Headteachers Public Blog
  • Tue 7th Sep

    Monday 6th September (allsaints-pri Admin)







    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    A huge thank you again for your cooperation, patience and continued support.


    We hope that our previous Yr6 children have enjoyed the beginning of their next journey. Please pass on our best wishes.


    It has been lovely to see all your friendly smiles and to have had a quick chat with you at drop off and pick up times. Your children have been amazing and have thoroughly enjoyed their first two days in start to the new school year. The staff have worked extremely hard on settling your children back into school and have planned fun and exciting work to ensure your children KNOW MORE, REMEMBER MORE and are able to DO MORE. A huge thank you to those who work in the classroom, but also to those who cross our children safely across the main road, those who work upon keeping our school building safe, those who work in our school office, support us at lunch times/at Kids Zone and those who work in our school kitchen. We appreciate everyone who is part of our school family.

    Please refer to the return to school letter sent on 1s September and the Respect Charter sent on 2nd September.


    Further ways you can help us are below. Please:

    • Stand closer to the bottom court (the caged area) on the KS2 playground.
    • Stand closer to the outer wall on the KS1 playground.
    • Keep younger siblings and school children off the playground equipment, before and after school.
    • Tell your KS2 child and let their class teacher know, if you would like your child to make their own way round to the KS1 playground by walking behind the Reception class. They will be shown where to walk.
    • Once your child has been collected by the class team/yourself, please move along and vacate the playground as quickly as you can.

    Ensure all belongings are clearly labelled


    There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!

    Warm regards,

    There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!


    Warm regards,

    Hannah Gaynor and the All Saints' Team


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.                                                                                    


    MRS HALLWORTH moving on

    We thought it appropriate to let you know that Mrs Hallworth, who has been part of our school family for 8 years will be leaving us on 24th September. She has secured an Assistant SBM post at another Stockport school and is excited about the new adventure ahead.

    All Saints’ holds a special place in her heart and we will miss having her as part of our team. We know many of you will also want to express your best wishes to her.








    Now that we are all eating in the hall, we have noticed that our children could really do with practising how to use a knife and fork at home.  



    Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes really!

    Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles










    Many congratulations to Mrs Manning-Craggs who got married during August.

    As you can tell from the photos, she looked absolutely beautiful and had a truly wonderful day.                    











    Anna Clyne (yr 3 mum) and Jenny Tyrrell (reception 2021 mum) manage the Outgrown Uniform




    If you had a clear out over the summer, they are happy to take donations. Please see the above website for further information.



    PE SESSIONS AND KIT FROM SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                    Please note on PE days from this term, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week. This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

    Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions, so will need their PE kits in lockers again in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

    Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

    As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


    Please see the kit list as follows;

    White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

    Black shorts/ cycling shorts

    Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

    Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

    Black/ white socks

    Black/ white trainers


    Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.


    As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.


    Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


    Yours thankfully.

    Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)





    YR6 – 14.9.21

    RECEPTION – 16.9.21

    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21




    2 Bishops are visiting our school with


    Day of Languages


    School staff training day. Children not in.


    Scholastic Book Fair

     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.

    Wednesday 6th October 2021: 11.30am

    Book onto this session

     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion


    Thursday 7th October 2021: 7pm

    Book onto this session

    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 14/06/21
  • Mon 14th Jun

    Monday 14th June (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear Wonderful School Family,

    We trust that you had a wonderful half term and were able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

    Attached is a very important letter from Jennifer Connolly who is our Director of Public Health.

    The last week of term was absolutely fantastic. We all became more active during our Active Week and enjoyed a vast array of sports. Thank you to Mrs Noble and the Awe & Wonder Team for organising this for us. The coaches were very impressed with the behaviour of our children and one even commented on how wonderful our children were:

    “I had a great day and was very impressed with ALL the classes’ behaviour and general conduct. I didn’t have to talk to one single pupil the whole day as they were all listening brilliantly and doing everything I asked. “

    I’m sure you’d agree that this is very high praise for our children and staff.

    We continue to invite visitors to lead our collective worship. Before half term, Shiraz Janjua led an excellent collective worship on Islam and this morning we have had Rabbi Katz, who is Jewish, leading a wonderful collective worship on peace. Our children continue to enjoy learning about different faiths as part of their wider understanding of the world.

    Brenda Beardwood, one of our ex governors had a fabulous assembly. It was a real tribute to the 12 years of being a governor at All Saints’ and she was thrilled with all her gifts. (See linked information about our non-uniform day on Friday 18th June further on in our newsletter.)

    Online Safety featured in last week’s newsletter. You are reminded that key information can be found on our school website. Two of our parents, Emma Cox and Tamzyn Jones, are our Parent Online Safety 

    Ambassadors. I’d like to give a special thank you for their commitment and willingness to serve our school in this way.


    Thank you to all those who signed up to the Parent Association, Summer Treasure Trail. I know many of you had fun completing the challenge. A huge thank you goes out to all those who have been instrumental in creating this outdoor activity for all our families! We appreciate all your time and effort.







    As part of my role as being vicar of All Saints’ Church it has been my privilege to serve as a governor of All Saints’ Primary School and be a member of the Curriculum Committee. What excites me about the role is being able to see how very good governance and excellent leadership at the school can really influence the ethos, atmosphere and culture of our wonderful primary school and how this positively impacts the educational experience and learning of our super children


    Having been a Year 6 teacher before becoming a vicar, the best bit about being a governor is having contact with teachers and children and over the last five years it has been great to be involved in classroom activities. Recently, the Year 6 class grilled myself and Sarah Holton (All Saints’ Children and Family Worker) about issues concerning faith, creation and suffering. It is always wonderful to support the children in their learning even when they do ask really difficult questions! It has also been great to be involved in the children’s collective worship and this year has been particularly interesting as we have joined the school using Zoom. One of the highlights of our church calendar year has to be Church Week when the children spend a week coming up to church. All of the above reflect the wonderful partnership between All Saints’ School and All Saints’ Church that has been built over many years and recently we have been able to celebrate this partnership by achieving a special school, church partnership award.  A massive thank you must go to the staff at All Saints’ School and Sarah Holton at church.


    I know how exhausting this last year has been as we have had to cope with the Covid pandemic. For many of us, after trying our hand at home schooling, we may have a new appreciation for our dedicated teachers.  I am immensely grateful to all the staff at All Saints’ Primary who have had to cope with constant change, video lessons, Zoom as well as doing the everyday excellent teaching and supporting of our children. I have nothing but immense admiration and gratitude for their resilience, skill and dedication.

    At church, in our morning worship, we have just started a series on mental health and wellbeing. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly invite you to join us at 10.15am on Sunday morning, live on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsmarple/videos) or YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/allsaintsmarple).

    Every blessing,

    Daniel Currie.



    As part of our celebrations for Brenda Beardwood, the Ethos Group researched about a charity close to Brenda’s heart- Potter’s Village in Uganda, Africa. All children in school heard about the wonderful work that Potter’s Village charity does to help babies and orphaned children in crisis who have no other chance of survival. Potter’s Village seeks to provide a home where God’s love is lived out within a Christian context. For further information, please see their website; https://www.pottersvillage.org.uk/


    Following on from this, on Friday 18.06.2021, we will be holding a non- uniform day asking children for a donation of £1 (or whatever they can give) to help other babies and young children who are not as fortunate and who desperately need our help.

    We hope to raise a great sum of money to donate to this incredible charity in Africa and to make Brenda proud! 

    Many thanks in advance for your kindness and helping our children to understand the importance of supporting others in our world.

    Mrs. Noble and Ethos Group











    Our school kitchen and Taylor Shaw have signed up to be part of the national vegpower scheme.

    Each week will feature a rally cry around one of Britain’s family favourite vegetables. Veg Power are asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks’ veg. There are stickers to reward the children who give them a try.

    • wc 14th June – Sweetcorn
    • wc 21st June – Peppers
    • wc 28th June – Carrots
    • wc 5th July – Peas
    • wc 12th July – Broccoli




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    Friday 18th June

    Non uniform day with £1 donations for the Potters Village

    Tuesday 22nd June

    Staff Pen Portraits sent to parents

    Thursday 1st July

    Transition morning. Children will spend the morning with their new class teacher.

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor



Newsletter 17/05/21
  • Mon 17th May

    Monday 17th May (allsaints-pri Admin)







    This week it is our Stockport SEND Week of Action

    There is a jam-packed week of webinars and activities for professionals, parents and carers to help make SEND everyone’s business.

    Go to the link below to see a comprehensive and interesting list of events available to anyone.



    Sadly, we are experiencing an increased amount of fall outs and incidents which are involving online sites/games that are clearly not suitable for primary age children.

    We would like to remind you that, whilst we do our utmost as a school to teach our children how to keep safe on-line and how to protect themselves, the use of sites such as Snapchat, Fortnite, TikTok (all 13+ age recommendations), WhatsApp (16+ age recommendation) etc. is clearly a parental choice and responsibility.

    Unfortunately, if issues occur, stemming from the use of these sites, which computing advisers say our children are not mature enough to use, we as a school cannot be held responsible for any outcomes. Also, you should be aware that any child’s interactions with these sites is found to have an impact on:

    • Their wellbeing and mood – some are a little irritable at times
    • Their alertness in school – some are lethargic and are finding it difficult to concentrate
    • Friendships with their peers – leading to misunderstandings and disagreements

    There is also the possibility of your children becoming an online ‘friend’ with someone who is much older than they are.

    Please note that if anything does come to our attention, it always takes up a considerable amount of precious teaching and learning time as well as management time from senior leaders and that it needs to be recorded as an online safety incident.

    We would advise that you monitor your children and their time online very carefully. You will also find an array of resources which will support you in this on our website, under On-line Safety. https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/policies

    Thank you for your continued co-operation and support as we work together to keep your children safe.











    I have a daughter in Year Two and a son in Reception. Ever since our first contact with All Saints', I have been struck by the warmth of the staff and their drive to support the children. 

    When a parent governor vacancy arose, I saw it as an ideal opportunity to help the school and be a part of its continuing success story. I have an unusual background as an accountant, a qualified maths teacher and the parent of a child with additional needs.  It remains my hope that I can use these skills and experiences to boost an already fantastic school and governing board. 


    I was elected as a parent governor in December last year. I attend the Resources Committee and I'm really excited to be the class governor friend for the Reception class due to start in September 2021. I'm hopeful that as we progress further along the 'road map' that soon I might even spend some time in school!


    The last year or so has been incredibly challenging for everyone in a variety of ways. But one constant throughout has been the professionalism and (more importantly) the kindness of the incredible people at All Saints'. Whatever is to come next, rest assured that the school will do everything possible to support our children and their families. 












    A message from the PA               

    Find the hidden gems of Marple and help to raise money for our lovely school!

    To help raise funds for more school resources and fantastic events like the History Van, the Parents' Association have created a Summer Treasure Trail around Marple.

    The trail has been designed so that you can participate with your own household/bubble following the social distancing restrictions that are in place at the time. It involves a short circular walk (wheelchair/buggy accessible) answering questions about what you can see around the centre of Marple, starting and ending at School. 

    If you would like to take part, please send your entry fee via ParentPay and follow the link that was sent out to you via Tapestry, in time for the half term break. The suggested donation is £1 per family.








    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    18th May

    Group photographs

    21st May

    Yr6 swimming begins

    WC 23rd May

    ACTIVE WEEK including Walk to School Week and RSE sessions

    28th May

    Sports Day in the morning

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 18/01/21
  • Mon 18th Jan

    Monday 18th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter18th January, 2021



    WHOLE SCHOOL COLLECTIVE WORSHIP                                                                              

    We will be having a whole school collective worship every Monday at 9.45am.  This term our theme is Trust.

    We hope you and your child will join us so we can come together as a whole school family.

    It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January can be used every Monday.

    We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.






    A special thank you to all of you for your continued support and cooperation.

    STAFF & REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                                       

    I would like to begin by thanking our outstanding staff who have been working extremely hard to provide work for children in school as well as at home. Whilst they are all extremely committed, the situation has certainly increased our workload and we have had to create a manageable rotation of TAs and teachers off and on site at different times throughout the week.  I would like to thank those many parents who have already expressed their appreciation and gratitude to staff. Many of you have also praised the quality of the home learning being provided. Thank you for your very positive comments.

    We will continue to develop retention of learning strategies with our children. We will also continue to explore vocabulary and ensure our breadth of cultures and a varied curriculum. Please read the information below regarding our whole school Step Back In Time topic.


    LOCKDOWN REMINDERS                                                                                          Throughout this national lockdown all children should continue to comply with the rules set out for tier 4. Parents are asked to help ensure their children are following these rules. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings.



     As you are aware, we have a mixture of children in school, who are part of the vulnerable and critical worker category. We currently have 46% of our children in school. The DfE has said in its guidance ‘parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can’. As such, we ask that you only send your child into school on the days when you are having to complete your critical worker duties.  This will assist in ensuring the health safety and wellbeing of ALL our school family. 

    Just a reminder that when children are at home, we would encourage them to continue with their home learning.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and support,

    The All Saints’ Team




    In the true All Saints’ Way, we are welcoming the New Year of 2021 with an exciting and inspirational topic for the next half term. We are going to “Step Back in Time” and learn many fascinating, historical facts covering Ancient, British, World and Local history.

    We hope you managed to view the video of our fabulous historical timeline. The video was placed on Tapestry on the 15th January.

    We hope your children and yourselves find this timeline display a helpful tool to use during our Spring Term History topic.

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Hammond and Mrs Clayton








    Please refer to the letter placed on Tapestry on Thursday 10th December. Starting w/c 18th January, teachers will contact each parent for a 10 minute chat about how their child is progressing.


    All those who requested Zoom meetings will be sent their appointment and link via Tapestry. Please see the list below as a reminder as to when your zoom appointment will take place.


    EYFS: Monday 18th January

    Year 1: Tuesday 19th and/or Thursday 28th January

    Year 2: Wednesday 20th January

    Year 3: Monday 25th January

    Year 4: Thursday 21st January

    Year 5: Wednesday 27th January

    Year 6: Tuesday 26th January



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor

Newsletter 01.02.2021
  • Mon 1st Feb

    Monday 1st February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 1st February, 2021



    We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working again so, as a Senior Leadership Team, we wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time. As parents, these weeks have been incredibly tough trying to juggle home schooling, the demands of work and surviving a pandemic! (We ourselves as teachers and parents to our own children, know exactly what you’re going through!). We want to say ‘Very Well Done’ and the biggest THANK YOU to each and every one of you!









     Again we had a whole school collective worship this morning where most of us wore yellow!! 

    This morning, we launched our Mental Health Week and many of us wore yellow. Each day there is a fun wellbeing activity to complete and there is also the further challenge of writing out one of the following verses and giving it to a member of your family.  Proverbs 17 verse 22: A cheerful heart is good medicine
    Philippians 4 verse 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

    We hope you and your child will join us each week at 9:45am so we can come together as a whole school family. It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January and this morning can be used every Monday. We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.



     As from this week each class will be having two zoom meetings. This will give a greater opportunity for the children to interact and catch up with each other.

    Instead of our staff creating a written Friday Shout Out each Friday we will celebrate these successes within one or both of our Class Zoom meetings. Staff will screen share a couple of photos of good work and give all children a chance to see what is being achieved by each other.

    There is much to celebrate so we hope you will continue to engage in these zooms




    See attached materials to support children’s Mental Health Week.


    Information about the Shooting Stars football programme, training opportunities and resources are available on www.girlsfootballinschools.org  .

    Please use these links to book onto these events by the 5th February.

    9.2.21 11.2.21 16.2.21 10:30 - 12:00pm https://youthsporttrust.force.com/YST_EventRedirectUpdate?id=a4O3z000000rt93 

    9.2.21 11.2.21 16.2.21 3:30 - 5:00pm https://youthsporttrust.force.com/YST_EventRedirectUpdate?id=a4O3z000000rtJR 

    If you have any questions please contact: jude.riddings@stockport.gov.uk



    Many of you will be familiar with the work of The New Horizons in our local community. Our children have always had a wonderful time and have hugely benefitted from various educational trips at The New Horizons.  These trips have often been organised by Sue Woodgate, one of our governors!

    Please see the attached poster which explains, how, when you shop at Co-Op, The New Horizons can benefit.


    Remote Learning Questionnaires

    On Tapestry, you will find a link to a remote learning questionnaire. Please kindly complete this when you are able to.


             DATE                                                     EVENT

    Thurs 11th February at 1.30pm                        ZOOM Online Safety Workshop for parents


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor






Newsletter 01/03/21
  • Mon 1st Mar

    Monday 1st March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 1st March, 2021

    Dear Lovely School Family,

    I trust that you all had a lovely weekend of sunshine!

    As well as reading this newsletter, please read the very important letter regarding the wider re-opening of school on 8th March 2021.

    We are so excited about having the whole of our school family on site.       

    Please continue to be vigilant with not driving down Brickbridge Rd, the wearing of masks and the social distancing between people from different households.

    Many thanks,

    The All Saints’ Team




    In addition to the World Book Day poster attached, we would like to invite any of you who would like to be a mystery reader for that day to contact your child’s class teacher. This would simply involve you producing a, less than 10 minutes, recording of yourself reading a short story, poem or extract from a book. It would be great if you appeared in disguise at the beginning and then revealed yourself at the end.                                                                            

    How exciting this would be for your wonderful children! Can’t wait to see your videos!    




    This morning we wore red and continued with our theme of Forgiveness.

    Next week, we will also have Deacon Annette Sharp–the local Methodist Minister- leading our Collective Worship. You are invited to join us at 10.05am if you are able to. Please use the link from this morning



    The next session will be on Tuesday 20th April 7pm-8pm. We’re hoping this time will be more convenient so that many more will be able to attend and glean this valuable information which will help us to monitor our children’s online use.

    We are also asking if you would like to become an Online Safety Ambassador. This would involve you becoming a part of a team who would keep up to date with current issues and share crucial information with other parents. Emma Cox whose child is in yr2 has already volunteered to become an Ambassador and Tanya Cross will be leading a training session in June for this team of parents.

    See the Online Safety page on our school website for current information.


    Thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating this page.



    INSET DAYS  Some time ago, the governors approved the INSET Days for this academic year, one of which was Wednesday 10th March.  As it now seems likely that schools will begin to re-open to more children on Monday 8th March, we feel it would be appreciated by families if we were to remain open on that day. The governors have approved a postponement of the INSET Day scheduled for 10th March until later in the year. This will be discussed further at the full governing body meeting on 17th March and you will be notified of the new date as soon as it has been agreed.



    The Parent Association are hoping to organise a safe family event for our school this half term.


    Look out for details in the next few weeks.




    From 19.3.21

    Yr5 Swimming Commences – please read the important letter on Tapestry

    Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm


    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

    Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor



Newsletter 02/11/20
  • Mon 2nd Nov

    Monday 2nd November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter2nd November, 2020

    A very, very warm welcome back to everyone! We trust that you had a refreshing half term and are looking forward to the exciting term ahead. To have had our whole school family together in school for the whole of last term was extremely positive. Lots of smiling faces, seeing friends again and creative adapting of practice to ensure good learning. We are looking forward to another successful half term

    We appreciate things need to continue to be different to keep everyone safe but we will still do our upmost to provide a safe and happy environment in the All Saints’ Way.

    Please look out for our updated Health and Safety reminders which will be coming out later this week.


    Welcome to the youngest member of our All Saints’ Family

    Many congratulations to Mrs Morton whose second child arrived safely on Thursday 29th October at 4.34pm, weighing 7lb 13oz.  Her husband Will and big brother Oliver are very happy and are feeling extremely blessed. Name to follow!


    If anyone would like to send in a card/gift, please do place it in the box next to the gate when you drop off or pick up your child.  We will pass them on to Mrs Morton by Wednesday 11th November.


    We would like to especially welcome Miss Siobhan Edwards who is our new teacher in year 3. We look forward to her covering Mrs Day’s maternity leave in the future. We know you will all give her a very warm welcome. There is a Meet The New Teacher Zoom planned for Tuesday 10th Nov at 4pm. Mrs Day will send the year 3 parents details via Tapestry.




    Sue Hatton’s Music Tuition

    Welcome also to Sue Hatton who will be restarting her individual lessons with children across school.

    To gather further information about how your child could continue their lessons or start to learn to play a new musical instrument, please contact Sue on susanlogcabin@aol.com or by calling her on 07968561339



    Toy clipart baby toy, Toy baby toy Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2020

    It is always lovely to share happy news and this year we have been thoroughly blessed with expectant mothers. We are pleased to announce that Miss Taylor and her partner are excitingly expecting their first child next year. We have already written to Class 4 to share the happy news and we look forward to sharing plans with you all in due course.



    Everyone in school had an absolutely brilliant time during our very special Church Week. We certainly were not disappointed as it was again a truly unique week. We would especially like to thank Sarah Holton, Hev Taylor and other volunteers from All Saints’ Church for all their hard work, thought and creativity; making sure it was an exciting, reflective and fun week for the children.  We hope you enjoyed seeing a short celebration of the week’s activities on Tapestry.


    Our new vision statement was also launched.  After much discussion, consideration and reflection, everyone felt that we absolutely needed to retain our ’All Saints’ Way’ which underpins and enhances so much of what we do in school for our children and what we want for them. So we as a church school wanted something that not only captured this but enhanced it. Therefore our new Vision is …



    Thank you to the many parents who donated so many People of the World books. We are very grateful to you all and these books have certainly enhanced the representation of our world and variety of books now available to our children.



    What a wonderful sight!??

    These are our new reading books - wow!!!! 


    We have books from popular authors, book sets and an array of amazing non-fiction books. An enormous thanks to Mrs Manning for organising the tremendous book fair last year which enabled us to purchase these new books.



    Message on behalf of All Saints’ Church

    Please see attached an advert for a wellbeing group that the church are beginning to run this half term. They are very keen to enable all people in our community, whether or not they come to church, to take care of their mental and emotional wellbeing.

    Improvements Around School

    Much needed new windows have been installed at the back of our school building making Class 2, Reception, their toilets, the staffroom and the Library much more comfortable. Thank you to Mr Chaloner who has worked extremely hard throughout this project. Please view the photos and installation video on Tapestry.


    A huge thank you to the Peatfield Family who gave up part of their half term to complete some much needed improvements on the field. They have spent time adding willow to our new Junk Yard and hanging tarpaulin to create a little shelter. (For more details, see The Junk Yard letter from Mr McShane who has been very instrumental in creating this new area.)


    Unfortunately, our ‘Dash a Day Track’ which was scheduled to be completed, could not be due to the bad weather last week. Huge thanks to Mr McShane and Mrs Hallworth for all their hard work co-ordinating this project in very tricky times!




    Monday 9th November - Mr Joe Barker, the HT at Marple High School will be leading our collective worship. We look forward to hearing him speak to the children and the theme will be Friendship.

    Tuesday 10th November -Yr3 Meet The New Teacher Zoom - at 4pm

    Friday 13th November - Pudsey Day – Together We Can Change Young Lives .Children can wear their own clothes on that day and bring £1 for this charity.

    Tuesday 17th November -Online Safety Workshop

    This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place from 1.30pm -2.30pm using Microsoft Teams. (Details to follow.) It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic, it would be great for as many to attend as possible. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you

    Mrs Pratt has been amazing at updating the class pages on our school website. She has also been responsible for updated the Online Safety page with the most current information. Many thanks Mrs Pratt


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor.

Newsletter 03/05/2022
  • Tue 3rd May

    Tuesday 3rd May (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family, 


    Class 5 were amazing last Friday performing in their class assembly.  We were blown away with all their knowledge from their learning about the Anglo-Saxons and also their impressive acting and singing skills.  A huge thank you to Miss Foster and Mrs Daniel for all your hard work with the children and of course all the family members who attended and made it a very special event. The biscuits went down very well too!

    St George’s Day

    It was wonderful to see some of our children in their club uniforms last Friday to mark St George’s Day. Our children contribute to our community in so many ways and we would like to praise them for this.

    Jubilee Celebration Picnic on Friday 27th May, 12-1pm – See attached flyer.


    Latest covid info from the Local Authority

    • Children with mild symptoms of a respiratory infection include covid-19 but are otherwise well, should continue to attend school. They should stay home if they have a high temperature and are unwell, and can return to school when they no longer have a high temperature/feel well enough.

    It is not recommended that children should have a covid-19 test unless directed to by a health professional, but if a child under 18 does test positive, they should stay off school for 3 days after the day they took the test. They can return to school after the 3 days if they are well enough.


    Plastics Count – see attached information leaflet


    WHY IS THE COUNT SO URGENT NOW? This year, the government is starting to decide on legal targets for reducing plastic waste. But at the moment, there’s nowhere near enough information about how much plastic waste leaves UK households, or what happens to it. The new evidence we gather will be crucial to convince the government to set a target to reduce single-use plastic by 50% by 2025 (by transitioning to reusable packaging which caters to everyone’s needs) – and ban dumping UK plastic waste on other countries.


    ARE YOU READY TO COUNT? Attached, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to prepare for the count, what to do during the count, and how to submit your findings afterwards. It couldn’t be easier. Thank you for joining this nationwide investigation into plastic waste. Simply bookmark thebigplasticcount.com/submit so you’re ready to start tallying on 16th May.


    A huge thank you to Mr Lonsdale, who organised a couple of science workshops last week which enhanced our children’s science learning and further developed their enthusiasm for this subject. 

    All Saints' was lucky enough to have two visitors in one week, with Alan Ames (a bird of prey specialist) and "Scientific Sarah" from Mad Science making an appearance.

    On Monday the children were thrilled to see three different types of bird of prey. There was a small, beautiful Barn Owl, a feisty Harris Hawk and a majestic Bald Eagle. Whilst they all learned something about conservation and adaptation, it was certainly the animals that captivated the children, especially when they flew around the hall! 


    Mad Science did a similarly exciting assembly, with a demonstration of different types of rocket. We were able to see how they could be adapted to help them get to Mars.

    The assembly finished with a display of the energy contained within a few drops of rocket fuel! We hope many children will be joining the new Mad Science club in the second half of the Summer Term. 

    Mr Lonsdale





    We have a new resident.  The Duck who made All Saints’ her home last year whilst she hatched and fledged her ducklings has returned. She’s currently sitting on at least 3 eggs and seems settled and very much at home.

    We are trying to make her welcome whilst ensuring that her nesting site stays as clean as possible and that all of Mrs Clayton’s hard work with the beautiful flowers and plants in that area doesn’t get eaten like it did last year!

    With that in mind we’ve bought plastic sheeting and netting etc.  We will be buying chick feed shortly so that when the ducklings arrive (fingers crossed) we are ready for them.  If anyone would like to help with the cost of this we’d be very grateful and there is a Parent pay item called Daisy Duck, if you’d like to contribute.  Thank You.

    Mrs Clayton will be keeping you updated on Daisy (and hopefully her ducklings) progress via tapestry over the next few weeks.

    Mrs Vickers 


    School Nurse

    We were delighted to have our School Nurse, Alison Dunning, running ‘drop in’ sessions at school, last week.

    School nursing is a universal public health service for school age children. School Nurses are qualified nurses with an additional specialist public health qualification.

    The school nursing team can offer support, guidance and signposting to other services on a whole range of things for example: Continence - daytime and night time wetting and any toileting issues; headlice; emotional and mental health & wellbeing; healthy eating and weight management. If you have any concerns at all about your child that you feel chatting to the nurse would help, please do not hesitate to contact them. Details are on our school website.




    Tuesday 3rd May

    KS1 SATs will be completed throughout this month

    Author Workshop Reception, Years 1,2 and 3

    Monday 9th May

    Year 6 Children will be sitting Statutory Assessment Tests throughout the week.

    Year 3 Start Brass

    Monday 16th May

    Year 6 Start Swimming

    Thursday 19th May

    Rounder’s Event at Marple Hall after School selected Year 5 and 6 children

    Wednesday 25th May

    Young Voices Concert

    Thursday 26th May

    Year 5/6  Football Tournament @ Mellor School  - 3:30pm

    Friday 27th May

    Jubilee Celebration Day – Whole School Family Picnic PM – More information to follow

    School breaks up at 3:15pm for Half Term


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton

Newsletter 03/11/21
  • Wed 3rd Nov

    Wednesday 3rd November (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family,


    Church Week was absolutely brilliant and the children thoroughly enjoyed, once again, being in the church building for an array of activities e.g. bell ringing.


    Our Harvest Growing Faith celebration this year, was wonderful and we were overwhelmed with your generous donations of not only plants for our Spirituality Garden, but also food!! Many commented that it was the most food that had been donated in many years. We praised and thanked your children but we would also like to give a big THANK YOU to you all for your kindness and generosity!!


    Special Prayer written by Amelie (Year 3)


    Dear God,

    Thank you for the sound of our hearts beating as we breathe in and out - how lucky we are to have such lovely lives.


    Thank you for Psalm 23 for inspiring our Spirituality Garden - what a wonderful goal that has been achieved!


    Thank you for the water that sprays out of our beautiful water fountain and the exquisite array of stunning flowers donated that decorate our Spiritual garden.


    Thank you to everyone at All Saints’ Church and all the wonderful volunteers like my mummy and daddy who have shown such kindness to make this week simply the best! Our relationships and partnership has grown even stronger through terrific TEAM WORK!


    Thank you for all our learning with our wonderful teachers encouraging us how to be great Christians and for helping to lead us down the right pathways for our lives.


    Thank you God for being; the way, the truth and the life and most of all, thank you God for you!


    May the memories of Church Week 2021 live in our hearts and help us grow forever.


    Church Week 2021 truly has been ‘All Together, All Achieving, All Saints’!




    Our Chester Zoo Trip was absolutely fantastic!! We had the best day ever and the children absolutely loved their experience! Please see the many photos/videos of our special day out on Tapestry.



    From the Chair of Governors …..


    On behalf of all the governors here at All Saints’, I’d like to give a very warm ‘welcome back’ to Mrs Morton as she returns as Co-Headteacher this week.  We hope that she’ll soon settle back into being a working mum again !


    I’d also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Gaynor for the wonderful way she has led the school, full-time, over the last twelve months whilst Mrs Morton has been on maternity leave.  It has not been an easy 12 months, having to constantly respond to the range of challenges that Covid-19 has brought, but she has managed everything with a quiet authority and provided wonderful support to staff, parents and children.


    Governors continue to support the school in all sorts of ways, despite the Covid restrictions, and I am pleased to report that Mr Lonsdale will be joining us on the Governing Body this week, replacing Mrs Hallworth as staff governor.  During October, one of our other governors, Nev Phillips, was rushed into hospital after suffering a heart attack and subsequently underwent a triple heart by-pass operation.  He is making an excellent recovery and is hoping to be back in circulation in the not too distant future.  Both he and his family have been very grateful for all the support and good wishes they have received from the All Saints’ community.


    Here’s hoping for a safe and healthy half-term in the run-up to Christmas.


    With all good wishes,


    Alan Bailey


    Our wish was to design and create a beautiful, contemplative space where children can be calm, relax, reflect and have the opportunity to encounter God.  It has turned into so much more!

    If this pandemic has taught us one thing, it is to appreciate what green space we have; to get outdoors and not take it for granted.  To breathe.  To sit.  To slow down.  

      …’He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water…

    True gardeners say singing to our plants can stimulate growth, but as part of Church week it was the sound of bells that rained down from All Saints’ Church and spread joy over our new oasis on the school field.  Each class visited, a true excitement as this has always been a highlight of our school year and one we sorely missed due to Covid.  With well planned activities, such as the mentioned bell ringing, songs, bracelet making, learning about Potters village in Uganda or water and baptism were all held in the church.

    …he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake’ Psalm 23

    We couldn’t be more proud of our new spirituality garden- complete with a working water feature, new life given to an old boat, colourful peace posts and an abundance of flora and foliage.  We have recharged and rebalanced our souls. 

    We now have a real place to go and reflect as the spaces within our classrooms were not fit for purpose.  We can encounter God, discover God and find peace and wellbeing amongst a hidden paradise.

     Mrs. Noble has been the spearhead, galvanizing this project as part of her Christian Leadership development and the always brilliant Sarah Holton (our Children and Families Worker from Church) who has helped to energise it and rally the troops.  With a modest budget we have planted seeds, some of which we may never see, but isn’t that what life as a Primary School is all about?!

    Mr McShane




    If possible we will be inviting you to come and have a proper look around



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.











    Sunday 14.11.21

    1.30-3.30pm Community Garden Project

    (Sign up for this event and see separate Tapestry post)


    Yr5 and Yr6 Anti-Bullying Workshop by the Christians in Schools Trust

    wc 15.11.21

    Anti-Bullying Week – One Kind Word

    Yr3 and Yr4 Anti-Bullying Workshop by Christians in Schools Trust

    Road Safety Workshops for years 2, 4, 5 & 6



    Have a wonderful week


    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 04/05/21
  • Tue 4th May

    Tuesday 4th May (allsaints-pri Admin)









    We had an absolutely brilliant three days where our children were fully immersed in history – exploring artefacts, re-enacting key events, story-telling, dressing up, etc. The children not only learned key facts but learned about specific historical skills such as chronology, considering cause and consequence, the use of primary and secondary sources, exploring comparisons and contrasts, and so on. There were also many opportunities to explore key vocabulary and to make connections with previous learning.

    Please view your child’s class Tapestry page to see a snapshot of their exciting learning. Thank you again to the PA for paying for this wonderful experience and to Mrs Noble and Mrs Manning-Craggs for organising the event


    SCHOOL READING BOOKS                                                                                                                               

    We have noticed that we have a number of reading books missing from our library shelves. Could you please check your bookshelves at home, grandparents and child minders homes and return any books that you may still have at home.






    Please continue to read the class Friday Shout Outs for an update on the exciting learning

    your children have been encountering.




    I serve on the Steering and Resources Committees and I am the Health & Safety Governor - these roles are closely linked with my previous profession as a Chartered Surveyor prior to retirement.  I am the Development Governor whose role is to encourage the development of skills and training of the Governing Board members.   I am also Class Governor Friend for Year Four, having been with this great bunch of children since they joined All Saints’ in Reception. 



    I was co-opted onto the Governing Board in 2015 following an invitation from Alan Bailey (Chair).

    As a member of All Saints’ Church, I was aware of the close relationship between the Church and the School.  Also, two of our granddaughters attended the school at the time and, as a result, I felt an even closer bond. Our three grown up children have all been educated in Marple and, like most people, I consider Education to be so important. Having lived in Marple for over forty years and benefited from living in this vibrant community, I felt that this was an opportunity to help contribute to the wellbeing of our children. 



    We have a wonderful school - children, staff and parents.  I’m interested in a wide range of subjects and activities including sports and these interests were nurtured initially at school. The wellbeing of our children is so important, equipping them for their future lives and this includes an all-round education, enjoying their time at school and developing life skills. We are fortunate to live in Marple with beautiful countryside on our doorstep and living in a region with a rich cultural heritage providing such a wide range of opportunities for our children.  All Saints’ is such a welcoming school, I always enjoy attending different events such as assemblies, class visits, school fairs and Church Week. I’m looking forward to the time, hopefully soon, when we can do these things again.




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    6th May

    Reception & Yr1 Jack and the Beanstalk experience

    21st May

    Yr6 swimming begins

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 04/10/21
  • Mon 4th Oct

    Monday 4th October (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family,


    New to Year Group Parent Meetings

    A huge thank you to all parents who joined our Year Group meetings. Many parents have commented on how informative they found the meetings which went through the expectations for each year group. Each class teacher was able to clarify punctuation/spelling terminology, reading comprehension expectations and maths strategies used. Thank you for continuing to work in partnership with us for the benefit of your children and there will be regular updates throughout the year.


    Black History Month

    Today marks the start of our focus on black history. Although we enrich our curriculum throughout the year, with the children exploring their own culture and that of others, we feel it is important to honour this national month.

    This month we will highlight and celebrate the achievements of black people in Britain and beyond. It is also a time to look forward and celebrate the here and now and the future possibilities.


    As part of our collective worship today, we were introduced to Jackie Kay, a Scottish poet who wrote ‘In My Country’ (https://poetryarchive.org/poem/my-country/ )and Katherine Johnson, a superb mathematician who helped NASA put an astronaut into orbit around Earth and then helped put a man on the Moon. https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/who-was-katherine-johnson-k4


    Church Week is fast approaching and the children are getting excited about this special annual event. Our theme for this year is Growing Faith. Throughout the week, each class will visit the church for a series of activities including our very popular bell ringing. There will also be classroom activities and a session in our newly constructed Spirituality Garden which we will continue to add to, throughout the week.


    Specific plant donations are very welcome and should be brought into school/delivered to school on the morning of Monday 18th October. (See specific Spirituality Garden letter on Tapestry.)


    The week will end with a special grand opening of our Spirituality Garden and a morning Growing Faith Harvest Festival service at school. (We are unable to host our Harvest celebration at church this year due to restrictions in the amount of people allowed in the building.) This year we are asking all families to contribute what they can to our ‘harvest’ which will be displayed and later distributed to charities. We are asking that you send in any of the following on the morning of Friday 22nd October and not before due to storage reasons: pasta, rice, cereals, 



    pasta sauces, tinned fruit/pudding/fish/meat/soup/veg, UHT milk, etc. No gift is too small and we are sure the children will feel good about their ‘giving’. Whatever is donated will go to a few of our local foodbanks.


    Many thanks in advance for your wonderful donations, whether they are plants/shrubs for our Spirituality Garden or dry/tinned food for local foodbanks.


    The All Saints’ Way Team




    Please read the Tapestry post as this is a wonderful opportunity to purchase books for your child or as a gift for others. As a school, we also earn commission and are hoping to spend this money on science books to improved our deeper learning in science.  Please visit: https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents




    We have been asked by the safeguarding team to make you aware of the following site.




    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:                                                                                        

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.



    Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. 




    Have assured us that they are looking into setting up an online system that parents can use at home to select their meals 








    Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes, really!

    Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles












    WC 4.10.21







    Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.  Book onto this session     Book onto this session


    Donations for Spirituality Garden


    Donation for Growing Faith Harvest Festival





    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 05/07/21
  • Mon 5th Jul

    Monday 5th July (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear Wonderful School Family,

    We have so much to celebrate this week!














    Chris Penn, Mrs Gaynor, Mrs Morton,                                           The Celebration Service was hosted and led by the Church

    Alan Bailey and Jen McIlveen  



    We had an absolutely spectacular morning last Wednesday when we welcomed Chris Penn and Jen McIlveen who were on site to present us with the prestigious Church School Partnership Award. They thoroughly enjoyed their morning with us and all the children were praised and thanked for their part in helping us to receive this award. In recognition, the church has sent us some very special bunting with special prayers from the congregation and we have placed this and the bespoke gift from the Diocese in our foyer.
    Our achievement of this outstanding award can be read in the Diocese June bulletins below:




    We are the first school to have achieved this award in the Chester Diocese and the only school and church to have taken the risk and applied during the pandemic so this really is an enormous achievement for us all.


    An enormous thank you to Sarah Holton who organised the service which was led from our church. Chris Penn, our Diocese Director of Education and Jen McIlveen, our Diocese CPD officer were thoroughly impressed with our church and school.  They both, along with Mr Bailey, encouraged the children to continue with their exciting learning and gave them all a personal word of praise and thanks.


    The All Saints' Team



    On Friday last week All Saints' welcomed some very special visitors with some exciting news.  


    As part of the school's work on Remembrance and our curriculum focus on World War 2, we were delighted to find out we had won a local legacy competition, organised by Stockport Normandy Veterans. All classes contributed in some way or other, be it by War song, soldier prayer, poppy art, World War inspired writing, Anderson shelter building to name just some of the many activities undertaken.  Due to the bubble situation, Year 6 welcomed the guests but we managed to Zoom into the Whole school celebration assembly so all could join in; we were treated with some historical stories before receiving our prestigious award.

    On the day we were joined by Shelia and Freda who were both Primary aged children during World War 2, Linda Varley - Administrator of the Stockport Normandy Veterans Legacy, Ray (Treasurer) and local MP William Wragg who presented us with the most beautiful trophy that sits proudly in our foyer.






    Next year we will plan to build upon this important legacy, especially around the time of Remembrance Day - if any families would like to share stories, artefacts etc. around this time we would be very interested in hearing from you.  Perhaps overly ambitious, I am looking for any local tradesmen who would be willing to donate some time or resources in the near future to help All Saints' build our very own replica Anderson Shelters to help inspire, to help remember and to help bring the curriculum to life! Please get in touch if you think you could lend a hand, some expertise or resources.


    Mr McShane (AHT & Yr6 Teacher)




    We have heard from Tracy McGuinness that the most recent mural has been installed and our very own Evelyn has had her work included! What a huge achievement!!





    Evelyn said that she was inspired by the nature in the park as she likes to watch the birds flying and drinking from the bird baths!





    Free school meals and Pupil Premium

    Had a change in financial circumstances? Please apply for Free School Meals!

    School will receive £1345 for each child for every year they are at All Saints’ regardless if your circumstances change again.

    Please apply using the link https://www.stockport.gov.uk/start/free-school-meals-application-form

    Apply whichever year your child is in to ensure we get the funding for the vital resources!

    Thank you






    Taylor Shaw have signed up to be part of the national vegpower scheme.

    Each week, Veg Power are asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks’ veg. There are stickers to reward the children who give them a try.

    wc 5th July – Peas

    wc 12th July – Brocco




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days.

    14th July 2021

    Reports and Parent Questionnaire go home.

    19th July 2021

    Class End of Yr Assemblies uploaded onto Tapestry

    21st July 2021

    Parent Questionnaires to be completed by today.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 05/10/20
  • Mon 5th Oct

    Monday 5th October (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 05.10.2020

    Lots to Celebrate!

    A huge well done to Poppy who ran the Race for Life last weekend!  She ran with her running group everyone is so proud of your determination Poppy and amazingly you helped the group to raise £3,000!

    Please see the link below if you would like to support this wonderful cause!



    Welcome to …

    After a rigorous recruitment process, we are delighted to announce that Miss Edwards will be taking over from Miss Day when she commences her maternity leave in line with current Covid-19 regulations.  A huge thank you to Mr Bailey and Mrs Woodgate as Governors who dedicated their time, support and wealth of knowledge to support us in this process.  We look forward to sharing more information about Miss Edwards in due course and her wide range of experiences that we are sure will enhance All Saints’ further.


    Children’s Safety

    As always this is of paramount importance to us at All Saints’ we fully appreciate that the current situation at pick up and drop off is not ideal.  As you can imagine we have conducted and regularly revisit our Risk Assessments including discussing about allowing parents to come onto the playground.  However, it is still deemed not a viable option to have all the parents into the playground/ walk round the building etc as we are currently able to maintain safe segregated outside spaces for each bubble and if we allowed this we would have the mixing of bubbles. As such we would like to reiterate again some of the rules/ requests we have put into place in order to keep everyone safe. 

    We need to ensure that when we release the children they are able to remain on the pavement in order get down Brickbridge Road and not have to go on the road.  The easiest way to support this is to stick to the staggered pick up and drop off times.  By only one adult per child arriving on time but not to early for pick up and drop off and also vacating the area ASAP once your child has been collected, this reduces numbers that are therefore making maintaining social distancing and safely leaving the area more difficult.  To support this further any Year 6s who make their own way home will be escorted by School staff to John at the crossing.




    Autumn Parent Drop in!

    Telephone Cartoon Stock Photos And Images - 123RFWe will sadly be cancelling this event for next half term and therefore felt it is important to offer an opportunity for our families to have a conversation with their child’s class teacher before the formal appointments in the new year.  Therefore, in the final week of half term 19th October, (Church Week) Teachers will call each parent for a 5 minute chat about how their child has settled back into school.  You will receive a PING/ Tapestry message next week letting you know the time and day your child’s teacher will be calling you. We hope everyone will find this useful. 


    FluMist Nasal Spray Was Highly Ineffective Last Flu SeasonNasal Flu Vaccinations

    Intra Health will be coming to administer the Vaccinations on Friday 9th October at 1pm. Please note Class 4 will be having theirs when they return from swimming.



    Moving over to Tapestry from PING

    From start of next half term (2nd November), we will be using Tapestry as our main point of contact with our families and we will not be continuing to use PING. Parentpay will continue to be used for payments for lunches etc.

    If you have not had your log in for Tapestry, please email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk to be set up. There is an app to download, or you can visit the website www.tapestryjournal.com to view communication from your child’s class and also contact your child’s teacher. If there is anything that you need to let us know urgently, such as change to pick up arrangements, please email us as above or call School on 0161 427 3008.

    Department for Education Assessment Timetable

    Please take a look if not already done so at the letter regarding assessments this academic year that was sent out via Tapestry on 29th September.



    Sue Hatton Music Tuition

    Please see the attached letter for how your child can get involved.




    Track and Trace

    Please refer to the communication sent to you last Friday about what to do if you have been asked to self-isolate and please keep School informed. 

    Emotional Wellbeing Support

    See the attached leaflet which contains a range of services children and adults can access, such as Kooth and HOPELINEUK for young people, the Samaritans and SHOUT, alongside online platforms like Togetherall.

    Similarly, parents, carers, students, and staff can find these and additional services online (https://www.stockport.gov.uk/mental-wellbeing-support-coronavirus), as well as some tips and guidance to look after your health and wellbeing (https://www.stockport.gov.uk/look-after-your-health-andwellbeing).

    It is important to recognise the invaluable support system that families, friends, and colleagues provide, and if you know someone who is not feeling okay, the Every Mind Matters webpage has some helpful tips on how you can help (https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/helping-others/)

    Message from Siobhan McKenna,  GM Nutrition and Hydration Programme Manager (Stockport area) (AGE UK)


    Malnutrition Awareness Week (MAW 2020) is here!

    This year it will run from the 5th until the 12th of October.



    If you would like to download any of our resources or materials, you can access them here:




    Finally, we are running 2 webinars during this week:


    • Raising awareness of malnutrition webinar will be held on Wednesday 7th October, 3-4pm. To book, visit:



    • Hydration, awareness and strategies to promote good hydration webinar will run on Thursday 8th October, 10-11am. To book, visit:


     Contact Families

    Our helpline advisers are ready to help with any concerns or worries you might have about your family during the current pandemic and beyond.


    Call our free helpline on 0808 808 3555


    Chat to us online: http://ow.ly/973B50AsWCN


    Or email us at helpline@contact.org.uk for families with disabled children contact.org.uk 




    Donation for the All Saints’ as always very welcome, please see the poster below for more information about such a great and needed cause.





    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 06/12/21
  • Mon 6th Dec

    Monday 6th December (allsaints-pri Admin)




    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            


    Health & Safety

    • Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.
    • Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.
    • We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.
    • Please note that LFD tests can be picked up from the local chemists for using at home.


    John, our school crossing officer, is celebrating 70 years on Thursday! Please do wish him a ‘Happy 70th Birthday’ when you see him on Thursday! This would really make his day.



    Charity Fundraiser

    Tuesday 14th December…Y3/ 4 Charity Fundraiser... 

    • Christmas film extracts and refreshments by the Christmas tree
    • £2.00 cash – pay on the door on the day.
    • 3.15- 4.15pm Y1 and Y2 (Bring a special teddy to cuddle)
    • 4.30 – 5.30pm KS2 (Children can wear Christmas jumpers if they want to be extra cosy!)

    All money to go towards ‘The Pantry’ providing food for our local food bank for families in our local community. 

    (This extra hour may just help families to have a little extra time to get a few last minute Christmas presents!)


    Thank you in advance,

    Y3/4 teachers- Mrs. Noble and Mr. Lonsdale


    Messages from All Saints’ C of E Church:

    Please read the attached magazine which has a lot of exciting events/activities you could be part of.


    Please note that our Spring Parents Evenings will be on Monday 24th January, 2022 and Thursday 27th January, 2022. Both evenings will be after the school day and Mrs Vickers, our School Business Manager, will be sending out further information regarding these evenings.

    The Parents Association                                                                                                                                         

      Thank you to all those who brought donations on our two non-uniform days.

    The Christmas Shop - For this event we are asking that children who wish to use the Christmas Shop bring in an unused gift item of no less than £1. Please can items be labelled as Christmas Shop and all items need to be in school by the 17th December.

    The children who brought in a gift may then bring in £1 on the 20th December so that they can choose and buy an item from the Christmas Shop, so they have a gift which can be gifted to a family member as a 'surprise'. This item will be wrapped and tagged for them to bring home and put under the tree for Christmas.

    Thank you,                                                                                                                                                                                          The All Saints' Parents Association.



    Read the attached Marple Review newspaper article. We are very proud to be featured and to share our new Spirituality Garden with our wider community.




    As always Christmas is such a special time of the year and we are delighted to be able to do some things this Christmas that were simply not allowed last year. However, due to LA guidelines still in place and other restrictions in places of worship etc. we will not be able to do things fully as in pre-covid times. As always we have thought hard and in the All Saints’ Way about how we can include as many people as possible and have as many events still take place for the children. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a fun filled festive period ahead. 


    Christmas Lunch – we will be having our school Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 14th December. This will be a special occasion for our children but due to the restrictions on large crowds in our setting, we will unfortunately, not be able to invite any parents on this occasion. Thank you for your understanding and please do order a dinner for your child no later than 7.12.21 .


    Christmas at Church

    Due to capacity restrictions in churches we have decided to run three separate events to ensure all children get to experience Christmas at Church and our young children’s families can see them in their starring roles!

    15th December KS1 Nativity at 9.30am and 6pm. It is absolutely brilliant that x2 family members are allowed to attend each performance. However, the Church has asked that all adults wear a mask if they are not exempt, you remain seated once you have found a seat and the children remain on the stage throughout the performance. In line with the LA guidance, we are also asking that you all take a LFD test on the day of and before coming to each performance. It also goes without saying that If you are showing any symptoms of covid-19, you remain at home

    20th December at 9.30am – the Reception children will be performing their very first school nativity which is really exciting!! The rules above apply and x4 family members will be allowed to attend the performance.

    22nd December at 1.30pm - KS2 will be attending church for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. As the capacity for seating is currently only 225, we will only be allowed to have the children in the Church.

    There will be a retiring collection at the end of the R and KS1 performances.


    Christmas Parties - All classes will be having Christmas parties in school. See the diary dates at the end and party letters.




    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.


    Free online courses - Solihull Approach                                                                                                                        Stockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.

    The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends. They are split into the following topics:

    ·        Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby

    ·        Understanding your baby (0-12 months)

    ·        Understanding your child (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

    ·        Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)

    Please follow the link below for more information and how to book a place.







    Reception and KS1 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 3 & 4 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    All children back in school on Thursday 6th January, 2022

    24.1.22 & 27.1.22



    Have a wonderful week!

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton

Newsletter 07/12/20
  • Mon 7th Dec

    Monday 7th December (allsaints-pri Admin)






    Thank you all so very much for considering becoming a parent governor and thank you to the parents who have been nominated. Please do take some time to read the statements from the four parents and then proceed to vote for 2 parents by 12 noon on Wednesday 16th December 2020.

    Schools up and down the country depend upon governors volunteering their time, talents and expertise. We’re so grateful for your support in this matter.

    Please read all the documentation which was sent via Tapestry this morning.



    Look out for the letter which explains how you can purchase this exciting book of excellent poetry which has been written by All Saints’ Primary children. A huge thank you to Mrs Noble who has initiated this project.        



    Health & Safety!

    We are looking forward to seeing our year 5 children and staff return to school tomorrow and appreciate you continuing to follow the health and safety guidance.

    • Please refrain from driving along Brickbridge Rd between 3.00pm and 3.30pm.
    • Remember only one parent is to drop off and pick up and to remain socially distanced whilst waiting.  (A person who maintains appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) will not be classed as a ‘close contact’ and will not be required to self-isolate.)
    • Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.


    Vodafone’s COVID- response offer for people that are unemployed

    Vodafone have just launched a new £10 offer for people claiming Universal Credit or Jobseekers Allowance, here. The package is part of Vodafone’s COVID-response activity and will provide people with the package for 6 months, with no contract nor credit checks required, so suitable for those with low credit ratings.


    A message from our Administration Team …

    We would like to kindly request that items are brought into school by your child in the morning rather than being dropped off during the school day. This is to reduce the amount of occasions that the office staff need to go to the gate, handle items from different households and then deliver them to different class doors. Thank you for your understanding.

    Please can we remind families to keep school informed when there is any change of personal information, including address, mobile and email.


    The LA is seeking the views of stakeholders by 1st Jan 2021

    The Admissions and Term Dates Consultation for academic year 2022-23 has been published. You can access the consultation and submit your response following this link: https://consultation.stockport.gov.uk/schools/school-admissions-consultation/







    Thursday 10th December -Online Safety Workshop – 10.30am -11.30am. This will be through Google Meet and the link is:   meet.google.com/mxk-sfxv-ncx

    Thursday 10th December – Any Christmas cards your children wish to bring in, must be brought to school in a separate bag. Staff will hand these out on Wednesday 16th December.

    Wednesday 16th December – Christmas Dinner. Children can wear their uniform with a Christmas jumper if they wish to. Christmas cards will be taken home.

    Thursday 17th December – KS1 & KS2 Christmas Parties – see letter from last week

    Home-Learning tasks for next week will be received.

    Friday 18th December – Non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day

    Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December – Children will not come into school but will be completing home-learning.
















    Mini Winter Reading Challenge


    This Winter Stockport Libraries are introducing the Winter Reading Challenge following the enormous success of the Summer Reading Challenge.  This is to encourage children to keep reading over the holidays and to give virtual rewards along the way!  Children will be asked to read any range of books of their choice and to review them on the website www.wintermini.org.uk. This is also the website you need to visit to access the Winter Mini Challenge.  We would love to see as many of our All Saints’ Superstars as possible taking part in this lovely event.  It will start on the 1st December and run until the 15th January.

    Wishing you all a very well read Winter with lots of virtual prizes along the way!

    Mrs Manning-Craggs 
















    The Selfish Giant Film

    A huge THANK YOU to All Saints’ Church who have purchased this film for our children and families.

    The company have stipulated that the private link must not be shared on social media or by any other public means as per our licence agreement.   https://vimeo.com/481707606/20dde3c528

    The film comes in three chapters, each of which can be accessed by using the timestamps in the description under the film. If you would prefer you can access the film on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/v56DACH1yJ8




    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor

Newsletter 08/02/21
  • Mon 8th Feb

    Monday 8th February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 8th February, 2021












    A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTSWe’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working again so, as a Senior Leadership Team, we wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time. As parents, these weeks have been incredibly tough trying to juggle home schooling, the demands of work and surviving a pandemic! (We ourselves as teachers and parents to our own children, know exactly what you’re going through!). We want to say ‘Very Well Done’ and the biggest THANK YOU to each and every one of you!




    LOCKDOWN REMINDERS Throughout this national lockdown all children should continue to comply with the rules set out for tier 4. Parents are asked to help ensure their children are following these rules. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings.

    CHILDREN IN SCHOOL  As you are aware, we have a mixture of children in school, who are part of the vulnerable and critical worker category. Our current percentage of children on the register has now risen to 49% - one of the highest in this area.  The DfE has said in its guidance ‘parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can’. As such, we again appeal to you to not bring your child into school when you are not carrying out your critical worker duties.  This will assist in ensuring the health safety and wellbeing of ALL our school family. 

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and support,

    The All Saints’ Team




    This is the second week that each class will be having two zoom meetings. This will give a greater opportunity for the children to interact and catch up with each other.Instead of our staff creating a written

    Friday Shout Out each Friday, we will celebrate successes within one or both of our Class Zoom meetings. Staff will screen share a couple of photos of good work and give all children a chance to see what is being achieved by each other.

    There is much to celebrate so we hope you will continue to engage in these zooms



    See attached materials to support children’s Mental Health Week.

    Information about the Shooting Stars football programme, training opportunities and resources are available on www.girlsfootballinschools.org  .

    Please use these links to book onto these events.

    9.2.21 11.2.21 16.2.21 10:30 - 12:00pm https://youthsporttrust.force.com/YST_EventRedirectUpdate?id=a4O3z000000rt93 

    9.2.21 11.2.21 16.2.21 3:30 - 5:00pm https://youthsporttrust.force.com/YST_EventRedirectUpdate?id=a4O3z000000rtJR 

    If you have any questions please contact: jude.riddings@stockport.gov.uk






    Many of you will be familiar with the work of The New Horizons in our local community. Our children have always had a wonderful time and have hugely benefitted from various educational trips at The New Horizons.  These trips have often been organised by Sue Woodgate, one of our governors!

    Please see the attached poster which explains how, when you shop at Co-Op, The New Horizons can benefit.




    Thank you so very much for taking the time to complete the remote learning questionnaires. They were overwhelmingly positive


    Our MENTAL HEALTH WEEK last week, started with a fabulous collective worship.

    A family were so impressed with the colour yellow, that they found anything yellow in their household and created this fabulous collage! Thank you to Harrison and his mum for sending this exciting photo in:





    Again we had a whole school collective worship this morning where we were reminded by Mrs Pratt of how important it is to stay safe whilst online!! 

    Proverbs 27:12 The prudent see danger and take refuge…

    We hope you and your child will join us each week at 9:45am so we can come together as a whole school family. It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January and this morning can be used every Monday. We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.




    The Stockport Ethnic Diversity Department have created some wonderful resources.

    Attached is a flier which includes some suggested activities to mark Chinese New Year.



    Miss McConnell, our Wellbeing Champion, and the rest of the staff have decided that Friday 12th February will be a Screen Free Day.

    Please see the attached flier which has a bank of activities for you to choose from Enjoy the day! 

















    Thurs 11th February at 1.30pm 





     ZOOM Online Safety Workshop for parents. Check Tapestry for the link         

    As more and more people, including children are spending more time online,

     it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

    Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor



Newsletter 08/03/21
  • Mon 8th Mar

    Monday 8th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter  - 8th March 2021








    As a Senior Leadership Team, we wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning since January. As parents, these week`s have been incredibly tough trying to juggle home schooling, the demands of work and surviving a pandemic! (We ourselves as teachers and parents to our own children, know exactly what you have been going through!). We want to say ‘Very Well Done’ and the biggest THANK YOU to each and every one of you!


    Dear Lovely School Family

    It is so wonderful to be open to our whole school family today!  We feel so blessed to be together once again and to be able to see so many of you who we haven’t seen in person for a while.

    Unfortunately, 9 of our yr6 children and our yr6 staff need to self-isolate but they will again be with us on Monday 15th March. Despite the disappointment, they too are looking forward to being back with us.

    Thank you for continuing to comply with the rules set out in the government’s ‘Roadmap out of lockdown’ guidance. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings. Thank you also for continuing to refrain from driving down Brickbridge Rd, for wearing masks and for maintaining social distancing.

    We appreciate your support and cooperation.

    The All Saints’ Team



    This morning we continued with our theme of Forgiveness. We had our very own Reverend Daniel Currie from All Saints’ C of E Church in Marple, who inspired the children to be forgiving by using the story of the Prodigal Son.



    Next week, on Tuesday 16th March, it will be the Young Carers Action Day. To mark this day, we are asking children to come in school uniform but to wear something purple e.g. socks, bobbles or to bring something small into school of that colour so we can honour and show support for these unsung heroes.

    Hannah Thompson, one of the Liaison Workers, will be leading a workshop for bubbles of our children on the day.

    The theme is Protecting Young Carers Futures.




    We had a very successful and fun packed World Book Day. We hope you enjoyed the stories which were read by our members of staff and thank you to those parents who sent in videos of themselves as a mystery reader. They were enjoyed by the children too. 


    Household Asymptomatic Testing

    Separately and additional to home testing for staff and the testing for secondary school students, the government is extending testing to family bubbles around school children of all ages and school staff. Eligibility includes:

    • households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary-age pupils

    • households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary staff


    To confirm, tests are available for collection from the sites detailed on the map, or for home delivery to families who can’t collect a kit. There is no plan to distribute kits for family members through schools. The existing school testing programmes are unaffected by this additional offer. Stockport is currently developing a borough wide approach to ensure this programme reaches as many families as possible. Any help in publicising the initiative would be appreciated.


    A reminder that the council central testing site at Fred Perry House next to the Town Hall is now open until 7 p.m. on a Wednesday in order for Childminders and staff to access asymptomatic testing. Starting from next week onwards there will be wider access to asymptomatic testing via a mobile testing unit with a number of venues planned over the week. These community venues will be confirmed as soon as possible.



    A Useful Document from the Behaviour Support Service

    Please see the link below for a bank of resources to support emotional wellbeing and behaviour - put together by the Behaviour Support Service. It includes a variety of advice on such things as helping siblings get on, supporting sleep, behaviour tips and handy scripts, etc.

    Link: https://padlet.com/stockportbss/vxzajteb09v8n8lk 



    Communication from Stockport Local Authority

    The LA have written a letter which outlines the arrangements for children and young people as they return to schools from March 8th and provides answers to some frequently asked questions.Please note that the letter has also been posted on Stockport’s Local Offer: https://stockport.fsd.org.uk/kb5/stockport/fsd/advice.page?id=b7_NRmiHuQw



    We are asking if you would like to become an Online Safety Ambassador. This would involve you becoming a part of a team who would keep up to date with current issues and share crucial information with other parents. Emma Cox whose child is in yr2 has already volunteered to become an Ambassador and Tanya Cross will be leading a training session in June for this team of parents.

                                                                                 See the Online Safety page on our school website for current information.

    Thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating this page.






    Young Carers Action Day – full uniform but wear a bit of purple if possible

    From 19.3.21

    Yr5 Swimming Commences – please read the important letter on Tapestry

    Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm


    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

    Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.




    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor


Newsletter 09/11/20
  • Mon 9th Nov

    Monday 9th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter9th November, 2020

    An update on the youngest member of our All Saints’  Family                                                           

    The Morton family have now decided on a name! In the end it was big brother Oliver who was left with the huge responsibility. Oliver is the perfect big brother and has named his baby brother  Harry Morton!


    If anyone would like to send in a card/gift, please do place it in the box next to the gate when you drop off or pick up your child.  We will pass them on to Mrs Morton by Wednesday 11th November.



    In our opinion MBI Visuals have done an absolutely FANTASTIC job!!  Of course, it was made easy because they were filming your children who are all superstars!!

    We very much appreciate MBI Visuals volunteering to create this fabulous video for us which truly showcases our wonderful school.

    A poster and link to the video has been sent to all our local pre-school providers so they can see a snapshot of what our school has to offer. If you are aware of anyone who has a child due to start school in September 2021, please signpost them to the video on our website.


    Again, we give a HUGE THANK YOU to MBI Visuals.




    Sue Hatton’s Music Tuition

    Sue Hatton has restarted her individual lessons with children across school.

    To gather further information about how your child could continue their lessons or start to learn to play a new musical instrument, please contact Sue on susanlogcabin@aol.com or by calling her on 07968561339







    Improvements Around School

    Welcome to The Junk Yard!                      

    We have decided to develop an area that is a little risky; where children can foster their independence, creativity and make ‘things’ from wooden planks, pallets, tyres, drainpipes and the like.

    It is time for the children to become architects, designers, den builders, game makers and explorers!

    We hope this new site will grow into something special at All Saints’ as we continue our current drive for outdoor play and adventure.



    ‘Dash a Day Track’

    Fantastic news!  The work has begun and is looking AMAZING!! It is scheduled to be completed this week. Huge thanks to Mr McShane, Mrs Hallworth and Mr Chaloner for all their hard work co-ordinating this project in very tricky times!


    See further photos and a video on Tapestry which Mrs Pratt has added.




    Road Safety!

    A Road Safety team from the Local Authority will be coming to lead a Road Safety Workshop with our yr2, yr4 and yr6 children. The workshop will help to raise our children’s awareness of how to remain safe when walking and how to cross roads sensibly.

    • Yr2 9am-12pm on Thursday 12th November
    • Yr4 1-2:30pm on Thursday 12th November
    • Yr6  9am-12pm on Friday 13th November


    Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side.


    See the following video as a basis for your discussion with your child: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/road-safety-education-and-training-in-stockport

    Health & Safety

    Thank you so very much again for your continued support and cooperation as we endeavour to keep each other safe.

    As well as referring to the updated Health & Safety reminders from last Wednesday, please see the additional information from the LA.

    • A person who maintained appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) would not be

                 classed as a ‘close contact’ and would not be required to self-isolate.

    • Childcare:

    Parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under. Some households will also be able to benefit from being in a support bubble, which allows single adult households to join another household.

    • Flu vaccinations:

    It is usual for individuals to develop a temperature following a vaccination, with this being quite transitory, only lasting for a limited period of time. A fever is a temperature over 38°C. Fevers are quite common in young children, but are usually mild. The development of a fever post vaccine shows that the individual’s body is responding to the vaccine, and it doesn’t mean that the vaccine hasn’t worked, or that they have developed COVID symptoms. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachmen t_data/file/853210/PHE_what_to_expect_after_vaccination_English.pdf

    The vaccines may cause a mild fever which usually resolves within 48 hours (or 6 to 11 days following MMR). This is a common, expected reaction and isolation is not required, unless COVID-19 is strongly suspected.



    M   Marple Library

    Marple Library is still open for returning stock and collecting pre ordered items, as well as specific PC use.


    Monday 9th November - Mr Joe Barker, the HT at Marple High School led our collective worship brilliantly this morning. He reminded the children of key values which are important in keeping hopeful and maintaining friendships.

    Tuesday 10th November at 4pm and Wednesday 11th November at 3:45pm -Yr3 Meet The New Teacher Zoom -

    Friday 13th November - Pudsey Day – Together We Can Change Young Lives. Children can wear their own clothes on that day and bring £1 for this charity


    Friday 13th November – Yr5 Brass Music lessons begin

    Monday 16th November – Anti- Bullying Week - United Against Bullying

    To launch this week we will have an Odd Sock Day on Monday. Children will wear their school uniform and may choose to wear their socks over their trousers/tights. £1 can be brought in which will go towards an Outdoor Learning Project


    Tuesday 17th November -Online Safety Workshop

    This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place from 1.30pm -2.30pm using Microsoft Teams. (Details to follow.) It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic, it would be great for as many to attend as possible. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.

    Wednesday 18th November – School Individual Photograph Day


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor.

Newsletter 10/01/22
  • Mon 10th Jan

    Monday 10th January (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            

    A very happy new year to you all!

    We hope you all managed some festive fun and time with loved ones.

    We are delighted that we have been able to welcome all our wonderful children back to school with no changes to all the enhanced Covid-19 policies and procedures that were already in place before the Christmas holidays. These included additional hand washing, sanitising, cleaning, monitoring of ventilation, CO2 monitors in classrooms, the wearing of face masks at pick up and drop off, regular LFD testing for staff to pick up asymptomatic cases, taking a PCR test if anyone has any coronavirus symptoms and meetings, class assemblies and collective worships taking place virtually.

    Although, things are still not ‘back to normal’ we have much to look forward to in the coming term and as always will keep you updated as and when necessary.

    Many thanks,

    The All Saints’ Team


    TOOTH SAFE GOLD AWARD - We are very pleased to announce that Miss McConnell and the Reception team completed an application for us to become a Tooth Safe school and have actually achieved the GOLD award!! This is a tremendous achievement and was gained by including some very innovative ideas in the application.

    The public health adviser commented that they were ‘blown away’ with the ‘outstanding’ suggestions and will be using our school as good practice in other settings across the authority. This is absolutely brilliant news!! Many congratulations to Miss McConnell and her team.


    Following this fantastic achievement, from January 2022, we are asking parents to, instead of sending sweets into school for birthday celebrations, to either donate a fiction/non-fiction book or a class game to their child’s class.


    Thank you in advance for supporting this new initiative as we work in partnership to protect the health of your child’s teeth.



    Please note that our Spring Parents Evenings will be on Monday 24th January, 2022 and Thursday 27th January, 2022. Both evenings will be after the school day. See further information on the next page from Mrs Vickers. 

    Depending on the current guidance, we will also be having an open morning for each class from 8.30-9.00am on Tuesday 1st February, 2022 when you will be able to look at your child’s books in the classroom Only external classroom doors will be used and further details will be issued over the next few weeks.



    Unfortunately, due to the ongoing covid situation, we are not allowed to have large groups of visitors in the school to watch our Yr4 assembly which was scheduled for 12th January. The Yr4 staff will instead be filming our performance and sending the video out, probably via Tapestry, or alternatively via other means. This is very disappointing for us as the children were so excited to show off their dramatic talents to a live audience! The children have been excitedly practising their "adventure" topic assembly. It tells the epic tale of the first Roman Emperor-Augustus and how it involves so many of the famous historical figures of the era such as Julius Caesar, Marc Anthony and Cleopatra. It will demonstrate the children's new knowledge of the Roman army, politics and wider society. We are going to film it over the coming week in order to premier it as soon as possible! Please do spend some time watching the assembly and celebrating their learning.


    Following on from Anti-bullying week last half term and linked to our continual work around keeping the children of All Saints’ safe we have been updating our Anti-Bullying Policy.  This is now on the school website and uses the following LA definition for Bullying.

    Bullying is the purposeful choosing of behaviours that threaten, intimidate or hurt someone, which is often, but not always, repeated overtime, which involves a real or perceived power imbalance.                                                                                                                                                      The following acronym can also be applied to define bullying -


    (Several Times On Purpose)

    In addition, we also completed our Anti-Bullying Audit last half term with all the children. On the whole the results were very positive. After, reviewing all elements in detail we have already looked at certain areas around the school the children shared they feel less safe e.g. busy locker rooms and begun to work with the children to address and find solutions to their concerns.  This will be ongoing throughout the year and also regularly form part of our teaching and learning within the curriculum. 



    In these unsettled times, we have made the decision to move over to a virtual parents evening session – which has proved incredibly successful and popular in a number of local schools over the last couple of years.  The system, which is called School Cloud, offers video meetings for parents with your child’s teacher.  These can be held by using either a phone, tablet or computer.  You get to choose your own appointment time and if you have more than one child in school it is very easy for you to schedule these so that the appointments are close together.   Appointments run more to time and you can hold the meeting wherever you are, if you have your device with you.   If parents are in different places, it is very easy for you to invite the other parent to attend the same meeting.  The system is very straightforward but if you have any issues making your appointments we’re here in the office to help.  When we send more details in January, I will include links to online ‘how-to’ videos to make the process as easy as possible. 

    More information about School Cloud will be sent out early in January 2022.


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts. E.g. hummus

    Health & Safety

    • Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.
    • Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.
    • We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.
    • Please note that LFD tests can be picked up from the local chemists for using at home.

    Stockport’s Solihull Approach

    This fabulous online resource is free for residents of Stockport, giving them access to the following courses that are proven to improve emotional wellbeing and the relationships between parents and children. This resource is useful for mothers, fathers, partners, carers, grandparents, other family and involved friends as these courses are for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 including professionals of all kinds.


    Book your place on Learning Pool

    If you do not have access to Learning Pool, please email us and we can book you on and send you the link.

    Monday 17th January 14:00:15:00

    Thursday 24th February 12:00-13:00

    Wednesday 23rd March 9.30-10.30




    12th January 2022


    17th January 2022


    24.1.22 & 27.1.22


    1st February 2022

    CLASS OPEN MORNING 8.30-9.00am. (TBC) - parents/carers welcome to accompany their children into their classrooms to look at their learning (please note we will continue to monitor all events against the current covid guidance)

    8th February 2022


    9th February 2022

    Class 2 Assembly 2.40pm - parents welcome if possible. (Please note we will continue to monitor all events against the current covid guidance)

    11th February 2022

    School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term 

    21st February 2022

    School open after February half term holiday

    25th -25th  February 2022

    Year 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 25th


    Have a good week,


    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton




Newsletter 10/05/2021
  • Mon 10th May

    Monday 10th May (allsaints-pri Admin)




    For those of you who may have missed the Tapestry post, we are delighted to announce the wonderful news that Miss Taylor and Mr Evans have had a beautiful baby boy who was born on Tuesday 27th April.

    He is absolutely gorgeous and his name is Eben Ted Evans.  All the family are overjoyed and are doing extremely well.

    Miss Taylor sends you all her love!!





                                                                             Please continue to read the class Friday Shout Outs for an update on the exciting learning

                                                                                                     your children have been encountering.


    The attached magazine is an interesting read about energy saving strategies.





    The children will take home a special booklet today introducing an exciting activity to them.

    These links may be useful to further explain the activities and maps.


     The following videos introduce the THY KINGDOM COME materials.


    The website is…



                                                          Our Own Ducklings

     It all began when a duck was spotted in our quad on Monday 12th April.





    These eggs were discovered on Friday 7th May.





    This morning, Mr Chaloner discovered that the eggs had hatched!!             How many can you see?






    This morning, we have been visited by Sanya Hulme from the RSPCA who has adviced us to keep the chicks where they are as they are safe in their current environment.

    As the chicks get older ‘mum’ may leave them for longer periods of time but she will return. They only need mum for warmth as they quickly become independent.

    In approximately 3 months time, when the chicks have grown proper feathers, they will fly away!









    There was a vacancy for a parent-governor in 2015 just as I had decided to take a career break from teaching to spend time with my young family. My eldest child was then in Reception and I had two more children who would be starting at All Saints’ when their turn came, so I decided to apply for the position as we were going to be involved with the school for many years to come and I wanted to be able to give something back.


    I am a Parent Governor and also the Safeguarding Governor as well as serving on the Curriculum Committee. I am also the Class Governor Friend for Year 5 and am looking forward to hopefully being able to spend some more time in school with them next year, before they leave us for pastures new at the end of Year 6. As a qualified Primary School teacher myself, I have volunteered in various year groups to be an ‘extra pair of hands’ and have had the privilege of accompanying different classes on a range of school trips and extra-curricular experiences.


    As a parent, a volunteer and a governor I am in the lucky position of getting to see the school from various points of view - and all of them are good! The past 12 months have been challenging for everyone and now, more than ever, our children are so fortunate to be at a school where all the staff truly care about, not only their education, but also their emotional well-being and resilience.



    A message from the PTA               


    Find the hidden gems of Marple and help to raise money for our lovely school!


    To help raise funds for more school resources and fantastic events like the History Van, the Parents' Association have created a Summer Treasure Trail around Marple.


    The trail has been designed so that you can participate with your own household/bubble following the social distancing restrictions that are in place at the time. It involves a short circular walk (wheelchair/buggy accessible) answering questions about what you can see around the centre of Marple, starting and ending at School. 

    If you would like to take part, please send your entry fee via ParentPay and the link will be sent out to you via Tapestry in time for the half term break.  Suggested donation £1 per family




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    18th May

    Group photographs

    21st May

    Yr6 swimming begins

    WC 23rd May


    28th May

    Sports Day in the morning

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 11/07/2022
  • Mon 11th Jul

    Monday 11th July (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Sadly we are saying farewell to two colleagues at the end of this term.

    Emma Mylrea, who has been part of our KS1 team for the last six years, and was our acting SENDCo for a year, is moving on to a part-time KS2 post at Mellor Primary School in order to broaden her experience.  Emma has had a fabulous few years with us and I'm sure you will join us in wishing her all the very best as she continues her career in her new school.


    Michelle Pratt has recently been successful in securing an exciting new opportunity out of education and has decided to make a career change. She will therefore will be leaving All Saints' at the end of the Summer Term for pastures new.  After 22 years working at All Saints', many of the children and families have encountered her dynamic contributions. We are sure you will join us in wishing her all the very best


    Welcome to Mrs Vernon

    We are delighted to be able to inform you of the exciting news that Mrs Holly Vernon was appointed last Friday, to be a new class teacher working in Yr2. Mrs Vernon will be working alongside Mrs Heather Manning from September and will teach on a Thursday and Friday.

    As always we have undertaken a very rigorous recruitment process involving both school staff and governors. Mrs Vernon is a very experienced teacher who has taught in all year groups with much of her time in KS1. She has co-ordinated other learning across her previous schools and has a wealth of knowledge that she will bring to our school. We are sure she will be a wonderful asset to All Saints’.

    Parent Drop In                                                                                                Following the receiving of reports, we will be hosting a parent drop in the hall on Wednesday 20th July. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher and, as requested by some parents, an opportunity to say thank you to your child’s current teacher.

    Summer Reading Challenge 2022

    Stockport Libraries are proud to present the Summer Reading Challenge 2022 – Gadgeteers!

    As always, we want All Saints’ leading the way, and we have ALWAYS been the closest of the close second place! This year we want to be the winners, so, as an incentive, any of our keen readers who can come in and prove they have completed their 6 books and have got to the end of the challenge will receive TEN merits – not bad when the maximum you can earn in school is three!

    For our children who aren’t on merit cards yet, you will move STRAIGHT up to the Sunshine on the behaviour chart and can come to Mrs Manning for a shiny sticker.

    As well as this, the Library will give you a medal and a certificate, and you get to read some awe inspiring books over the long Summer Holidays – what’s not to love?! So come on All Saints’, do us proud and LET’S GET READING! Just pop in to Marple Library any time from 9th July to sign up for free. Here is a website with some more info on, should you wish


    Mrs Manning-Craggs


    Natasha`s law

    Natasha's Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. It requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.

    If children are to bring in pre-packed food, then clear packaging and labelling needs to visible.

    Thank you for your cooperation.



    • children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing to help keep cool and sunhats with wide brims to avoid sunburn

    • use sunscreen (at least factor 15 with UVA protection) to protect skin if children are playing or taking lessons outdoors for more than 20 minutes

    • provide children with plenty of water (such as water from a cold tap) and encourage them to drink more than usual when conditions are hot 




    Wednesday 13th July

     Year 6 Chester Cathedral Trip

    Monday 18th July

    Year 6 Last swimming session

    Front Row Music Assembly 9:00am

    Wednesday 20th July


    2:30pm -3:15pm Parent Drop in

    Year 6 Leavers Production 6:30pm

    Friday 22nd July

    Star Dance Assembly 9:00am

    11:00am New Reception Child / Parent Lunch

    Tuesday 26th July

    Year 6 Leavers Service

    Year 5 Leaders presentation

    Wednesday 27th July

    School Breaks up For Summer

    Thursday 1st September

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Friday 2nd September

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Monday 5th September



    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton



Newsletter 11/10/21
  • Mon 11th Oct

    Monday 11th October (allsaints-pri Admin)








    Dear School Family,


    Yippee!! How exciting that our Yr6 children and staff, along with Mr Granite have been able to leave school this morning to attend their traditional 3 days residential at Robinwood. What an achievement!! We know they will have fun, taking risks, encouraging learning, achieving goals and making memories. Mrs Gaynor will be with them during the daytime on Tuesday and we thank you so much for your cooperation and support. Please do look out for regular posts on Tapestry.


    Black History Month

    Last week marked the start of our focus on black history. Although we enrich our curriculum throughout the year, with the children exploring their own culture and that of others, we feel it is important to honour this national month.

    This month we will highlight and celebrate the achievements of black people in Britain and beyond. It is also a time to look forward and celebrate the here and now and the future possibilities.


    Church Week is fast approaching and the children are getting excited about this special annual event. Our theme for this year is Growing Faith. Throughout the week, each class will visit the church for a series of activities including our very popular bell ringing. There will also be classroom activities and a session in our newly constructed Spirituality Garden which we will continue to add to, throughout the week.


    Specific plant donations are very welcome and should be brought into school/delivered to school on the morning of Monday 18th October. (See specific Spirituality Garden letter on Tapestry.)


    The week will end with a special grand opening of our Spirituality Garden and a morning Growing Faith Harvest Festival service at school. (We are unable to host our Harvest celebration at church this year due to restrictions in the amount of people allowed in the building.) This year we are asking all families to contribute what they can to our ‘harvest’ which will be displayed and later distributed to charities. We are asking that you send in any of the following on the morning of Friday 22nd October and not before due to storage reasons: pasta, rice, cereals, pasta sauces, tinned fruit/pudding/fish/meat/soup/veg, UHT milk, etc. No gift is too small and we are sure the children will feel good about their ‘giving’. Whatever is donated will go to a few of our local foodbanks.


    Many thanks in advance for your wonderful donations, whether they are plants/shrubs for our Spirituality Garden or dry/tinned food for local foodbanks.

    The All Saints’ Team




    We are very pleased to announce that, with the support of one of our governors, Ali Holmes, Mr Lonsdale was successfully interviewed, and is now a permanent member of staff. Not only did he achieve that but yesterday, he also ran the Manchester half marathon on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society.  What a fantastic achievement and we are all so very proud of him!                                                                                             



    Mr Lonsdale is pictured at the front of this group                               Mr Lonsdale celebrating the end of the race


    If you would like to give a donation, please donate using the  JustGiving page by clicking: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/slonsdale19?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=slonsdale19&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=517dcc084b0c473586944d829c29256d.


    Mr Lonsdale will be running a Cross Country Club on a Monday for our KS2 children. 


    Kittle Photography

    Individual school photographs will be taking place on Monday 1st November.

    If you could let the school office know by Friday 22nd October if you would like sibling photos to take place for those siblings who are part of our school.




    WELCOME TO OUR NEW SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGER – ANDREA VICKERS                                                                                                                         


    After a rigorous recruitment process, we are delighted to inform you of the exciting news that Mrs Andrea Vickers has been appointed, to be our new SBM and she will join us on 1st November, 2021.

    She has worked in a school office and setting for a number of years and we are convinced she will be a wonderful asset to our school.

    A huge thank you to Mr Bailey (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Woodgate (Chair of Resources) who dedicated their time, support and wealth of knowledge to support us in this process.








    We have been asked by the safeguarding team to make you aware of the following site.




    This year’s World Mental Health Day took place on Sunday 10th October 2021. The theme was mental health in an unequal world!

    More so now than ever, we must ensure that we take the time and the steps needed to improve our mental health.

    As a school community we can work towards ending the stigma around mental health, opening up conversations and normalising the discussion of mental health and wellbeing in our classrooms.

    Our children and staff's wellbeing is one of our biggest priorities at All Saints’ so over the course of the week your children will be participating in simple wellbeing activities to promote positive mental health in every member of our school community.

     Don’t forget to check out our weekly Wellbeing Wednesday updates on Tapestry.



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.




    We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Hammond who organised an Art Day for our children last Friday.   See her message below:



    Well, the Festive spirit of Christmas definitely visited All Saints last week!

    To coincide with the children creating their Christmas art, the Parent’s Association have previously been able to raise the much needed funds by using a company called Cauliflower Cards to print the children’s designs onto cards, wrapping paper, mugs, etc. 


    It would be wonderful if every family could order at least one item as this will really help to raise some money with very little effort.


    During last week and on Friday, the children were busy using their art skills and creativity to produce their own unique Christmas designs.


    It was wonderful to see the many elements and techniques of art used by the children throughout school demonstrating we have many budding and talented artists!


    There were collaged snowman on a painted background; Reindeer handprints, collaged Robins on a sponge stamped background; a tracing of Rudolph incorporating the use of lines for shape and contour; Brusho colour washing and art pen tree designs; watercolour backgrounds with intricately cut trees (which takes patience and dexterity) and finally a City of Bethlehem collage with a burst of Brusho for the night sky.


    I would like to say, on behalf of the Parents’ Association, an enormous thank you to the teaching staff and TA’s for all of their time and immense effort that I know goes into this type of project.


    Everyone has gone above and beyond in the true All Saints’ Way. Mrs Jo Hammond 









    Plant donations for Spirituality Garden


    Food donations for Growing Faith Harvest Festival


                                                                      Individual photographs



    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor




Newsletter 12/04/21
  • Mon 12th Apr

    Monday 12th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

     Newsletter - Monday 12th April , 2021



    Dear Lovely School Family,

    We would like to welcome you back after the Easter Holiday and trust you were able to enjoy some of the sunshine.

    We were so overwhelmed with the generous offers of parents to pay for other children to participate in the Easter Eggtravaganza which was absolutely brilliant! We would never deny any child from participating in events as we realise this is a challenging time for many families. Thank you once again for your generosity and overwhelming kindness. It is much appreciated.

    A huge thank you to Mrs Burney – The Easter Queen (yr1 TA) and Mrs Noble for making the last day of last term a truly memorable day!



    PSHE – look out for an important letter which will be sent out soon regarding Relationships and Sex Education.

    HOMEWORK – look out for a brief outline of homework expectations for the Summer Term.

    Parenting Programme/ Course

    This has been highly recommended. Please read the attached flier and sign up. Great to have some additional support and strategies to use.

    Household Asymptomatic Testing

    See the information posted on Tapestry, 25.3.21.

    A HUGE THANK YOU to Stockport Homes

    Activity packs were provided for children eligible for benefits related Free School Meals as part of the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. They were very much appreciated by some of our families


    We have been asked to remind you of the following:

    If you have been vaccinated, you must still:

    ·         practise social distancing

    ·         wear a face mask

    ·         wash your hands regularly

    COVID-19 is spread through droplets expelled from the nose or mouth, particularly when speaking or coughing. It can also be picked up by touching your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with contaminated objects and surfaces.

    GOVERNOR OF THE WEEK ~ Brenda Beardwood who is our longest serving governor!


    I became a Foundation Governor back in 2009, before any of the children in school were born! I have served on the Curriculum Committee and the Christian Ethos Committee and also took on the role of Safeguarding Governor for several years. I am the Class Governor Friend to the current Y6, having been with them since Reception. It has been a privilege to share their time at All Saints’ and I have many good memories of exciting school trips and sharing time with them in the classroom.

    In my time as governor I have been involved with interviewing new staff and it has been a joy to have been part of the appointments of several of the outstanding teachers at All Saints’.

    I have also been a volunteer maths mentor to Y6 for many years and have particularly enjoyed being roped in as a helper on Christmas Cake making day.


    Before I retired as a maths teacher, I thought about what I could do in retirement and being a school governor seemed to be an interesting challenge and a way in which I could use my knowledge of education, so when I was approached by the then Chair of Governors I felt this was something that God wanted me to do and was ready to say yes.



    After 12 years as a governor, it is time to move on and my term of office ends in May. For the pupils of Y6, it will also soon be time to move on. I hope that, like me, you can look back on your years at All Saints as a time of fun and friendship, of learning and growing as people and a time when God has been at work in your lives.

    The last year has been strange for everyone and I have missed being able to be with Y6 in the classroom on this last stage in your journey at All Saints’. I know how hard you have worked at home and in school and that you have shown amazing resilience and resourcefulness. I know you will continue to do your best in this final term and I pray that God will bless you as you move on with confidence to your next school.



    We would like to shower Brenda with flowers and gifts to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all the many years she has served in the role of a school governor at our school.

    Many of you would have older children who encountered Brenda through maths sessions, Christmas cake sessions and many more.

    If you would like to contribute to her leaving gift, please log into www. parentpay.com   Brenda Beardwood Leaving Gift Donation.



    20th April 2021 ~ 7.00 – 8.00pm

    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 13/06/2022
  • Mon 13th Jun

    Monday 13th June (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family, 


    We would like to welcome you back to the final half term of this academic year. It will be a busy one but we know it will be full of risk taking, learning, achieving of goals and special memories.

    What a great event on Friday 20th May, after school, when our Y5/6 football team took on Warrenwood. It was a real pleasure to see the team expertly led by Mr G. It finished 3-0 to WW but a huge congratulations to our man of the match- Max and a special mention to Dillon and Rafin for great goalkeeping skills! 

    Well done All Saints'! You conducted yourselves in the All Saints' Way and should be very proud! Great to see ex pupil Matthew Barke leading as referee in his first match- Matthew you did a sterling job. Congratulations and thank you!

    A huge thank you also to Mrs Noble for organising the event - it is lovely to be back in the swing of all these great opportunities for our children.  



    It seems a long time ago now but we just wanted to say thank you so much to all the families who were able to make our special Jubilee celebration picnic in school on the last day.  It was so lovely to welcome you all and see everyone having such a lovely time. The sunshine even managed to come out for a while too! A special thank you to Mrs Burney for all her effort with organising the music and decorations and also Amanda, our wonderful cook, for making the picnics so lovely for the children. 


    The children had such a wonderful last day as they also got to enjoy a very special assembly all about the Jubilee by Mrs Sue Woodgate, one of our School Governors and Royal Expert!  She really captured the children’s interests with all her factual knowledge about the royal family throughout history and the wealth of memorabilia she brought in too.  The children were so engaged they couldn’t stop asking questions and learnt so much!  The biggest thank you to Mrs Woodgate for so generously giving up her whole day to celebrate such an unusual and special historical event with the children. 




    Tree Decorations to Celebrate the Jubilee

    Our school decorations looked wonderful and were displayed from 2nd-6th June on the trees along Market Street. We hope you noticed them.



    Parent and Carer relationships and sex Education meeting parents are invited to discuss the statutory RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) unit of work as part of our PSHE curriculum. This will take place at 3:30pm on Thursday 16th June.

    We will be using a progressive scheme called Jigsaw which we have used for many years to deliver this particular subject. The Jigsaw scheme of work provides age appropriate resources and will teach the children about the emotional and physical aspects of growing up as well as providing children with relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others




    From 24 June 2022, Unison are setting up a limited fund to help UNISON members on a low income with school clothing costs by way of a one -off payment of up to £70 per child.

    To apply, download the application form from unison.org.uk/thereforyou

    Please only contact UNISON Direct on 0800 0 857 857 if you need a paper application form posted to you. Please note: This grant fund will close once Unison have received enough qualifying applications. See attached flier




    Monday 13th June


    Thursday 16th June

    Parent and Carer Relationships and Sex Education Information meeting 3.30pm – in the year 6 classroom

    Thursday 16th  June

    Class 2 Parents Assembly – 9.15am


    Saturday 18th June

    Marple Carnival

    Tuesday and Wednesday 21st and 22nd

    Fun Food Chef in School!

    Friday 24th

    Pen Portraits to introduce the children’s new class teachers and TAs

    Year 3 Parents Assembly 2.40pm

    Monday 27th June


    Active Week!

    More information to follow – children to come in their sports clothes including appropriate footwear everyday.

    Thursday 30th June

    Sports Day- in the morning


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton


Newsletter 13/09/21
  • Mon 13th Sep

    Monday 13th September (allsaints-pri Admin)






    Dear School Family,


    You may remember completing a Parent Questionnaire for us last Summer. Thank you so much again to all those who were able to spend some time on this. We appreciate your opinion and the results were overwhelmingly positive.


    97% of parents say that their child is happy at this school.

    99% of parents say that their child feels safe at this school.

    96% of parents say that the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.

    82% of children have not been bullied. Of the 18% who had been 12% said that the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively, 6% were neutral on this question.

    92% of parents say that the school makes them aware of what their child will learn during the year.

    53% of parents say that when they have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly. 28% of parents have not raised any concerns.

    16% of parents say that their child has SEND.  15% of these parents say that the school gives them the support they need to succeed.

    93% of parents say that the school has high expectations for their child.

    93% of parents say that their child does well at this school.

    91% of parents say that the school lets them know how their child is doing.

    93% of parents say that there is a good range of subjects available to their child at this school.

    94% of parents say that their child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.

    94% of parents say that the school supports their child’s wider personal development.

    98% of parents would recommend this school to another parent.


    The most popular training that parents thought would help to support children better in Maths, Reading and Writing were: phonics, reading comprehension, maths methods/strategies and grammar and punctuation terms/definitions.


    Please note that as all the above will be mentioned in your child’s year group meeting, so we are looking forward to seeing you all at these meetings. Termly updates will also be shared throughout the year.


    Thank you for all the positive comments you made and for being part of our special school family,

    The All Saints’ Way Team

    Our Special Visitors        

    Today we had two special visitors. Bishop Mark Tanner, the Bishop of Chester and Bishop Sam Corley, the Bishop of Stockport were taken on a tour around our school. They then spent time with the children, sharing their role and our children were able to ask a variety of questions. They also led a wonderful collective worship on the theme of Hope!       




    Please email any notification of Covid symptoms / results of tests etc. to admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk  rather than placing on tapestry.

    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.




    Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. Simply writing there name on in biro is sufficient , so long as the name can be clearly seen.







    MRS HALLWORTH moving on

    As mentioned last week, Mrs Hallworth, who has been part of our school family for 8 years will be leaving us on 24th September. She has secured an Assistant SBM post at another Stockport school and is excited about the new adventure ahead.

    All Saints’ holds a special place in her heart and we will miss having her as part of our team. We know many of you will also want to express your best wishes to her.








    We are currently in discussions with Taylor Shaw catering company regarding their service to our school. Although they have a shortage of staff and are struggling with some ingredients, they have assured us that the quality of meals provided will be of a high standard. As a means of clarification, vegetarian options and jacket potatoes are available to all children.

    Taylor Shaw are hoping to set up a new online ordering system which can be used by parents at home to select meals. We will update you when we receive this information. Taylor Shaw would like to apologise for this interrupted service Thank you for your patience .




    Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes, really!

    Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles







    YR6 – 14.9.21

    RECEPTION – 16.9.21

    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21




    Day of Languages


    School staff training day. Children not in.


    Scholastic Book Fair




     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.   Wednesday 6th October 2021: 11.30am


    Book onto this session

     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Thursday 7th October 2021: 7pm

    Book onto this session


    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor



Newsletter 15/03/21
  • Mon 15th Mar

    Monday 15th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 15th March 2021





    Dear Lovely School Family,

    We feel so blessed to have all our Yr6 children in school this week and to be together once again as a wonderful, school family.                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you for continuing to follow the government guidance and thank you to all those parents who are helping to keep our children safe by following our polite requests.


    Acting SENDCo

    After a rigorous recruitment process, we are delighted to inform you of the exciting news that Mrs Emma Mylrea has been appointed, to be the Acting SENDCo whilst Miss Taylor commences her maternity leave. Mrs Mylrea has worked at All Saints’ for 5 years. She has taught the children throughout the school when they were in her class and also knows Reception fairly well since she has taught them every Tuesday morning in the Autumn term. We are convinced she will do an excellent job in this role will continue the fabulous journey of support our children are already receiving.

    A huge thank you to Miss Taylor for ensuring a smooth transition and to Mrs Higgins and Mrs Woodgate as Governors who dedicated their time, support and wealth of knowledge to support us in this recruitment process.

    A more detailed letter from Mrs Mylrea is attached


    Respect Charter

    Dear Parents,

    Please read the Respect Charter attached which was placed on Tapestry last Friday. We felt it necessary to reassure parents that any behaviour which breaches the Respect Charter will continue to be shared with the Local Authority and responded to appropriately.

    Warm regards,

    The All Saints' Team



    Each week one of our governors will introduce themselves to you. We start off with Hev Taylor.


    MY ROLE IN SCHOOL: I became a Foundation Governor in 2019. I had to look up what that meant before I said yes. Initially I thought it was to do with Early Years until I did some googling on the Diocese Education site. I work as a teaching assistant at Heaton School (which is a Special school for 11-19 years) and was a staff governor there from 2016- 2020.

    I am on both the Curriculum and Ethos committees.

    As a new class governor friend to Reception, I really hope to meet them in the flesh before they reach Year 1. However, it is good to know I can continue the links with them as they continue their All Saints’ journey.


    WHY I BECAME A GOVERNOR: Daniel, our vicar, spoke to me for about 1 minute one day at church, while I was helping at Playaway toddler group. I had already had some connections with AS school, mainly through involvement with the 2018 Church Week. I loved the positive ‘feel’ of the school and met an enthusiastic and caring Mrs Gaynor. Having spent many years volunteering in various children’s work, I remember thinking how I would love to be connected more with the school.


    RECENT INTERACTIONS WITH SCHOOL: I have enjoyed connecting with Miss McConnell and have joined in a class bingo and a World Book Day via Zoom. My granddaughter (age 5) participated in World Book Day and shared her favourite book alongside your superheroes, dinosaurs and princesses. She was very welcomed by the Leprechaun Unicorn teacher.  I have a passion for storytelling and have been able to send in a few pre-recorded stories for the children. Miss McConnell and I often exchange both encouraging and comical messages

    It has been a privilege to be involved in applying for the C of E Church-School Partnership Award. We are currently awaiting confirmation of receiving this award. After only 2 years as part of the AS community I could already list many examples of the positive links between school and church. It was great to talk to Mrs Day about the final document, which was a real celebration of the mutually encouraging partnership. I am very proud to be part of this community.


    ENCOURAGING WORD TO CHILDREN AND PARENTS: It’s good to know the children are back together again. I know that it’s taken extra commitment from both teachers and parents to support schooling at home. Give yourselves a big pat on the back! Have a great Easter, when it comes, and here’s to the rest of the school year as children discover more in the ‘All Saints’ Way’.


    YOUNG CARERS ACTION DAY                                                                  


    Tomorrow, Tuesday 16th March, it will be the Young Carers Action Day. To mark this day, we are asking children to come in school uniform but to wear something purple e.g. socks, bobble or to bring something small into school of that colour so we can honour and show support for these unsung heroes.

    Hannah Thompson, one of the Liaison Workers, will be leading a workshop for bubbles of our children on the day.

    The theme is Protecting Young Carers Futures.


    Household Asymptomatic Testing

    Household testing Public Health England are continuing to work on developing a strategy for implementing this initiative in Stockport. Currently families can request test kits on-line. We will provide further updates about the way in which the programme will be delivered in the near future.





    Young Carers Action Day – full uniform but wear a bit of purple if possible


    St Patrick’s Day

    From 19.3.21

    Yr5 Swimming Commences – please read the important letter on Tapestry


    Muddy Puddle Day for every class


    Easter Activities on site

    School closes at the end of this day


    School is open. The theme is Incredible Inventions & Amazing Discoveries

    Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm


    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

    Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor




newsletter 15/11/21
  • Mon 15th Nov

    Monday 15th November (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family,


    Continuing our focus on phonics and reading- A message from Mrs Manning-Craggs:

    On Wednesday we were lucky enough to be visited by local author Sean Perkins, sharing his story 'Oscar and Ben' with us.  He visited all three of our KS1 classes and the children absolutely loved listening to his work.  The children also had the opportunity to buy a signed copy of his book - how very special!  The children were really well behaved and a shining example of the All Saints' Way - I think we may now have some aspiring authors in our midst!

    Mrs Manning Craggs


    Remembrance Day

    It was truly wonderful to be able to mark such a special occasion in our new spiritual garden.  The whole school came together to listen to special prayers beautifully read by Eden and Polly. Everyone then respectfully reflected during the two minutes’ silence and Lucas, Hugh and Eddie amazingly played the Last Post whilst children laid poppies and wreath down.  It was a very moving experience and one which was lovely to actually be all together again to mark.



    What an 18 month it has been!  During this time, in the All Saints’ Way, we have reflected on each individual circumstance when it has come to absence requests.  As things slowly return to normal, this will also be the case with all holiday requests.  In line with national guidance, we will no longer be authorising any absence requests unless they meet the exceptional circumstances criteria.  Many thanks in advance for your understanding.


    Volunteering in School

    Mrs Noble is looking for people to kindly volunteer with a focus of listening to our youngest children in Reception and KS1 read.  Therefore, if you are able to come in and listen to readers 1:1 please look out for the post on tapestry from Mrs Noble or contact the school office via admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk   Many thanks in advance for volunteering some of your time.



    Are you feeling stressed or low at this time?

    Please see the Stockport LA booklet that contains a wide array of support for people mental health and wellbeing



    As always Christmas is such a special time of the year and we are delighted to be able to do some things this Christmas that were simply not allowed last year. However, due to LA guidelines still in place and other restrictions in places of worship etc we will not be able to do things fully as in pre-covid times. As always we have thought hard and in the All Saints’ Way about how we can include as many people as possible and have as many events still take place for the children. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a fun filled festive period ahead. 


    Christmas Tree – we are inviting all children to bring in a Christmas Tree decoration from home if they wish to BY FRIDAY 26TH NOV.


    Christmas Lunch – we will be having our school Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 14th December. This will be a special occasion for our children but due to the restrictions on large crowds in our setting, we will unfortunately, not be able to invite any parents on this occasion. Thank you for your understanding and please do order a dinner for your child no later than Tuesday 7TH December  


    Christmas at Church

    Due to capacity restrictions in churches we have decided to run three separate events to ensure all children get to experience Christmas at Church and our young children’s families can see them in their starring roles!

    15th December KS1 Nativity at 9.30am and 6pm. It is absolutely brilliant that x2 family members are allowed to attend each performance. However, the Church has asked that all parents wear a mask if they are not exempt, you remain seated once you have found a seat and the children remain on the stage throughout the performance.

    20th December at 9.30am – the Reception children will be performing their very first school nativity which is really exciting!! The rules above apply and x4 family members will be allowed to attend the performance.

    22nd December at 1.30pm - KS2 will be attending church for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. As the capacity for seating is currently only 225, we will only be allowed to have the children in the Church.

    There will be a retiring collection at the end of the R and KS1 performances.


    Christmas Parties - All classes will be having Christmas parties in school. See the diary dates at the end




    It is our Anti-Bullying Week this week and it has been lovely to see so many of our children in ‘odd socks’ as a traditional start to the week. All donations will go to Pupil Parliament and the projects they have planned. The theme is One Kind Word and we will be exploring this theme throughout the week. All our KS2 children have or will be taking part in an Anti-Bullying Workshop


    As a continuation of our efforts to keep our children safe, we have organised Road Safety Workshops for Year 2, 4, 5 and 6. Please discuss what your children have learned with them and thank you for continuing to encourage safety awareness when out and about. Please see the diary dates below




    The Wild About Gardening event which was held on our school grounds on Sunday 14th November was a huge success.

    Children made bird feeders, bird houses, bulb lasagnes, and many more!

    It was an exciting and fun event which everyone enjoyed including Mrs Gaynor and Mrs Noble.


















    please do continue to wear masks on the school grounds if you are not exempt.      


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.




    wc 15.11.21

    Anti-Bullying Week – One Kind Word

    Yr3 and Yr4 Anti-Bullying Workshop by Christians in Schools Trust

    Road Safety Workshops for years 2, 4, 5 & 6


     Reception and  KS1 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 3 & 4 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    All children back in school on Thursday 6th January, 2022


    Have a wonderful week!

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton


newsletter 16/05/2022
  • Mon 16th May

    Monday 16th May (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family, 


    We could not be prouder of our amazing year 6s they shone brighter than we could have even imagined during their SATs week and are rightly feeling very proud and ready to make some amazing memories during their last few months with us. 

    Nev Phillips

    School Governor

    Nev Phillips, who is our Health and Safety Link Governor and Governor Friend to Class 4 came in last week to see how our staff and children were getting on with the SATS.


    He commented on how impressed he was with the high level of organisation and the relaxed and caring atmosphere. A notable feature was when the children were invited to say a prayer at the beginning of the test which was a calming, sensitive and in keeping with the All Saints’ Way. 

    Nev also noted that the children’s behaviour was exemplary and that it was good to see a provision of support for when children needed it.


    Thank you also to all of you as parents for continually supporting and encouraging your children. They are a real credit to you and you should be so proud of them.


    Sue Woodgate

    School Governor

    Reception Class would like to send a huge thank you to Sue Woodgate for organising our sponsored trip with New Horizons last week. 

    We absolutely loved every minute of it and we all learned so much about a very important charity that we are lucky to have access to in our local area. 

    A special thank you also to our class friend, Tom Braide who came along to help for the whole day and made sure we had lots of fun too!!

    We would also like to add a huge thank you to Miss McConnell for all her hard work making sure the trip was such a huge success!


    Tom Braide

    School Governor

    Jubilee Celebration Picnic on Friday 27th May, 12-1pm – See flyer sent out on 3rd May.

    Jubilee Litter Pick

    A message from Cllr Aaron Thornley.


    We are looking for litter pick teams to do a small litter pick at the Marple Jubilee event on Friday 3rd June. It would be wonderful if some children and families from All Saints’ community could join in this event on the day.


    If anyone would like to come along for the litter pick (it will not be complex or strenuous) please meet me at the First Aid tent at 4pm.


    Please share on tapestry any pictures of you getting involved in such a worthwhile community event and it would be especially great for our Young Leaders in Year 5!



    Plastics Count – 

    WHY IS THE COUNT SO URGENT NOW? This year, the government is starting to decide on legal targets for reducing plastic waste. But at the moment, there’s nowhere near enough information about how much plastic waste leaves UK households, or what happens to it. The new evidence we gather will be crucial to convince the government to set a target to reduce single-use plastic by 50% by 2025 (by transitioning to reusable packaging which caters to everyone’s needs) – and ban dumping UK plastic waste on other countries.


    ARE YOU READY TO COUNT? Attached, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to prepare for the count, what to do during the count, and how to submit your findings afterwards. It couldn’t be easier. Thank you for joining this nationwide investigation into plastic waste. Simply bookmark thebigplasticcount.com/submit so you’re ready to start tallying on 16 May.


    Message from The Parents` Association

    The Parents' Association would like to invite you to our next meeting on Tuesday 24th May, 8pm at The Crown. New members very welcome! (If you would like to help but can't make the meeting, please let us know via the Parents' Association page on Facebook.)

    Lunchhound Rollout to Parents


    Exciting news – we have now rolled out our new school meal ordering system to parents which means you will now be able to order your children’s meals form home. Whilst we transition to this new system we will keep checking in class that everyone who wants a school meal has ordered one.  When we return from the Whit holiday (13th June) we will assume that meals will have been ordered from home.  Please see the attached Parent guide and the following link is a how to video.

    Video link – How to order from home https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8RiDc5x3gZY_usOrJgBtn1BYOeIRtUsm 

    If you have any difficulties signing in to the system, please contact the office via email on









    Monday 16th May

    Year 6 Start Swimming

    Thursday 19th May

    Rounder’s Event at Marple Hall after School selected Year 5 and 6 children

    Wednesday 25th May

    Young Voices Concert

    Thursday 26th May

    Year 5/6  Football Tournament @ Mellor School  - 3:30pm

    Friday 27th May

    Jubilee Celebration Day – Whole School Family Picnic PM – More information to follow

    School breaks up at 3:15pm for Half Term

    Monday 13th June


    Tuesday 14th June

    Parent and Carer Relationships and Sex Education Information meeting 3.30pm – more information to follow

    Thursday 16th  June

    Class 2 Parents Assembly – 9.15am


    Saturday 18th June

    Marple Carnival


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton








Newsletter 16/11/20
  • Mon 16th Nov

    Monday 16th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter16th November, 2020

    Road Safety!

    A Road Safety team from the Local Authority were brilliant. Their workshops were thoroughly enjoyed by our yr2, yr4 and yr6 children and certainly helped to raise our children’s awareness of how to remain safe when walking and how to cross roads sensibly.


    They will be returning to do a session for our yr5 children on Wednesday 25th November.


    Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.


    See the following video as a basis for your discussion with your child: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/road-safety-education-and-training-in-stockport

    Health & Safety

    As well as referring to the updated Health & Safety reminders from week commencing 2nd Nov, please see the additional information from the LA.

    • A person who maintained appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) would not be

                 classed as a ‘close contact’ and would not be required to self-isolate.

    • Childcare:

    Parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under. Some households will also be able to benefit from being in a support bubble, which allows single adult households to join another household.

    • Flu vaccinations:

    It is usual for individuals to develop a temperature following a vaccination, with this being quite transitory, only lasting for a limited period of time. A fever is a temperature over 38°C. Fevers are quite common in young children, but are usually mild. The development of a fever post vaccine shows that the individual’s body is responding to the vaccine, and it doesn’t mean that the vaccine hasn’t worked, or that they have developed COVID symptoms. The vaccines may cause a mild fever which usually resolves within 48 hours (or 6 to 11 days following MMR). This is a common, expected reaction and isolation is not required, unless COVID-19 is strongly suspected.

    Pudsey Children In Need Day

    We would like to extend a huge thank you to all our families for helping to raise an amazing £206.30 for Children in Need. All the children had a wonderful non uniform day on Friday.

    Anti- Bullying Week  - United Against Bullying

    To launch this week we have had an Odd Sock Day today. Children wore their school uniform and socks over their trousers/tights. Thank you so much for the £1 which totalled £79.60 This money will go towards an Outdoor Learning Project. 




    Sue Woodgate, the manager of New Horizons and one of our governors, dropped off some sweets for our children as a special treat. They were very much appreciated by all the children. Thank you Sue.



    In our opinion Playscape Playgrounds Ltd have done an absolutely FANTASTIC job!! 

    Finally, the vision to create an exciting running loop to help in our pursuit of a healthier school and to give us additional space for our dash-a-day is here! An all-weather 200m track has been installed with use of our Sports Premium Funding and we believe it will benefit us all as it’s really important that children are outdoors together being physically active and improving their health and wellbeing. The track has an interesting shape to it (something the Pupil Parliament told me was essential) and enhances are outdoor possibilities.  As we progress through school and build our stamina, we will be aiming for a daily mile (which would be equivalent to 8 laps).

    The track isn’t about racing (although we won’t rule out a time-trial now and again!) but more for regular, self-paced outdoor activity which has been proven to be beneficial for pupils’ cognition and wellbeing, significantly improving a child’s mood, attention and memory – enhancing their ability to learn.


    See the following video which promotes the benefits https://thedailymile.co.uk/ 

    Again, we give a HUGE THANK YOU to Playscape Playgrounds Ltd.







    As part of our continued drive to better our environment and provide memorable opportunities for our children we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of 100 tree and hedge saplings this week, donated by Tree Appeal.

    Varieties will include: Hawthorne, Crab Apple, Dog Rose, Guelder Rose, English Oak and Silver Birch.  All varieties will eventually bring a wealth of habitat creation, biodiversity and new areas to explore for our children.

    On Friday this week (though it may spill into the following week depending how we get on) it is our vision that all children have the chance to help plant them in our school grounds before caring and nurturing them over the coming years.

    Please bring your Muddle Puddle clothing (wellies at a minimum) and where possible a spade or trowel into school on Friday 20th November.

    Kind regards

    Mr. McShane and Mrs. Clayton



    Vouchers are not necessary but are available from school.

    Food can also be delivered to and picked up from school.





    Marple Library??

    Marple Library is still open for returning stock and collecting pre ordered items, as well as specific PC use.


    Tuesday 17th November – Safer Internet Day in school

    Wednesday 18th November – School Individual Photograph Day

    Friday 20th November – Tree & hedge sapling planting. Wellies required.

    Tuesday 24th November – Homework Museum entries

    Monday 30th November -Online Safety Workshop

    This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place from 1.15pm -2.30pm. It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic, it would be great for as many to attend as possible. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor.

Newsletter 18/01/21
  • Mon 18th Jan

    Monday 18th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 18th January, 2021







    We will be having a whole school collective worship every Monday at 9.45am.  This term our theme is Trust.

    We hope you and your child will join us so we can come together as a whole school family.

    It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January can be used every Monday.

    We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.


    A special thank you to all of you for your continued support and cooperation.

    We will continue to develop retention of learning strategies with our children. We will also continue to explore vocabulary and ensure our breadth of cultures and a varied curriculum. Please read the information below regarding our whole school Step Back In Time topic.

    LOCKDOWN REMINDERS                                                                                                                                          

    Throughout this national lockdown all children should continue to comply with the rules set out for tier 4. Parents are asked to help ensure their children are following these rules. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings.

    CHILDREN IN SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                          

    As you are aware, we have a mixture of children in school, who are part of the vulnerable and critical worker category. We currently have 46% of our children in school. The DfE has said in its guidance ‘parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can’. As such, we ask that you only send your child into school on the days when you are having to complete your critical worker duties.  This will assist in ensuring the health safety and wellbeing of ALL our school family. 

    Just a reminder that when children are at home, we would encourage them to continue with their home learning.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and support,

    The All Saints’ Team

    STAFF & REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                                                                   

    I would like to begin by thanking our outstanding staff who have been working extremely hard to provide work for children in school as well as at home. Whilst they are all extremely committed, the situation has certainly increased our workload and we have had to create a manageable rotation of TAs and teachers off and on site at different times throughout the week.  I would like to thank those many parents who have already expressed their appreciation and gratitude to staff. Many of you have also praised the quality of the home learning being provided. Thank you for your very positive comments.



    In the true All Saints’ Way, we are welcoming the New Year of 2021 with an exciting and inspirational topic for the next half term. We are going to “Step Back in Time” and learn many fascinating, historical facts covering Ancient, British, World and Local history.

    We hope you managed to view the video of our fabulous historical timeline. The video was placed on Tapestry on the 15th January.

    We hope your children and yourselves find this timeline display a helpful tool to use during our Spring Term History topic.

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Hammond and Mrs Clayton




Newsletter 19/04/21
  • Mon 19th Apr

    Monday 19th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter -19th April , 2021




          Just a reminder that we have our special Online-Safety workshop for parents on Tuesday 20th April starting at 7pm as we thought this would be a more convenient time for parents. The Yr5 and Yr6 children will be joining for the first 15 minutes of the workshop which will begin at 7pm. See the attached poster. The Zoom link will be posted via Tapestry on Tuesday morning.



    ST. GEORGE’S DAYFriday 23rd April –If your child is part of any uniformed club e.g. Girlguiding, Scouts, Cadettes, etc., they can wear their uniform on Friday.



     Please continue to read the class Friday Shout Outs for an update on the exciting learning

    your children have been encountering.



    PSHE – look out for sample resources which will be placed on Tapestry regarding Relationships and Sex Education.


    Community Collect – Universal Testing - Getting tested - Stockport Council

    Lateral Flow Devices are now available for any member of the public to use at home.

    All adults can now get a box of 7 lateral flow tests to take twice a week at home. You will need to give some personal details such as name and postcode when you collect the kit. You do not need to book. You can collect a kit from:

    Fred Perry House • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7am to 6pm • Wednesday, 7am to 7pm • Saturdays 10am to 2pm

    Brinnington East Area Housing Office - 1 Berwick Parade, Stockport, SK5 8LQ (Monday to Sunday, 2.30pm to 4pm) Marple Chadwick Street car park - Chadwick Street, Marple, SK6 6BD (Monday to Sunday, 2.30pm to 8pm)

    You can also collect a kit from the following libraries:

    • Bredbury • Bramhall • Cheadle • Cheadle Hulme • Edgeley • Hazel Grove • Heald Green • Heatons • Reddish

    Payments for Self- Isolation

    If a person is asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace and is on a low income, unable to work from home and will lose income as a result, they may be entitled to a payment of £500 from their local authority under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme. Further details are available via this link.                                           https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/test-and-trace-support-payment-scheme-claiming-financial-support/claiming-financial-support-under-the-test-and-trace-support-payment-scheme


    We have been asked to remind our community that If you have been vaccinated, you must still:

    • practise social distancing
    • wear a face mask
    • wash your hands regularly

    COVID-19 is spread through droplets expelled from the nose or mouth, particularly when speaking or coughing. It can also be picked up by touching your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with contaminated objects and surfaces.





    SUE WOODGATE                                                             


    I am the Local Authority Governor at All Saints’ and this is my first term of office here. Although I have been a school governor in a wide variety of schools for 33 years. I am currently the Chair of the Resources Committee and Class Governor for Year 2. I took on the role of Class Governor when the current Y2 joined the school in 2018. I enjoy spending time with them.  In their reception year I spent time in class and had a great day out with them on New Horizons.  When they were in Year 1, I was able to do some work with them on the Christmas Story. Sadly, for most of 2020, it was not possible to spend time in school. During the last Lockdown I was able to hear about their learning achievements via Zoom, and am looking forward to joining them in June to do some Local History work.

    I also enjoy supporting other classes in school and recently did a Zoom Question and Answer session with Class 3 on their History topic – The Stone Age.



    The easy answer is because I was asked to be. So it’s probably more important to say why I agreed to become a Governor at All Saints’.  Well, I have been in education for 42 years, lived in Marple for 22 years, I enjoy being part of the wider Marple Community and many of you will have seen me around the area and at Marple events linked to New Horizons. It seemed a natural thing to become involved with All Saints’ as it’s the closest school to Marple wharf and when I started to find out about the school I found that the ethos of the school fitted closely with my beliefs about education.  Over the last 4 years I’ve become more involved in the school life and hope that this will continue for some time yet.








    The photo shows me in my role with New Horizons.












    Our daughter started All Saints’ in September 2020, and to be a parent governor offered an opportunity to help support a school with a brilliant reputation in the area.  I am currently an Assistant Headteacher at a secondary school and have seen just how important a supportive governing body are, and how essential it is that parents can contribute to a school’s success. It’s a privilege to be part of the All Saints’ team.



    I’m on the Curriculum Committee and I hope I can bring my (nearly) twenty years’ teaching experience to help support the All Saints’ team. Currently, the role that I hold in my school involves leading the assessment and tracking, exams and school performance areas, whilst on the pastoral side, my role of Head of Year 11 is entirely different and gives me further opportunities to support the growth of pupils.


    Don’t believe the media when they talk about children having to ‘catch up’ due to Covid lockdowns, or them being a ‘lost generation’. It’s a load of rubbish. Our young people have learned an incredible amount of skills throughout the pandemic and have had opportunities that other youngsters haven’t. They’ll fly as they get older! Well done to all parents too! As a dad of two, I know it hasn’t been easy!





    We would like to shower Brenda with flowers and gifts to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all the many years she has served in the role of a school governor at our school.

    Many of you would have older children who encountered Brenda through maths sessions, Christmas cake sessions and many more. If you would like to contribute to her leaving gift, please log onto parentpay



                                                                      Please regularly view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    20th April 2021 ~ 7.00 – 8.00pm

    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 19/04/22
  • Tue 19th Apr

    Tuesday 19th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Dear School Family, 


    Easter Fun!

    We had so much fun on the last day of term.  A huge thank you to Mrs Burney and of course our very special guest the Easter Bunny for organising such great Easter activities.  We were also truly blown away with the amazing Eggstravaganza entries - they were cracking!!!  It was so hard to choose winners and the bar has been set eggstremely high for next year!!!


    Congratulations Mr Lonsdale

    Huge congratulations to Mr Lonsdale who married his fiancé, Jenny, over the Easter Holidays.  I am sure you will all join us in wishing them both a lifetime of happiness together.


    Fortnightly Newsletters

    As mentioned last term, we will be trialling a fortnightly newsletter as we know class staff regularly communicate with you on Tapestry and we do not wish to overload you with information. We are aware that some schools do a monthly or even half termly school newsletter so this will continue to be reviewed throughout the Summer Term. 


    Covid-19 Vaccine

    The LA has asked us to distribute the attached letter from Jennifer Connolly, Director of Public Health. This letter is for the parents/guardians of children aged 5-11 years and contains information about the vaccine programme for that age group. 



    St George’s Day

    To celebrate this special day, we are asking those who are part of a uniformed club, to wear their uniform e.g. Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    Sport, Sport, Sport.

    Well what a sporting week it was before the holidays with cross country and football events attended by our children.  A huge well done to all the children for their achievements and all the adults who made the events possible.


    Calling all Sporting Enthusiasts! Message from Mr Granite and Mrs Noble... 

    For our annual Active Week next term 27th June- 1st July, we are hoping to get children fully active and give them the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports and maybe try out something new to develop new hobbies and interests to keep fit and healthy. 

    So far we have Boogie Bounce on mini trampolines, archery and a climbing wall in place for the week (fingers crossed). 

    If you have any connections to local sports clubs that you or your child attend, please do let us know if you can encourage someone to support their local school and lead a few sessions during the week. 

    Again, if you yourself are really passionate about keeping fit and can offer to run some sessions in school, no matter how little or much time you can offer, we would love to hear from you!

    Please do let us know when you see us around or via Tapestry- we look forward to hearing from you and helping to fill 2022's Active week with a fantastic, fun week for your children to enjoy and remember! 



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts. E.g. hummus


    School Nurse Drop-in for Parents of children in Reception- Year 6

    We are delighted to inform you our School Nurse, Alison Dunning, will be offering ‘drop in’ sessions at school.

    School nursing is a universal public health service for school age children. School Nurses are qualified nurses with an additional specialist public health qualification.

    The school nursing team can offer support, guidance and signposting to other services on a whole range of things for example: Continence - daytime and night time wetting and any toileting issues; headlice; emotional and mental health & wellbeing; healthy eating and weight management or if you have any concerns at all about your child that you feel chatting to the nurse would help.

    The drop-in sessions will be by appointment only on Tuesday 26th April 2022 and the session slots still availiable are:

    10:35am-10:50am ,10:50-11:10am.

    Please email school admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk  with a time slot which is convenient for yourself and we will try and accommodate this.

    The session will be in person at school. 

    We hope that you will find these sessions useful and look forward to seeing you.

    With best wishes,

    The All Saints’ Team




    Tuesday 26th April

    9.15am-12.15pm School Nurse Parent Drop-ins

    Thursday 28th 


    Kittle Class Photos 

    Friday 29th April

    Year 5 Class Assembly

    Tuesday 3rd May

    Author visiting school


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton


Newsletter 19/07/21
  • Tue 20th Jul

    Tuesday 20th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    We hope you enjoyed reading your child’s report last week.  I’d like to give a personal thank you to you all for supporting your child but would also especially like to thank the staff who spent time on assessing and writing these reports. Thank you for your many messages of thanks and appreciation too.


    If you wish to complete the parent questionnaire, please do so by Wednesday 21st July.


    Our yr4 & yr5 class had an absolutely fantastic, jam packed day at Castleton last Tuesday and our yr6 children had an exciting activity day at the Underbank Peak Adventure Centre. Our children encouraged each other, worked as teams, took risks and made many memories they will remember for a life time! Please view all the photos on Tapestry.


    We had an excellent music session with Jill Henderson-Wild last Friday. It was great to use our lungs and voices for singing.

    As it is going to be extremely hot this week, we have asked all children to bring in a water bottle, cap and sun cream if you wish them to apply sun cream throughout the day. Please ensure all items are labelled. Your children also have the option of wearing their PE kit which should be a plain white top and black leg wear. See the full list on the following page.


    You would have all by now read the Stockport Authority letter which was posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th July. It states that our school and schools across Stockport will maintain our current restrictions: social distancing in and around school, the use of face coverings at drop off and pick up times as well as in school communal areas by staff and class bubbles until the end of term.

    We thank you for your continued co-operation and understanding,

    The All Saints' Team



    It has been absolutely wonderful to see and hear your children acting and singing with so much energy and enthusiasm. They have made props, brought in costumes and all sorts.

    Please do take some time to watch their Oscar winning performances.





    Anna Clyne and Jenny Tyrrell have taken over Outgrown Uniform and set up a new Facebook page. The existing Facebook page will close on the last day of term.




    Please note on PE days from September, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week.

    This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

    Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions from September so will need their PE kits in lockers again from the start of the year in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

    Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

    As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


    Please see the kit list as follows;

    White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

    Black shorts/ cycling shorts

    Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

    Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

    Black/ white socks

    Black/ white trainers


    Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.


    As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.


    Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


    Yours thankfully.

    Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)



    Finishing the school year a day earlier at the end of Summer 2022

    Please note slightly adjusted term dates for 2021-2022. The changes are in response to legislation for an extra day holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We have reduced the length of the original Summer term, our last day of the academic year, by one day, to minimise any disruption to any plans already made. We will now finish 2021/2022 school year at the end of Wednesday 27th of July.         


    Please ensure all school library books have been returned to school by tomorrow.




    Free school meals and Pupil Premium

    Had a change in financial circumstances? Please apply for Free School Meals!

    School will receive £1345 for each child for every year they are at All Saints’ regardless if your circumstances change again.

    Please apply using the link https://www.stockport.gov.uk/start/free-school-meals-application-form

    Apply whichever year your child is in to ensure we get the funding for the vital resources!

    Thank you



    The DfE have launched an information site for parents which have some very useful

    pieces of information and  FUN activities for your children.

    There is also some information about a Summer School.






    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    19th July 2021

    Class End of Yr Assemblies uploaded onto Tapestry

    21st July 2021

    Parent Questionnaires to be completed by today.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

newsletter 20/09/21
  • Mon 20th Sep

    Monday 20th September (allsaints-pri Admin)







    Dear School Family,


    Thank you for you many expressions and thanks and praise for the way we are managing school at this time.


    By now, you would all have read the communication sent out to you last Friday which gave you an update on the rigorous health and safety measures we have adhered to since the beginning of term. You will continue to be informed if your child is a close contact and will be advised to book a PCR test. The communication, also included further restrictions we have been asked to implement by the Local authority and Public Health England.


    We have been asked to also remind you that children who have tested positive by a LFT or PCR should be self-isolating.


    Any absence related to Covid-19 and copies of test results must be emailed to the admin staff using admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk


    Please also note that the current DfE guidance regarding keeping classes open and the children receiving face-to-face education remains unchanged. If you do wish to express your opinions regarding this decision, please contact the DfE directly.


    We will again be meeting with the LA and PHE consultant on Tuesday morning and will update you as and when required.


    Thank you so much for your amazing cooperation, support and patience. We really do appreciate your understanding and best wishes to those who are needing to be at home at this time.

    The All Saints’ Way Team


    MRS HALLWORTH moving on

    Mrs Hallworth’s last day with us is 24th September.

    We wish her all the very best in her next adventure and know she will be a wonderful asset to her new school.



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:                                                                                  

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.






    Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. 


    Potter’s Village Certificate of Thanks to our school

    We have received a thank you certificate for the £207 raised during the Summer Term. Many thanks again to you all for supporting this very worthwhile cause.


    Day of languages 




    We will be celebrating the different languages spoken in our school as well as others.

     Please look out for the sharing of this exciting work on Tapestry.


    Supporting Sleep Patterns

    See the following website https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/supporting-better-sleep-webinar-tickets-165552615329




    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21




    Day of Languages


    School staff training day. Children not in.


    Scholastic Book Fair



    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor



Newsletter 20/12/21
  • Mon 20th Dec

    Monday 20th December (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            


    Christmas Lunch was a huge success last week. There was plenty of tasty food for all and the children enjoyed listening to Christmas carols as they ate. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Taylor Shaw kitchen staff who did a tremendous job and a huge thank you to our own Mrs Burney, who decked the tables and organised the event for our children



    Christmas Nativities

    Well we did it!!! We managed to get all our KS1 and Reception parents into church to watch their wonderful children performing their fantastic nativities.

    It was truly a special moment and I know there were a few parents who shed tears of joy!


    All the children have done an amazing job. Thank you, as their family, for rehearsing all those lines and songs and for providing costumes. Thank you also to our outstanding staff who worked so hard to produce polished performances!


    Christmas Jumper Day – Wednesday 22nd December.


    Next term, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes, will be joining forces to decide upon our spring charity focus and how we will be raising money for another worthy cause.





    TOOTH SAFE GOLD AWARD - We are very pleased to announce that Miss McConnell and the Reception team completed an application for us to become a Tooth Safe school and have actually achieved the GOLD award!! This is a tremendous achievement and was gained by including some very innovative ideas in the application.

    The public health adviser commented that they were ‘blown away’ with the ‘outstanding’ suggestions and will be using our school as good practice in other settings across the authority. This is absolutely brilliant news!! Many congratulations to Miss McConnell and her team.


    Following this fantastic achievement, from January 2022, we are asking parents to, instead of sending sweets into school for birthday celebrations, to either donate a fiction/non-fiction book or a class game to their child’s class.


    Thank you in advance for supporting this new initiative as we work in partnership to protect the health of your child’s teeth.




    Please note that our Spring Parents Evenings will be on Monday 24th January, 2022 and Thursday 27th January, 2022. Both evenings will be after the school day. See further information on the next page from Mrs Vickers. 

    Depending on the current guidance, we will also be having an open morning for each class from 8.30-9.00am on Tuesday 1st February, 2022.



    A huge, huge thank you to everyone who attended the charity Fund raiser for The Pantry.  Our kind donation of £178 was collected by Chris Buckley one of the volunteers who passed on his sincere thanks to all who contributed and supported this wonderful, local charity (who distribute up to 50 bags of food per week on average on our community).   

    Please don't forget, if any of our families do feel it would be an extra help at this challenging, financial time of the year, please note that the Pantry is open from 10- 12 every Saturday from CONNECT on Queen Street, Marple and you are more than welcome to attend for food bags and a chat if you wish!  Alternatively, If you are unable to come in person please contact the office at All Saints' Church on 0161 427 2378 or office@allsaintsmarple.co.uk.


    Thank you so much, from Y3 and Y4, Mrs. Noble and Mr. Lonsdale 


    Next term, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes, will be joining forces to decide upon our spring charity focus and how we will be raising money for another worthy cause.





    The Parents Association      

    The Christmas Shop - The children who brought in a gift chose one to take home today. This can be gifted to a family member as a 'surprise'. This item has been wrapped and tagged for them to bring home and put under the tree for Christmas.                                                 

    Thank you,                                                                                                                                                                                     

    The All Saints' Parents Association.


    Parents Evenings


    In these unsettled times we have made the decision to move over to a virtual parents evening session – which has proved incredibly successful and popular in a number of local schools over the last couple of years.  The system, which is called School Cloud, offers video meetings for parents with your child’s teacher.  These can be held by using either a phone, tablet or computer.  You get to choose your own appointment time and if you have more than one child in school it is very easy for you to schedule these so that the appointments are close together.   Appointments run more to time and you can hold the meeting wherever you are, if you have your device with you.   If parents are in different places, it is very easy for you to invite the other parent to attend the same meeting.  The system is very straightforward but if you have any issues making your appointments we’re here in the office to help.  When we send more details in January, I will include links to online ‘how-to’ videos to make the process as easy as possible.  In addition to the online parents evening, we will be having an open morning on 1st February at 8.30-9.00am, for you to be able to see your child’s books in class.   More information about School Cloud will be sent out early in January 2022.  




    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts. E.g. hummus


    Health & Safety

    • Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.
    • Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.
    • We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.
    • Please note that LFD tests can be picked up from the local chemists for using at home.

    Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities

    See the attached fliers for upcoming opportunities


    See the attached wellbeing poster with a list of support opportunities

    Stockport’s Solihull Approach

    This fabulous online resource is free for residents of Stockport, giving them access to the following courses that are proven to improve emotional wellbeing and the relationships between parents and children. This resource is useful for mothers, fathers, partners, carers, grandparents, other family and involved friends as these courses are for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 including professionals of all kinds.


    WE WANT THE WORKFORCE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS and have scheduled several more learning circles (content is the same for all dates so you only need to attend one session).

    Book your place on Learning Pool

    If you do no have access to Learning Pool please email us and we can book you on and send you the link.

    Monday 17th January 14:00:15:00

    Thursday 24th February 12:00-13:00

    Wednesday 23rd March 9.30-10.30







    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    Thursday 6th January 2022


    24.1.22 & 27.1.22


    1st February 2022

    CLASS OPEN MORNING 8.30-9.00am. (TBC)


    We wish you all a peaceful and relaxing time with friends and loved ones during this holiday season!


    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton

Newsletter 21/06/21
  • Mon 21st Jun

    Monday 21st June (allsaints-pri Admin)







    You will know that Outgrown Uniform has served our families exceptionally well over the years. Sarah Taylor who has managed this for a number of years will now not be able to continue with it after this academic year.


    We have very much appreciated her innovative ideas, time, commitment and dedication. She has been absolutely amazing and this resource has been so valuable to our school. An enormous THANK YOU for everything she has done over the years and for managing Outgrown Uniform with such enthusiasm.


    Please read Sarah’s message below:

    “Hello uniform fans, I am looking for volunteers! This will be my last school year running the Outgrown Uniform scheme. So please get in touch if you have a little spare time (it doesn’t take much), if you have some storage space and would like to get involved.

    Until the end of term I will keep selling the uniform I’ve got in stock but I won’t be taking in any more donations for the time being.”


    If anyone is at all interested, please get in touch with Sarah Taylor.



    ONLINE SAFETY                                                          


    You are reminded that key information can be found on our school website. Two of our parents, Emma Cox and Tamzyn Jones, are our Parent Online Safety Ambassadors






    I joined the All Saints’ family in June 2013, as Admin Assistant and have worked my way up to my role as School Business Manager which I have been doing for 3 years now. My role is very varied, and there is never a dull moment during the school day!

    The staff are simply wonderful at ensuring the children’s wellbeing is always considered with every decision, and going above and beyond every day to uphold the nurturing, safe and secure environment for each and every person who walks through the door. I feel honoured to be part of such an amazing team – especially in these uncertain times.


    I became a Staff Governor as I wanted to be involved in all aspects of school life


    Keep strong, look after yourselves and each other. We are so lucky in that we have such a supportive community – Marple is a very special place and we are surrounded by such areas of beauty. To say that the past 15 months have been challenging is an understatement; however, we have supported each other and will continue to do so even when the pandemic is over, as we have in previous times.

    All Saints’ holds a very special place in my heart, as do the families. For a lot of you, I have watched your children grow from little ones in Reception, to the confident Year 6’s –ready to move onto high school and that is truly something special to be a part of.





    Our school kitchen and Taylor Shaw have signed up to be part of the national vegpower scheme.

    Each week will feature a rally cry around one of Britain’s family favourite vegetables. Veg Power are asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks’ veg. There are stickers to reward the children who give them a try.

    • wc 21st June – Peppers
    • wc 28th June – Carrots
    • wc 5th July – Peas
    • wc 12th July – Broccoli




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021





    Tuesday 22nd June

    Staff Pen Portraits sent to parents

    Thursday 24th June

    Yr3 and Yr6 Non uniform day with £1 donations for the Potters Village

    Thursday 1st July

    MHS Transition Day

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 21/09/20
  • Mon 21st Sep

    Monday 21st September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 21.09.2020


    Virtual Homework Museum

    Please see attached this term’s optional homework project – this time taking us around the world!! There are also some ideas sheets on tapestry to give you some inspiration if needed.  We can’t wait to see what you all produce!










    Reading is Magic

    With festivals and other events being sadly cancelled, we thought we would inform families of an alternative, amazing digital children's book Festival that could come to you starting on Sunday!  


    Inspiration for the name came from Waterstones Children’s Laureate 2019-2022 Cressida Cowell’s key message ‘reading is magic, and magic is for everyone’. Books have a transformative magic in their unique ability to develop three key magical powers; intelligence, creativity and empathy.  


    Please have a look at the weekly line up of all-star leading authors and illustrators on this schools and family schedule, all free and available for everyone, everywhere to enjoy the magic of reading and books! 




    Systems in school


    We know how tricky keeping track of your child’s belongings are in normal times so it is even harder at the moment.  Therefore, we encourage families to please put names on items of clothing especially jumpers and coats.  We thank you in advance for your support in this matter.


    We also understand that children not having a bag to and from school is difficult. As such we are still encouraging as little as possible to go between home and school, but if children need a small bag or to use their book bag to put their reading books/ lunch/ snacks in then please feel free to send this in with your child.


    Friends of Marple Memorial Park Pavilion Art Project







    We have loved being part of many art projects both in school and within the local community and we are really excited for you all to be involved in this one for Memorial Park too! Please see the attached document and sheet for entering.  We can’t wait to see your amazing creations and please do share your entries with your class teachers via tapestry as they would love to see them!


    Training Opportunities for Family Members

    As our children return to school this leaves a great opportunity for families claiming benefits to consider employment and training options, please see the attachment for more information.

    Greater Manchester Nutrition and Hydration information

    This year has been a challenge and has highlighted the need for good nutrition, hydration and access to food.  As we enter the pre-recovery phase, it is even more important than ever to raise awareness about malnutrition.

    Raising Awareness of Malnutrition, Wednesday the 7th of October, 3-4pm. To book your place visit: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raising-awareness-of-malnutrition-in-older-adults-tickets-120054834241

    Hydration Awareness and Strategies to Promote Good Hydration, Thursday the 8th of October, 10-11am. To book your place, visit:                  www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raising-awarenss-to-promote-hydration-in-older-adults-tickets-120164420015

    Please look out for some resources we will be sending out in a few week`s time.

    Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond Service

    See, Hear, Respond is a service provided across England by Barnardo’s and other national and local community-based organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

    See, Hear, Respond, provides support to children, young people and their families who aren’t currently seeing a social worker or other agency, and who are struggling to cope with the emotional impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). See, Hear, Respond will support from pre-birth up to 18 years of age and those with special educational needs under the age of 25.

    See, Hear, Respond will contact every referral made, so no child is missed. Help is available in one or more of four ways:

    • An online hub of support and information
    • Online counselling and therapy
    • Face to face support for those most affected and at risk of some of today’s most pertinent issues, such as criminal exploitation and
    • Helping children and young people to reintegrate back into school

    You can access via the ‘See, Hear, Respond’ service self-referral webpage or Freephone 0800 151 7015.


    Wishing everyone a lovely week, Helen Morton and Hannah Morton.

Newsletter 22/02/21
  • Mon 22nd Feb

    Monday 22nd February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 22nd February, 2021










    Dear Lovely School Family,

    I trust that you are all well and have had a wonderful half term. We have much to celebrate today and a few things to look forward to throughout this term.

    You will already know that Mrs Day and her husband have had a beautiful baby boy called Samuel Peter! Big brother Alexander is extremely proud and all are doing very well.

    Enjoy reading our school newsletter!



    A message from the Chair of Governors …..
    A very warm welcome from me as we start a new half-term.  Despite the restrictions that we’re all still facing, I hope you enjoyed spending time together with your families last week - as much as you were able to.  My wife and I are still missing seeing our grandsons, as talking to them via Zoom isn’t quite the same as seeing them face-to-face! 

    On behalf of all the governors, I want to say a big thank you to all parents and carers for the wonderful support you’ve given to Mrs Gaynor and the staff at school so far this year. 

    I’m writing this before the Prime Minister’s announcement about the “road map” for moving forwards, so by the time you read it we should be clearer about the arrangements for all children returning to school.  Your children’s welfare will always be our number one priority and I hope that a return to normality is not too far away. 

    I am grateful to all the governors for the support they give me but I’d just like to particularly thank Tom Braide and Casey Beever for taking up their roles as our new parent governors from the beginning of January.

    With best wishes,
    Alan Bailey



    In addition to the World Book Day poster attached, we would like to invite any of you who would like to be a mystery reader for that day to contact your child’s class teacher. This would simply involve you producing a, less than 10 minutes, recording of yourself reading a short story, poem or extract from a book. It would be great if you appeared in disguise at the beginning and then revealed yourself at the end.                                                                            

    How exciting this would be for your wonderful children! Can’t wait to see your videos!    


                      CONGRATULATIONS TO US!!                                        

    Last half term, Mr McShane submitted an application for funding under Stockport Hydro’s Environmental Challenge 2021. The panel met on 10th February to consider all applications received and we are pleased to announce that our project has been awarded £500. They were very impressed by our plans to create an allotment space and we know the £500 will go far to making our vision of an outdoor learning and life-skill space become a reality!

    We’d also like to thank Nev Phillips, one of our governors, who signposted us to this wonderful opportunity!





    This morning we were happy to welcome a virtual visitor to our school. This was Rabbi Katz who works at the North Cheshire Jewish Primary School and led a wonderful collective worship on Purim and Forgiveness.


    We hope you and your child will join us each week at 9:45am so we can come together as a whole school family. It is a recurring event so the link uploaded this morning can be used every Monday. We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.


    Next week, join us wearing the colour red which can symbolise courage, energy, health, love and joy!! You’re welcome to send in an exciting photo like the one below but in RED!


    We will also have Deacon Annette Sharp–the local Methodist Minister- leading our Collective Worship on Monday 8th March.


    On 11th February, Tanya Cross again led a fabulous Online Safety Workshop for parents.


    The next session will be on Tuesday 20th April 7pm-8pm. We’re hoping this time will be more convenient so that many more will be able to attend and glean this valuable information which will help us to monitor our children’s online use.

    We are also asking if you would like to become an Online Safety Ambassador. This would involve you becoming a part of a team who would keep up to date with current issues and share crucial information with other parents. Emma Cox whose child is in yr2 has already volunteered to become an Ambassador and Tanya Cross will be leading a training session in June for this team of parents.


    See the Online Safety page on our school website for current information. Thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating this page.


    INSET DAYS                                                                                                                                                    Some time ago, the governors approved the INSET Days for this academic year, one of which was Wednesday 10th March.  As it now seems likely that schools will begin to re-open to more children on Monday 8th March, we feel it would be appreciated by families if we were to remain open on that day. The governors have approved a postponement of the INSET Day scheduled for 10th March until later in the year. This will be discussed further at the full governing body meeting on 17th March and you will be notified of the new date as soon as it has been agreed.


    The Parent Association are hoping to organise a safe family event for our school this half term.


    Look out for details in the next few weeks



    Who can get broadband help?

    This scheme is open to children and young people in years 3 to 11 who:

    • do not have access to a fixed broadband connection (the request may be unsuccessful if the account holder also has broadband)
    • cannot afford the additional data needed to access educational resources
    • have access to a mobile device that uses a participating network
    • are facing disruption to their face-to-face education

    If your request does not meet all of these criteria, you may be able to request a 4G wireless router instead. Find out more about choosing help with internet access.

    If you think you qualify for assistance, please let admin have the following information:

    • the account holder’s name
    • their mobile number (a number beginning with ‘07’)
    • their mobile network
    • whether they pay monthly or pay as they go

    You also need to have read the following privacy policy:  explain our privacy policy 




    Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm     


    Online Safety Workshop for parents.

    As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

    Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor






Newsletter 22/03/21
  • Mon 22nd Mar

    Monday 22nd March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 22nd March 2021











    THINGS TO CELEBRATE!                                                                                                                                                    

    Dear Lovely School Family,

    We have much to celebrate this week!

    Please read Alan Bailey’s Governor of the Week message for some special news!

    We also had Daniel Brazil, the Senior Lead Officer for Health and Safety, visit our school last week to review our procedures in relation to the drop-off and pick-up of children.  He verified that we are doing exactly what we need to do and commended us for ensuring our children are kept safe.

    Having visited the school this afternoon to review the current control measures in place, it was determined that the school have worked hard to ensure that effective COVID safe measures are implemented and in place. Further good measures were also witnessed with the staggered allocated finishing times and dedicated gates for the different year groups, also further to this, the children were being supervised at all times from the classroom exit door and down to each dedicated gate. When the children were being released from the gate area, parents/carers were wearing face coverings and in most cases adhering to social distancing guidelines whilst waiting for their children. There is further information/signage on each gate that indicates the drop off and pick up times and the year group that gate is allocated to.   Due to the footprint of the school and the obvious lack of walkway width space and potential pinch points at the rear of the building, the school are currently working to the best possible COVID safe measures for the site as previously mentioned above.

    Thank you all for working in partnership with us as we endeavour to keep your children and the wider community safe.



    YOUNG CARERS ACTION DAY                                                                  


    Hannah Thompson, one of the Liaison Workers, led a workshop for bubbles of our children on the day.

    The theme was Protecting Young Carers Futures and each child either took home a pencil or a wrist band to mark the event.

    Thank you for supporting this day.



    GOVERNOR OF THE WEEK ~ Alan Bailey who is our Chair of Governors.



    I became a co-opted governor at All Saints’ soon after I retired in December 2012, and it’s been my privilege to be Chair of Governors since September 2013.   After a lifetime of working in education, I wanted to use my experience to support our church school.



    As the photo shows, I used to be a Science teacher at Marple Hall when I was a lot younger (there’s a slightly more up-to-date photo of me on the school website!)

    After leaving Marple Hall in 1996, I worked as a School Improvement Officer in Tameside for 16 years and since I retired I’ve done some work as a School Consultant for Chester Diocese.

    At All Saints’ I am chair of the Steering Committee and the Christian Ethos Committee and I’m also a member of the Resources Committee.


    I became Class Governor Friend to the children who were in the Reception Class in 2013 and stayed with them until they left Year 6 in 2019.  Currently, I’m Class Governor Friend to Year 1 but I haven’t been able to meet them for just over a year because of the coronavirus situation - although I did join them on one of Mrs Manning’s Zoom calls a couple of weeks ago.



    I feel very proud of our school when I read some of the recent comments sent in by parents and I’m delighted that we are now a very popular school in the local community.  This year lots of parents applying for a school place put All Saints’ as their first choice, with over 100 families naming us as one of their choices.  Unfortunately, we only have space for 30 children!   

    It hasn’t really been possible to show families around school this year in the way that we would want, so we decided to produce a new video to try and provide a flavour of what our school is like.  You can find this on the home page of our school website if you’ve not had a look yet.  As always, the children are the real stars, but I’m still hoping for a BAFTA nomination … 



    Last week, Hev Taylor mentioned that we had applied for the Church-School Partnership Award.  I’m delighted to report that we received confirmation this week that we have been successful in our application, which makes All Saints’ the first school in Chester Diocese to receive this award.  It’s a real testament to the relationship between the school and the church and reflects a lot of hard work by so many different people.  Thank you so much to everyone involved.


    CLOSING THOUGHTS:  I hope everyone enjoys being back together at school for the last week of this term and I wish you all a very happy Easter.




    Parenting Programme/ Course

    This has been highly recommended. Please read the attached flier and sign up. Great to have some additional support and strategies to use.

    Household Asymptomatic Testing

    Household testing Public Health England are continuing to work on developing a strategy for implementing this initiative in Stockport. Currently families can request test kits on-line. We will provide further updates about the way in which the programme will delivered in the near future.

    Families in immediate need of financial support should visit our money advice and support pages or contact the Coronavirus helpline: 0161 217 6046

    For more information of Free School Meals visit FSM Frequently Asked Questions.







    Muddy Puddle Day for every class


    Easter Activities on site

    School closes at the end of this day


    School is open. Our topic is Incredible Inventions & Amazing Discoveries


    7.00 – 8.00pm


    Online Safety Workshop for parents.


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor



Newsletter 22/11/21
  • Mon 22nd Nov

    Monday 22nd November (allsaints-pri Admin)






    Dear School Family,                


    Health & Safety

    Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.

    We also have an LA Health & Safety Officer on site tomorrow to audit Health & Safety in school. This is being carried out in all LA schools on a rota basis.



    What an 18 month it has been!  During this time, in the All Saints’ Way, we have reflected on each individual circumstance when it has come to absence requests.  As things slowly return to normal, this will also be the case with all holiday requests.  In line with national guidance, we will no longer be authorising any absence requests unless they meet the exceptional circumstances criteria.  Many thanks in advance for your understanding.


    Volunteering in School

    Mrs Noble is looking for people to kindly volunteer with a focus of listening to our youngest children in Reception and KS1 read.  Therefore, if you are able to come in and listen to readers 1:1 please look out for the post on tapestry from Mrs Noble or contact the school office via admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk   Many thanks to those who have already volunteered. Please note that the new training date is now Thursday 2nd Dec 11.30a.m. – approximately 12.45pm.



    Are you feeling stressed or low at this time?

    Please see the Stockport LA booklet that contains a wide array of support for people mental health and wellbeing. 




    It is our Anti-Bullying Week this week and it has been lovely to see so many of our children in ‘odd socks’ as a traditional start to the week. All donations will go to Pupil Parliament and the projects they have planned. The theme is One Kind Word and we will be exploring this theme throughout the week. All our KS2 children have or will be taking part in an Anti-Bullying Workshop


      As a continuation of our efforts to keep our children safe, we have organised Road Safety Workshops for Year 2, 4, 5 and 6. Please discuss what your children have learned with them and thank you for continuing to encourage safety awareness when out and about. Please see the diary dates below




    The Parents Association would like to start fundraising again this Christmas. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions still in place a Christmas fair will not be possible this year.

    We would like to hold two dress down days. On the 26th November we will ask for a £1 donation and on 3rd December we would ask that KS1 bring in chocolates and KS2 bring in bottles. These items will then be collected and we will make some hampers that will be raffled off. Raffle tickets will be able to be purchased from the beginning of December.

    In addition, we would also like to do a Christmas Shop this year. This would require all children to bring in an item for no more than £1. (Please could people mark this item as Christmas Shop). Then during the last week of term children can bring in £1 and they would ‘buy’ an item from the shop. This item would then be wrapped and tagged as a surprise for someone in their family



    As always Christmas is such a special time of the year and we are delighted to be able to do some things this Christmas that were simply not allowed last year. However, due to LA guidelines still in place and other restrictions in places of worship etc. we will not be able to do things fully as in pre-covid times. As always we have thought hard and in the All Saints’ Way about how we can include as many people as possible and have as many events still take place for the children. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a fun filled festive period ahead. 


    Christmas Tree – we are inviting all children to donate a Christmas Tree decoration for our tree if they wish to, we will keep these for future years. If you would like to donate a decoration, please bring it in BY FRIDAY 26TH NOVEMBER.  Thank You.


    Christmas Lunch – we will be having our school Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 14th December. This will be a special occasion for our children but due to the restrictions on large crowds in our setting, we will unfortunately, not be able to invite any parents on this occasion. Thank you for your understanding and please do order a dinner for your child no later than Tuesday 7th December.


    Christmas at Church

    Due to capacity restrictions in churches we have decided to run three separate events to ensure all children get to experience Christmas at Church and our young children’s families can see them in their starring roles!

    15th December KS1 Nativity at 9.30am and 6pm. It is absolutely brilliant that x2 family members are allowed to attend each performance. However, the Church has asked that all adults wear a mask if they are not exempt, you remain seated once you have found a seat and the children remain on the stage throughout the performance. In line with the LA guidance, we are also asking that you all take a LFD test on the day of and before coming to each performance

    20th December at 9.30am – the Reception children will be performing their very first school nativity which is really exciting!! The rules above apply and x4 family members will be allowed to attend the performance.

    22nd December at 1.30pm - KS2 will be attending church for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. As the capacity for seating is currently only 225, we will only be allowed to have the children in the Church.

    There will be a retiring collection at the end of the R and KS1 performances.


    Christmas Parties - All classes will be having Christmas parties in school. See the diary dates at the end and party letters


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts


    SEND Week of Action. We are excited to share with you some events timetable for the LA’s third SEND Week Action, which commences on Monday 22nd November. As always there are a jam-packed week of webinars and activities for professionals, parents and cares to help raise awareness and make SEND everybody’s business. During this SEND Week of Action, we will be focusing on SEN support and early help. Please visit Eventbrite to book onto the sessions. 

    We have been made aware of excellent free online training for parents to access.  Below is a brief outline of what is offered…Free online courses - Solihull Approach

    Stockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.

    The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends. They are split into the following topics:

    ·        Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby

    ·        Understanding your baby (0-12 months)

    ·        Understanding your child (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

    ·        Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)

    Please follow the link below for more information and how to book a place.




                                                                  SEE AUTUMN DIARY DATES PREVIOUSLY ISSUED




    Reception and KS1 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 3 & 4 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    All children back in school on Thursday 6th January, 2022


    Have a wonderful week!

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton


Newsletter 23/11/20
  • Mon 23rd Nov

    Monday 23rd November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter23rd November, 2020


    From the Chair of Governors ….


    This week sees the start of the process to elect two parent governors, as Ali Holmes and Naomi Makin both complete their four-year terms of office.  You’ll find more information about the arrangements we have put in place in a letter which has been made available to you via Tapestry.  Please do take some time to read the letter and consider whether you would like to join the Governing Body here at All Saints’.  At the moment, all our meetings are conducted via Zoom, but we hope this won’t be for too much longer!


    Can I also say a big thank you to Ali and Naomi for their commitment to our school and for all the time they have given to their parent governor roles.  Schools up and down the country depend upon governors volunteering their time, talents and expertise and Ali and Naomi have been a wonderful addition to our Governing Body.


    With best wishes,

    Alan Bailey







    Last Friday, as part of our continued drive to better our environment and provide memorable opportunities for our children, we excitedly planted some tree and hedge saplings in our school grounds. These were donated by Tree Appeal and will eventually bring a wealth of habitat creation, biodiversity and new areas to explore for our children. A huge thank you to Mr. McShane and Mrs. Clayton who coordinated the project.

    Vodafone’s COVID- response offer for people that are unemployed

    Vodafone have just launched a new £10 offer for people claiming Universal Credit or Jobseekers Allowance, here. The package is part of Vodafone’s COVID-response activity and will provide people with the package for 6 months, with no contract nor credit checks required, so suitable for those with low credit ratings.


    The Selfish Giant Film

    Riding Lights has produced an acclaimed children’s show The Selfish Giant on film. Presented in three 15 minute episodes, The Selfish Giant on film will be used for a watch-along party with our children. This fantastic film explores the value of friendship and kindness towards each other through storytelling, puppets, original songs and humour, and is adapted from the classic children’s story by Oscar Wilde. The film can also be accessed by our families and can be watched in the comfort of your own homes. Details will be sent out at a later date.


    A huge THANK YOU to All Saints’ Church who have purchased this film for our children and families.

    The LA is seeking the views of stakeholders

    The Admissions and Term Dates Consultation for academic year 2022-23 has been published. You can access the consultation and submit your response following this link: https://consultation.stockport.gov.uk/schools/school-admissions-consultation/


    Mini Winter Reading Challenge

    This Winter Stockport Libraries are introducing the Winter Reading Challenge following the enormous success of the Summer Reading Challenge.  This is to encourage children to keep reading over the holidays and to give virtual rewards along the way!  Children will be asked to read any range of books of their choice and to review them on the website www.wintermini.org.uk. This is also the website you need to visit to access the Winter Mini Challenge.  We would love to see as many of our All Saints’ Superstars as possible taking part in this lovely event.  It will start on the 1st December and run until the 15th January.  (See the attached flier.)

    Wishing you all a very well read Winter with lots of virtual prizes along the way!

    Mrs Manning-Craggs 



    Marple Library??

    Marple Library is still open for returning stock and collecting pre ordered items, as well as specific PC use.


    Road Safety!

    Yr5 children will be receiving a Road Safety session on Wednesday 25th November.


    Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.


    See the following video as a basis for your discussion with your child: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/road-safety-education-and-training-in-stockport


    Tuesday 24th November – Homework Museum entries

    Monday 30th November -Online Safety Workshop

    1.15pm -2.30pm. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.

    Thursday 17th December – KS2 Christmas Party

    Friday 18th December – Non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day

    Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December – Children will not come into school but will be completing home-learning.





    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor

Newsletter 24/05/21
  • Mon 24th May

    Monday 24th May (allsaints-pri Admin)








    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    Today marks the start of our Active Week. Information informing you of daily activities was placed on Tapestry last week.


    We are looking forward to seeing children and staff in their sports clothing and engaging in an array of sports. We are also encouraging our children to walk to school whenever possible, even if it is simply part of the journey.


    Look out for the photos, reports or videos of your children’s wonderful experiences on Tapestry.


    Thank you to those parents who have donated to Brenda Beardwood’s leaving gift. We will be having a special assembly for her this week to mark her 12 years of being a governor at All Saints’ and know she will be thrilled with all her gifts.  Some of our class governor friends will also be visiting their classes this week.


    Online safety featured in last week’s newsletter. You are reminded that key information can be found on our school website.


    Please don’t forget to sign up to the Parents’ Association, Summer Treasure Trail and have fun!! A huge thank you goes out to all those who have been instrumental in creating this outdoor activity for all our families! We appreciate all your time and effort.


    There will be further communication from the LA later this week, but for now we wish you all an enjoyable, safe and peaceful half term holiday when school ends on Friday afternoon.


    “The foundations for virtually every aspect of human development – physical, intellectual and emotional – are laid in early childhood.” Marmot (2010)

    Contact Start Well Stockport to see many free events throughout the week. (Poster attached)


    See the attached Walk for Wellbeing poster and the Being a Parent poster which will be of interest to you


    A message from the PA - Find the hidden gems of Marple and help to raise money for our lovely school!

    To help raise funds for more school resources and fantastic events like the History Van, the Parents' Association have created a Summer Treasure Trail around Marple.

    The trail has been designed so that you can participate with your own household/bubble following the social distancing restrictions that are in place at the time. It involves a short circular walk (wheelchair/buggy accessible) answering questions about what you can see around the centre of Marple, starting and ending at School.

    If you would like to take part, please send your entry fee via ParentPay and follow the link that was sent out to you via Tapestry, in time for the half term break. The suggested donation is £1 per family









    MY ROLE IN SCHOOL: I became a Parent Governor in 2011, when my son and daughter attended All Saints’, and was later appointed as a co-opted governor. I am a member of the Steering Committee, Ethos Committee, Chair the Curriculum Committee and link governor for Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

    It has been a wonderful privilege playing a role in the journey of the school over the past decade; seeing the school go from strength to strength under the excellent leadership of Helen Morton and, more recently, Hannah Gaynor.

    In my time as governor, I have been involved in the recruitment of many talented and dedicated staff, including both headteachers. Carrying out learning walks and engaging in delightful conversations with many children, who consistently speak of their love of learning and for the school and their teachers, has been a highlight.

    WHY I BECAME A GOVERNOR: I have had a long career in education, as a teacher, headteacher, educational adviser and, most recently, as part of the Stockport School Improvement Team, where I lead the training for newly qualified teachers, facilitate Stockport SACRE and support several schools as their link adviser. When the opportunity arose to become a governor for my local school, I was motivated to apply so I could use my knowledge and experience of education for the benefit of the children at All Saints’. It is one of the best decisions I have made because the staff, Co-headteachers and governors are totally committed to making sure the education and care on offer is of the highest quality, and consistently go the extra mile for the children. This has never been more apparent than through the Covid pandemic. 

    ENCOURAGING WORDS TO CHILDREN AND PARENTS: I would like to use this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor for their open, transparent leadership, for always putting the children of All Saints’ at the heart of all decision making; and to acknowledge the staff for all they do every single day to ensure the children enjoy, achieve and excel at so many things. The school wouldn’t be the joyful, creative and wonderful place it is without the fantastic children, so thank you to every family for choosing All Saints’ as your child’s place of learning. The way the children rise to everything asked of them, makes it a joy to teach them and a privilege to be a governor. 

    Looking forward to meeting up in some face-to-face school events, when the rules allow. 



    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    WC 23rd May


    28th May

    Sports Day in the morning

    14th June


    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor







Newsletter 25/01/21
  • Mon 25th Jan

    Monday 25th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 25th January, 2021







    Again we had a whole school collective worship this morning and will continue to do so every Monday at 9.45am. 

    This morning, we shared a story about Nehemiah and how he and friends had to encourage and trust each other to build the walls that had broken down.

    We hope you and your child will join us each week so we can come together as a whole school family.

    It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January and this morning can be used every Monday.

    We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.

    Please read the very important letter about Lateral Flow Device Testing for staff which will be sent to you on Tuesday 26th January 2021.


    NOTICES FROM Stockport Information Round up - STOCKPORT


     Maternity, Children and Young People NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group

     Please share this webinar through your networks and contacts.

    You and your baby: the challenges of becoming a parent in a global pandemic webinar.

    Wednesday 27th January, 2pm to 3pm on Zoom.

    Emma Arnold from Pennine Care and Kirsteen O’Keeffe from Stockport NHS aim to introduce parents to the idea of parent-infant mental health and well-being





    BUMPS TO 2S     

    A New Zoom group for expecting mums and mums with children under 2.

    Tuesdays or Thursdays at 11am

    Starting on 2nd and 4th February

    To book your place or for more info

    Call Leila on: 07803699360








    Please refer to the letter placed on Tapestry on Thursday 10th December. Starting wc 18th January, teachers will contact each parent for a 10 minute chat about how their child is progressing.


    All those who requested Zoom meetings will be sent their appointment and link via Tapestry. Please see the list below as a reminder as to when your zoom appointment will take place.





    Year 3: Monday 25th January

    Year 6: Tuesday 26th January

    Year 5: Wednesday 27th January

    Year 1 Thursday 28th January


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor





Newsletter 25/07/2022
  • Mon 25th Jul

    Monday 25th July (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Well, sadly we are nearing the end of our yr6’s primary experience at our school.

    It has been an absolute pleasure having your children as part of our school! We have admired their great resilience, patience, determination, perseverance and positivity. Their progress throughout the year has been outstanding! Please continue to nurture these qualities as they begin their new adventures in their high school. 

    Every staff member who they have encountered, has given them all the tools they need to face all the adventures and challenges ahead of you. Your children have developed a passion for learning, have achieved many goals, taken risks safely and made a wide variety of memories!

    We will miss them all but know they are more than ready for this next chapter in their life. We would also like to say an enormous THANK YOU to you as parents. Thank you for your support and cooperation over the years and as some of you leave our school family, we wish you all the very best and know you will also be leaving with very fond memories.

    Yr. 6 children- All the very best and grab every opportunity throughout your exciting future!

    The All Saints’ Team


    Marvellous Macbeth 

    Our own Broadway Performance in Marple! The huge cheers of applause were so very well deserved last week when our year 6 simply dazzled us all with their highly professional, slick and memorable performance of Macbeth! It was a joy to watch every single child take part and make the end of year play so brilliant. A huge thank you to Mr McShane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton for their tireless work, simply going above and beyond for months to make it such a special occasion for everyone. Also, thank you so much to the very talented Miss Daley for her excellent make up skills, the beards and witches in particular were amazing! Finally, we can’t thank all the children enough for bringing their ‘A game’ and having so much fun along the way! Well done our superstar 6s! We cannot wait for tomorrow’s Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church - the next Chapter in your leavers journey.

    We are currently updating our All Saints' Values for 2022 and beyond.

    If you have any ideas and thoughts on what you feel our values should be, to set our children up for life, we would love to hear your top 6 ideas (starting with the one you regard as the most important).

    Parents views will be collated alongside; children's, staff and Governors, to form our new All Saints' values from September 2022.

    Please address your Tapestry post; FAO: Mrs. Noble (Values) by Wednesday 27th July 2022.
    There will be a prize on Wednesday for one lucky parent who contributes - so what are you waiting for...?

    Thank you, as always families, for your amazing support and positivity this year. Working together, we can make great things happen for our children!


    HEALTH & SAFETY NOTICE                                                                          

    Online Safety and WhatsApp Groups

    We would remind you to be extra vigilant with your child’s use of online services and the use of phones over the holiday.

    We would also encourage parents to monitor the use of WhatsApp groups to ensure they are used appropriately.


    Natasha`s law

    Natasha's Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. It requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.

    If children are to bring in pre-packed food, then clear packaging and labelling needs to visible.

    Thank you for your cooperation.



    We are all looking forward to the next academic year and we are sure you will join us in being hopeful for a more stable year than previous years in terms of Covid -19.  As we all adjust to normal life again in full, we wanted to make all families aware that we will be ensuring that some of our pre-covid ways are back in place properly from September 2022. 


    Throughout the year, we will be following up again on ensuring that children are in the correct school and PE uniform; including appropriate school shoes and not trainers unless for PE.  That jewellery is only a watch (not smart watches if the internet is enabled for safeguarding reasons) and stud earrings, which must be removed for PE or taped over.  That children endeavour to bring in healthy snacks not crisps etc. and that only water is put in water bottles not juice.  Finally, children donate a class book for their birthdays rather than bringing in sweets to share with the class.


    Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we work in partnership to ensure our children are coming to school ready to learn and maintaining healthy lifestyles. 


    Reception Class Assembly                                                                                                   

    What a celebration was had a couple of weeks ago with the Reception class assembly for families! It was truly a joy to watch the children so beautifully showcase some of what they have been learning. Their amazing spoken parts, singing and dancing were all very much appreciated by their extended families.

    Well done Reception and a huge thank you to all the families for joining us. Also, a great big thank you to the brilliant Reception team for all they have done giving so many opportunities to the children and allowing them to create such incredible memories.



    Parent Drop In

    It was lovely to see so many of you drop in to express thanks to your child’s current teacher and to say a quick hello to your child’s new teacher/s.


    Sports Day  

    Well it has been a long time coming and it did not disappoint! Sports day 2022 was a truly wonderful event. Our children shone so brightly and entered into the event with amazing attitudes. Everyone getting stuck in, having a good attitude and behaving like true All Saints’ Way superstars. The spirit of the games stickers highlighted the brilliant qualities we are looking for and also that is why the children were covered in them! Thank you to all the children for throwing those wellies, jumping in those sacks and running your races so brilliantly! Thanks to the All Saints’ Sports Ambassadors for supporting the event so well - your leadership qualities were highly praised by many! Another thank you to all the Harrytown children who facilitated the event so well; their patience with the little ones was a credit to them and their school. Also, thank you to all the families who came to cheer everyone on and we were VERY impressed with the parents' races!!!! Finally, the biggest thanks to Mrs Noble and Mr G who simply worked so hard to make the event so successful; planning every detail to maximise the fun that was had by all. All Saints’ is so lucky to have two such passionate professionals!

    Gold Sports Award for All Saints’

    Following straight on from the success of sports day, we were thrilled to be able to announce that we have the GOLD GAMES MARK for PE for 2021-2022! The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress. 

    To achieve the Gold Mark is no mean feat in any year, but over the last twelve months the sheer determination of Mrs Noble and Mr G to get our children involved in as many competitions as possible was unwavering. With the cancelling of events due to Covid last minute, they did not stop re-arranging and organising for our children to participate. I am sure you will join us in saying the biggest thank you for all they have done for our children and the biggest Congratulations!!!!!



    We hope many of you have now been able to see the absolutely amazing Marple School Garden Project in Memorial Park.  It is absolutely incredible and a true demonstration of the All Saints’ Way. Miss Foster, Mrs Clayton, Mrs Daniel, our governor friend Mr Phillips and of course the stars of the show Class 5 worked so beautifully as a team to create the masterpiece.  The children are a real credit to their families and our school and we hope many, many people get a chance to enjoy and it and it spreads lots of joy to everyone.  Please do take a look at the below link to see lots of wonderful pictures of all the children’s hard work and.  A huge thank you to Sarah Braide for all her work on the project and inviting us to be part of it and of course the All Saints’ Superstars involved in it. 



    Summer Reading Challenge 2022

    Stockport Libraries are proud to present the Summer Reading Challenge 2022 – Gadgeteers!

    As always, we want All Saints’ leading the way, and we have ALWAYS been the closest of the close second place! This year we want to be the winners, so, as an incentive, any of our keen readers who can come in and prove they have completed their 6 books and have got to the end of the challenge will receive TEN merits – not bad when the maximum you can earn in school is three!

    For our children who aren’t on merit cards yet, you will move STRAIGHT up to the Sunshine on the behaviour chart and can come to Mrs Manning for a shiny sticker.

    As well as this, the Library will give you a medal and a certificate, and you get to read some awe inspiring books over the long Summer Holidays – what’s not to love?! So come on All Saints’, do us proud and LET’S GET READING! Just pop in to Marple Library any time from 9th July to sign up for free. Here is a website with some more info on, should you wish


    Mrs Manning-Craggs


    Message from the PTA

    Thank you to everyone for their support with the ice lolly sales last week.

    We raised an amazing £123! Look out for some amazing events and fundraising activities next year.



    There’s a vast amount of support available to support any young person who is feeling overwhelmingly worried, stressed or low over the summer holiday. There are options to talk over the phone, by text or online to someone who can help. Please see the attached posters for more information



    Tuesday 26th July

     Year 6 Leavers Service

    Year 5 Leaders presentation

    Wednesday 27th July

    School Breaks up For Summer

    Thursday 1st September

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Friday 2nd September

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Monday 5th September


    New to Year Group Meetings


    As always we will start the year with a New to Year Group Meeting and this will include lots of important information about your child’s time and learning journey in their new class.


    Please see below the dates for September to make a note in your diaries! All meetings will be held in your child’s classroom at 6pm, there will be no crèche available for children to attend. 


    Reception - Monday 12th September 2022

    Year 6 - Tuesday 13th September 2022 

    Year 3 - Thursday 15th September 2022


    Year 2 - Monday 19th September 

    Year 5 - Tuesday 20th September 2022

    Year 1 - Wednesday 21st September 2022

    Year 4 - Thursday 22nd September 2022

    Have a great summer,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton


Newsletter 26/04/21
  • Mon 26th Apr

    Monday 26th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter - 26th April , 2021





    We had a good Online-Safety workshop for parents on Tuesday 20th April and it was wonderful to see some of our children joining in with the ‘How to stand up to someone online’ activity at the beginning.Mrs Pratt had added more information on the website and there is a particularly useful leaflet for grandparents.We will be having an online-safety, transition workshop for our yr6 children next half term. 



    ST. GEORGE’S DAYFriday 23rd April –It was lovely to see so many children wearing their Girlguiding, Scouts, etc., uniform with pride.





    Please continue to read the class Friday Shout Outs for an update on the exciting learning

    your children have been encountering.


    If families are looking to complete an activity over half term it might be worth having a go at trying to earn a Blue Peter badge. There are eight to choose from and applicants must be aged between 6 and 15.  


    Towards the end of lock down Benjamin and Eleanor applied for a badge and they were lucky enough to receive them last week. Benjamin earned his blue badge by making some Mayan tortillas and Eleanor got her green badge by litter picking in the local area. They both wrote a short letter to blue Peter and included some photographs of them completing their chosen activity. They are both hoping to try and get a second badge over the half term holidays. 


    Details of how to apply for a Blue Peter badge can be found at https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/about-blue-peter-badges?collection=blue-peter-badges

    If you have any home/community achievements, you would like to share, please email it to


    An absolutely brilliant achievement Benjamin and Eleanor! We’re so proud of you both.




    We have been asked to remind our community that If you have been vaccinated, you must still:

    • practise social distancing
    • wear a face mask
    • wash your hands regularly

    COVID-19 is spread through droplets expelled from the nose or mouth, particularly when speaking or coughing. It can also be picked up by touching your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with contaminated objects and surfaces.


    PSHE – please see sample resources which have been placed on Tapestry regarding Relationships and Sex Education.


    Community Collect – Universal Testing - Getting tested - Stockport Council

    Lateral Flow Devices are now available for any member of the public to use at home.

    All adults can now get a box of 7 lateral flow tests to take twice a week at home. You will need to give some personal details such as name and postcode when you collect the kit. You do not need to book. You can collect a kit from:

    Fred Perry House • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7am to 6pm • Wednesday, 7am to 7pm • Saturdays 10am to 2pm

    Brinnington East Area Housing Office - 1 Berwick Parade, Stockport, SK5 8LQ (Monday to Sunday, 2.30pm to 4pm) Marple Chadwick Street car park - Chadwick Street, Marple, SK6 6BD (Monday to Sunday, 2.30pm to 8pm)

    You can also collect a kit from the following libraries:

    • Bredbury • Bramhall • Cheadle • Cheadle Hulme • Edgeley • Hazel Grove • Heald Green • Heatons • Reddish





    We would like to shower Brenda with flowers and gifts to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all the twelve years she has served in the role of a school governor at our school.

    Many of you would have older children who encountered Brenda through maths sessions, Christmas cake sessions and many more.

    Thank you to those who have already contributed. If you would like to contribute to her leaving gift, please do so using ParentPay.




    My daughter started in 2011 and then my son in 2013.  It was around this time that I became a mid-day assistant at the school and I spent a lot of my time volunteering with different classes.  I absolutely loved doing this and it gave me a real passion to want to have some involvement and impact on how the school is run.  In 2017 a Governor post came up, so I jumped at the chance.



    I am part of several Governing Committees including Pay Appeals and Staff Discipline Appeals (which we’ve never had to have meetings for), Christian Ethos, Curriculum and Resources.  I am a Class Governor for Class 3 and have been their Class friend since starting Reception.  Being part of their class has been important to me, so it has been hard since Lockdown.

    I am no longer a Parent Governor, but am now an Associate Governor. This hasn’t changed my role too much and  am still able to attend the same amount of meetings.


    Don’t worry about your child catching up to what is expected at their age of learning.  They are incredibly resilient and the class teachers are doing an amazing job and are highly skilled in what they do.

    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021





    3rd May

    Bank Holiday

    6th May

    Reception & Yr1 Jack and the Beanstalk experience

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor

Newsletter 26/07/21
  • Mon 26th Jul

    Monday 26th July (allsaints-pri Admin)





    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    Well this is the last newsletter of the academic year!! We’ve got through it! Thank you so much for all your support throughout the year.  We couldn’t have got through it without us working together as a team!


    We will be sending out a letter via Tapestry on 1st September so you are fully aware of the arrangement when your children return to school on 2nd September.


    Thank you again for completing the questionnaire. The results will be shared with you in September.


    Our Reception class had a truly amazing week with outdoor learning activities on the Wednesday and a New Horizons boat trip on Friday. I had a wonderful time with one group. Thank you to Sue Woodgate, one of our governors, for organising this trip for our children.


    It has been absolutely wonderful to see and hear your children acting and singing with so much energy and enthusiasm.  Please do take some time to watch their Oscar winning performances. The link has been sent via Tapestry.


    There will be year group meetings held in September for all our parents. Please see the dates and time on page 2.


    So much fun, excitement and many successes have been achieved this year! Thank you so very much again for your continued cooperation and support!!

    The All Saints' Team



    We have our very own author in All Saints’ – Mrs Mylrea – who has had her very first book published. We are extremely proud of her achievements and applaud her for managing this huge feat.

    There will be a book signing and reading workshop during the holiday. See the attached poster for more details.



    OUTGROWN UNIFORM – A message from Anna & Jenny

    Hello everyone,


    Before we end the school year we wanted to introduce ourselves as the new admins of outgrown uniform. Sarah has handed over the reins to Anna Clyne (yr 3 mum) and Jenny Tyrrell (reception 2021 mum).


    We have a new Facebook group : outgrown uniform.



    The existing profile for outgrown uniform will be deleted at the end of the week so make sure you have swapped over! 


    If you have a clear out over the summer, we are happy to take donations during the holidays; just message us on the Facebook group.


    Thank you for continuing support with outgrown uniform and a huge thank you to Sarah for her amazing work the last few years.




    Please note on PE days from September, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week.

    This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

    Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions from September so will need their PE kits in lockers again from the start of the year in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

    Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

    As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


    Please see the kit list as follows;

    White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

    Black shorts/ cycling shorts

    Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

    Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

    Black/ white socks

    Black/ white trainers


    Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.

    As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.

    Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


    Yours thankfully.

    Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)




    YR6 – 14.9.21

    RECEPTION – 16.9.21

    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21



    The DfE have launched an information site for parents which have some very useful pieces of information and  FUN activities for your children.

    There is also some information about a Summer School.





    Have a wonderful Summer holiday everyone and we’ll see you all on Thursday 2nd September!


    Hannah Gaynor


Newsletter 27/06/2022
  • Mon 27th Jun

    Monday 27th June (allsaints-pri Admin)




    Year 2 Class Assembly                                                                                                  

    It was an absolute pleasure to watch the Year 2 class assembly. The children simply shone with the acting, singing and dancing as they took us all on a magic carpet ride through their time in Year 2. What a huge amount they have learnt and achieved in that time!

    The children were also presented with a scroll to celebrate their time and successes in KS1! Thank you to all the family members who came to watch, and the Year 2 team for such a lovely and emotional celebration of the children’s time in Year 2. Finally, and most importantly, well done to the children for entertaining us so wonderfully.




    Year 3 Class Assembly                                                                                                  

    What a celebration was had last week with the Year 3 class assembly for families! It was truly a joy to watch the children so beautifully showcase all they have been learning: from their amazing jubilee singing to dancing through the decades and sharing sensational art and poetry! Well done Year 3 and a huge thank you to all the families for joining us. Also, a great big thank you to the brilliant class 3 team for all they have done giving so many opportunities to the children; allowing them to create such incredible memories.







    Class Staff Pen Portraits

    As we are sure everyone is aware the end of the academic year is fast approaching and with this comes thoughts and lots of work around successful transition for our children whether that be starting our school, moving classes or starting pastures new at High school.  As such, we are just putting final plans into place and will be sharing our New Class Team Pen Portraits as soon as possible.

    Transition Day

    All being well we can do Transition on Thursday 7th July.  Children will come in as normal, to their current classroom and after registration move to their new classroom for the morning.

    Parent Drop – In

    Following the receiving of end of year reports, we will be hosting a parent drop in the hall on Wednesday 20th July. 2:30pm – 3:15pm pop by anytime in this slot This is an informal and optional opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher and, as requested by some parents, an opportunity to say thank you to your child’s current teacher.





    Stockport County 

    A wonderful morning was had as Stockport County brought the Trophy to school following their promotion and securing the title of CHAMPIONS! 

    All the children had the chance to hear about Stockport County's special news and have a photograph next to their amazing trophy. 

    A massive thanks to Dave Wardle from the Community Trust at Stockport County for bringing the trophy and Miss Taylor for organising such a special event!

    There were a lot of excited children (and staff!) that day and we even had visits from extended staff families young and old desperate to get a glimpse of the dazzling trophy! 

    Fingers crossed we get to see another one next year. It has inspired more of our children to support their local football team.  So remember next season to keep following Stockport County for some more roof raising action at Edgeley Park...!



     As part of our Healthy living/ Active Week The children had a go at making food with the Fun Food Chef! Some children got to make Greek food on Tuesday and Egyptian food on Wednesday The children were amazing at trying new things and lots of them tried foods they thought they wouldn’t like


    Natasha`s law


    Natasha's Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. It requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.

    If children are to bring in pre-packed food, then clear packaging and labelling needs to be visible.

    Thank you for your cooperation.



    • children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing to help keep cool and sunhats with wide brims to avoid sunburn

    • use sunscreen (at least factor 15 with UVA protection) to protect skin if children are playing or taking lessons outdoors for more than 20 minutes

    • provide children with plenty of water (such as water from a cold tap) and encourage them to drink more than usual when conditions are hot


    School Nurse Drop-in for Parents of children in Reception - Year 6

    We are delighted to inform you our School Nurse, Alison Dunning, will be offering another ‘drop in’ sessions at school.

    School nursing is a universal public health service for school age children. School Nurses are qualified nurses with an additional specialist public health qualification.

    The school nursing team can offer support, guidance and signposting to other services on a whole range of things for example: Continence - daytime and night time wetting and any toileting issues; headlice; emotional and mental health & wellbeing; healthy eating and weight management or if you have any concerns at all about your child that you feel chatting to the nurse would help.

    The drop-in sessions will be by appointment only. Please contact the school office to see what appointments are still available.  

    The session is on Wednesday 20th July 2022 and will start at 9:30am -11:30am.

    Please email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk with a time slot which is convenient for yourself and we will try and accommodate this.

    The session will be in person at school.

    We hope that you will find these sessions useful and look forward to seeing you.




    Year 5 and 6 shared a philosophical day with a workshop from God & The Big Bang: providing the opportunity to discover, discuss and debate the compatibility of science and faith.  The interactive sessions (which included bubbles and fire) equipped our children with the tools they need in order to form their own opinions and engage in rational, exciting, well-reasoned and thought-provoking discussion about the part science plays in God’s world




    A Parent and Carer relationships and sex Education meeting parents was held last week to discuss the statutory RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) unit of work as part of our PSHE curriculum.

    We will be using a progressive scheme called Jigsaw which we have used for many years to deliver this particular subject. The Jigsaw scheme of work provides age appropriate resources and will teach the children about the emotional and physical aspects of growing up as well as providing children with relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others. 






    Monday 27th June


    Active Week!

     children to come in their sports clothes including appropriate footwear everyday.

    Thursday 30th June

    Sports Day- in the morning  -Children to come in their PE Kit

    Wednesday 6th July

    Class 1 Parents Assembly – 9.15am

    New Reception Parents Meeting 6.00pm

    Thursday 7th July

    School transition day.

    Yr6, who are attending Marple High School, will visit for the day.


    Friday 8th July

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Wednesday 20th July

    2:30pm -3:15pm Parent Drop in


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton

Newsletter 28/06/21
  • Tue 28th Sep

    Tuesday 28th September (allsaints-pri Admin)






    Dear School Family,


    We would love to share some exciting, fun adventures that your children have recently been experiencing.


    There is nothing better than walking into a classroom and seeing tomatoes being mummified (yr3) or careful thought being given to the classification of animals (yr6)! All our children are certainly on an adventure of learning and are growing in confidence when they are asked to talk about their learning.


    Below is a snapshot of some of our church and school adventures from last week.



    This year, we are developing a space on our school field into a Spirituality Garden. Our wish is to design and create a beautiful, contemplative space where children can be calm, relax, reflect and have the opportunity to encounter God. The design will include; seating, pathways, a simple water feature and various sensory herbs and flowers.

    Thanks to a plea via Tapestry, we received 6 messages from families who will form a working party over the next 4 weeks offering; manual labour, diggers, planting, advice and expertise as well as free resources. We thank you all in advance as ‘Many hands make light work!’ In addition, we have a strong party of 8 talented and creative volunteers from All Saints' Church (some of whom are currently chopping back trees and digging out the ground for our water feature!).  Exciting stuff! 

    Church Week's theme for 2021 will be "Growing Faith" and will take place between October 18th- 20th, when we hope we can get children and volunteers working together to develop our Spirituality Garden for an official opening on Friday 22nd October.

    Our next meeting will take place next Monday 4th October @ 3.30pm on the school field to allocate areas/ jobs on the action plan!  If you are available and haven't yet contacted school, please do get in touch via Tapestry.  We still need any carpenters to help build seating... so if you know anyone we would love to hear from you! 

    Kind regards,

    Mrs. Noble, Mr. Mc Shane and Sarah Holton (All Saints' Church Children and Families Worker)


    In Reception, we have been having a great time! We have been introducing counting activities, phase one phonics and learning how to write our names. This is helping us build our fine motor skills and letter formation.

    Mrs Gaynor also loves coming in when we are having our Dough Disco session!!







    In our Year 1 topic work we have done so much! We finished our underwater scenes, learned how to log on to the computers and had fun in PE with Mr G.

    As part of our Science activity we investigated the human body by drawing around Malik. We have also named the different body parts.

    Can you children remember the correct vocabulary?






    This week in DT we made out fabric using wet felting. The children loved the process, and seeing how the fibres changed through rubbing with the soap and water. We noticed all the changes to the fabric, and we also made our own designs, choosing how to arrange the colours. After we made the fabric, we decorated some card using collage, then placed our fabric on it, creating a sea scene. Well done Class 2!







    In Year 3, Ancient Egyptian mummification has been a highlight. Children have adored writing instructions on how to mummify a deceased pharaoh and a tomato! We even did some Y5 reading comprehension questions about mummification using the READING VIPERS which we were all so super proud of!








    Year 4.

    What a great start to the new year, we've managed to squeeze so much into a very short space of time! Whether this is diving into our new Roman topic, writing a job application or revisiting our maths skills the children have given it their best shot and should be very proud of themselves.

    We have also completed some challenging science work on the digestive system. I wonder if we can all remember the different parts and their function?






    During languages day Class 5 were learning to count to ten in Mandarin as Miss Foster’s mum is from Hong Kong. They have also been very busy designing posters naming French food. Class 5 have been remote learning this week but that hasn’t stopped them creating some wonderful pictures and working really hard, Well done Class 5!









    This week we got to work digging holes in what was named ‘Camp Field Lake’ by Penny. This experience gave us some empathy with Stanley Yelnats from our novel and helped inspire our writing. Muscle and stamina was in evidence (though I am not convinced they could do it for 18 months, in the desert, like Stanley!). We have also begun to write our “I am” poems. The poems represent who we are as individuals and were created  by using lots of mixed media.







    International Day of Languages saw classes really immerse themselves into different cultures and languages from around the globe.

    Reception celebrated Welsh, Irish, Thai, French, Latin, Russian and even Greek!  And of course learnt to speak a little Irish “Dia Duit” (Jay-a Ditch) with our very our Miss Mc Connell!  A huge thank you to all the families who contributed sending in videos.  From Y2’s Frere Jaques singing in French, to Y3’s Spanish dancing and counting and even those home learning in Y5 hearing from Miss Foster’s mum teaching them to count to 10 in Cantonese, it really was a wonderful day of world celebrations across the school!

    Isn’t the world a wonderful place!

    From The ‘Awe and Wonder Team’ – Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Noble


    Chester Diocese are coming to film some children in our school!!

    Not only have we recently been visited by two bishops but the Educational Team from the Chester Diocese have asked Mrs Gaynor if they can film some of our children while they have a conversation with them about respect and dignity.

    This will take place on 13th October. Look out for further news.

    See previous articles in the Education Bulletins


    https://d3hgrlq6yacptf.cloudfront.net/5f20800211eb6/content/pages/documents/dbe-schools-bulletin-june-2021.pdf = page 8
    https://d3hgrlq6yacptf.cloudfront.net/5f20800211eb6/content/pages/documents/dbe-schools-bulletin-school-news-edition-june-2021.pdf = p12-17




    Our fantastic annual Book Fair will be arriving in school this Thursday 30th September! The Book Fair is a great opportunity to get the children excited about reading and to involve them in choosing their own books. In addition, the more books we sell, the more free books we will receive for our school library. See the Tapestry post for the date for each class.




    Being a Parent Together  workshops this autumn

    Virtual Bitesize 90 minute Taster Session - 4th October 10.30am


    Virtual evening workshop (2 hours for 9 weeks, Term time only) Starting 12th October


    For co-parents of children aged 2 - 11 years who attend together, are living together / in a relationship or not


    For more information  TEL: 0161 406 9558   Email: admin.epec@stockport.gov.uk


    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor


Newsletter 30/11/20
  • Mon 30th Nov

    Monday 30th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 30th November, 2020




    Please do take some time to read the letter sent out to you last week and consider whether you would like to join the Governing Body here at All Saints’. 


    Schools up and down the country depend upon governors volunteering their time, talents and expertise and we’re sure any one of you would be a wonderful addition to our Governing Body.


    The deadline for parent nominations is Friday 4th December.







    Year 5


    As many of you will already know, following the advice from Public Health England, we had to close our Yr5 bubble on Tuesday 24th November.  We are continuing to follow the advice from PHE and Stockport LA.

    The children were very mature and understanding when I spoke with them. They asked very sensible questions and, even amongst the disappointment, maintained their positive attitude which was praised.

    I'd like to give a personal thank you to all our Yr5 parents/carers. We really do appreciate your support and cooperation.

    The children are currently receiving excellent home-learning, regular contact from the Yr5 staff and will return to school on 8th December, after the required 14 day self-isolation.


    We are looking forward to having the whole of our school family in school and appreciate you continuing to follow the health and safety guidance.


    A message from our Administration Team …

    We would like to kindly request that items are brought into school by your child in the morning rather than being dropped off during the school day. This is to reduce the amount of occasions that the office staff need to go to the gate, handle items from different households and then deliver them to different class doors. Thank you for your understanding.

    Please remember that Yr3 children need their swimming kits and underwear on Friday morning.


    Monday 30th November -Online Safety Workshop

    1.15pm -2.30pm. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.

    Thursday 10th December –    

     9:30 am KS1 Christmas rehearsal at Church

    Any Christmas cards your children wish to bring in, must be brought to school in a separate bag. Staff will hand these out on Wednesday 16th December.

    Thursday 17th December – KS1 & KS2 Christmas Parties – see attached letter

    Friday 18th December – Non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day

    Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December – Children will not come into school but will be completing home-learning.
















    Health & Safety!


    Please refrain from driving along Brickbridge Rd between 3:00pm – 3:30pm.


    • Remember only one parent is to drop off and pick up and to remain socially distanced whilst waiting.  (A person who maintained appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) would not be classed as a ‘close contact’ and would not be required to self-isolate.)


    Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.















    Vodafone’s COVID- response offer for people that are unemployed

    Vodafone have just launched a new £10 offer for people claiming Universal Credit or Jobseekers Allowance, here. The package is part of Vodafone’s COVID-response activity and will provide people with the package for 6 months, with no contract nor credit checks required, so suitable for those with low credit ratings.


    Mini Winter Reading Challenge

    This Winter Stockport Libraries are introducing the Winter Reading Challenge following the enormous success of the Summer Reading Challenge.  This is to encourage children to keep reading over the holidays and to give virtual rewards along the way!  Children will be asked to read any range of books of their choice and to review them on the website www.wintermini.org.uk. This is also the website you need to visit to access the Winter Mini Challenge.  We would love to see as many of our All Saints’ Superstars as possible taking part in this lovely event.  It will start on the 1st December and run until the 15th January.

    Wishing you all a very well read Winter with lots of virtual prizes along the way!

    Mrs Manning-Craggs 


    The Selfish Giant Film

    Riding Lights has produced an acclaimed children’s show The Selfish Giant on film. Presented in three 15 minute episodes, The Selfish Giant on film will be used for a watch-along party with our children. This fantastic film explores the value of friendship and kindness towards each other through storytelling, puppets, original songs and humour, and is adapted from the classic children’s story by Oscar Wilde. The film can also be accessed by our families and can be watched in the comfort of your own homes. Details will be sent out at a later date.


    A huge THANK YOU to All Saints’ Church who have purchased this film for our children and families.

    The company have stipulated that the private link must not be shared on social media or by any other public means as per our licence agreement.   https://vimeo.com/481707606/20dde3c528

    The film comes in three chapters, each of which can be accessed by using the timestamps in the description under the film. If you would prefer you can access the film on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/v56DACH1yJ8


    The LA is seeking the views of stakeholders

    The Admissions and Term Dates Consultation for academic year 2022-23 has been published. You can access the consultation and submit your response following this link: https://consultation.stockport.gov.uk/schools/school-admissions-consultation/





    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor

Newsletter 30/11/21
  • Tue 30th Nov

    Tuesday 30th November (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            


    Health & Safety

    We had an LA Health & Safety Officer on site last week Tuesday which was very successful!!  


    Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.

    Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.

    We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.

    Just a reminder that you are still able to pick up LFD tests at local chemists.



    In line with national guidance, we will no longer be authorising any absence requests unless they meet the exceptional circumstances criteria.  Many thanks in advance for your understanding.


    Charity Fundraiser

    Tuesday 14th December…Y3/ 4 Charity Fundraiser... 

    • Christmas film extracts and refreshments by the Christmas tree
    • £2.00 cash – pay on the door on the day.
    • 3.15- 4.15pm Y1 and Y2 (Bring a special teddy to cuddle)
    • 4.30 – 5.30pm KS2 (Children can wear Christmas jumpers if they want to be extra cosy!)


    All money to go towards ‘The Pantry’ providing food for our local food bank for families in our local community. 


    (This extra hour may just help families to have a little extra time to get a few last minute Christmas presents!)


    Thank you in advance,

    Y3/4 teachers- Mrs. Noble and Mr. Lonsdale

    Poppy Appeal

    Thank you for your donations to the poppy appeal as a school we raised £318.04 for this important cause.

    Volunteering in School

    Please note that the new training date is now Thursday 2nd Dec 11.30a.m. – approximately 12.45pm.


    Book Fair & Money Raised

    A huge thank you to Mrs Chapman and Mrs Shaw who ran the Scholastics Book fair and all the families who supported us with this.  A fantastic total of £485.90 was raised. All the rewards money for the school will go towards quality, new Science books to enhance our Science curriculum and teaching. We are sure all the children will love these new books, so a massive thank you again for making this event such a success again.


    The Parents Association 
    Friday 3rd December is the second of our non-uniform days and we would ask that KS1 bring in chocolates and KS2 bring in bottles. These items will then be collected and we will make some hampers that will be raffled off. Raffle tickets will be able to be purchased from the beginning of December.
    The Christmas Shop - For this event we are asking that children who wish to use the Christmas Shop bring in an unused gift item of no less than £1. Please can items be labelled as Christmas Shop and all items need to be in school by the 17th December.
    The children who brought in a gift may then bring in £1 on the 20th December so that they can choose and buy an item from the Christmas Shop, so they have a gift which can be gifted to a family member as a 'surprise'. This item will be wrapped and tagged for them to bring home and put under the tree for Christmas.
    Thank you.
    The All Saints' Parents Association.





    As always Christmas is such a special time of the year and we are delighted to be able to do some things this Christmas that were simply not allowed last year. However, due to LA guidelines still in place and other restrictions in places of worship etc. we will not be able to do things fully as in pre-covid times. As always we have thought hard and in the All Saints’ Way about how we can include as many people as possible and have as many events still take place for the children. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a fun filled festive period ahead. 


    Christmas Lunch – we will be having our school Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 14th December. This will be a special occasion for our children but due to the restrictions on large crowds in our setting, we will unfortunately, not be able to invite any parents on this occasion. Thank you for your understanding and please do order a dinner for your child no later than Tuesday 7th December.


    Christmas at Church

    Due to capacity restrictions in churches we have decided to run three separate events to ensure all children get to experience Christmas at Church and our young children’s families can see them in their starring roles!

    15th December KS1 Nativity at 9.30am and 6pm. It is absolutely brilliant that x2 family members are allowed to attend each performance. However, the Church has asked that all adults wear a mask if they are not exempt, you remain seated once you have found a seat and the children remain on the stage throughout the performance. In line with the LA guidance, we are also asking that you all take a LFD test on the day of and before coming to each performance

    20th December at 9.30am – the Reception children will be performing their very first school nativity which is really exciting!! The rules above apply and x4 family members will be allowed to attend the performance.

    22nd December at 1.30pm - KS2 will be attending church for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. As the capacity for seating is currently only 225, we will only be allowed to have the children in the Church.

    There will be a retiring collection at the end of the R and KS1 performances.


    Christmas Parties - All classes will be having Christmas parties in school. See the diary dates at the end and party letters.



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.


    HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD WITH THEIR EMOTIONAL REGULATION-(For parents of children up to 10 years old)
    THURSDAY 2nd December 2021  1.00pm - 2.30pm 
    This virtual session will include useful information about understanding brain development, emotions and how to sensitively support your child to soothe them
    To register for a place on this seminar, and receive the session link please book via the Eventbrite link below:

    We have been made aware of excellent free online training for parents to access.  Below is a brief outline of what is offered…Free online courses - Solihull ApproachStockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.

    The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends. They are split into the following topics:

    ·        Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby

    ·        Understanding your baby (0-12 months)

    ·        Understanding your child (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)

    ·        Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

    ·        Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)

    Please follow the link below for more information and how to book a place.https://stockport.fsd.org.uk/kb5/stockport/fsd/service.page?id=b2lO17ziu_o





    Reception and KS1 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 3 & 4 Party Day – more information to follow


    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    All children back in school on Thursday 6th January, 2022



    Have a wonderful week!

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton




There are no activities at the moment