Class 6 Public community Blog
Friday 17th July

Friday 17th July (Mr McShane)

Well then, it really is 'nearly' the end of the journey. The children have continued to make us proud; all being troopers and mixing work and play with a real positive attitude.


All children's letters have now been polished, wax sealed and delivered to various businesses, celebrities and the like to help in our quest for an improved outdoor area - fingers crossed we get some positive responses.

Year 6 have been completing our novel Holes, some bubbles even starting on the movie, others saving it for next week.

Quite a few messages for what will be my final blog so please check carefully to avoid any

Next week Year 6 will cover the Changing Me unit of work from our Jigsaw scheme.  We will use the 'ask-it basket' and cover what we feel is appropriate perhaps be prepared for a few questions!blush  To be honest most of the coverage was done last year so not too many new surprises. Topics will include:

  • I can explain how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understand the importance of looking after yourself physically and emotionally.
  • I can describe how a baby develops from conception through the nine months of pregnancy, and how it is born.
  • I can identify what I am looking forward to and what worries me about the transition to secondary school /or moving to my next class. 

All resources have been shown before at our parents sessions - if you would like to know more about them or discuss any  concerns regarding this unit of work please get in touch ASAP.


As we have been reading Holes we have decided it would be great character building to ask the children to do some digging, just as the children at Camp Green Lake did in our novel.  We have 10 tonnes of soil that needs moving, spreading and raking onto the trim trail at school and if children would like to offer some muscle we will attempt this task starting on Monday next week, prior to the new turf arriving which they can also assist with. What could go wrong?!

*If the children have a suitable spade or rake, a pair of gloves and some wellies they can help Mr. Chaloner and the rest of our team (if any parents could lend a wheelbarrow that would also be very welcome!) This is of course an optional activity.


For our last day (Friday 24th) we will have what has been somewhat of a tradition, our Year 6 water fight! It will be done with social distancing in place.

*Could children please bring in their own water pistol (if they have one)

*No water pistols to be used on the way to school please - this might jeopardise the water fight for everyone.

*Could children have some dry clothing with them ready for a quick change before leaving school - for what will sadly be the last time as a pupil at All Saints'!crying  

*Bubbles will be leaving at their usual time and locations, which in itself is a sad way to wave the children off - but from experience it is always nice to have a parent to collect on the last day if possible.


Mrs. Pratt is also arranging a socially distancing sports day for each of the bubbles to compete so we should have a lovely last day.


*If any children purchased any of the novels we have read this year and would like to donate them for future classes that would be a very welcome touch.*

I have thoroughly loved teaching this cohort and even though it was a bizarre way to end I am so glad the children had the opportunity to return. Massive thanks to Miss. Taylor, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs, Daniels, Miss. Daley and Mrs. Chapman who have helped teach the bubbles over the past weeks.