the All Saints' way, so no worrying please (let me do that!). If you fancy some extra revision then get on TT Rockstars, Mathletics, Read plenty, SPAG.com or BBC Bitesize.
Please remember to log into Parents Pay for Christmas cake ingredients orders, thank you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 6 have been working on their trashion projects this week - which started from a little research on Vivienne Westwood and her wacky designs! Remember deadline for any Trashion Homework projects is next Tuesday morning!!
Anti-Bullying week has seen us look at all aspects including cyber and the children have been particularly mature with it.
A thought provoking poem called Refugee got us all thinking at a deep level and we are using it as a basis to create our own work on Global Neighbours.
TT Rockstars has been going phenomenally well - keep going Year 6 and you will master them in no time at all!
We ended our week with a quick brass performance; our thanks to Mrs. Powell for all her hard work and dedication.
Have a lovely weekend everyone, keep reading, keep learning your spellings and keep an eye on the news! I have set work on DB, spag.com and Mathletics for anyone who is feeling extra studious.
A lovely week and one that brings many proud moments. On Monday we had a special visitor (Mr. Kenna) who captivated our class with stories of his father in World War 2. We extended our learning by moving around different KS2 classes and being taught by different teachers - we had art, code-breaking maths and poetry!
The Writing this week has blown my socks off: so many children including new sentence types and ambitious language. WE have been writing our own scenes from Harry Potter.
Here's a mere taste of our work.... As darkness took over light’s territory, in the symphony of deafening silence, I was alone on a bitter winter nightfall. In the corner of my eye, I saw his ruby eyes glowing from the void, and began to instantly sprint in the other direction: he was dangerous. Hyperventilating, I stumbled in the opposite direction and made a futile attempt to flee from my attacking foe. by Zac
Trembling, I walked over to the humongous man, a cheesy grin lit his f.ace giving us a warm welcome. That’s when the emotions hit me: a teaspoon of delight; a whiz of joy; a drop of gleefulness. The man was a double decker bus it was unlike anything I had ever seen. by Ollie
With a lamp precariously perched at the north most point, the rickety boats swam lazily across the quagmire. Hagrid was sat at the front, ready to leave. I however was carefully crawling into the fluctuating device. I had never trusted these things, especially with Hagrid’s extra weight! by Rachel
As the black hood man with jet -black hair entered the town, the thunder and lightning came down Hagrid was here. As I looked up I had mix of emotions: a cup of great full; a bomb of fear; a hint of luck. by Josh
In maths this week we have been looking at factors and division; trying to solve many tricky problems along the way.
l would love to see our class do well on the Rock Out competition, the trophy would certainly look great in our classroom!
Next Friday at 2:45 we will doing a hosting a very short Brass performance in the school hall which you are very welcome to attend. It will last approximately15 minutes.
Homework: Plenty of reading please, learn your weekly spellings, time on Mathletics. (I have set tasks on DB Primary also).
We hope to get crafty next week as part of our Trashion Project so final call for any fabric or decorations for us to use to up-cycle.
Have a lovely and safe weekend everyone.
Well what a week we have had -
We have walked down to Marple Hall to watch Grease and saw some past pupils performing maybe this will be us in a few years time.
We have been up to church and done a wide variety of activities from bell ringing to archery and graffitti wall to singing. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who gave up their time to give us a fantastic time.
In class we have also been writing letters of thank you to the staff at Robinwood, espressing our gratitude for keeping us safe and ensuring we had a fantastic time.
In RE we have been looking at how Muslims show their commitment to God - looking at the five pillars of Islam. We have also completed some artwork incorporating William Morris patterns - some of this artwork will be displayed at St Martins Church
Well done to Hufflepuff who collected the most house points this half term
Have a great half term don't forget to keep reading.
Hi Leona and Kieran here,
This has been a tiring week as we have been on our feet at Robin Wood from dawn till dusk doing activities. As you obviously know we all had a great time doing canoeing and watching Mr.McShane go down a zip wire doing 'The Robot'. Having a late entry to school was great - no we weren't making a tall tale to get in late! Even Mr.McShane was late! Our first day back was tiring yet fun, doing art work based on a stained glass window, we used William Morris patterns instead of glass. We have also been looking at the five pillars of Islam and even got messy doing that as we used our handprints for this.
Don't forget church week next week.
The year 6 team were exceedingly proud of the class at Robinwood and were told on many occasions by the Robinwood staff what lovely children the class were. Get plenty of sleep this weekend ready for next weeks challenges and a visit to Marple Hall to see their performance of Grease.
well we survived our first day and night at Robinwood! Behaviour has been excellent and we are very proud of all the determination and bravery shown so far! The piranhas didn’t manage to eat us although it was pretty close and we achieved some great heights in climbing events. The sun is out at the moment
sure you are all missing us!
A great week has come to an end with a real sense of excitement for next week! Hopefully everyone is now ready and prepared for our Robinwood adventure.
In Science this week we have been classifying: we mainly looked at invertebrates and what makes a mollusc, arachnid, insect,annelid, myriapod or crustacean. It was pretty fascinating and we discovered loads and loads and learnt some new terminology. We set our own bug traps and found plenty of mini-beasts in the woodland habitat at school and had live crickets and locusts to study and classify too.
In maths we have been really impressing with our addition and subtraction problem solving - I am very proud of how children are not being fazed by questions that at first glance seem super tricky.
We have read a huge chuck of Harry Potter today (Let the Quidditch games begin!) and again I was so pleased to see how many children had completed five reads this week! Keep up this fantastic attitude.
Sasha is our star Mathletics person this week
Have a lovely weekend overyone.
Hi! Ben and Kieran here,
This week we looked at negative number equations in Maths e.g.-5+7=2.
We worked on our balanced arguments on whether Greta Thunberg's #FridaysForFuture protests on climate change should be stopped.
Then on Thursday it was INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES DAY! We looked over the Kenyan culture and learned some Swahili with Shiraz (who usually checks and fixes all our computers). At the end of Thursday a lady called Mrs Henderson-Wild who usually helps our school choir came in to teach us some songs from different countries.
Today we had brass with Mrs Powell to round off the last day of the week.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Well done to everyone who received a Mathletics certificate this week, hopefully the whole class will get one next week. Also congratulations to Josh who has our star mathematician this week, he worked really hard on his negative numbers and did exceptionally well with his magic square. Keep on reading and learning those spellings every week.
This week saw many of the children visit Marple Hall to have a look around a possible High School; I think this has certainly helped to settle some nerves.
It has felt extremely busy in Class Six with lots of topic work; exploring who Greta Thunberg is and what is her important message. We plan on creating balanced arguments around her actions so keep an eye on the news to see what she does next!
In Science we have been doing lots of classification of living things...it was really interesting to see how many ways there were to classify and we had lots of detailed discussion. Getting the animals into one group wasn't an issue really but then whittling down to just one creature proved a little trickier!
http://www.onezoom.org/ this website is pretty fascinating to see just how many species there are, check it out!
We were fortunate to have a visit from the Fire Service this week. They gave us some pretty hard-hitting facts and examples of injuries if we are foolish enough to play with fireworks or throw canisters into fires. Rory got to dress up in the full protective gear and we were very grateful for all the Fire Service do to look after us.
Mathletics participation has been a little disappointing this week and I would like to see a vast improvement. (Remember an alternative to online is fine with me and if you want any work setting let me know!). We did however get two superstars (Ben and Zack) who won a Timetables Rockstars award!!
Spellings this week is focused around silent letters...so don't get your knickers in a twist. We had some good test scores so let us see if we can continue this fine form!!
Collecting!!! We need cardboard sheets to use as a canvas in art (broken down cardboard box is fine) and we are also collecting old magazines, newspapers and coloured trash , linked to our Hogwarts House, so we can design and create some trashion!!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the weather we have been promised!!
Maths: This week we have been working really hard on our reading and rounding number into their tens of millions. We can now round numbers such 2, 221, 331 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,00, 100,000 or million!! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/rocket-rounding Here is fun game that might help.
English: We produced some creative and magical poems (for which Connor won our star writer, celebrated in assembly today) and we have been writing letters to our future selves (quite a tricky concept) that will be sealed Hogwarts style. Talking of which, we have been making great progress with our novel. We have been recapping nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs...lots of terminology to try and master!
Music: Today we welcomed the return of Mrs. Powell to lead our brass lessons - 'toot toot - toot toot toot!!'
It was lovely to see so many parents attend our New to Year 6 SATs and Robinwood meeting this week. Thank you for making time to see the standard of work expected, the format of the May assessments and ways you can continue to support your child. For those who could not attend we have sent very important packs home with quite a few forms to be signed and returned- one of which is crucial if your child is attending RobinWood.
Spellings have now been laminated and gone home - first test is next Wednesday!! Spellings are also on this page so no excuses. Mathletics please (aim for 1000 points) and read, read, read! (I have been explaining just how many words a 20 minute a day reader will know compared to a 1 minute a day reader. 1, 800, 000 v 8,000
Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi Everyone, it's Isabelle and Archie!
This week has been a short one but a very fun one!
We have just been starting school again so we have being doing a lot of fun experiments e.g. a magic potion!
We have been starting our new novel Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, remember if you have got your own copy then we are fine with you to bring it in.
If you would like to apply for a Y6 job then remember to write a littlenote about why you want to do it.
In literacy we have been working towards creating a poem in style of Kit Wright.
We now have PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday so make sure you bring your PE kit in!
Welcome back we hope that you have all enjoyed the summer and looking forward to the year ahead. The children have settled in extemely well and have made an excellent start to the year, we are very impressed with their positive attitude and enthusiam to learn.
Remember to keep reading (recording what you have read in your reading record book) and go on Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars.
Don't forget the Parent Meeting next Thursday 12th September at 3.30 pm and 6.00 pm. This meeting will be about life in Class 6, SATs and Robinwood.
Thank you so much to you all for your support with our production, I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as the children enjoyed performing it! Next week is an exciting one! Please see below for what will be happening on each day.
Tuesday: Rehearsal for the leavers service (am). Lunch at Dolce Vita (paid for by Parents Association)
Wednesay: Leavers Service at All Saints Church.
Thursday Achievement assembly, Ice cream party
Friday: School talent show. Class 6 water fight (water guns provided! although you can bring your own within reason!!!)
The children are exceptionally excited about the leaver's party tonight, have a wonderful time. Looking forward to a fabulous final week!
Mrs Cochrane and year 6 team
Happy Weekend everyone!
Congratulations to all of class 6 who truely, truely shone in their SATs. We have shared your children's results with them today. Additionally, the results are also printed more formally for you within your child's report. We could not be more proud of the children they have all done brilliantly and have seen the results of all of their hard work. If you are unsure at all about how to interpret the results, pop and see me or leave a message at the office. I will happily explain them - it is not the most straight-forward of systems!
Romeo and Juliet has been the order of the week! It has been practise, practise, practise! The children looked fabulous in their costumes for the dress rehearsal; thank you to you all for your help with these. Tickets have been sent home for the performance for those who have requested them. Thank you to our ticket designers: Millie, Mia T, Evie-Leigh and James.
Showings for the production are on Wednesday 17th July. The main performance for parents is at 6.30pm however if you are not able to make this you are welcome to attend the 9.30am showing (but please be aware the rest of the school will also be watching this).
We had a visit from the Christian Trust this week who delivered a transition workshop to the children, this was fun and very benefical to the class. The children are rightly excited about moving on (and some are maybe a little nervous!). It is important that children look at this transition maturely and maintain their normal excellent behaviour. Please could you reiterate this message at home also, we don't want to finish the year in a negative way.
Dolce vita is booked for the final week and children have put in their orders today! What a lovely treat from the Parents' Association! We will also how the traditional water fight on the last afternoon! Water guns will be provided but children are welcome to bring their own (within reason!!!! )
I look forward to seeing you all at the performances next week. As ever, if you have any questions please speak to any member of the team. Here's to a fabulous last two weeks!
Best Wishes,
Mrs Cochrane and the year six team.
What an exceptionally exciting week we have had. Today we have literally been spinning plates with our circus skills workshop. We were visited by ‘Bloomin’ Circus who did a fantastic circus assembly; year six had a 45-minute workshop and learnt all about juggling, diablo, flower sticks to name just a few. Thank you to the parents’ association for this lovely end of year treat.
The children seemed to enjoy their visit to Marple Hall yesterday. Lots of exciting new experiences. All of the class are really ready for moving on now and I can tell how excited they all are.
We are working hard on our production and have most of the costumes we need. If you have not sent your child’s in yet, please could you do so as soon as possible. It’s important that we have these ready to go for rehearsals etc. We have not had as much time to practise this week with the transition visit and today’s festivities so it will be all go next week. Please make sure your child know their lines as there will be no scripts next week.
Forest school was fun, children made bread and built dens. Next week will be the last forest schools. Thank you to those parents who joined us for the picnic and school fair these are lovely community events.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
A massive well done to the dodgeball team Keane, Harley, Matthew, Nathan, Ashton, Evie B, Amelie and Amy for their fantastic performance in the dodgeball finals. They came in fourth place and we are so proud of their fantastic achievements. The dedication that they showed throughout the competition has been outstanding. Huge congratulations to you all.
Evie-Leigh was our star writing this week, having written a fantastically persuasive piece of writing to excuse Romeo’s violent behaviour.
Rehearsals galore have been the order of this week! We have got through the full script with all the singing and dancing! Next week we will be trying to memorise and refine our performances. Scripts need to be memorised asap and we will be working without them next week. There is no homework set for year 6 but learning their lines off by heart is essential. Please do encourage them to practise regularly. Please send in costumes on Wednesday so these can be complied and prepared. Please, please contact us as soon as possible if you have any problems regarding costumes. We are very happy to help.
We have finished our science topic Animals and their Habitats. On Tuesday we went onto the field to complete some field work. We made field guides of the many living things that we have in abundance in our school environment: from daisies, to slugs, from apple trees to centipedes! We then worked on classifying these according to Carl Linneaus’s system.
We had visitors from the English department at Marple Hall on Wednesday afternoon, during this time we were trying to write Facebook style pages for Romeo over the five-day period that the play spans – these pages were brilliant and children came up with the funniest hashtags! I loved Oliver’s #rosalineretry. A reminder that there is the Marple Hall transition day on Thursday 4th July for those pupils who are moving to Marple Hall in September.
Year six has been assigned the tin can game for the summer fair, thank you to Rosie’s mum who has offered to help, is anyone else able to volunteer even just for half an hour? Any help would be gratefully received.
The school picnic is next Friday, any parents who wish to join us are welcome to come from 11.45. Year 6 will be leaving at 12.30 for swimming.
The weather forecast is good for the weekend, have a great time with family and friends.
Best Wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
This week we have started to practise our end of year performance, which I am sure you are all looking forward to.
We have also been looking at a new topic in Science - Living things and their Habitats. We have learnt about Carl Linneaus who was a Scientist - he started to classify living things so that no matter where people lived in the world they could identify living things. We have also invented our our creatures and classified them. Today we have done a science experiment with our key question being, 'what is the most effective way to grow mould?' How delightful! We have completed our DT project and all children have now made a Romeo and Juliet wobbler toy! We have worked on wiring circuits and various construction techniques. Children wrote a letter in role as Romeo, putting together a letter of remorse for the murder of Tybalt! Children have really demonstrated some exellent year six writing skills.
Swimming was fun and I'm sure the coach drivers are enjoying the singing! Well done to the dodgeball team who won the Stockport tournament and are going on to compete against other schools in the north west. A big thank you to Heather and Amy who represented All Saints at the veterans event at Stockport Town Hall.
Enjoy the weekend, please practise lines for the performance.
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Welcome back to school! Last half term for year 6 – We’re going to make it truly unforgettable!
This week we have begun preparations for our end of year Shakespeare production, Romeo and Juliet. We have had a complete read through of the script; children read very clearly and well, reading Shakespeare certainly isn’t easy. Well done to Nathan – our star writer for his modern day version of the prologue.
There is no homework set for year 6 but learning their lines off by heart is essential. Please do encourage them to practise regularly. By the week commencing 24th June I hope to be practising without the scripts. Additionally, we have practised some songs and dances. These are looking brilliant already.
In Design Technology we are making our own character’s electrical wobblers, and today we have designed our costumes. The children have chosen a 1920s/1930s theme for costumes (thought that might be helpful as it is the theme for the carnival also): think flappers, gangster, Peaky Blinder’s etc. Tonight children have brought home a selection of costume images for ideas and their own design also. Please feel free to contact us with any issues you may have getting hold of costumes as we do have some bits and pieces. Please could costumes be brought in by Wednesday 3rd July.
Mr Cooke visited us from Marple Hall on Wednesday. He presented an incredibly informative presentation about transition and what to expect in year 7. Past pupils also came to visit and told the children their ‘school hacks’ for getting through year seven. I have attached both presentations to the class page for your information.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Cochrane
Happy half term everyone!
What a fantastic last week of half term it has been! We've been super active and have experienced so many different sports: Archery to football with Stockport County, Dance, Rugby, forest schools and many, many more. Thank you to those parents who came to sports day - I'm sure you'll agree it was a fantastic event. Well done to purple team who were the winners!
The scripts have been given out and the parts allocated for our end of term production; please have a little look over these over ths holiday - especially if your character has a lot of lines! Details of costumes to follow.
Looking forward to a fantastic final half term with your brilliant children! Enjoy the holidays!
All children have approached the SATs with such maturity and we are so delighted with each and every one of them. All children gave more than 100% every day. Have a well-earned rest this weekend. No homework, no spellings, no mathletics (unless you really want to!) Play outside, spend time with friends and be very proud of your achievements. Thank you so much to our families who have ensured children have arrived early and prepared each day; have helped with revision and have supported in so many ways! We couldn't do it with you!
We have had a super day at Linnet Clough today, it’s been great to be out and about trying new sports and activities. We’ll pop up some pictures at the start of next week.
Next week is active week so sports kit everyday please. We will be doing some cooking at the end of the week linked to the new ‘Scrumdidiliumptious’ topic. Some ingredients will be provided but each child will be designing their own sandwich filling so will need to bring in their choice of ingredients – details will be sent home on Monday.
Swimming will start on 24th May (last day of term). No forest schools next week but every Wednesday thereafter.
Have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
A huge well done to Maia for earning her Gold mathletics certificate. Ashton was today’s star writer for a persuasive letter to support ‘Buckbeak’ in his appeal against execution! What a fun day we’ve had today! After our celebration assembly, we spent the morning working on a Shakespeare inspired piece of art work. We have used a range of techniques and have really demonstrated some excellent colour mixing skills. The children were given only the primary colours, black and pink. We also looked at painting techniques and used a range of painting tools to create texture in our masterpieces’. We have watched a cartoon adaptation of our chosen play this afternoon. Hopefully it will give us some inspiration for the next big event of the year! Watch this space. Auditions will be the Wednesday of Active Week. Details will be sent out next Thursday.
We carried out a brilliant science investigation on Wednesday. Linked to our work on evolution and inheritance we managed to extract our DNA. Using a range of chemicals (nothing dangerous!!) we were able to actually see the DNA strands! We were all fascinated!!
We’re all ready for our show off week next week! Everyone has worked so hard and we are so proud of each and every member of the class. No homework set this weekend. We have sent all the children home with a ‘Have a break’ gift bag. Enjoy these and use the time to relax and get plenty of sleep. There will be a special year 6 breakfast club next week from 8.30 (No revision club now). We will not be revising just spending some time socialising, having a meal together and getting settled.
Swimming will start on 24th May (last day of term). No forest schools next week but every Wednesday thereafter.
The hard work is over, time to shine, time to have fun!
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Happy Weekend everyone, I’m not sure we’re going to be as lucky with the weather this bank holiday but fingers crossed. We hope you have a lovely long weekend and a good rest.
No homework now, we’re ready for the tests. Make sure children have plenty of time for relaxing, plenty of sleep! The whole school are so impressed with the class and the dedication they have shown in their preparation. They are a credit to you.
Last week of revision club is next week; all children are welcome. During SATs week all children are invited to special daily breakfast club from 8.30am. We’ve put in an order for some tasty morning treats for everyone.
Next week will be a calm week (I hope!) we will have a look over any areas that individuals are finding tricky. Alongside this we will continue work on our Shakespeare production. We are working on a piece of art work inspired by this, using a range of techniques in its creation – watch this space! If time allows we may commence work on out summer term DT project which is a motorised wobbler!
We are hoping to watch an adaptation the chosen Shakespeare story next Friday – more details to follow next week, watch out for a ping. The work is over, keep calm, relax and enjoy the weekend.
Brilliant work year 6!
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Welcome back to your child’s last term at All Saints’.
The children have had a great first week back, well done for settling back into things so quickly. This term has so many exciting activities for us: Forest schools starts next week (Wednesday 1st May please come dressed for forest schools and bring your uniform to change into afterwards); we have swimming (starts 24th May – last day of the term); active week; our production; Linnet Clough trip and we have some fantastic creative learning planned too.
Revision club runs every morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and children can attend as regularly as they wish. If you know your child needs extra help in a given area please let us know and we can spend some one to one time with them at this time. The last revision club will be Friday 10th May. During SATs week children are invited to a special daily breakfast club from 8.30. Details are on the newsletter.
Homework will continue to be sent home; some short 10 minute task sheets will replace the completed CGP books. Class six have completed the final maths past paper this week and have been given an overall scaled score. These have been sent home. If you would like to know what your child has achieved in any/all of the tests please feel free to pop in or leave a message at the office. Well done to all pupils, everyone achieved their highest maths score to date – all pupils were given a special mention in assembly as star mathematicans. A huge well done to Amy who was our individual, star mathematican.
We have continued with our Evolution and Inheritance topic in science looking at the adaptive traits of different animals. Next week we are going to use our research to create an adobe spark movie about a particular animal’s adaptive traits. This afternoon we did some dance for our upcoming production.
Well done on another super week year 6; we’re so proud of you all. Keep going, not long now!
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Well done again year 6 on a brilliant week.
Well done to our star writer Harley for excellent improvement in writing both quality and quantity. Well done to Mia W for being the first in year six to earn her Gold mathletics certificate! This was awarded today. A massive achievement, well done. Well done also to Evie B, Matthew, Maia, Mia Whitehead, Amelie and Amy for earning mathletics certificates. Who will be next with a gold?
Mathletics is the children’s homework. In the few remaining weeks leading up to SATS please ensure your child is using this resource regularly. I am constanly setting new tasks linked to class work and areas for individuals to revise. It can be done any morning before school in revision club. Revision club runs every Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and we recommend all children attend. A drink and breakfast snack will be provided. Please could you send in a £3 donation towards the cost if you have not already done so. Children are welcome to come in from 8.15 any morning of the week if they would like to revise or would like some additional help with any concepts. There will be staff and resources available.
In maths we have continued worked on area perimeter and volume. We have also revised long division, angles and addition of decimals. We have had time for some art work – hopefully this will be delivered to Mum’s on Sunday morning with breakfast in bed! We have done mother’s day SPaG quiz – we had to discover who had stolen all of the chocolates by completing a selection of task to answer clues.
Our inheritance and evolution topic is really interesting and children have produced some excellent key vocabulary posters which will be incredibly useful. We also had time for a class game of catch the flag on Wednesday pm. Lots of impressive running stamina from all children; some children deployed excellent tactics too.
Our English has been completing our Harry Potter’s Quest piece of writing and also some eye-witness accounts of the Easter story for our Easter celebration next Friday. We have looked at religious art and created gallery descriptions also.
Children have completed the 2018 reading and SPaG past papers and brought these home to share with you. They are doing so well. It is important to remember we all have skills in different areas and children are encouraged to just do their best – which they ALL are! Please do feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I am so proud of them all, as our the whole school.
Please keep up with SATS Busters, spelling, reading and Mathletics. CGP books are almost finished do look out for revision sheets/tasks as these will be sent home as an alternative.THIS WEEKEND INSTEAD OF CGP SPAG PLEASE COMPLETE SPAG TEST A ON SPAG.COM
No homework after SATs!
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Well done on another super week year 6; we’re so proud of you all.
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Friday again, time is flying. What an interesting day we have had today. We have had three interesting visitors as part of our Inspirational Persons Day: Matthew Walker a Paralympic swimmer; Daniel Mosely who spoke to us about his life after sustaining a double neck fracture at a trampoline park and also Mrs Clayton’s son, who is a game designer. Lots of food for thought here.
Well done to our star writer Evelyn; for a fantastic, witty piece of writing about a magical library. Well done to Mia W for being the first in year six to earn her Gold mathletics certificate! A massive achievement, well done. Due to our inspirational persons’ day today these will be celebrated next week. Well done also to Maia, Evie B and Matthew for earning certificates this week.
Mathletics is the children’s homework. Using it regularly has a huge impact on children’s fluency, confidence and attainment in mathematics. In the few remaining weeks leading up to SATS please ensure your child is using this resource regularly. This can be done any morning before school in revision club. Revision club runs every Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and we recommend all children attend. A drink and breakfast snack will be provided. Please could you send in a £3 donation towards the cost if you have not already done so. Children are welcome to come in from 8.15 any morning of the week if they would like to revise or would like some additional help with any concepts. There will be staff and resources available.
In maths we have worked on long division: both in arithmetic and a problem solving context. We have also revised area and perimeter (including area of triangles). Children are doing well in class. It is just a case of keeping it ticking over. I have sent a perimeter sheet home as revision this weekend. Some children are still muddling up what do with each operation when using fractions. This video is really clear and is worth a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5knTXqRR7Kc
We are writing a piece of narrative from a different viewpoint in English; trying to portray Harry’s adventures retrieving the Philosopher’s Stone. Class six are becoming confident now in their writing and we are just practising applying everything that we have learnt. This is certainly challenging and I am so proud of all the resilience they are displaying. I have promised them a super summer term without homework!
We have started a new science topic ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. This will continue after Easter also. We have begun by looking at the scientific vocabulary we will be using in this unit.
Please keep up with SATS Busters, spelling, reading and Mathletics and perimeter sheet.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Well done on another super week year 6; we’re so proud of you all.
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
Happy red nose day everyone, thank you for the contributions!
Mr Cooke and Mrs Douglas from Marple Hall have been in visit this afternoon as part of transition. Children asked some questions and generally had chance get to know these members of MHS staff.
Well done to our star mathematician Nathan with a super arithmetic score and great dedication to his homework also. It was great to see so many certificates being awarded to year six for mathletics today. Children need to be earning 1000points each week. Please keep this up. This can be done in revision club.
Revision club runs every Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and we recommend all children attend. A drink and breakfast snack will be provided. Please could you send in a £3 donation towards the cost if you have not already done so. Children are welcome to come in from 8.15 any morning of the week if they would like to revise or would like some additional help with any concepts. There will be staff and resources available.
In maths we have worked on calculating with fractions – this is something the children have been quite muddled with so we have looked at the four operations separately. We have mainly worked on multiplication and division of these. This is a great video to refer to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5knTXqRR7Kc
We have revised ‘cohesion’ in English; looking at adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, determiners and how these devices help our writing to have a natural flow.
We have created some beautiful art work in RE linked to the stations of the cross. To accompany these, we have written some eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ journey to the cross. This will form part of our performance at the Easter Service.
Please keep up with SATS Busters, spelling, reading and Mathletics.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Have a well-earned rest this weekend class 6,
Mrs Cochrane
Thank you so much year six for all your hard work this week. Well done to Millie for being our star mathematician this week, with a great score in her arithmetic test. Evie B won our reading raffle. Well done to all the children who are reading regularly this is really apparent in your work.
World Book Day was super. Thank you so much for all the effort with the costumes and helping the children prepare their talks too. It was lovely to hear some new book recommendations. Well done to Heather for her unique costume 'Daisy Wells' from Murder Most Unladylike.
Revision club runs every Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and we recommend all children attend. A drink and breakfast snack will be provided. Please could you send in a £3 donation towards the cost if you have not already done so. Children are welcome to come in from 8.15 any morning of the week if they would like to revise or would like some additional help with any concepts. There will be staff and resources available.
In maths we have worked on some basic algebra which the children have handled well – if not with a little initial trepidation! Children have been working on composition in English; putting together two pieces of writing linked to our work on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. We have also designed and created our own wands; using many mathematical skills and design techniques. The children are keen to bring these home but they will be displayed in the classroom for a short time first as they look really impressive.
Please keep up with SATS Busters, spelling, reading and Mathletics. Please complete the practise arithmetic paper. Homework can be completed during revision club if this is easier for you.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Mrs Cochrane
What a brilliant first week back it has been, the children have been so keen. It’s great to see.
Thank you to those parents who came to the SATS meeting on Wednesday; I hope you found it useful. I have uploaded the PowerPoint to the class page of the website. Therefore, if any parents could not attend, do have a read. It might also by handy to check details.
This week we have been working on fractions decimals and percentages and the links between these. I have set some tasks on mathletics for all children linked to this work. Next week we will be looking at simple formulae and more challenging number sequences. In English this week we have revised clauses and phrases and the differences between them. We have also looked at adverbials and fronted adverbials and the corresponding punctuation. Additionally, class six have written some cracking Quidditch commentaries. I’m hoping to record these – maybe we can enjoy them as part of our end of year celebrations!
Revision club started this week: It will run every Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone and we recommend all children attend. A drink and breakfast snack will be provided. Please could you send in a £3 donation towards the cost. Children are welcome to come in from 8.15 any morning of the week if they would like to revise or would like some additional help with any concepts. There will be staff and resources available.
Today we have had a lovely creative day; the children have started their 3d art projects linked to Harry Potter; we have quite a selection of problems underway! We will be designing wands next week – which will rely on some good understanding of measures so it might be worth having a quick recap over the weekend!
Next Thursday is World Book Day. Children can come dressed as a character from a book or alternatively they can wear their PJs/Onesies. I would like all children to prepare a short presentation about their favourite book including what it is about, why they like it, why they would recommend it etc. We will make a little movie of Class six’s recommendations.
Please keep up with SATS Busters, spelling, reading and Mathletics.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Happy weekend
Mrs Cochrane
Happy half term! I hope you all have a relaxing break over the next week. The children are working so hard and deserve a good rest.
I have sent home the most recent assessments in Maths (three papers); Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (two papers); and Reading (one paper). Children have all made progress in some; if not all areas and we are so proud of them. Well done Class 6! These tests are just a snap shot of your child’s performance on one day; they are all working very hard in lessons and have so much to celebrate. Please do feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding any elements of the tests. The tests results can be difficult to understand.
In English this week, we have written some incredibly imaginative pieces about broomstick flight at Hogwarts. We have a range of pieces, from Amy’s letter of complaint about the fall in broomstick quality; a selection of technical instructions on how to fly, through to a non-fiction flight manual and some informative newspaper articles. Children have worked on using all the skills of year six writing and have created art work using water colour techniques to compliment their writing. Well done to Heather who was this week’s star writer.
Revision club will start after half term: Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am. This is open for everyone; we recommend all children attend. There will be a meeting for parents regarding SATs on Wednesday 27th February (first Wednesday back) at 6pm. All welcome to attend.
Please keep up with spelling, reading and Mathletics over half term. There are a range of tasks set on Mathletics linked to misconceptions in the recent tests. Additionally, please could children complete two sections from each CGP book – approximately one hours work – 6 sections in total. These are highlighted at the top of the page and are as follows:
Please return all three books on Monday 25th February. If you wish to do any extra revision with your child; they each have a selection of optional tasks in a plastic wallet – this is optional and does not have a deadline.
Have a restful well-earned break everyone,
Mrs Cochrane
Well done year six on an excellent assessment week. Children have taken practise SATs in the hall. They have completed three Maths papers (one arithmetic and two reasoning); a full reading paper and a Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation assessment. I will send out the scores next week once everyone has completed these. The children’s tests will be available for you to look through during the SATs parents meeting (Wednesday 27th February 2019 6pm)
Revision club will start after half term: Wednesday morning 8.15-8.45am
We have begun a Science investigation linked to our work on electricity; next week we will be investigating if wire length effects the components in a circuit. In art children are working in pairs to create a piece of artwork of their choice linked to our Harry Potter text. They have some quite extravagant projects planned so watch this space!
Mathletics certificates will be handed out next week as we watched the fabulous year one class assembly this morning instead of having our usual celebration assembly. I have set a range of tasks on mathletics for the following week. I have set activities that children found tricky in the tests.
Spelling as from the grid and we will be back to key skills next week so will have time to practise spellings in class also. Please keep reading regularly. The reading papers are long and challenging and children only have an hour to read three different texts and answer the corresponding questions. The more they practise reading the better equipped they will be.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Have a great weekend,
The year six team
Just a short blog this week.
Next week is assessment week – we will be doing the tests in the hall to give children another practise of working in this environment. We won’t have time to practise spellings in school next week due to the timings of the assessments. Children will need to spend a little longer on these at home.
We have been working on statistics and geometry this week in maths. We have been translating and reflecting shapes. I have set lots of tasks linked to this work on mathletics for the children to consolidate and revise. We have completed a few past papers and test questions to help to prepare for next week too.
Well done to Imogen, Mia W, Maia, and Matthew who earnt mathletics certificates today! Well done to Evi HH who was our star mathematician; for fabulous contribution to all of our sessions.
Well done to Matthew who won our reading raffle. It is so important to maintain reading practise.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Sent out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Children also have an extra couple of sheets to revise apostrophes this week.
Spellings :As per grid
Wishing you a restful weekend,
The year six team
Well done year six on a super week this week, it feels like everything is coming together and I’m hoping the children are starting to grow in confidence. Thank you to all those who have attended parents evening this week, it has been a really positive experience for us.
In maths this week we have continued our work on reasoning, children are, in the main confident with their calculations but are finding working out what the question is asking more challenging. It is really important to develop these skills in time for the assessments in May– using the ‘problem solving’ section of Mathletics will help with this as will, the CGP SATs busters book. I will send home some additional optional homework next week to help with this. I have set five tasks for each pupil on mathletics this weekend. We have also worked on place value, rounding and addition and subtraction of decimals. Next week we will be working on co-ordinates and statistics.
In key skills we have been working on reading classic texts and looking at the difference in language and sentence structure. This is something that could come up in the SATs. Any practise reading and hearing these types of texts will be beneficial. We have worked on descriptive writing in English and have written in detail about Harry Potter’s first visit to Diagon Alley. We have been working very hard on developing our language using a Descriptosaurus and thesaurus.
We really enjoyed investigating voltage in science and building circuits with varying amounts of votage.
Well done to Imogen, Mia W, Connie, Rosie, Maia, Evelyn who earnt mathletics certificates today! Well done to Mia W who was our star mathematican ,putting in significant amount of effort to the subject, scoring over 4000points this week alone. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday; earning 1000 points should take approximately half an hour; it is so important that children spend time working on this programme. Next week will be a bit push on mathletics being that it is the mathletics competition.
CGP Homework
Just a reminder of what is coming home and when and when each is due in.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Spellings :As per grid
Reading: Please read as often as possible and get into the habit of recording what you have read. Well done to Amelie for winning the reading raffle.
Wishing you a restful weekend,
The year six team
Well done on another successful week year 6. We are fully immersed in the world of Harry Potter and the classroom is looking very 'Hogwartsesque'.
This week we have been revising some grammar through out text - Harry Potter and the Philiosopher's Stone. We have looked at modal verbs and relative clauses. In addition we have worked on reading comprehension in preparation for our reading assessments. Children are working so hard. Reading regularly at home will really help children to increase their reading stamina and enable them to complete the tests in the allocated time. There is a lot to do in an hour.
In maths we have been working on addition and subtraction, using decimals and solving word problems. We have also practised past paper questions too. We have looked at BIDMAS and pratised this within arithmetic and reasoning, can your child remember what this means and how to solve BIDMAS questions?
Thank you for all your help and support with the regular homework from CGP books, these are proving to be so helpful. They are a great way to revise as they quickly cover so many areas. Please do feel free to sit with your child and help them if they are struggling, these are not used as assessment but as a learning tool. Please keep going with the spelling and mathletics too. Apologies as I have not been in class today I don't have the children with mathletics certificates to congratulate. I will catch them next week. Next week is parents evening, I will look forward to speaking to you all on Tuesday and Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
The children have worked even harder the usual this week and I couldn’t be happier with them. We have worked on place value and number in maths and in English we have been revising sentences and clauses and word classes. We have begun to write a ‘howler’ inspired by our class novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The children have really given 100% in key skills this week. We have been completing past papers for comprehension practise and have revised two spelling patterns. This afternoon the children have wound down with some Harry Potter cosmic yoga; they surprised me with how confident they were with this. Great work children.
This terms spellings are on the class page of the website and all children have been given a laminated copy. Additionally, there are various other documents that you might find useful this term.
Thank you to those parents who came to the open afternoon. The children love seeing you there, you caught the start of our new Science topic – Electricity. There will be a large emphasis on scientific vocabulary, this is so important in order that children gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating subject.
Well done to Imogen and Mia W who both earnt silver mathletics certificates today! Scores go from Sunday to Sunday; earning 1000 points should take approximately half an hour; it is essential that children spend time working on this programme. I have set a range of tasks linked to the work we have completed this week.
Children needto read at least five times per week for at least 10 minutes and record this in their reading record books. The ability to read quickly and accurately is essential for the end of key stage assessments. I would recommend listening to your child read aloud when possible.
Thank you so much for all your support with the children’s new CGP homework books, the number of children completing the 10 minute activities has been very, very close to 100% each time. For anyone who is still unsure of what is due in when etc. I hope this table is helpful.However, HUGE APOLOGIES I’ve sent maths today by mistake please complete this and we’ll stick to the above rota from next Wednesday.
CGP book |
Set out |
Due in |
Grammar,Punctuation, Spelling |
Friday |
Monday |
Maths |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Reading |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Spellings As per grid
Wishing you a restful weekend,
The year six team
Welcome back and a happy new year to you all.
The children have had a really positive start to the new term. We have talked about the importance of hard work and resilience this term and the treats and priviledges that we will be able to earn once our end of year assessments are completed. If you have anhy questions at all about the up coming tests please feel free to catch any of us before or after school. Please read this terms newsletter which has been sent home today along with the new laminated spelling list.
We have spent the first couple of days back starting our new topic ‘A day in the life of …’ We have been working on what makes a person significant and who we think is significant. We have been researching people we believe to be influential and have begun writing a short biography about them. Don’t forget to come dressed up on Monday with a short speech about who you are dressed as and why. This can be anyone that you admire: friends, family, celebrities, scientists, writers etc. Next week we will also be beginning our new class novel Harry Potter and the Philiosopher's stone. We will be watching some clips from the film (rated PG), please let me know if you would rather your child did not watch this.
For those children who have returned parents evening slips; the appointment times have been sent home. Please make an appointment asap if you do not already have one.
Well done to Maia, Amy, Heather, Oliver, Keane, James, Matthew, Imogen, Harvey, George and Millie who earnt mathletics certificates today. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday; earning 1000 points should take approximately half an hour; it is essential that children spend time working on this programme.
We have purchased CGP SATs busters books (SPaG, maths and reading) for all of the children in year 6. Children will need to complete one activity from each book per week (3x10 minutes of revision, weekly). Please keep these safe as we do not have the funds to replace individual books. This weekend please complete Maths Set A test 1 (pages 2-5) and return book for marking on Monday.
New spellings have been sent home today on a laminated cards; there are also words to revise added to each list at the bottom.
Hope you have a restful weekend.
The year six team
A very Merry Christmas to all our children and families. Thank you so much for all of the generous gifts you have sent in for the team, we are so touched by your kindness. We hope you have a wonderfully, restful festive season.
What an amazing term it has been, a massive thank you to all the children and to you as parents for your unwavering support during the first term of year 6! The children have made a brilliant start to their final year at primary school and I know they will return to school in the spring term really ready to embrace the next stage of their journey.
Spring term will involve lots of revision, lots of commitment and lots of hard work both at school and at home. This will be followed by lot of rewards, treats and privileges. I hope you have received the recent assessment tests and explanation letter that accompanied it. I can’t stress enough how beneficial it will be for your children to go over these tests with you and work out how they can improve. Additionally, the children have brought home a year 5 ten-minute weekly workout book. This is for them to keep; we didn’t complete it last year so working through this at home will help with revision. There are also some long multiplication sheets that I have sent, all children need to practise this and improve their speed and accuracy. This is all optional and children do not need to return completed work to school (other than the assessment tests which we need to keep as evidence).
Please could you send in any copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone you may have after the holidays; this will be our next class novel. Please write your child’s name clearly in the front cover.
Please check children’s bag for the details of the dress up day on Monday 7th January. Children have been asked to come dressed as someone they think is significant, they will be asked to give a short talk about their chosen person and the idea is that, as a class, we need to work out who everyone is dressed as. The letter explains this in more detail.
May we just take this opportunity to thank you once again for your ongoing support, wishing you all a wonderful and restful Christmas.
Best Wishes
Mrs Cochrane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton
What a busy day we have had, I hope those of you who joined us for Christmas lunch enjoyed yourselves at this fantastic annual event. It was lovely to see so many families enjoying the occasion. Added to the day of fun we have been having our Christmas party, we had a great time dancing, playing games and enjoying the lovely food that the children brought in.
The Christmas cakes have turned out so well and the whole class were so engrossed in the decorating this afternoon; our classroom was rather sparkly and sugary by the end of the afternoon! Sorry Mr Chalenor!
The year 6 children have spent a little more time with their buddies this week; walking up to church with them and looking after them whilst we were watching the KS1 nativity. The relationships the children are developing with the reception children are wonderful to see.
For those children who have returned parents evening slips; the appointment times have been sent home tonight. I will send home the recent assessments next week for you to look through with your child. Spending time going through these will be really beneficial for all children.
Well done to Mia T, Harvey, Maia, Imogen and Mia W who earnt mathletics certificates today. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday so please have a final push for the last week. Earning 1000 points should take approximately half and hour, the more children practise the better.
Have a great weekend everyone,
The year six team
Thank you to all those families who came and supported the fair last Saturday – a special thank you to Rosie’s family who ran the tombola on behalf of class six, your help was greatly appreciated.
We have spent a lot of time going through assessments this week and reflecting on our understanding and how we can improve next time. We will work on exam technique more after Christmas. Again, please don’t worry if your children has not passed at this time of year, there is still plenty of time left. The tests we have taken set for children to take at the end of year 6.
We’ve had a really practical day today; we had great time making our ‘dig for victory soup’, the finished product had a mixed response from the class but many had seconds and year five were quite impressed too! This afternoon we attempted to WW2 dance, Charleston style which was high impact. Lots of really imaginative dance moves as ever in class six!
Well done to this week’s star mathematicians Charlie and Mia D.
Reminder: Year 6 are making their Christmas cakes on Tuesday December 11th and decorating them on Friday 14th, please read the letter for further details to ensure your child has everything they need.
Friday 14th is also the KS2 Christmas party. Please come in party clothes that day (in the morning we will be decorating cakes so this may influence your clothing choice!) Children have been given letters with details of the party today.
Well done to Mia T, Millie, Evie B, Evelyn, Amy, Maia, Imogen and Mia W who earnt mathletics certificates today. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday so there’s still time to earn for next week. Please keep using this resource regularly; it is so effective for consolidating skills and revision. There are still some children who are not reading regularly at home, this is part of weekly homework and probably the most important work children can do at home. Please encourage your child to read at least five times per week and record this in their reading record; reading aloud is also key and will really help you to see what your child can and can’t read/understand.
Have a great weekend everyone,
The year six team
A huge well done and a massive congratulations class 6. A tremendous week you have all had! The whole school have really seen exceptional role models, with the children tackling their assessments in such a mature way.
Once all of the results have been compiled children will bring a copy of these home to share with you. As always please feel free to ask any questions.
Year 6 will be making their infamous Christmas cakes on December 11th; please read the letter the children have brought home today for further details.
It was great to see so many of you today at the Christmas craft morning today, it's certainly got us all in the festive spirit.
Well done to Millie, Oliver, Maia, Imogen, Mia W and George who earnt mathletics certificates today. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday so please try to earn for next week if you haven't already. Tasks are set to revise key concepts. I can’t emphasise enough the importance of using mathletics regularly. Reading remains a high priority across school; please encourage your child to read at least five times per week and record this in their reading record. Reading aloud is also key and will really help you to see what your child can and can’t read/understand.
Hope to see you at the Christmas Fair tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone,
The year six team
A huge well done and a massive congratulations class 6. A tremendous week you have all had! The whole school have really seen exceptional role models, with the children tackling their assessments in such a mature way.
Once all of the results have been compiled children will bring a copy of these home to share with you. As always please feel free to ask any questions.
Year 6 will be making their infamous Christmas cakes on December 11th; please read the letter the children have brought home today for further details.
It was great to see so many of you today at the Christmas craft morning today, it's certainly got us all in the festive spirit.
Well done to Millie, Oliver, Maia, Imogen, Mia W and George who earnt mathletics certificates today. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday so please try to earn for next week if you haven't already. Tasks are set to revise key concepts. I can’t emphasise enough the importance of using mathletics regularly. Reading remains a high priority across school; please encourage your child to read at least five times per week and record this in their reading record. Reading aloud is also key and will really help you to see what your child can and can’t read/understand.
Hope to see you at the Christmas Fair tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone,
The year six team
This week has been a very productive week in class six.
We have worked hard on letter writing in role. We have been writing letters imaging we are involved in either World War I or II. Children have been able to select a point of view for these letters, maybe from a child to their father at war or a soldier writing to their family. They are sounding really great. We are really working on being year six writers, including as many of the writing features from ALL of our time at primary. This is certainly not easy and children are really stepping up to the challenge. Well done.
In maths we have been working on fractions and division. Both of these really rely on good times table knowledge. The quicker children can calculate multiplications the better. If you know your child finds this tricky please spend a bit of time of Times Tables Rockstars practising. Every little helps.
We are reaching the end of our Science topic on light and this week have been learning about the work of Isaac Newton and his discoveries about the colour spectrum. Year six really enjoyed the colour wheel lesson, can they tell you what they learnt?
Year 6 will be making their infamous Christmas cakes soon; please look out for a letter regarding arrangements for this next week. It sounds like a very exciting project – I’ve never attempted making thirty Christmas cakes simultaneously before!!!
Please could you send in any spare shoe boxes you may have.
Well done to Millie, Matthew, Rosie, Oliver, Amy, Maia, Harvey, Jack, Imogen, Mia W and George who earnt mathletics certificates. Scores go from Sunday to Sunday so there’s still time to earn for next week. Tasks have been set to consolidate this week’s work and revise key concepts. Using mathletics regularly will be of huge benefit to your child. Reading remains a high priority across school; please encourage your child to read at least five times per week and record this in their reading record.
Week commencing 26th November – Assessment week – Y6 will be practising taking their tests in the hall in preparation for the end of key stage assessments in May.
Friday 30th November – Classroom drop in – Parents are invited to join us for a morning of Christmas craft 9.15 -10.15
Saturday 1st December – Y6 have been allocated the tombola, any volunteers would be greatly appreciated. Four volunteers would mean only half an hour each! Many thanks in advance.
Have a great weekend everyone,
The year six team
Thank you for all your support this week. It has been a busy one with Anti-bullying week – odd socks; Children in Need non uniform; parent drop ins; the art gallery; brass and class assembly! I hope you enjoyed our assembly this morning, we were a bit worried it wouldn’t come together yesterday but the children really rose to the occasion as ever. Next week is looking clear so let’s take a breather before the craziness of Christmas is upon us!
We have been doing a lot of map skills this week in our topic; really looking at the parts of Britain which were affected by the Blitz and what physical and human characteristics these had in common. We have been working on rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000 in maths. This isn’t always easy for children. I can happily send home any practise if any children would like to have another go. This afternoon we had a visit from a local PCSO to talk to the children about anti-bullying and stranger danger.
Well done to Oliver, Imogen, Mia W and Amy who earnt mathletics certificates. Remember scores go Sunday to Sunday so try to earn 1000 points between this time. Using mathletics regularly will be of huge benefit to your child. I have set a selection of tasks linked to this week’s work, I would love to see all children attempting these. Reading remains a high priority across school; please encourage your child to read at least five times per week and record this in their reading record.
Tuesday 20th November Homework Museum in the hall – any child/family who has entered the land sea and sky transport project will have the work displayed. Prizes to be won, we currently only have one entry in year 6!
Week commencing 26th November – Assessment week – Y6 will be practising taking their tests in the hall in preparation for the end of key stage assessments in May.
Friday 30th November – Classroom drop in – Parents are invited to join us for a morning of Christmas craft 9.15 -10.15
Saturday 1st December – Y6 have been allocated the tombola, any volunteers would be greatly appreciated. Four volunteers would mean only half an hour each! Many thanks in advance.
Enjoy the weekend
The Year 6 team
We have had a productive week this week and the children have worked hard. We have been working on factors and multiples and have used this to help us with finding equivalent fractions – the children have done really well with this. We have been looking for ‘lowest common factors’ and trying to put fractions into their simplest form. This is something that children see and often panic but isn’t as dreadful as they initially think! Well done class 6 great perseverance with this.
We have worked on our own poems in the style of ‘In Flanders Fields’ and linked this to our visit from the WW2 Normandy Veterans who came to visit us on Wednesday afternoon. The veterans spoke to the whole junior department about some of their experiences in WW2. Following a short assembly year 6 were able to meet them individually and ask them questions about their experiences. Class 6 did this sensitively and with great respect and I was very proud of them. The class were so engaged and it was such an incredibly special occasion for us all.
In topic we have looked at how this was truly a ‘World War’ studying the many different countries who were involved. We have completed some map work linked to this and have also begun some fact files on particular countries.
Mathletics News!
Lots of certificates this week well done class 6, who will be first to earn their gold certificate? Well done to Imogen who is a current highest scorer!
Monday 12th November – Odd socks day to support anti-bullying week. No donation required.
Wednesday 14th November - 2pm parental drop in including art gallery.
Friday 16th November – Class six’s assembly - we will be sharing our first half term with you especially all of our Robinwood adventures additionally this will incorporate our brass concert!
Friday 16th November – Children in Need, non-uniform day £1 suggested donation.
Friday 30th November – Classroom drop in – Parents are invited to join us for a morning of Christmas craft 9.15 -10.15
Have a wonderful weekend, see you next week.
Best wishes,
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
Welcome back to school this week; ready for the second part of the Autumn term. One of the most exciting terms of the school year!
This week we have worked hard in maths revising angles, use of protractors and properties of shapes. We have been lucky to have two new volunteers in class six, both maths specialists. Children have been able to get some extra support and to do small revision sessions also.
In English we have been looking at the poetry from World War I: ‘In Flanders fields’ especially. Next week we will attempt to write our own poem in this style. In science the class completed some investigations about the refraction of light.
Today we have been working on our piece of art work for the gallery on Wednesday 14th November. We have been producing images inspired by our work on Remembrance in the style of Mark Rothko. So far the work is looking promising!
Mathletics News!
Now we’re back into the swing if term again, please encourage your children to login and practise regularly. Children need to be attempting to earn 1000 points per week; generally this should take between half an hour and an hour depending on your child’s confidence level. Please contact me with any questions you may have about this programme.
Wednesday 14th November - 2pm parental drop in including art gallery.
Friday 16th November – Class six’s assembly - we will be sharing our first half term with you especially all of our Robinwood adventures.
Friday 30th November – Classroom drop in – Parents are invited to join us for a morning of Christmas craft 9.15 -10.15
Have a wonderful holiday, see you next week.
Best wishes,
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
And relax! Thank you to all of year six for all of their amazing efforts this half term. It’s been an action packed one and I’m hoping things will be less busy after the holidays! Possibly? Thank you also to you, our families, for all of your support.
Church week has been brilliant this year we have engaged in some fabulous activities; listened to some fascinating speakers and really sung our hearts out in this afternoon's harvest service. Thank you to those who attended and to those who donated.
Mathletics News!
Keep going year 6! Well done to Mia W, Imogen and Keane who all earned certificates this week. Please login over the holidays and practise some of the areas in which you need to improve.
Children have a booklet in their bags with some optional revision sheets. Please do as much as you are able; every little helps.
Have a wonderful holiday, see you on Tuesday 30th October.
Best wishes,
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
We went, we saw and we conquered, what an incredible time we had at Robinwood! The children experienced so many fantastic activities. Every one of the children can be proud of their achievements; each child pushed themselves into their stretch zone at some point and reaped the benefits of this. Thank you so much for all the support you gave to the children with this trip, from payment to packing; from reassuring them if they were anxious about attending to collecting your exhausted and quite possibly a little bit grumpy year 6(s)! It was such a worthwhile experience for us all.
Lost Property
I'm sure a few children have misplaced an item or two, please bring anything that is not yours back into school next week and we will try to reunite it with its owner. If you are still missing items after this please give me a detailed description and I will email Robinwood to see if they have found it.
Class 6 were highly praised for their focus during this worthwhile programme today, they showed lots of the skills they developed at Robinwood and really persevered in the poor weather. Next bikeability session is Tuesday 16th October. Remember your bike, your helmet and warm outdoor clothes including waterproofs. NOT SCHOOL UNIFORM.
Mathletics News!
Keep going year 6! Obviously no-one has attained 1000 points yet, to get a certificate next week the children have until Sunday to try to achieve a point score of 1000+.
Church Week
Next week is Church Week, we will be in class as normal on Monday and Tuesday (bikeability) and will be at church Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. If you are able to help us walk to and from school that would be greatly appreciated, please let the office know. The harvest service is Friday afternoon 1.45 onwards all welcome. Please send in harvest donations (e.g. tinned products, pasta, toiletries etc) throughout next week and give them to a member of the year 6 team.
Thank you for your ongoing support, one week to go
Best wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
We went, we saw and we conquered, what an incredible time we had at Robinwood! The children experienced so many fantastic activities. Every one of the children can be proud of their achievements; each child pushed themselves into their stretch zone at some point and reaped the benefits of this. Thank you so much for all the support you gave to the children with this trip, from payment to packing; from reassuring them if they were anxious about attending to collecting your exhausted and quite possibly a little bit grumpy year 6(s)! It was such a worthwhile experience for us all.
Mathletics News!
Keep going year 6! Obviously no-one has attained 1000 points yet, to get a certificate next week the children have until Sunday to try to achieve a point score of 1000+.
Next week is Church Week, we will be in class as normal on Monday and Tuesday and will be at church Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. If you are able to help us walk to and from school that would be greatly appreciated, please let the office know. The harvest service is Friday afternoon 1.45 onwards all welcome. Please send in harvest donations (e.g. tinned products, pasta, toiletries etc) throughout next week and give them to a member of the year 6 team.
Thank you for your ongoing support, one week to go
Best wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
The time has finally come…the last school day before Robinwood, we are SO excited. If you need it, the kit list is on the class page links.
Mathletics News!
Well done to Matthew, Rosie, Oliver, Mia D, Evelyn, Heather, Evi HH, Amy, Harvey, Jack, George and Alex who have all earnt over one thousand points this week – certificates to follow next week. Points don’t reset until Sunday so there’s still time to give your score a boost before our trip to Robinwood! Congratulations to Mia W who is our overall highest scorer to date! Keep going year 6!
In maths we have been working on subtraction especially within investigations and real life word problems. We carried out a very clever investigation on Tuesday which really rehearsed the importance of being accurate. Can your child tell you what we found out? It was called ‘9 again’!
In class this week we have continued with our class novel and have nearly reached the ending; it's an exciting and very thought provoking read. We have been working on character descriptions in writing; trying hard to think about personality traits, appearance and characteristics without telling a story. This is a very refined type of writing and one that requires considerable skill. Some brilliant attempts have been made. This week’s Star writer was Millie for her wonderfully completed report about World War Two ambulances which she completed as part of our Land, Sea and Sky topic. Well done Millie!
We have continued to work on our periscopes; we are still having a few issues understanding how they work but hopefully we’ve nearly got it!
Next week will be fairly full on so please make sure children are well rested in advance. As well as Robinwood Mon-Wed, we have bikeability on Friday. Please read through this letter in advance to ensure your child’s bike is in full working order and they have the correct equipment. If your child is participating in the bikeability they will need to be wearing warm outdoor clothes in which they can comfortable ride their bike (not school uniform). As always we are happy to answer any questions you may have about any of these events.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Best wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
This week in class 6 we had a brilliant trip out to ‘Safe Squad’ in Tameside we learnt a range of skills linked to safety from first aid and household dangers right through to staying safe online to the dangers of anti-social behaviour, the children were really entertained by the drama that they watched. This morning we have been making Christmas cards for the PA project, Mrs Gaynor came in to work with the children – I hope you like the design we have created! They look quite professional.
In English we have been preparing and have begun to write our non-chronological reports about the vehicles used in war – be that land, sea or air transportation. Harley was this week’s star writer, well done for some fabulous note taking skills Harley. In maths we have been revising multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000, some children brought home some extra practise and a digit slider – please return these as soon as possible. In science we made periscopes – these turned out well: next week we are going to learn about how these work. Thank you for the donations of cereal boxes. The children have made some great sketch maps of the class walk, these are looking really impressive and will make a fabulous contribution to the whole school display. Yesterday was the European day of languages, in class 6 we learnt some sign language as a class and performed this for the school.
Thank you to those of you who attended the year six meeting on Monday – I hope you found it helpful. Everyone should now have received their packs of information. Please ensure children practise week 3 spellings (term 1a). Children need to spend time on mathletics and should be earning 1000 points per week. If you are accessing mathletics via a tablet you can choose harder or easier levels within each game, thismay help your child. Children now have reading record books and children have been shown how to use them, children need to record in these five times per week as part of their homework. If you have any further questions about homework do feel free to ask me.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend, not long until Robinwood, the excitement is rising!
Best wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
We seem to be truly into Autumn now, I hope you all managed to get home without getting too wet! We’ve had a very productive week in class 6, the children have worked hard on their key skills and are getting into a good routine with this new system. We are practising spelling, handwriting, reading, comprehension and grammar on a rota basis so that we keep our basic skills strong. In maths we have been working on arithmetic and more specifically, addition of 6 digit numbers, next week we will be looking at decimals.
We have worked on finding 6-digit grid references in geography and are beginning to plot our route from the school walk, we’re hoping to use this to make sketch maps. In our English lessons we have continued with our class novel and written newspaper reports about Felix’s dreadful journey. We have worked on the passive and active voice. The highlight of my week was the children’s game show style ‘light’ presentations; The class had to learn about how light travelled and were tasked with a group presentation for a children’s TV programme; these were so entertaining and factually accurate. Thank you to Matthew for bringing in some fascinating World War II artefacts for us to see, we were all amazed. Evelyn was this week’s star writer- well done!
Again, I would just like to say how proud I am of the class they are really proving to be wonderful role models for the rest of the school and deserve huge credit for this. Next week we will be attempting to make periscopes; please could you send in any empty full-sized cereal boxes that you may have spare.
On Monday there is the new to year 6 meeting, the meeting is at 3.30pm (crèche provided) and 6pm (no crèche) here we will be talking all about the roles and responsibilities of year 6, the assessments and of course, Robinwood. Please try to attend the meeting as we will be covering a lot of important information. If you are unable to make the meeting, please let me know and I will ensure you get the relevant information. We are going on an afternoon visit to safesquad in Hyde on Tuesday afternoon (25th September), lunch and pick up and drop off arrangements remain unchanged.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend, might be time for the central heating!
Best wishes
Mrs Cochrane and the year 6 team.
This week has been a very exiting first full week.
On Tuesday and Thursday, we had lunch with our buddies (the Receptions). We helped them collect their lunches, and had conversations finding out a little more about them.
On Wednesday the whole school went on an AMAZING walk. KS2 went to Kestrel Lodge, where we had lunch, followed by a small walk down to the Roman Lakes, at which we had two pounds to spend on the shop. Followed by a simple walk home.
On Friday we had an assembly the Receptions sat with us.
Also our class have started our class novel, Once by Morris Gleitzman.
We can’t wait for next week,
Heather and Amy
Note from Mrs Cochrane – What a brilliant start the children have made to Year 6, I have had so many comments from across the school and community about what great models the children are proving to be. Please read the newsletter, which is in your child’s bag today, along with a letter about the Safe Squad trip. As you will know from the PING we are no longer performing at the Plaza. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be making periscopes please could you send in any used full size cereal boxes.
I look forward to meeting with you all on the 24th September, where we will talk more about Robinwood, homework and assessments. Please feel free to contact me with any questions in the meantime. Have a lovely restful weekend.
Year 6 had an amazing trip to Manchester Cathedral on Friday as we participated in God and the Big Bang! We had demonstrations from University lecturers and researchers on thought provoking topics. The creators of the workshops said "We were really impressed by the thoughtfulness and high levels of engagement shown by the students throughout a very hot and busy day" so well done to everyone! We had a go at chromotography, played a sustainability game involving M and M's, saw bubbles filled with smoke and some bubbles that didn't burst and even held real life fossils and preserved mammoth hair! 'Why is God invisible?' and 'If there was no earth what would happen?' were some of the questions we tried to have answered.
During the week we have continued to work on our play - ticket letters have now gone home so do not miss out!!
Our final half term at All Saints!! boo hoo!!
A very busy newsletter has gone home today with important dates (including swimming news, end of year play etc) so please take time to read and get the dates in your diary.
This week we have settled into our rehearsals and in our writing we have been getting things off our chest with 'Don't get me started on..' Topics from litterers, smokers, bad drivers and even teachers got some heated rants going!!
Liam has won our growth mindset this week for his great attitude to learning and Naomi won our star writer of the week.
New grids are out and I expect a piece each week in addition to regular reading and learning of your Year 5/6 spellings.
Well done everyone for working so hard during Active Week!
Have a wonderful holiday - read as much as you can and learn your script!
The year 6 team.
Hello, this week as you all shall know has been an exhausting week for the year sixes.All week we have had SATS but with lots of exciting activities along the way including: rounders every day , party and Mr Mcshanes jokes saying " these SATS papers smell easy" which everybody laughed at.Everyone has tried very hard and never gave up , and i hope everyone has a nice weekend and make sure you are ready for active week next week...
By Abi calss 6
This week in maths we have been looking at Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and looking at his ideas on proportion – we had fun measuring! We also learnt how to convert fractions into decimals, for example ½ = 0.5 and 2/100 = 0.02.
In class we have continued to read the funny novel ‘There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom’ and we have also found time to play many spelling and grammar games, such as Battleships.
Show off week is nearly upon us, we can’t wait to get it out of the way!! SPAG is our first one on Monday morning. We are all so proud of your efforts – you will knock the socks off those pesky test writers!
Plenty of early nights and rest required over the weekend and we will see you on Monday eager to show off your talents! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Dear all
We are so proud of our Year 6 pupils currently, they are working incredibly hard. We hope the above links and video may be of use.
We are pleased to say that Year 6 will now have Forest School on a Friday afternoon. Please bring full Forest School kit each week. Half will go to Forest School the other half will have focused teaching time. The following week we will swap groups and continue like this but it is important to have your kit as the groups may change depending on needs.
PE will continue as normal last session on a Friday with Mr. Granite.
Keep up the hard work on your revision papers Year 6, keep reading a range of materials each day and keep learning those tricky spellings, this link may help!! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/7-11-years/spelling-and-grammar
Welcome back, how quickly has this week gone. Our first week back of our very last term at All Saints'.
This week we have been doing some revision to ensure that we are fully prepared for "Show off week". We have also started our new Topic of the Mayans and looking at what information we would like to discover about this ancient civilisation.
We have also been looking at the heart and blood (we even made a pie chart of the composition of blood).
In our RE on Wednesday we were thinking about how not knowing all the information can make us feel differently about a situation, ie someone has a knife to a persons stomach, then when we found out they were a surgeon we felt differently about the situation.
We have also been looking at the poem the Highwayman this week - we have sequenced the story, done some artwork and also written a monologue of how Bess might of felt.
We have also welcomed Mrs Morton back after her maternity leave and discovered the Mrs Gaynor will be sharing the headteacher role with her in September..
From next Monday revision club will be every morning starting at 8.15 am, so do try and attend if you can.
Don't forget the SRE Meeting next Wednesday 25th April at 5.00pm.
Homework - to do revision of the subjects that you find the most difficult, Maths reasoning paper 3, Times tables Rockstars, SPAG.com and remember to keep reading for pleasure.
This week our class have had an extradinary busy week with the Eyam trip to a new member of our year six classroom! At Eyam we went to see where the Black Death first arrivied from London and how it had a long lasting effect on the brave plague village. When we fist stepped foot into the village, we all felt a sense of pride because of how courageous this town has been to ensure that the future generations of the North of England live a long and happy life.
As a part of science, we have made motorised cars (we were fortunate enough to actually finish them) and in the end, they eventually moved!
We have one of our SATs practise papers to do over the weekend to help us get ready for the upcoming SATs.
have a great weekend we will see you all on monday
by Harriet and Andy
Dear all, I hope you have been enjoying your rare snow day and are managing to build some quality snowmen! With school closed again tomorrow I have set some tasks, if you could spend some time today or over the weekend (remember every little helps) it will stop your brain from freezing!! : )
Please spend some time on our new website https://ttrockstars.com/login and master those tables! (I will check who has had a go).
https://www.bbc.com/education/levels/zbr9wmn This site has some fantastic ideas to keep you busy https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/mental-maths and this site has lots of great games and activities.
Try and spend some time with your ten minute busters and log onto https://www.spag.com/ for a short activity (we will be checking scores carefully so make sure you focus on the task)
Finally, why not create a snowy story, a 'Beast From The East' poem or create a news report on the wintry weather (if you have the technology you could film it/photograph it and try emailing it to school or uploading it onto DB Primary).
Hopefully we will see you on Monday! Stay safe and warm everybody.
Mr.McShane, Miss.Day and Mrs. Pratt
On Wednesday we played African drums and performed them to the school.
We have been writing some African animal poems.
We have made some filtering systems with sphagnum moss, sand, rocks, gravel and filter paper to purify water.We are very lucky to have water whenever we need it unlike some countries.
Yesterday we had a shuffle round the tables, there was times table rockstars, filtering system ( with chickpeas, rice, sugar, paperclips), reading comprehension and a Harry Potter reading with highlighted words to find what they mean.
By Teagan
Over half term I would really like to see you have a go at https://ttrockstars.com/login our new subscription that will really help you with those tricky tables.
Please continue to read plenty and use your ten minute busters!! Have a lovely rest and come back refreshed and raring to go!!
This week we have been doing a joint piece of writing on the computer based on the short film Zahra. We have also been continuing with our zoo projects - trying to work out the area and perimiter of each shape and working out the amount of money we have left. This weeks growth mindset is Scarlet for working really hard with everything she has done. We continued with our science of classification and invertebrates by going out on the field and in the eco-area and forest school area up at the top of the field and finding minibeasts and sorting them into groups eg Molluscs, Isopool, Myriapods, Arachnids and Insects. This week we learnt about all of the different biomes and made and presented a powerpoint. Please remember to bring in old plastic bottles and shoe boxes.
By Sid and Alfie.
Homework - something from the grid, spellings, one of the ten minute busters and don't forget to read everyday.
We have also got our African drumming workshop on Wednesday afternoon.
This week we have been making our amazing African clay masks. We have also been learning about the incredible Nelson Mandela and have wrote a biography about his exciting,adventrous life. We have been doing some classification in science with all sorts of weired ,crazy and amazing animals. On Thursday afternoon we rotated around the classroom with all the different teachers and doing tricky reading comprehensions, lots of brainy maths and geography . This week we have been looking at a variety of ratio questions and simplefying ratio questions. We have read more of are brilliant class book called Journey to Johannasburg: it is about a young teenage girl and her little brother walking to a different city to find there mum because there tiny little baby sister is very ill and not doing very well. In science we have also been learning all about how light travels in a straight line from any light source. Overall it has been an amazing week and we have all had a great time.
From Lois, Alexandre and Jess D!
Either something from your grid or proof of revision (ten minute busters would suffice). Keepup with Sumdog and reading. Please make a big effort to learn your spellings and look at the tricky words on your Ice-Cream challenge - we will start with your bowl next week.
Try this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zsq7hyc
Date for your diary: 14th of February Year 6 will be having a drumming workshop and parents are invited in at 3pm to hear the racket!
Have a lovely weekend.
This week we have had an exciting week as we did a recount of our trip to Chester zoo with different sentance types.We have been learning about Carl Linnious and Botany - the study of plants. We also have been learning fractions and their equivalents. We have hopefully upped our game in arithmatic.
We have also started to look at biographies and autobiographies.
Don't forget that there is revision club on a Tuesday morning at 8 am, but please feel free to arrive a little bit later (Please do not arrive before). Also a letter has gone out about a maths club on a Wednesday morning if you find it hard to use sumdog. Congratulations to Scarlett for winning growth mindset.
We have also been looking at Is anything eternal in RE.
by Harriet and Scarlett
Homework - please complete something off the grid, handwriting and reading (ensuring you have made a comment in your reading record.
Well what a first full week back this has been, we have had our Book Awards Evening, well done to the winners
Archie, Azura, Blake, Jessica, Livia and Olivia. We also enjoyed a workshop from the poet Craig Bradley.
We have been comparing fractions and looking at fraction word problems about the zoo. Using Chester Zoo maps to inspire our questions.
We have written our own little books based on either Super Stan or the Koala who could.
We have started our new novel Journey to Jo'burg and have written Diary entries from either Tiro or Nileda's point of view.
In science we have been looking at adaptation of animals to their habitat.
We are looking forward to our trip to Chester Zoo tomorrow - letter sent out tonight with details.
Homework - Newletter, homework and spelling lists have gone out today and can also be found on the Class Page. Remember to also write in your reading record.
Happy New Year
This has only been a short week but we have created some fantastic artwork and written book reviews on our favourite book of the five books up for the Book Award. As you know we are having our Book Awards next week and would love to see as many of you attend as possible. There are awards for Best Artwork, Most Improved Reader, Most Enthusiastic Reader, Best Reading Record and Best Book Review - will you be one of our winners?
We have really enjoyed reading the five books and have all picked which book we liked the best - will the one you voted for be the overall winner? Don't forget parents you can vote too.
We have also been looking at percentages in maths which could be especially useful if visiting the sales this January. One of the books we have been looking at is about a Koala so we have been looking at the Eucalyptus tree and trying to combine facts about it into our Koala comprehension.
Homework - keep on reading and writing in those reading record books.
Nearly there everyone!
We ended the week by finding out we won the whole school Autumn Two reward...very proud! This was due to attendance, Sumdog, tidiest classroom and many more weekly rewards which have added up to a grand total!!
Well done we now get 30 minutes of off-timetable activities!
We have decorated our Christmas cakes (they look stunning!) learnt some festive poems, started to use the fiddly protractors in maths to measure and draw angles.
Homework: Spend time relaxing with friends and family but we have sent home buster books.
This week we have been working on a story called Moz the Monster and we had to make are own versions of it.
In maths we have been doing translation, rotation and reflection in coordinates.
Don't forget on Monday it's our Roman day so make sure you get dressed up, you never know you may win a prize. Unfortunately this week we havn't been able to do our Christmas cakes maybe next week we can.
We have been reading a poem about Talking Kurkeys with Mr Mcshane.
Dont forget if your child isnt up to date with the sats books we need to do spag - 4, maths - 5 and reading - 4 by Monday the 11th.
Yesterday we had our ice cream party spelling bee in our class Azura won the compertion well done Azura.Hope you all have a nice week end.
From Lois and Teagan
Well this has been a busy week full of exiting challenges, we have been working on coordinates, had our very special trip to Marple Hall to see the School of Rock which was amazing !
Something we encourage the whole school to get involved with, Mr Mcshane has entered the school into a sumdog competition that starts on the 8 th of December for a week so try and get on sumdog that week.
On friday we had a very special asembly about how different cultures celebrate Christmas.
Homework this week is a little bit different as we do not have to do any homework from the grid, we need to do 30 minutes of our 10 minute busters plus our week four spellings. A big well done to Raph who won our weekly Growth mindset.
Have a great weekend everyone!
by Harriet and Scarlett
DON'T FORGET WE ARE MAKING OUR CHRISTMAS CAKES ON MONDAY ....well, that was the plan! Dear all, there seems to be a bit of a sickness bug going around, particularly with our class. In light of this we have decided to postpone our cake making - we think it is for the best! Obviously the children are a little disappointed however we promise we will get them made eventually. We will keep you posted on new dates and will send home the bowls etc. today in case you need them!!! Sorry for any inconvenience.
Comments 1Year 6 have experienced the Intofilmfestival this week, having the joy of watching Queen of Katwe, a drama set in Uganda. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and behaved ever so well in the cinema. The children have demonstarted their mature understanding with some brilliant film reviews back at school which we plan to enter into a national competition...fingers crossed!! The overwhelming message is 'see this film!'
In maths we have been looking at 'Rapa Coda Numbo' which is helping us find efficient ways of adding or subtracting, sometimes we over complicate things when there is a quick solution!!
Next week we will be visiting Marple Hall for School of Rock and the following week we are making our Christmas cakes so please start gatehring all your equipment.
Have a great weekend everyone. Homework: something from your grid, handwriting & reading, learn your spellings and keep checking those ice-cream/fruit challenges!!
Well another busy week has flown by - we have been practising for our Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd November 2017 at 9.00 am - we hope you will be able to join us (following our assembly we will be showing some photographs of our time at Robinwood).
We have also been looking at working on our division and looking at some practice SATs questions, as well as looking at some word problems related to Roman Numerals. We have also been looking at Roman Aqueducts and even went outside to see how much water we could transfer from one bucket to another just using 3 pieces of guttering - there were some very wet sleeves that day.
We have also done a practice Spelling and Grammar Test just to see how we are doing and to see what areas we need to work on.
As this week was anti-bullying week we have been writing poems and Abi, Harry and Sid performed them in our Anti-bullying assembly.
We hope if you managed to join us for our Brass Performance this afternoon that you enjoyed it.
Homework - New 10 minute maths busters have gone home Test 1 to be completed and books back in school on Monday. Something off the chart and don't forget your spellings and reading. If you have lines to learn for assembly make sure you know them off by heart. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and get plenty of rest as no doubt next week will be just as busy.
Remember we are going to the cinema on Thursday and need to leave school at 8.40 at the latest.
Today we have honoured Remembrance Day by observing two minutes silence at 11 o'clock.
Have you remembered to do your 10 minutes reading as per our reading pledge?
In numeracy we have been looking at multiplication and division especially by 10, 100 and 1000 and how this can help us when dividing by 25. We have been looking at forces in science and used weights and elastic bands to explore this. We have also been using our senses to write about a roman battlefield and really thinking about not rushing the action on before we have described each action fully.
Next week it is our last brass session and we will be putting on a short performance for parents - this will be on Friday 17th November at 2.45 pm in the school hall.
Homework - new homework grids have gone out today along with this half termly newsletter which contains some dates for your diary. New spellings are also in the books - don't just learn them for the test - use them in your writing. Ten minutes reading everyday will not only make you a better reader but also a better writer - remember to write in your reading record book.
By Libby
Welcome back. How quickly did the first half term go!? This half term we will be looking at our new topic The Romans - we have started by looking at the story of Romulus and Remus and have re-written it in our own words. We have also been looking at the history behind Bonfire night and have written some acrostic poems.
In science we are looking at Forces and how gravity and resistance are important. We have also been looking at sequences in maths and explaining the rules of different sequences and multiples and factors of numbers. For instance, what is the rule here:
4, 9, 19, 39, 79, .... What would the next number in the sequence be?
Homework: Letters have gone home today regarding our up-and-coming cinema trip so look out for them (probably crumpled at the bottom of a bag!)
Reading book responses have been a little disappointing if I am honest - remember our 20 minute pledge? A target next week is to have books and records in every day. I have sent some maths homework this week as a change from the norm and red books will be out the following week. Have a great weekend, the Year 6 team.
This week we have been up to all sorts. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we had Church Week 2017 from one activity to another (learning about stones from around the world to the journey of a banana). We just like to say thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with making Church week the best ever. In Literacy we have been looking at the poem The Highway Man. During the past few weeks we have been practising our brass and have the privilege to perform in front of the church as it is harvest festival.
Harry and Harriet
This week class 6 have been at Robinwood from Monday to Wednesday. We have had an amazing time, doing lots of great activities and having so much fun. The three groups had a go at every activity and tried their best all the time. Most of us were challenged outside our comfort zone {for the better}.
Our growth mindset this week is the whole class because the teachers couldn't choose due to our great behaviour.
On Thursday we put up a prayer tent, and wrote prayers of thanks for our awesome trip.
We have also been writing a thank you song in our brass lessons.
Homework - something off the grid - no handwriting this week. We will be checking reading records next week remember your 20 minutes pledge.
Well the children have had yet another busy week and are very excited about their trip to Robinwood next week.
This week we have continued to look at Crime and Punishment and made posters on the computers about this. We have read some more of our Class book Holes, and the story is really starting to unfold. We have also been learning more about the Five Pillars of Islam and how Muslims show committment to God. We also made flexagons to show the Holy Trinity. In maths we have been looking at subtraction and how to use it to solve problems. In literacy we have also done a recount of our Trip to Safe Squad - where we learnt how to say safe online and in the community.
Homework - their homework this week is to ensure that they pack carefully for Robinwood to ensure that they have everything they need. If they want to stand for Pupil Parliament they need to prepare for this as we will be having elections on Thursday. Also on Thursday it is outdoor learning day so if they could bring in forest school type clothing.
The 'Truth About Youth' - Character Coaching Workshops for Year 6's
Year 6 Drama/Transition Workshops - Thursday's 5.15-6.15pm,
at our Wood Workshops, Wood Street, New Mills.
Structured for those heading off to high school next September.
September seems a long time off, but we all know it will be here in a flash!
Our exclusive transition programme for Year 6's focuses on:
No matter which high school you're going to - come along and join in the fun!
Resilience, confidence, assertiveness, self-esteem, communication, making the right choices!
Thursday's term time only. Just £4/week, an affordable investment for your child's future - make the right choice!
Take Part... in the Art Ltd is a local non-profit making limited company specialising in providing confidence boosting and raising self-esteem for children and young people. By using drama activities to empower and inspire young people we can provide skills to help children flourish as human beings, allowing them to achieve their potential and live meaningfully and harmoniously in school communities with others, transferring these skills into their everyday character
This week in Year 6 we have started our class novel with Mr McShane on the I pads The One And Only Ivan. With Mrs Day we started drawing our own impression of Camp Green Lake from Mrs Day’s class novel Holes. In maths we have been rounding numbers from decimals to millions. In English we started a sociagram of everyone and everything Stanley Yelnats has come across in our class novel Holes .In RE we have been learning about Muslims, Islam and the Five Pillars ; SHAHADAH , SALAH , ZAKAH , SAWM , HAJJ. We have also started little segment of our work on spag.com with a test. On Monday with Day we finished of our wonderful self-portraits by painting them.
Well done to Scarlett for going on Sumdog and winning Year 6 another ping pong ball with her 95% accuracy and also a big well done to Abigale for getting Year 6’s star person award
Harry and Olivia.
Another busy week in Year 6.
Firstly can we say a thank you to all the parents who attended our morning, it was lovely to see meet you all and I hope it was nice to see your children in action. Don't forget the Robinwood and SATs parents meeting at 3pm on Monday 18th (or a repeated version at 6pm the same day).
In maths we have been looking at place value and in art we have been trying to finish our self portraits. In Literacy we have created some descriptive settings set around our new novel - Holes and our Brass lessons have also started this week.
Homework books, grids, spellings have all gone out (including an optional long-term project) and we hope this current class will put in the required time and effort to blow our socks off! Any problems let us know rather than worry about it.
We have had a short but amazing week packed with fun activities. Thank you to our amazing teachers Mr. McShane & Miss Day. We also want to thank Mrs. Pratt for making sure that everything was ship shape. Well done to Kieran for settling in so well and earning growth mindset. With Miss Day we made egg safty boxes to see if an egg can survive being droped from the height of a chair with an adult standing on top of it. In maths we had a snowball fight with paper. Rounding can be fun. P.E. is on Fridays and please bring your pe kits and letters for brass (will be handed out today ) because we are starting 15th September. Remember to read for 20 mins a day. We are doing 10 mins in school. by Naomi and Libby
A great start to life in Year 6, they have settled quickly and confidently. The class showed a mature response to our NSPCC workshop and both Miss.Day and I are excited to see what the year brings. Mr.McShane
Class 6 have had a very active, sporty week with crazy golf, Frisbee, the Y6 multiskills challenges, Tag Rugby and Forest Schools. We loved Forest Schools because it was our last time and we made houses for elves and supermarkets! Y6’s play is coming along well and everyone is getting to learn all their lines. Please keep up practising your routines and dances from the Y6 blog video clips.
Have a nice weekend- it is meant to be a little bit sunny!
By Beanie (Sabina)
The week started with an interesting visit from Marple Hall's head of year, called Mrs. Lyndon. And in the afternoon we did a Christian Transition project which gave us amazing advice for secondary school.
Throughout the week we were drafting our running writing about Kathy Freemon, who is an Australian runner and also produced part of a story on Alma, a slightly creepy story about a look-a-like doll.
Active week next week, including Forest School so make sure you have all of your correct kit!
By Jake and Adam L
Rehearsals have been going well this week and in between I have been mightly impressed by some of the writing that has been produced. Sam was our star writer this week for his LURVVEE letter! We ended the week with a great lesson of water polo
Homework is back! One item off your grid due in each Wednesday, I expect a high standard.
This week after 2 weeks off, we were very excited to be back at school!
We got our Marple Hall books which made us ready for high school! We have been doing some creative writing about 'The Lost Thing'.
We have been practising for our end of year production, showing the class our amazing dance moves!
On Thursday we started planning Lurvee letters and thinking of ways we could express our love to the one love of our life!
We started Friday morning watching Class 2's assembly and wrote the first draft of our lurvee letter.
We hope you have a cool weekend and see you next week from Zane and Adam G
Well what a week we have had.
It started with the introduction of Twelfth Night and what a complicated plot it has, we have started to make story planners so that we can retell this complex misadventure.
In literacy we have been looking at writing a setting description about a storm.
In maths we have been looking at cereal boxes and working out a variety of different calculations about volume and the nutritional information of the cereal.
On Wednesday we celebrated fininishing show off week by having a "Pig out Party", how much sugar can one class consume! We played lots of team games and tried the balancing challenge.
On Thursday we went to Decathlon where we learnt lots about the store and did a range of games such as blind folded football, table tennis, basketball, archery, badminton and running. We were also very lucky enough to go to The Royal Exchange in Manchester where we watched an amazing show - Twelfth Night - we have also written reviews about the show.
They came, we saw, we conquered!
This week has summed up All Saints' spirit. The children have faced the government's assessments with calm heads and a resilient attitude. The questions were tough but the children were not fazed. They were as well prepared as they could have been and a thanks must go to all staff members who have supported them along the way. We have enjoyed the end of this week with plenty of fresh air and well deserved fun in the sun. We even started our swimming today to cool off a hot week.
I am so very proud of each and every one of you.
Next week is exciting with our Decathlon sports morning followed by our theatre trip to see Twelfth Night (Thursday 18th).
I wouldn't do that to you!!!
Class 6 have been coming in early everyday at 8:15, revising for Show of Week (apart from our much appreciated holiday ).
Recently Class 6 have writing our own prayer to get us through the upcoming tests (SAT's), It will help us to keep positive through some tricky times
*Dear Lord,
Triumph and failure, remind us to keep a balance, Help us recognise that we are capable of anything, Assist us to keep our marbles, Aid us to not rush, Wash away our doubt and stress, Guide us to success
With some important tests coming our way, Mr.Mcshane has treated us with some test in the Hall: SPAG (our favourite!), Maths and English. As well as having our secret papers to guide us to success, The tricks behing the cunning Ministry Of Maths (they make our papers).
Not everyhting was tests as Class 6 went on a shopping trip around the playground, with hidden money (Dont worry Radin hasn't stole any of it) Please keep in mind :The money was fake...
A new small reading book was introduced to us The Highwayman; A tragic love story of Bess and the Highwayman (A love triangle with Tim aswell), Sounds a bit like Shakespear hmmmmmmm..
Class 6 has also been told about our upcoming trip to the Royal Exchgange Theatre (It's going to be AMAZING)
Have a lovely weekend, There is going to be sun (I checked the weather forecast, when I got bored...)
From Me (Beany, or Sabina?? Or a secret angent bom bom bomm)
From Mr.McSHane: Well, an interesting blog Sabina!
Have a relaxing weekend Year 6, no need to stress. Get out in the sun, read a book, stay calm, get plenty of rest! You are more than ready to show-off and I could not be any prouder of your efforts. I think secretly you are all looking forward to defeating The Ministry of Maths and the like!
We have been looking at our New Topic, Stones and bones - last week we made our own fossils out of clay and Plaster of Paris and this week we wrote about how they were formed, we also completed a dinosaur fossil jigsaw.
We have looked at relative clauses in Literacy and have now finished our class novel "The one and only Ivan".
On Wednesday we did a Maths test in the Hall and we were extemely pleased with the results, everyone tried their very best and worked all the way to the end, showing amazing resilience. After that Mrs Silcock designed an orienteering course around the school field.
We have looked at the properties of polygons and circle related words.
This morning was quite emotional as we said farewell to Mrs Morton, and even during this assembly Mr McShane made us do a spelling test!
Reading paper to be brought back on Tuesday 2nd May - we will be marking it in class.
Year 6 went to the rhythm and the beat this week as we experienced some African drumming.
We also had our African clay masks return form the kiln and are very happy with the results.
We were proud of our short Easter skit in church this week: we have some confident actors in our ranks.
In literacy we have produced balanced arguments about gorillas in captivity and have got to grips with writing as The One and Only Ivan. It has been nice to see Mrs.Silcock getting to know the children before she starts with us officially.
It was lovely to end the term with our Always Child event, Achievement Assembly and the Veterans raffle for which Year 6 were actively involved in organising.
***If you log into DB you will find a brilliant video created by SS from our Robin Wood Trip earlier in the year. You will find it in the Gallery section.***
Do not do too much work or eat too many chocolate eggs over the Easter break! Have a safe, happy and relaxing break.
*To keep your brains ticking over I have sent home some revision papers to have a go at. Reading and maths. I would really like the maths papers marked (you have the answer booklets). Do not stress or worry about them.
Year 6 flew through the week and did amazing activities like cooking and mask making and during the week we had some petrifying parents meetings.
We started the week off with making an African dish, which is called Jollof Rice, and it had loads of wonderful ingredients. Most people quoted that it was quite hot and spice, but lovely.
In maths we did some equation work doing some really hard algebra. One group went with Mr. Mcshane to do some domino work and finding out what the letter n was and the other group just did the dominoes.
Last Friday Class 6 made some fantastic looking African masks and on Thursday we painted a glaze on them so when they come out of the scorching kiln they will possibly be a different colour.
Throughout the week we practised our Easter play, which was about the Pharisees being offended by Jesus saying that he was the son of God, so they crucified him on a cross. The service is at 1:45 on Tuesday - we would love you to attend.
Owen & Adam
From Mr.Mcshane:
If you have lines to learn then do just that!
You have a maths paper to work through and also your new spelling list.
Thank you to all the parents for attending this weeks meetings. All the support you have given so far this year has been appreciated and is paying dividends for the children. Have a lovely weekend...only five more get-ups!
On Monday, we learnt all about food miles and how far the food has travelled from different countries around the world. We converted miles into kilometres. We created a plan for our balanced argument. Our argument was should animals be kept in zoos?
Tuesday we designed our masks and made them symmetrical in our maths. Mrs Beardwood was doing 40 days of thanksgiving and on the fifteenth day she had to give chocolate to somebody she would see, luckily for us it was us that she was going to see so we all got chocolate off her. Thank you so much we really appreciated it.
In R.E. we learnt what all the symbols were, here are a few examples the anchor, the fish, Chi Rho and the equilateral triangle. We started Netball in P.E. and we will be doing it for a few weeks.
Yesterday we wrote up our balanced argument. We did our Ice-cream challenge which was to times by 10,100 and 1000, we carried on reading the One And Only Ivan.
Today we made our African masks and hopefully Mr.McShane can take them off to the kiln to be fired. We have carried on Netball in P.E.
Well Done Louis for getting best book, Adam G for getting most improved, Olivia J for getting growth mindset and Matthew for getting Star Writer.
Remember reading papers in on Tuesday. Please can people try and buy some raffle tickets to raise money for the war veterans.
by Matthew
You have a reading paper to tackle. Give it a good go! Deadline Tuesday - no panicking please. We WILL be cooking next week, we didn't quite manage it today due to the brilliant clay work. Have a lovely weekend. Mr.McShane
This week Year 6 have done some interesting things! Our class have been carrying on with the One and only Ivan - which is a bit frightening. Also we have been trying to separate different materials including: sand, marbles, paperclips, salt, water and dirt. The whole class have all been to the always child event, with nobody in the behaviour book in three weeks!!! That is spectacular!!! Things have gone a bit creepy with solving a mysterious murder in maths which needed detailed line graphs of the suspect and the victims's pulse rates. Have a great weekend!!! By Louis.
Homework: I have sent home our first offical revision papers (an arithmetic paper due in on Monday). The red book homework is now optional as we start to revise. Have a lovely weekend. Mr.McShane
This week has been packed full of fun activities, the highlight being World Book Day, on which many people dressed colourfully and uniquely as charcters from their favourite books. In Year Six we had a Death and Binky (Terry Pratchett's Discworld series), Gangsta Granny (David Walliams' book of the same name), Bambi (from Bambi) and Jack Fletcher (from Chris Bradford's Young Samurai series).
With Pancake day taking place this week, we had a very tasty and energetic day. Class 6 were treated to a race in the playground. Not just a normal race, a pancake race. With pans and pancakes and some eager children, we all raced to the finish line. Some pancakes didn't quite make it back, but at least the ducks had a tasty feast.
For Mr.Mcshane the pancake race wasn't enough, he wanted to see all of class 6's really talented dance moves. Between each question and answer of a comprehension, he wanted us to dance. I'm sure he learnt a few skills from us, as he is a 'very talented' dancer. By the end we were all exhausted, but it's better than sitting down all day!
This week we learnt about the Benin Empire, searching for it on Google Maps. We searched 'Benin City', and it turned out to not even be in Benin! In fact, Benin is a country in Africa, while Benin City is in Nigeria! How's that?
We also watched a short cartoon (Zahra) of a girl who was trying desperately to water a dying tree. Eventually she passed out from exhaustion, a single drop of sweat dripping from her brow. Suddenly and magically, the tree sprang up, its leaves purple, and shaded the unconscious girl.
From Wilf and Sabina
This week has been another busy one and the children are managing to get through the never ending list of activities. Thank you to all the parents who visited us on Thursday morning and saw the children in their natural habitat!
Parents evening letters have gone home also - thank you to those who have already returned them.
I have attached a new newsletter and homework grid for the term. This week I would like you to focus on something from your grid together with plenty of reading please!
Have an awesome weekend.
This week class 6 have classified different animals and we put them in to groups of our own, Classification (on monday.) On Tuesday we were given facts about a botanist called Carl Linnaeus who founded classification. Half the class did Forest School whilst the rest were working on co-ordinates and had some visitors from Japan. In maths we have also been looking at rotation, translation and reflection of shapes. On Wednesday we continued writing our 500 word story and in R.E we discussed whether anybody can enter heaven. Yesterday we drew and labelled our own food chains ensuring we used the correct vocabulary, ie omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, prey, predator, consumer and producer. Today we have been finishing our 500 word stories and they have been uploaded for the competition., and our growth mindset was Paige for brilliant manners and star writer was Ben for the start of his 500 word story.
Enjoy the holidays, you have your 10 minute busters, and remember 10 merits and 10 raffle tickets for each one that is completed. A new sumdog competition starts next week so lets win this one.
This week class 6 has been up to lots of different things! We did some assessments (yawn) even practising in the hall ready for our end of year. Also group 2 have been doing some crafty creation with some free-standing stick shelters at forest schools. We have also started to look at the different layers of the rainforest and done some artwork to go with this using both watercolours and brusho. This week we have also been looking at internet safety and how important it is to keep safe online. We are still trying to earn extra money to spend on something good for the class.
From the children
From Mr.McShane
The children have worked incredibly hard during their assessment week and they should be very proud. I can't ask for any more - the attitude is spot on! Revision club is definitely paying off for . Many children will have clearer targets on where to improve and I can trust them to do just that. Spelling remains high on our list of areas that could be even stronger...it is crucial children know ALL the words from the Year 5/6 spelling list (found in doc below)
Homework: spelling next week will be in the form of a spelling bee! Learn the set weeks spelling but ALSO revise the rest of the spellings from the term and we will compete to see what we have remembered.
Class 6 have put blood, sweat and tears of effort into everything this week. One activity saw us speeding down to Marple Hall like bullets to watch everybody's favourite musical... High School Musical! There were no scenes (unlike in the film) that gave you goosebumps because of the pure cringe, in fact nearly everybody watching thought the play was better [than the film]. Students were doing somersaults and backflips, awesome acting and spectacular singing, with cool paintings in the background saying 'Wild Cats!'.
We received a letter from Miss Chris Alice asking us how she could get rid of all the 'horrible' butterflies in her garden. In our replies we detailed, using our extensive knowledge of the beautiful creatures, how butterflies in fact add a great deal to your garden, helping keep it alive and kicking. We now anxiously await replies...
This week's blog was written by Sam, Adam and Wilf, and edited by the latter.
Something from your grid AND the Sumdog challenge (you have a target on that leader-board!) and your comprehension book.
PLEASE bring in a 1L or 2L bottle next week for a science investigation. Have a lovely weekend.
Year 6 have saved Mr. McShane this week! It's a long story, but involves a beautiful bunch of flowers for Mrs. McShane that were used for a science lesson and then, when marking books late into the night, a huge blue ink stained appeared on his sofa! (both true stories)
Year 6 wrote some excellent letters to try and get him forgiven and thankfully, due to the excellent language and persuasive nature, proving that the dissection of the flowers was worth it all was fine in the end!! The children learned all the parts and their functions and managed to include much of the technical vocab in their letters.
Our star writer of the week Zane managed to make Mrs. McShane laugh with this impressive letter ...and I quote 'we can understand the sadness of broken promises and we can relate to the grumpiness of your husband.'
Year 6 have planted an array of seeds after learning all about dispersal, shaking pepper-pot type heads (such as poppy) and looking at animal dispersal. We hope they will grow as there are many varieties we could possible eat.
In discovery the difficult question of what will/won;t last forever was posed and in Literacy children continued their 500 word story plans as well as working out percentages in maths - stretching to 12.5%, 1/3 = 0.33 recurring and many more tricky ones. Top tip is to find 10% first and work from there.
Forest School next week for Group 2 starts on Tuesday afternoon - please remember your kits.
On Wednesday we have been invited to Marple High School to see a show - letters have gone home.
Something from your grid, weekly spellings, think about your story and READING! Remember, if all books come in with a comment in the record then your class budget increases on Monday.
Firstly a massive pat on the back for your maths this week ...you have been rocking remainders! I have been over-the-moon with how resilient you have been, dividing with decimals and turning the remainders into decimal fractions - AWESOME!
It has been so pleasing to see so many children attend revision club (now open for business three days a week; Tue, Wed and Thurs @ 8:15am) this shows how determined and interested you are in your own learning. Brilliant attitude.
You have used email for your Rainforest comprehension and proved you can research well with your Atlas and online map work in Geography.
We have created our Jigsaw/Circles targets for the coming weeks and had to time to read and respond to The Great Kapok Tree! Busy, busy, busy!!!!
It was lovely to spend a session on Friday with our Always Children...there were some funky dance moves in Year 6 as well as many other great activities through school. Well done to all involved.
YBible class winner was Sabina; it was a tough competition with some beautiful and meaningful designs.
Something form your grid and your new spellings. Aim to go on Sumdog or DB if possible. Please try to collect some empty drinks bottles for an up-and-coming science investigation (1 or 2 litre plastic bottles would be best). Have a lovely weekend.
What a great start to 2017. Fully recharged and raring to go after a lovely christmas break Year 6 have been letting the creative juices flow in our poetry WOW week. We worked with poet Ian Bland to create some fun poems; Marple Hall drama depratment to work on our performances; started to design our YBible posters; studied a range of poems before creating our own brilliant ones in class.
We ended the week (on a snowy Friday) with a SLAM poetry performance.
New homework books and spellings have been handed out along with the new newsletter for the term.
Reading books and records are due in each day next week.
On Monday we went up to church to practice our Christmas service, Reception did there nativity and the choir sung a beautifiul song, we did some maths for our ice cream party. In the afternoon we iced our wonderful Christmas Cakes, they all looked amazing and Mrs Morton picked three for prizes, the winners were Fern, Ben and Beany. Tuesday in the morning we went up to church again to practice, also in the afternoon we had our Christmas party which included our ice cream party, played some games, and watched a movie before we went down to the hall. On Wednesday we performed in our amazing Church Service, well done to everyone. Today we had our achievement assembly where we received our attendance and behaviour awards. Well done to Madison who won our Always Achievers Award. Olivia P
Don't forget if you are in the first Forest School Group it is the first day back.
There will be no revision club on Tuesday 10th January, 2017
Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the thoughtful gifts - Mr McShane, Miss Aboo and Mrs Pratt
This week class 6 have had a very action packed week.
To start class 1 and 2 had performed their nativity; Lights, Camel, Action. Dancing, singing and judging was all included in this Strictly nativity. We all LOVED it!! We made a colourful nativity wheel about Jesus and will give them to Uganda. Two guests came to tell us about Jesus and how he was a special child. With games of MythBusters and Guessing the present, we all learned a lot more about Jesus and his story. Did you Know that the three wise men had a dream that told them to not return to Nazareth. On one amazing day (Friday) we made some yummy christmas cakes. With lots of cooking and baking, Class 6 had a blast. We hope they all turn out well. Well done Radin BEANY (me) for winning growth mindset, and Olivia.P for winning star writer!
-written by Beany and RADIN
This week we did: An amazing year 5 and 6 assembly (WW2 -WW1) the parents loved it; in maths one of the most amazing things was the fun card games we played. A group of boys and girls got to make delicious Christmas cakes (available at the Christmas fair). We also made some propaganda posters and created some detailed writing, here is a sample of our class piece created together:
Gerald's eyes danced with laughter as he opened the present. His stomach floated with fluttering butterflies. Lovingly, he cherished the gift hobby horse. It had: a smooth, lacquered, mahogany head; a long, flowing mane and a silky saddle.
Growth mindset winner was Sam (largely for milking his illness all week and playing for the sympathy vote ) and our star writers were Sabina and Evie G. Well done to you all.
by Lewis and Sam.
Homework: Something from your grid, handwriting, spelling week 5 and your reading 10 minute buster.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Year 6 excelled themselves this week with their behaviour and attitude when we were visited by local veterans as part of our war topic. Humbled to put it mildly, the children were gripped by the stories of war and the sharing of true memorabilia. We shared tea and cake that the children made earlier in the day and sang a war song to show how much we respected their efforts all those years ago. It was a moving afternoon for all involved and something I hope the children will remember for a long time. Added to this Year 6 have been working hard on some recount writing and starting to put things in place for a class assembly next week (Wednesday 9am!). In maths we have been busy looking at the area and perimeter of compound shapes and even triangles and trapeziums as we designed our own army barracks. We also started on our new class novel, Oranges In No Man's Land, which is gripping.
Star Writer this week was Libby and Growth Mindset winner was Otis - CONGRATULATIONS!
Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.
Homework: Something from your grid - including handwriting - and reading. Feel free to dip into your ten minute buster books.
On Monday Class 6 started our assesment week with an arithmatic test, "to be fair it was a quite hard". On Tuesday as a treat we went to the cinema to watch the Jungle Book in 3D and most of us felt sick afterwards because of all the sweets. (we did some wonderful creative writing to go with our visit). Also we had our last afternoon on our trench 3D models. Wednesday was the day we did our second maths test which was easier than the arithmatic. On Thursday we did a reading test that used to be a SATS paper. Class 6 were overjoyed to hear it was Friday and we only had one maths test left also most of us were exited for the army PE session "DROP DOWN GIVE ME 20!"
Our Growth Mindset was Adam L and MIkey for showing great relationships.
Spellings week 4, something from your grid, reading and perhaps Spag.com or Sumdog if you are feeling studious.
This week, class 6 have started making our terrific trench models. With the trench models taking shape, and the floor looking like its christmas (mountains of polystyrene and modroc dust.) Class 6 have had a very energetic lesson on Monday, as shocked as you maybe, we had a BOTTLE FLIPPING LESSON! Learning about mean averages and mass.
On Tuesday the class was looking very empty due to Wilf and Sam going to an exciting writing day. As well as Fern, Olivia.P, Olivia.J and lizzie going to an amazing Girl Sports Day.
A maths contest has also started on sumdog, so try and get on it as much as you can, because we NEED TO WIN!
This week Paige was nominated to be growth mindset, because she did extra homwroek and was a great team-mate. Evie was chosen to be STAR WRITER , due to her making a very creative monolouge about thw world war suviver.
writen Sabina, Libby and Evie x
Homework: Something from your grid, plenty of reading and spellings! How we are you getting on with your long term projects?
We've had an amazing week this week, with our wonderful war topic (Your country needs you!) We have all written a newspaper report about world war1and how it started.
In maths we've been learning all about fractions and solving fraction word problem to unlock the magic mints!(Or sweets)
On Friday we strolled into Marple Memorial park for our 2 minute silence with year 5, while answering war related questions.
Earlier on this week we got into our trench teams and we have started to plan and design our trenches.
Growth mindset this week is Wilf, and star writer this week is Mickey well done
written by Madison.D and Evie.G
It was wonderful to have such a great turnout at our first revision club. More than 20 eager-beavers showed up on Tuesday; I wonder if we will have that many next week?
A massive well done for your impeccable behaviour when visiting the War memorial today - I was so proud and we received some lovely comments from members of the public.
Something from your grid, spelling week 2 and continue reading.
If you need to collect any materials for your WW1 trenches then please start gathering.
Year Six have had an incredible week and have shown a maturity as we delve into our new topic of war.
Highlights have included fraction addition and subtraction, code breaking, concrete and abstract nouns and a video about World War One Wee Wee!
We have been trying to look at the complicated causes of World War One and what were the trigger points to such a devasting conflict.
New homework grids have been handed out and the class newsletter is also on the website with a few importnat dates for your diary including revision club which starts on Tuesday at 8:15am.
Homework: something from your grid, spellings to learn, reading and SUMDOG!
On Monday morning class 6 used burger buns to plan thank you letters to Robinwood, and in the afternoon we went up to an action packed Church week. Some of the activities were silent language and the toilet roll race!
Tuesday was a great day due to us writting our thank you letter drafts in our literacy books. After lunch we strolled up to church again to do more amazing activities about God.
On Wednesday class 6 wrote our last and best copies of our thank you letters to Robinwood. This was our last day of Church week apart from our Harvest Festival.
On Thursday we did not go to Church, however we finished our thank you letters and made our own personal shields. We laucnched our rockets, most of them flew well, however, there were one or two that didn't fly too well. We also welcomed our families into the class to show a few of the Robinwood photos and share some of our favourite memories.
Today is Friday and we have done spelling tests and a shape test. After playtime/ lunch we will go to the church and do our Harvest Festival and we will be playing The Grand old Duke of York on our brass instruments.
From Adam L and Olivia P
There is no homework over the holidays, but remember to keep reading.
Enjoy the break and make sure you keep yourself safe.
Class 6 Team
This week Class 6 have been to Robinwood and have had a brilliant time.There has been tears of laughter and a few of sadness. We have all worked together as a team to ensure that everyone enjoyed the experience. The staff were amazing and so was the food. A cooked breakfast set us up for the very busy day ahead, 12 hours of non stop excitement. My favourite activity was the Zipwire because at the end we played a game and it was the first person to land on the red mark and you had to say "1, 2, 3 try not to wee" Paige. My favourite was the Trapeze because we all had a go and even Mr McShane and Miss Aboo did it. Madison.
Thank you to our parents for letting us go on this amazing adventure, we will have such fantastic memories from Robinwood. It has been the best experience in Primary School.
Everyone should be very proud of themselves as we all gave it a go and tried our very best even if we were a little bit frightened.
This week the whole class has won growth mindset for their very positive attitude.
Paige and Madison
Homework this week is Spelling list 4, handwriting and something off the grid. Keep on reading and don't forget it is Chuch Week next week, please remember your coat.
What an amazing time the children had at Robinwood, thank you so much for letting them go. We all thoroughly enjoyed seeing them grow and conquer their fears and their behaviour was exemplary, they made everyone so proud. It was also noted by the Robinwood staff what lovely manners the childen had.
Enjoy the weekend
The Class 6 Team
This week has been very difficult because in maths, we learnt about 2d and 3d shapes and their properties and the definitions of the following words - quadrilaterals, faces, polygon, irregular, regular, parallel and perpendicular. We have written and filmed news reports about Jupiter and Juno. We have learned about how Muslims show committment to their faith. We have also had circle time about Robinwood so we know what to expect and so we could ask any questions we might have.
Children need to be at school at the normal time on Monday wearing their outdoor clothes, shoes suitable for walking up the hill and a waterproof coat. They do not need a packed lunch as we will be having lunch shortly after arriving at the centre. If you have lost your kit list there is a copy on the website on the Class 6 page. We will be leaving at approx 9.30 am. On Wednesday we will return to school at approximately 4.00 pm, but school will send out a text informing you of our due arrival time.
Please remember children are not allowed to bring any electrical devices ie phones, digital cameras, but can bring a disposable camera labelled with their name. Tuckshop money is limited to £2.00 and should be in a labelled envelope, which needs to be given to a member of staff on arrival at school. Please ensure any medications are labelled and have clear dosage instructions.
There is no homework this week just make sure you have packed everything you need for Robinwood and keep reading.
Mrs Pratt
This week in year six our primary mathematics foci have been rounding and addition; we did some super-hard decimal rounding earlier in the week, moving on to addition (namely our primary written method, column addition) later.
In literacy, we have been drafting and writing out letters from a character in our class book to his mother, telling her the plan of a dangerous undertaking which the character is going to...er... undertake. We have also been looking at the many wonderful varieties of Alan Peat sentences vis a vis our main work.
This week's P.E sessions have been cricket based, with the class attempting to hit some whickets in an exciting bowling competition on Wednesday.
This week's growth mindset is Adam G.
Huge congratulations to Mr Mcshane, who is now a father! The baby was born on Thursday 29th, and is a boy. We do not yet know his name, or even if Baby Mcshane has been named yet, but we are waiting excitedly for further updates.
Written by Wilf
Firstly, we would like to say a massive thank you to everybody who came in for open morning, we much appreciate it. Class 6 are improving our art skills with incredible clay aliens, and some very creative artists have been brought to light by this. To start the week off we looked at the size difference between the Sun, Earth and moon. On Tuesday we played a different version of Million Pound Drop but with characters from Aquila. On Wednesday we were testing our knowledge of Aquila with a ven diagram. Thursday was the best day of the week as we did a fizzy tablet experiment. We found out that if you put cold water into an old film canister and put an Alka-Seltzer tablet inside the film canister it would leap into the air due to pressure. Finally on fabulous Friday we had an amazing time doing brass with Miss Mallas and P.E with Mr. G!
Written by Madison and Evie T
From Mr.McShane:
Thank you so much for great homework this week, some of you are really pushing to go beyond the minimum and extend yourselves (big pat on the back). This week I challenge you to choose something new from your grid, work on week 2 spellings and finally your handwriting.
We are still collecting bottles for our water rockets and you still have time to work on your long term project ( a 3D space related model - alien, rocket, UFO, astronaut etc).
Have a lovely weekend.
What an amazing week for year 6! We've had our thinking caps on all week, especially in maths, learning huge numbers such as... 4,202,003,270,446,022,479,546 and 9,364,892,134,429,750,624,810 (easy). Sadly, Mrs Morton was not able to inform us as to the names of these numbers.
Our displays are already bright with HULK SMASH on one and SPIDER MAN on the other and filled with our amazing shool council posters. We have also welcomed our new friend Fern =^-^= who was our first growth mindset in year 6. Well done Fern!
Pleased, impressed and shocked, Mr Mcshane loved our first big write about the amazing planet Pandora. We have also hung up some of our outstanding artwork.
Written by Maddie, Madison and Adam
New homework books, new spellings, new reading books - everything you need to keep improving. Please see attachments on the Year 6 page for homework grids, newsletters, spellings, Robinwood kit list etc.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the SATs & Robinwood meeting on Thursday, I hope it was useful - if a little hot!
The first week we have spent in year 6 has been International Week. From counting in Japanese to Tai Chi excersises, our week in year 6 has been action packed. In our special assemblies, we met a Polish woman, a Chinese woman and an Indian woman. In addition to this, Mikey Currie's parents came in to tell us all about Japan, having lived their in the past. We made incredible Rakhi bracelets to symbolise a new, fresh start. We also read and finished a short (yet funny) novel called Flat Stanley's Safari Discovery.
By Sabina and Olivia J
Welcome to Year 6, Superhero Headquarters!
Mr.McShane, Mrs. Pratt and Miss. Aboo look forward to a brilliant year.
Well then, it's official, All Saint's Year 6 2016 have left us!
They go out on a massive high though, and possibly rather wet after our water fight today!
Our production of Midsummer Night's Dream this week was awesome...I was so proud to watch you all grow in confidence in front of two jam-packed audiences, brilliant! You have all been amazing students and will no doubt go onto great things at High School and beyond.
I know we had a few tears today (I had an eyelash caught that's all) and it is sad to say goodbye but I hope you all keep us updated with the gossip and what stars you are growing into.
Can I say a huge thank you for all my lovely gifts, I have been spoilt and am humbled by your generosity. Good luck everyone and cheerio Year 6 2016!
This week class 6 have been rehearsing our play for the end of the year and have been completing our books and finishing our midsummer poems that we have been writing. We also have been working hard in maths for our ice cream party and class 6 have worked so hard this year in All Saints that they are getting a special end of year treat which is ordering pizzas and having a fun swim and maybe going to the park. We have been creating props and decorations for the midsummer play on Wednesday 27th July. All in all class 6 have worked really hard as they always do and deserve a special treat.
This week has been action packed, full of fun activities from rehearsing our play (Which is on 27th July at 9:30am and 6:00pm) to our exciting fun swim. On Wednesday we were taught by Mrs.Eva and we got a text message from God!! We also started to paint homemade modroc masks. On Thursday we made a popart picture using an app called pop art for our topic books. Also on Thursday we made a word collage which looked really good and fun ,this week we also finished are noval and did probably the most funniest bigwrite ever we got to creatively draw and do little 3d pecies of work to go with review (we did it in Bradleys point of view.)written by lucy.a and zara-lily.
On Friday we had our fun swim...awesome!
Keep looking for costumes and suitable props and something from your grid.
A hectic week in which two major things happened. Firstly, we were very proud of each and every child when our SATs results came back. The government results aren't the easiest things to explain this year so I held small meetings with the children and did my best to say how well they did and what the results mean. We couldn't have asked for any more and the children did themselves proud on what was the toughest SATs week every seen!
Most Year 6's also experienced high school for the first time - Where has the time gone?
We also used our blog this week to try some creative writing and have had our last proper swimming lesson - next Friday is our fun swim, a full hour with inflatables, kindly paid for by the Parents Association.
Some examples of our brilliant descriptive writing (to read more ask your child to log into our class page and look at the forum!
(By TH) ...Lightning hissed in the distance; the corrosive squawk of crows filled the dense mist that lingered in the air. Crimson leaves meandered through the air before softly sleeping on arid ground. Ominously, the harbingers of death circled in a cyclone of feathers, the macabre stench of decaying flesh slowly withered away the plants and animals. Oberon the King of the shadows watched his doing from afar, the orphan boy wreathed aggressively in his cage of thorns, his clothes thick with dirt, his eyes burnt by his salty tears, his wrists and ankles bruised by the metal chains around them.
(By SS)...The night was as dark as coal, and the thunder was as loud as a lion. The trees were gnarled and twisted an their limbs lay crumpled on the floor. The wicked tall trees were like vivid, pixie green umbrellas swaying in the wind. Titania stumbled through the thick mist looking for her despicable husband, meanwhile he waited for her by the Amber orange tree. She followed the path that used to be there 100 years ago that led to the orange tree. When she got there she was greeted by a familiar face. "I met by moonlight proud Titania" he spoke with a wispy, evil voice.
Due to swimming on Friday and the setting up for the Summer fair we forgot to hand out homework books! Some will see this as a blessing I am sure. Please read and read well and try to get onto Sumdog and DB Primary and work on your costume and lines for the play.
This week has been a very busy week, we have done lots of things! Including French day: we had a delicious cafe on monday providing lots of appetizing French food. From years 4,5 and 6 we produced an amazing singing concert for our parents, we practised this in only 10 sessions!
We did two big writes to improve our handwriting, one with a supply teacher and the other with the 'magnificent' Mr.McShane.
We look forward to the next few weeks where we will produce an end of year production that we have been rehearsing a lot this week!
By Harvey and Charlie .
You have spellings to learn, handwriting to master and something from your grid. Please don't let the standard slip at this stage in the year. Keep learning your lines.
Next Monday, some of you will be taking on the role of sous-chef in the school kitchen so please bring an apron. Also, many of you will have a transition day to your new high school on Thursday- check your details, any concerns just ask (don't wear your hoodies at High School please! )
Running, jumping, throwing; this very exhausting week has been known as active week! We've been up to all sorts of exciting things such as: Scootering, martial arts, taking part in sports day and much more. Year 6 organised an obsticle course around the school field for the whole school to get involved in, a couple of people from the class each hosted an activity. This year we were extreamly lucky to be able to use an inflatible obsticle course (this was mostly everyones highlight of the day!). As we are learning all about the USA, we have carefully planned and created our very own huge, healthy burgers containing tomato, cheese ect. The burgers were delicious; however, it was very tricky to fit them into our mouths! Sports day 2016, year 6's very last sports day at All Saints, fortunately for us the sun was beaming, everyone had a fantastic day and showed great teamwork skills. -Poppy
This year, as you may well be aware, has been unusual for Years 2 and 6 regarding assessment. Many things have changed and continue to do so, it has created a year of unclear targets and data, hitting the news headlines many times.
At All Saints' we have carried on teaching rather than get too bogged down in how these results might be published at the end of a school year. From 2016, National Curriculum levels in Year 2 and 6 have been abolished. Instead, children will be given scaled SATs scores. This is used to show whether the child has achieved the national standard for that subject. The scaled score needed to achieve the national standard has yet to be announce? (which really isn't too helpful!). What both classes are aware of only too well is that the National Curriculum standard is challenging and that the tests were the most demanding we have ever seen.
What will your child's result look like and what will this mean? Until we see it for ourselves we aren't too sure but you will receive some results, which will tell you something, but your teacher report will likely tell you so much more!
Class 6 have had a fantastic week back and have allready completed a big write (a looovve letter)! Also everyone have been working extremely hard during rehearsals for our secretive end of year play!
We are all very excited about active week due to the fact we have been designing healthy American burgers to make on the first day (20th of June) it would be healpfull if you could provide the toppings that your child hase decided on.
For active week could your child please come in sporty clothes all next week because of active week.
By Miriam and Joe
homework: something off your new grid, spellings and handwriting - back to reality now guys!
This week year 6 have written two balanced arguments in literacy (one about bringing back extincted woolly mammoths) Well done to Flo and Sophie for getting star backed books and well done to Miriam for getting growth mindset. Also we played an adaptaion game about animals.
We have had auditions and we have been given our parts to learn over the holidays. We have also started to learn the dances for our end of year production.
By Pippa and Lucy.q
Learn your lines and perhaps have a go at the dances we have put on DB Primary (I promise I'll try and learn them too!). Ensure you have a wonderful rest and keep on reading over he holidays.
This week we have been concentrating on our writing, we have wrote diary entries as Bradley, the main character in our class book. We have also written rants on a subject of our choice, (from SATs to Disney!). We have also looked at how Jeff in our book has changed as the story has developed. He has changed from a shy, quiet, honest boy to someone who you wouldn't chose as a friend.
In topic we have been looking at the theory of evolution and how animals adapt to their habitit. We now know how fossils are created and have had a go at making our own. We have also been learning the days of the week and months of the year in french. Do you know how to pronounce your birthday month in French?
No homework as such this week, just remember to keep reading.
Well what a week, you should all be extremely proud of yourselves. You have all worked incredibly hard and really deserved your Pig Out Party this afternoon (you chose some really random face paint designs! ). Thank you to the parents and carers who supplied the drinks and snacks, they were yummy and appreciated by all.
Every single one of you had a positive attitude and resilient mindset during our 'Show Off' week and every member of school staff (and I'm sure your parents) couldn't be any prouder of you. Without a doubt it was mentally tough but you did your very best and kept smiling.
We have also been involved in two sporting competitions at Rosehill School; netball last night and rounders this morning. All who played showed great sportsmanship and gave it their all.
Hope you all have a relaxing weekend ...homework? what homework? You deserve a break.
We have started our new topic about America, looking at the Artist Andy Warhol and Pop Art and designing our own labels for tins of soup. There are some very exotic flavours. We also started to read our new novel The Boy in the Girls' Bathroom written by Louis Sachar who also wrote one of our previous novels Holes.
We have done quite a lot of reading this week - from texts about the humble potatoe - to a story about a wolf cub meeting man for the very first time. This week we have been extremely busy, working hard preparing for Show Off Week
Pig out party on Friday, snacks and drinks appreciated.
Ten minute busters, reading and any other revision that will help you. Remember revision club is on everyday next week.
This week in class 6 we have been working hard, revising for our show off papers (sats). Also we have been working on our book reviews for kiss of death,our novel we have recently finished.
We have also been looking at the poem The Highwayman, we predicted what the story outline was from pictures and then we read the poem and listened to it being performed in a song voice. We have done this work in our new reading journals which are going to be full of our very best work.
We would like to mention our end of year party organised by Flo, Poppy and Keira (not by school) which will take place on Thursday 7th July at 6.00 pm til 8.00 pm (at Hawk Green Cricket Club). If attending can you please bring some party food and maybe the girls could start a blog/forum about it!?
Enjoy your long weekend
Joe and Miriam
Grammar paper, arithmetic paper and a maths reasoning paper. Don't panic over them!
This week year 6 have been revising multi-step problems in maths, we have also been visited by our class Governor Mrs.Bluff. In literacy this week we have been looking at some poems and song lyrics, to add on to that we have been learning about pronouns,prepositions and articles to up level our writing even more. During P.E we have been playing tennis and using a tennis ball and racket in our warm up. As a reward for our Easter revision we had a delicious sausage butty to end our fabulous week!
By Pippa,Flo and Joseph
From Mr.Mcshane
I have handed yellow books back but with no grid just yet as you have enough to focus on. Please learn your new, tricky spellings for next week and work on your maths revision paper.
The new class newsletter is on the website so please have a look!
Have a lovely weekend
This week we have had a very busy week as we have had plague day, Eggstravaganza (which Keira won well done!) we have had the ice cream party (yummy) and also an epic 2 week break. You have got to remember to mark those tests if you want yummy sausage butties!
During plauge day we made models of Mompessons Well and also finished our Malcom Rose-like Eyam recounts and also, we have created our own stain glass windows based on Eyam stories and bible stories. We hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy what you are doing (including Mr.Mcshane!) by Sophie and Joseph
p.s use DB primary to comunicate over the hols!
From Mr.McShane: Well done on working so hard with your revision this term, you continue to amaze me with your attitude. I know it is tough sometimes but you are all proving to be so resilient. I am very proud. There really is no need to be stressing or worrying about your assessments - keep chipping away at everything and you will be fine. Little and often is the key.
I have sent you home with an Easter Maths Booklet - ten minutes a day to keep the brain ticking over.
You also have one reading, one SPAG and one maths paper. These should not take up your holiday - stick to the time limits. The reward is a sausage butty on our Friday revision morning if all of these come back completed (and marked) by Wednesday 20th April.
Recharge, refresh and relax. Have a lovely break.
This week we have been busy. On Monday afternoon class 6 were lucky enough to go to church and experience the history of Jesus 2000 years ago (many thanks to all those who were involved in this wonderful experience), also Miriam,Keira and Sophie went to Manchester university to learn about maths. One of the things they learnt was something called factorials (sounds very confusing). They also taught us how to work out magic squares, thanks girls.
This week we also finished our sociograms on the book 'The kiss of death' we have read to chapter 7 and the book is very fascinating so far. On Wednesday we started to plan our recounts from our trip to Eyam.
Today (Thursday) we have had our open morning where our families came in to learn and experience what we do here at school, we are having/or had a lovely lunch which is an all day breakfast yum yum.
We all hope you have a fantastic weekend and HAPPY EASTER !!!!!!!!
by Josh and Ebony
Well then, our trip to Eyam was a great success! We managed to fit so much into the day. First we visited the Plague cottages followed by a very informative talk at the church (we learnt about Margaret Blackwell who was in the final stages of plague when suffering from a raging thirst she swigged back a jug of bacon fat mistaking it for milk and somehow survived!). Whilst in the historic church we saw the plague death register and also the stained glass window that tells the heroic story (we will make our own in the coming weeks).
We did the long walk to the Riley graves and also visited the boundary stone where we had a wind swept lunch. Finally we embarked on the steep woodland walk to Mompesson's well before descending back via the Alpaca farm.
In class we have shown a great determination and resilience in our assessment week and have rewarded ourselves with some games of football cricket and 'cut-the-cake'.
Something from your grid and your grammar paper (due in on Thursday). You now have a revision timetable that you may like to use and some maths revision grids to help you.
This week in Y6 we have had a shorter week due to the fact that our heater was broken this Monday and Tuesday. However the days that we have had have been very full; with P.E, R.E, literacy, maths, ICT and revision.
We would like to remind you that it is our class trip to Eyam this Tuesday we have sent out a letter with the following:
no spending money
Homework; grid from yellow book, revision for assesment week next week and a revision booklet will be sent out to. We would like to mention that today it is Saxon's birthday.
This week in maths we have been learning a bit more about bidmas: brackets,indesees,division,multiplication,addition and subtraction.
On Thursday we had a very special visitor, a juvenile dinosaur!. A T-rex stomped into the assembly causing fear and shock, especially to some of the staff as well as a few of the students. Luckily Rex didn't get too hungry and his keeper brought a tuck load of chicken nuggets to keep him satisfied!. After Rex had been fed we were all lucky enough to meet him up close and even had a photo taken with him. We have done a big write on Rex and what happened the day he visited All Saints, luckily not everything that happened in our stories happened in real life!
We have also written newspaper reports on King Charles fleeing from London to escape from the Plague. Was he doing this to save the country of just himself!
by Pippa
Something from your grid, reading and make a big effort to learn your new spellings. Enjoy the snow.
Welcome back to the second half of our time in Year 6. We have just sent off our 500 word stories (lets just hope 1 wins from our class!) We have also looked at line graphs in maths (some struggled but some were really good) we are now working on money problems.
What would you do?
We have started our new topic the dreaded Black Plague... We are going to Eyam on 15th of March so we need those trip letters in please! We have been looking at lithograms of the time to see what information we can learn from these - The Lord Mayor of London ordered for all cats, dogs, pigeons, hogs and rabbits to be killed - did this help of hinder the problem?
We are also thinking abould mould in science. We haven't seen any mould yet thankfully but we have 11 days until time is up. What we have done is we have set up slices of bread with different toppings and see if it protects the bread from the horrible spores. We put them in plastic wallet bags to protect US from touching the mould as it would be disgusting, wouldn't it?!
Homework - this week we have a new homework grid, so choose something off the grid and as always keep on reading. Also you have a maths paper to be completed by Tuesday 1st March.
by Joseph
Well we made it! I have been very impressed with your commitment this term so go and enjoy a well deserved rest with your friends and family.
This week we were visited by Bishop Libby Lane which was a real privilage. She answered our deep thinking questions and put a new outlook on our discovery work where we have been reading many Bible stories and trying to interpet how Jesus showed love.
We have been busy (as always) managing to fit in a visit to Marple Hall for a spectacular show! We have finished our novel and learnt all about Nelson Mandela and the end of Apartheid.
Homework: I would love you to keep on reading; read for pleasure! No yellow books. I have sent just one reading revision paper for you to have a go at - it is due on the first Wednesday back so if you struggle you can do it at revision club. Do not stress about any of it!
Possibly have a go at your first draft of the 500 word story, or at least run the idea through in your head http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00rfvk1
Keep up-to-date with http://www.sumdog.com/ and if you fancy anything else have a little look at http://www.compare4kids.co.uk/maths.php
Unfortunately, we had our last forest schools session this week with Mrs Eva, thank you so much Mrs Eva we have had a great time and toasting marshmallows on the fire was the icing on the cake.
We have finished writing our immortal monkey stories and have illustrated them using watercolours.
We have continued with our Nelson Mandela projects and hopefully will present them next week.
Thank you to all everyone who attended Parents evening and we hope you enjoyed the art gallery, we enjoyed seeing all the different artwork that the other classes produced as well as seeing our own on display.
In maths we have been looking at different types of scales and how to read them to problem solve.
Homework this week is something from the grid and as always remember to read your book and bring it in everyday.
This week year 6 have completed their art work which were complete master pieces and will be available for parents to purchase very soon!
We have attended Forest schools and completed our huts that we created for the elves we rescued the previous week. In topic we have been learning about the incredible life of Nelson Mandela and his long protest against the pro apartheid government and racial prejudice the country experienced. In maths we have been learning about scales and conversions.
Thank you
Tom and Elsie May
Homework this week - new spellings, handwriting and something off the grid. Remember to read every day we still need a few more stars.
What a fantastic week year 6 has had...
On Monday we started percentages and fractions in Maths and later on in the afternoon we started our artwork which will later be framed. We were told ... 'This artwork is going to be the greatest artwork you have ever done'
The task was to create a realistic sketch and painting of a South African elephant using water colours and different techniques. In English we have been learning about adverbials, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. We have also been writing a story about a boy[or girl] and three rhinos.
On Wednesday we attended forest schools and we built a house for elves in need. We had to build a kitchen, garage and a bedroom with pillows and blankets for the elves.
Homework this week is to practice spelling from the list in the back of your books and to choose something off the homework grid! Also remember reading books every day
This has been a Blog update from Tom and Joe
What a lovely week in Year 6.
We started the week looking at addition and subtraction of fractions in maths, this link may be useful: https://www.mathsisfun.com/fractions_addition.html
In Literacy we have started our novel, this time using Ibooks. The children are proving very mature considering the subject matter and I am impressed by their understanding - this was most evident in our socio-grams.
On Wednesday we braved the undecided weather as we ventured out for Forest Schools. A big thanks to Mrs. Eva and Mrs. Daniels for planning such 'outdoorsey adventures!' We learnt to 'trust' each other and got familiar again with nature - a nice break away from the classroom. Our school is pretty awesome as we get to do things like this even in year 6. PLEASE remember sturdy footwear and waterproofs next week.
Finally, it has been really pleasing to see so many people attending revision club - remember to bring your tricky homework, questions or anything else you want help with and ask for support. (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
Have a lovely weekend
Your new grids are in your yellow homework books - you know the score by now! You also have a new spelling list to learn for your test.
Most of you have your latest arithemtic paper in your homework books - learn from your errors, don't just ignore it.
Reading books - i'll be honest; the number coming in regualrly is disappointing - even Madeline has been having strong words with you - I want to see a drastic improvement.
After an amazing Christmas break, we started the year off with a Pop a Fizz and a Bang! This week has been science week, we have tried out all sorts of experiments some have gone as planed whereas others... not so much! We have been blown away by Proffesser Bunson Turner with her Sublime Science act where she showed us what air looked like inside a bubble, how to make our own sherbet and slime, she also showed us how to melt a polystyrene cup using nail varnish (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!), she introduced us to a number of new experiments but if I was to go through every one of them we would be here all day!
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."-Albert Einstein
We had a special assembly with Atomic Adam about mission to Mars where we launched balloon rockets and found out what a tiny bit of rocket fuel could do! On Thursday we dressed up as scientists with lab coats, goggles, wacky hair...and much more!- Poppy & Lily
We all know that we are breaking up today YAY. Today (Friday) it has been our really cool christmas jumper day and almost everyone had one on. We're all sad to see Miss Hopwood leave us and it's been a pleasure to have her with us GOODBYE MISS HOPWOOD!!!!!
On Wednesday we had our delicious christmas party where we started to watch minions (again) and then we went down to the hall. In the hall we danced to whip nae nae and lots of others! We also had our ice cream party on Thursday and it was MARVELLOUS, and we answered some easy and hard questions about Maths. This week we have finally finished Holes which we have been reading for the past term and we all, I'm sure loved it!!!!
By Harvey and Josh (again)!
Can I just say a huge thank you for all parental support this term. Enjoy a well earned rest and we will see you all fully refreshed in the New Year. Thank you also to Miss. Hopwood, our student teacher, who will be continuing her training at a new setting - we wish you all the very best and the children and I are very sad to see you go.
This week we have been very busy with our amazing christmas cakes (make sure you don't burn them over the weekend)! Also we have been creating our own Hadrians wall and facts about the wall and the Romans. On monday we had our really cool roman day which also including a delicious Roman banquet were we didn't sit on chairs.we just lay down chilling out with honey and bread, figs, apple and much, much more!!!
We have are reading a book called 'How Santa really works' and we've been highlighting some key information on 'How Santa Really works' basically and we really enjoy reading it and we hope to read some more next week. Now it's nearly christmas we have been doing some christmas writing were recreating the christmas story where Jesus is born (a more modern version).
In P.E. we have started on football we all know that most of us in the class love doing football. The whole class also love and I mean LOVE playing on Sumdog, playing eachother and playing the world.
By Harvey and Josh
Bake your cakes and collect your decorations, something from your grid for the last time this term. I will set Mathletics for the last time as we might be moving away from this site. Please keep on reading!
Well done Year 6 on a productive week,
As a class we have made Christmas baubles using knowledge of area of squares and have been entered into a new Christmas competition on Sumdog! We had a parliamentary visitor and debated as if we were MP's (but obviously better behaved!)
In maths we have gone over some of our misconceptions from Assessment Week - we are learning from our errors and improving all the time. I have sent home an arithmetic paper for you to have a look, celebrate your successes and perhaps try and have another go at the tricky ones!
Ending the week by watching a great panto performance of Beauty and the Beast was very nice.
We have a Roman dress up day on Monday where we will have a Roman feast! Any particular food allergies we may not already know about please just let us know.
We are also making our Christmas cakes on FRIDAY 11th! Please check your letter with what to bring.
Spellings - you are continuing on the previous list (due to assessment week) you will be tested on Wednesday.
Something from your grid and if you have not already done so your extra reading comprehension would be great.
Don't forget your costume however please don't panic if you don't have one.
Well, well It has been a long week with all the tests coming in our faces but we survived! Everyone worked incredibly hard and never gave up. We have also been researching about bullying and have written an information text about the different types of bullying - Cyber, Social, Physical and Verbal. Also, the Sumdog competition finished yesterday and our class came second and also Sienna came in 4th on the student leaderboard! Well done! Also, I hope everyone has a good weekend
We also finished our mosaic coasters and they are looking rather nice. Yesterday we started to look at tesselations and maybe we will use this for our christmas wrapping paper to wrap up the coasters in.
By Joseph
This weeks homework is something off the grid, spellings and handwriting. Don't forget to read and make a comment in your reading record book.
by Keira and Madeline
This week in Class 6 it has been Anti Bullying week, we have been reading different types of poems including funny ones 'the aliens have landed at our school, 'a remarkably woolly dog' and 'why are the kids so mean at school?', serious
ones (cloud busting).
We have listened to poems on the internet read by Mr. Rosen and other poets, we have been writing and performing our own poems and working in teams to create acrostic poems all about Anti Bullying. In maths we have started working on a project in 'super teams' to get our customers the best value trip to Austrailia and get the most comission, we have been practicing for next weeks assements and the assements in May. We had a minuite silence on Monday because of the unfortunate event that took place in Paris .
Our week has been quite a good one and we have all enjoyed our week.
link to our poem website:
Mr.Mcshane: It is assessment week next week, which we have discussed at length. It is absolutely nothing to worry about - it is your chance to shine and show-off what you can do. We will do some of our assessments in the hall just to get an idea of what it is like and also because we can spread out more! Please do not fret about them and remember our deal - assessments in morning with chilled afternoons (with lots of art and crafts!)
Homework: I suggest for homework you revise from your revision books and do an activity from your yellow book. No spellings have been handed out as you will have a test next week - it will be useful to revise from your year 5/6 list.
Don't forget the Sumdog challenge we are part of... could we win?! http:// http://www.sumdog.com/
An interesting week - we have been fortunate to go on two trips! First we visited Chester and the Dewa experience (http://www.dewaromanexperience.co.uk/) which was brilliant; we went on a Roman march carrying shields, and watched a pretty poor gladiator battle between Mr.McShane and Miss.Hopwood! thumbs up or down decided the fate of Miss.Hopwood - we went with a simple beheading!!!!
As part of Intofilm festival we gained tickets to a 3D experience of the Minions movie - such fun! We will be writing film reviews today.
The behaviour on both trips was superb also.
Revision club started - I was impressed with the turnout, remember it is every Tuesday at 8:15!! A good chance for you to get on Sumdog, Mathletics, Spellodrome or revise in small groups!
Lest we forget, we paused for thought and reflection as we remebered all those involved in war and conflict over the years.
Something from your grid, learn from your list at the back of your books and tuck into your revision books also.
Keep on reading!
Extra tricky challenge...
In maths we have been doing lots of multiplication. There is a really tricky challenge here and if anyone can solve it I will hand merits out like confetti!!
Can you replace the letters with numbers?
Is there only one solution in each case?
A short week but one that has brought lots of thinking, including what makes us Growth Mindset students? Year 6 have jumped straight into their maths by looking at factors; factor pairs, highest common factors, prime and abundant numbers. Try the following link https://nrich.maths.org/5468 for a game to support you.
We have been working on our class assembly as part of our speaking and listening objectives (thank you for attending) and have also been introduced to the Romans - this included a comprehension dig and some finger printing to gather evidence.
We have two exciting trips to look forward to next week - Roman experience at Chester on Tuesday (coats required) and Cinema trip on Thursday (sweets hidden in pockets please!)
We have started on Sumdog, so please try and get our class up that leaderboard! http://www.sumdog.com/
Something from your new Roman grid, handwriting and spellings to learn.
I hope your revision books have been useful so far, please don't forget about them!
How fast has this week flown by, we have had 3 fantastic afternoons at church writing prayers for those who are less fortunate than ourselves, ringing bells, making flower arrangements for the Harvest Festival and much much more. We have also been taking photographs looking at perspectives, these will be on display in the church.
We have also been looking at the solar system and how each one compares in size, using peppercorns, blueberrries, cherry tomatoes, apples, oranges, grapefruit and a pumpkin! Amazingly we launched a plastic bottle rocket that flew so high it landed in the neighbouring field! Surprisingly, using MrMcShane's left over shaving foam we have also been doing some artwork on the solar system giving a 3d effect to our paint.
In maths we have been looking at fractions and calculating the distances of the planets from the sun.
There is no grid homework over the holidays, but dip into your revision books and remember to keep reading.
What a week! A massive well done to all the children who were sensational on our Robinwood adventure. Brave, fearless, risk takers the lot of you! We had so much fun climbing the walls and squeezing through caves, making rafts or shooting arrows - it was a trip that will stay with me and hopefully the children for many years to come.
Your behaviour and attitude was something to be very proud of indeed.
A massive thank you to the weather for being so kind and also to Mrs. Pratt who did the bulk of the planning and organising. Other fearless awards go to Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Shaw, Miss. Daley, Miss. Hopwood and Miss. Nuttall who all gave up time away from family to get fully involved in our trip.
Let's hope this adventure will spur you on when the going gets tough.
Homework: Aim to complete your news report for Wednesday and also an item from your grid. Church week next week so no official spelling test although I may be testing your key words lists so be prepapred.
The excitment is brewing! The anticpation is amongst us. Robinwood is here! We will see you all on Monday morning (usual time or ever so slightly earlier) wearing comfortable clothes to travel and walk in (make sure you have a waterproof jacket and shoes/trainers on the coach and not hidden in your big bag as we have a big walk once we get there). Please remember, tuckshop money is maximum £2 and needs to be signed, sealed and delivered to Mr.McShane.
You have all had a great week, some playing brilliantly well on the football team, others visiting Maarple Hall for a music day and some competing at a Sports City Event.
It was lovely to meet so many parents this week, thank you for your continured support.
Homework: Pack your bags and complete your newstory (it should be stuck in your homework book).
First of all a big thank you to all parents who came our open morning. What we did - we had lots of activities like painting our front covers of our Survival books for Holes, we made small short movies about the d-tent boys from our story novel Holes. Also we added more detail to our awesome 3D model trainers, like super shoe laces, studs etc. In PE this week we played some tournements of hockey with Mr. Ince he made it really fun! Next, in maths we have been learnig about plotting co-ordinates by playing a holes themed board game, with some ice-cream challenges ordering and knowing how to place them. we have also learnt a new song about Holes and some people were even brave enough to do the rap, By Sienna Dempsey.
Homework: Something from your grid and learn some of your tricky spellings from the big list in your yellow book. I will set a Mathletics task also. Please continue to read over the weekend and get your reading records up-to-date!
Thank you to the parents who visiting for our Robinwood meeting and also Parents opening morning.
This week we have been plotting co-ordinates and using a game similar to battle ships to help us read and understand co-ordinates. In PE we had a game of netball with Mr. McShane and football with Mr.Granite. We managed to earn four stars by beating Mr.Mcshane at a maths game! We have been using art rock to create our sneakers and we've also had a visit from the fire service! - Poppy and Lucy
Homework: Something from your grid, your spellings (you will be tested next week) and your handwriting. Don't forget to bring in an old shirt or apron for art!!!
Year 6 have been working hard on verbs and suffixes, we have used these in our first big write we also got to use our magic mints and the magic glitter. We feel sorry for Stanley Yelnats the main character in our book Holes. In pe with mr Granite we have been playing Hockey and football.Also in class 6 we have played a crime and punishement game. By Pippa
Homework: Already I have seen some great work - let's keep up the high standard. Choose something from your grid and handwriting is 5 lines using suffixes (ing, ed, er, est). Aim to get your reading books and records each day.
What a great start - I have been absolutely delighted with the attitude Year 6 have started with. We have arrived at Camp Green Lake, Texas, in our new novel Holes, creating our own blurbs in the process. Foldable books were created last week and we have produced some stunning self-portraits that have really proven how resilient we are ( we drafted and drafted and drafted!). Minions on Duty have been sorted and every pupil has a small role of responsibility.
In maths we have been working with numbers in their millions, started our weekly singing lessons with Mr.Henderson and have basically got into the swing of life as the role models for the school.
Homework: New books, new grids, new reading records and new reading books - can we make a positive start with all of these please! Reading books in daily even if it does not need changing. Wednesday is the deadline for homework, if you struggle let me know early in the week!
Hello All,
hope you are enjoying the weather!!
Welcome to Class 6
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Year 6 have been decorating masquerade ball masks and having our final rehearsals (what entry and exit do I use? I can’t remember my lines! Ahhhh!). We have been solving maths questions that give us sometimes, always and never results and have again looked at E Safety and discussed more about ‘changing me’ in our Jigsaw. We had our Fun Swim today too!
Homework - Final preparations for our show – are you confident you know all your lines and actions? Do you know your groovy moves? Have you got a costume all sorted? I have set a Mathletics challenge also.
Year 6 have been rehearsing like crazy this week but also looking at lots of science including a gory heart dissection! We have also been painting our stained glass windows that tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. We have also been swimming wearing our clothes!
Homework - please focus on your script and getting your costume into school.
We have also spent some time on transition with many of us visiting our High Schools to get a taste of what's to come...not long now! We have started making our memory bags and some have tried their hand at fantasy football maths. Together with this we have been blowing bubbles in bubbles to inform our bubble art work. Tickets have started to be distributed for our Romeo and Juliet show...if you haven't returned your slip 'hurry up!'
Homework - A yellow book activity and your spellings.
What an active week! Amazing shelters all built around a roaring fire at Forest Schools (big thanks Mrs. Eva!). Added to this dodgeball, skipping, box-fit, sports day and many more - our pulse rates have been soaring! The class were even brave on our bush tucker trial; sampling vitamin rich drinks which we made fresh, using spinach celery, carrots, ginger and beetroot! Remember, most of you have a transition day next week, sampling your new High School – please check the details and arrangements carefully!
Homework - I would like you to focus on your script (adding movements and expression – try rehearsing in front of a mirror!) and also an option from your grid. Spellings will be from the year 5/6 list – any could be checked so learn them!
Another majorly busy week – we have been looking at the functions of the heart; watching the change in Bradley Chalkers in our class novel (he does have a heart!); making props, designing costumes and rehearsing for our play; having some specialised PE lessons and preparing for our active week (please have full kit and water bottles in!)
Homework - Reading has been slipping (please aim to get your book in and records signed daily - this will be important preparation for when you go to High School. Aim to learn some more of your lines for the play and an activity from your yellow book (this can be done in school if you are struggling for time).
We have started to learn some moves for our end of year performance but are keeping them under wraps! We have been writing love letters, painted with watercolours and decorated clay beads in preparation for Forest Schools which starts on Monday.
Homework - Yellow books, reading (a MUST) and learning your script.
Test blog