Headteachers Public Blog Blog
newsletter 20/09/21
  • Monday 20th September (allsaints-pri Admin)







    Dear School Family,


    Thank you for you many expressions and thanks and praise for the way we are managing school at this time.


    By now, you would all have read the communication sent out to you last Friday which gave you an update on the rigorous health and safety measures we have adhered to since the beginning of term. You will continue to be informed if your child is a close contact and will be advised to book a PCR test. The communication, also included further restrictions we have been asked to implement by the Local authority and Public Health England.


    We have been asked to also remind you that children who have tested positive by a LFT or PCR should be self-isolating.


    Any absence related to Covid-19 and copies of test results must be emailed to the admin staff using admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk


    Please also note that the current DfE guidance regarding keeping classes open and the children receiving face-to-face education remains unchanged. If you do wish to express your opinions regarding this decision, please contact the DfE directly.


    We will again be meeting with the LA and PHE consultant on Tuesday morning and will update you as and when required.


    Thank you so much for your amazing cooperation, support and patience. We really do appreciate your understanding and best wishes to those who are needing to be at home at this time.

    The All Saints’ Way Team


    MRS HALLWORTH moving on

    Mrs Hallworth’s last day with us is 24th September.

    We wish her all the very best in her next adventure and know she will be a wonderful asset to her new school.



    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:                                                                                  

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.






    Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. 


    Potter’s Village Certificate of Thanks to our school

    We have received a thank you certificate for the £207 raised during the Summer Term. Many thanks again to you all for supporting this very worthwhile cause.


    Day of languages 




    We will be celebrating the different languages spoken in our school as well as others.

     Please look out for the sharing of this exciting work on Tapestry.


    Supporting Sleep Patterns

    See the following website https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/supporting-better-sleep-webinar-tickets-165552615329




    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21




    Day of Languages


    School staff training day. Children not in.


    Scholastic Book Fair



    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor