Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 2nd November

Monday 2nd November (allsaints-pri Admin)

Newsletter2nd November, 2020

A very, very warm welcome back to everyone! We trust that you had a refreshing half term and are looking forward to the exciting term ahead. To have had our whole school family together in school for the whole of last term was extremely positive. Lots of smiling faces, seeing friends again and creative adapting of practice to ensure good learning. We are looking forward to another successful half term

We appreciate things need to continue to be different to keep everyone safe but we will still do our upmost to provide a safe and happy environment in the All Saints’ Way.

Please look out for our updated Health and Safety reminders which will be coming out later this week.


Welcome to the youngest member of our All Saints’ Family

Many congratulations to Mrs Morton whose second child arrived safely on Thursday 29th October at 4.34pm, weighing 7lb 13oz.  Her husband Will and big brother Oliver are very happy and are feeling extremely blessed. Name to follow!


If anyone would like to send in a card/gift, please do place it in the box next to the gate when you drop off or pick up your child.  We will pass them on to Mrs Morton by Wednesday 11th November.


We would like to especially welcome Miss Siobhan Edwards who is our new teacher in year 3. We look forward to her covering Mrs Day’s maternity leave in the future. We know you will all give her a very warm welcome. There is a Meet The New Teacher Zoom planned for Tuesday 10th Nov at 4pm. Mrs Day will send the year 3 parents details via Tapestry.




Sue Hatton’s Music Tuition

Welcome also to Sue Hatton who will be restarting her individual lessons with children across school.

To gather further information about how your child could continue their lessons or start to learn to play a new musical instrument, please contact Sue on susanlogcabin@aol.com or by calling her on 07968561339



Toy clipart baby toy, Toy baby toy Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2020

It is always lovely to share happy news and this year we have been thoroughly blessed with expectant mothers. We are pleased to announce that Miss Taylor and her partner are excitingly expecting their first child next year. We have already written to Class 4 to share the happy news and we look forward to sharing plans with you all in due course.



Everyone in school had an absolutely brilliant time during our very special Church Week. We certainly were not disappointed as it was again a truly unique week. We would especially like to thank Sarah Holton, Hev Taylor and other volunteers from All Saints’ Church for all their hard work, thought and creativity; making sure it was an exciting, reflective and fun week for the children.  We hope you enjoyed seeing a short celebration of the week’s activities on Tapestry.


Our new vision statement was also launched.  After much discussion, consideration and reflection, everyone felt that we absolutely needed to retain our ’All Saints’ Way’ which underpins and enhances so much of what we do in school for our children and what we want for them. So we as a church school wanted something that not only captured this but enhanced it. Therefore our new Vision is …



Thank you to the many parents who donated so many People of the World books. We are very grateful to you all and these books have certainly enhanced the representation of our world and variety of books now available to our children.



What a wonderful sight!??

These are our new reading books - wow!!!! 


We have books from popular authors, book sets and an array of amazing non-fiction books. An enormous thanks to Mrs Manning for organising the tremendous book fair last year which enabled us to purchase these new books.



Message on behalf of All Saints’ Church

Please see attached an advert for a wellbeing group that the church are beginning to run this half term. They are very keen to enable all people in our community, whether or not they come to church, to take care of their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Improvements Around School

Much needed new windows have been installed at the back of our school building making Class 2, Reception, their toilets, the staffroom and the Library much more comfortable. Thank you to Mr Chaloner who has worked extremely hard throughout this project. Please view the photos and installation video on Tapestry.


A huge thank you to the Peatfield Family who gave up part of their half term to complete some much needed improvements on the field. They have spent time adding willow to our new Junk Yard and hanging tarpaulin to create a little shelter. (For more details, see The Junk Yard letter from Mr McShane who has been very instrumental in creating this new area.)


Unfortunately, our ‘Dash a Day Track’ which was scheduled to be completed, could not be due to the bad weather last week. Huge thanks to Mr McShane and Mrs Hallworth for all their hard work co-ordinating this project in very tricky times!




Monday 9th November - Mr Joe Barker, the HT at Marple High School will be leading our collective worship. We look forward to hearing him speak to the children and the theme will be Friendship.

Tuesday 10th November -Yr3 Meet The New Teacher Zoom - at 4pm

Friday 13th November - Pudsey Day – Together We Can Change Young Lives .Children can wear their own clothes on that day and bring £1 for this charity.

Tuesday 17th November -Online Safety Workshop

This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place from 1.30pm -2.30pm using Microsoft Teams. (Details to follow.) It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic, it would be great for as many to attend as possible. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you

Mrs Pratt has been amazing at updating the class pages on our school website. She has also been responsible for updated the Online Safety page with the most current information. Many thanks Mrs Pratt


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Mrs Gaynor.