Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 10/01/22
  • Monday 10th January (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            

    A very happy new year to you all!

    We hope you all managed some festive fun and time with loved ones.

    We are delighted that we have been able to welcome all our wonderful children back to school with no changes to all the enhanced Covid-19 policies and procedures that were already in place before the Christmas holidays. These included additional hand washing, sanitising, cleaning, monitoring of ventilation, CO2 monitors in classrooms, the wearing of face masks at pick up and drop off, regular LFD testing for staff to pick up asymptomatic cases, taking a PCR test if anyone has any coronavirus symptoms and meetings, class assemblies and collective worships taking place virtually.

    Although, things are still not ‘back to normal’ we have much to look forward to in the coming term and as always will keep you updated as and when necessary.

    Many thanks,

    The All Saints’ Team


    TOOTH SAFE GOLD AWARD - We are very pleased to announce that Miss McConnell and the Reception team completed an application for us to become a Tooth Safe school and have actually achieved the GOLD award!! This is a tremendous achievement and was gained by including some very innovative ideas in the application.

    The public health adviser commented that they were ‘blown away’ with the ‘outstanding’ suggestions and will be using our school as good practice in other settings across the authority. This is absolutely brilliant news!! Many congratulations to Miss McConnell and her team.


    Following this fantastic achievement, from January 2022, we are asking parents to, instead of sending sweets into school for birthday celebrations, to either donate a fiction/non-fiction book or a class game to their child’s class.


    Thank you in advance for supporting this new initiative as we work in partnership to protect the health of your child’s teeth.



    Please note that our Spring Parents Evenings will be on Monday 24th January, 2022 and Thursday 27th January, 2022. Both evenings will be after the school day. See further information on the next page from Mrs Vickers. 

    Depending on the current guidance, we will also be having an open morning for each class from 8.30-9.00am on Tuesday 1st February, 2022 when you will be able to look at your child’s books in the classroom Only external classroom doors will be used and further details will be issued over the next few weeks.



    Unfortunately, due to the ongoing covid situation, we are not allowed to have large groups of visitors in the school to watch our Yr4 assembly which was scheduled for 12th January. The Yr4 staff will instead be filming our performance and sending the video out, probably via Tapestry, or alternatively via other means. This is very disappointing for us as the children were so excited to show off their dramatic talents to a live audience! The children have been excitedly practising their "adventure" topic assembly. It tells the epic tale of the first Roman Emperor-Augustus and how it involves so many of the famous historical figures of the era such as Julius Caesar, Marc Anthony and Cleopatra. It will demonstrate the children's new knowledge of the Roman army, politics and wider society. We are going to film it over the coming week in order to premier it as soon as possible! Please do spend some time watching the assembly and celebrating their learning.


    Following on from Anti-bullying week last half term and linked to our continual work around keeping the children of All Saints’ safe we have been updating our Anti-Bullying Policy.  This is now on the school website and uses the following LA definition for Bullying.

    Bullying is the purposeful choosing of behaviours that threaten, intimidate or hurt someone, which is often, but not always, repeated overtime, which involves a real or perceived power imbalance.                                                                                                                                                      The following acronym can also be applied to define bullying -


    (Several Times On Purpose)

    In addition, we also completed our Anti-Bullying Audit last half term with all the children. On the whole the results were very positive. After, reviewing all elements in detail we have already looked at certain areas around the school the children shared they feel less safe e.g. busy locker rooms and begun to work with the children to address and find solutions to their concerns.  This will be ongoing throughout the year and also regularly form part of our teaching and learning within the curriculum. 



    In these unsettled times, we have made the decision to move over to a virtual parents evening session – which has proved incredibly successful and popular in a number of local schools over the last couple of years.  The system, which is called School Cloud, offers video meetings for parents with your child’s teacher.  These can be held by using either a phone, tablet or computer.  You get to choose your own appointment time and if you have more than one child in school it is very easy for you to schedule these so that the appointments are close together.   Appointments run more to time and you can hold the meeting wherever you are, if you have your device with you.   If parents are in different places, it is very easy for you to invite the other parent to attend the same meeting.  The system is very straightforward but if you have any issues making your appointments we’re here in the office to help.  When we send more details in January, I will include links to online ‘how-to’ videos to make the process as easy as possible. 

    More information about School Cloud will be sent out early in January 2022.


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts. E.g. hummus

    Health & Safety

    • Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.
    • Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.
    • We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.
    • Please note that LFD tests can be picked up from the local chemists for using at home.

    Stockport’s Solihull Approach

    This fabulous online resource is free for residents of Stockport, giving them access to the following courses that are proven to improve emotional wellbeing and the relationships between parents and children. This resource is useful for mothers, fathers, partners, carers, grandparents, other family and involved friends as these courses are for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 including professionals of all kinds.


    Book your place on Learning Pool

    If you do not have access to Learning Pool, please email us and we can book you on and send you the link.

    Monday 17th January 14:00:15:00

    Thursday 24th February 12:00-13:00

    Wednesday 23rd March 9.30-10.30




    12th January 2022


    17th January 2022


    24.1.22 & 27.1.22


    1st February 2022

    CLASS OPEN MORNING 8.30-9.00am. (TBC) - parents/carers welcome to accompany their children into their classrooms to look at their learning (please note we will continue to monitor all events against the current covid guidance)

    8th February 2022


    9th February 2022

    Class 2 Assembly 2.40pm - parents welcome if possible. (Please note we will continue to monitor all events against the current covid guidance)

    11th February 2022

    School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term 

    21st February 2022

    School open after February half term holiday

    25th -25th  February 2022

    Year 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 25th


    Have a good week,


    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton