Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 27/06/2022
  • Monday 27th June (allsaints-pri Admin)




    Year 2 Class Assembly                                                                                                  

    It was an absolute pleasure to watch the Year 2 class assembly. The children simply shone with the acting, singing and dancing as they took us all on a magic carpet ride through their time in Year 2. What a huge amount they have learnt and achieved in that time!

    The children were also presented with a scroll to celebrate their time and successes in KS1! Thank you to all the family members who came to watch, and the Year 2 team for such a lovely and emotional celebration of the children’s time in Year 2. Finally, and most importantly, well done to the children for entertaining us so wonderfully.




    Year 3 Class Assembly                                                                                                  

    What a celebration was had last week with the Year 3 class assembly for families! It was truly a joy to watch the children so beautifully showcase all they have been learning: from their amazing jubilee singing to dancing through the decades and sharing sensational art and poetry! Well done Year 3 and a huge thank you to all the families for joining us. Also, a great big thank you to the brilliant class 3 team for all they have done giving so many opportunities to the children; allowing them to create such incredible memories.







    Class Staff Pen Portraits

    As we are sure everyone is aware the end of the academic year is fast approaching and with this comes thoughts and lots of work around successful transition for our children whether that be starting our school, moving classes or starting pastures new at High school.  As such, we are just putting final plans into place and will be sharing our New Class Team Pen Portraits as soon as possible.

    Transition Day

    All being well we can do Transition on Thursday 7th July.  Children will come in as normal, to their current classroom and after registration move to their new classroom for the morning.

    Parent Drop – In

    Following the receiving of end of year reports, we will be hosting a parent drop in the hall on Wednesday 20th July. 2:30pm – 3:15pm pop by anytime in this slot This is an informal and optional opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher and, as requested by some parents, an opportunity to say thank you to your child’s current teacher.





    Stockport County 

    A wonderful morning was had as Stockport County brought the Trophy to school following their promotion and securing the title of CHAMPIONS! 

    All the children had the chance to hear about Stockport County's special news and have a photograph next to their amazing trophy. 

    A massive thanks to Dave Wardle from the Community Trust at Stockport County for bringing the trophy and Miss Taylor for organising such a special event!

    There were a lot of excited children (and staff!) that day and we even had visits from extended staff families young and old desperate to get a glimpse of the dazzling trophy! 

    Fingers crossed we get to see another one next year. It has inspired more of our children to support their local football team.  So remember next season to keep following Stockport County for some more roof raising action at Edgeley Park...!



     As part of our Healthy living/ Active Week The children had a go at making food with the Fun Food Chef! Some children got to make Greek food on Tuesday and Egyptian food on Wednesday The children were amazing at trying new things and lots of them tried foods they thought they wouldn’t like


    Natasha`s law


    Natasha's Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. It requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.

    If children are to bring in pre-packed food, then clear packaging and labelling needs to be visible.

    Thank you for your cooperation.



    • children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing to help keep cool and sunhats with wide brims to avoid sunburn

    • use sunscreen (at least factor 15 with UVA protection) to protect skin if children are playing or taking lessons outdoors for more than 20 minutes

    • provide children with plenty of water (such as water from a cold tap) and encourage them to drink more than usual when conditions are hot


    School Nurse Drop-in for Parents of children in Reception - Year 6

    We are delighted to inform you our School Nurse, Alison Dunning, will be offering another ‘drop in’ sessions at school.

    School nursing is a universal public health service for school age children. School Nurses are qualified nurses with an additional specialist public health qualification.

    The school nursing team can offer support, guidance and signposting to other services on a whole range of things for example: Continence - daytime and night time wetting and any toileting issues; headlice; emotional and mental health & wellbeing; healthy eating and weight management or if you have any concerns at all about your child that you feel chatting to the nurse would help.

    The drop-in sessions will be by appointment only. Please contact the school office to see what appointments are still available.  

    The session is on Wednesday 20th July 2022 and will start at 9:30am -11:30am.

    Please email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk with a time slot which is convenient for yourself and we will try and accommodate this.

    The session will be in person at school.

    We hope that you will find these sessions useful and look forward to seeing you.




    Year 5 and 6 shared a philosophical day with a workshop from God & The Big Bang: providing the opportunity to discover, discuss and debate the compatibility of science and faith.  The interactive sessions (which included bubbles and fire) equipped our children with the tools they need in order to form their own opinions and engage in rational, exciting, well-reasoned and thought-provoking discussion about the part science plays in God’s world




    A Parent and Carer relationships and sex Education meeting parents was held last week to discuss the statutory RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) unit of work as part of our PSHE curriculum.

    We will be using a progressive scheme called Jigsaw which we have used for many years to deliver this particular subject. The Jigsaw scheme of work provides age appropriate resources and will teach the children about the emotional and physical aspects of growing up as well as providing children with relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others. 






    Monday 27th June


    Active Week!

     children to come in their sports clothes including appropriate footwear everyday.

    Thursday 30th June

    Sports Day- in the morning  -Children to come in their PE Kit

    Wednesday 6th July

    Class 1 Parents Assembly – 9.15am

    New Reception Parents Meeting 6.00pm

    Thursday 7th July

    School transition day.

    Yr6, who are attending Marple High School, will visit for the day.


    Friday 8th July

    INSET Day – School closed for children

    Wednesday 20th July

    2:30pm -3:15pm Parent Drop in


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton