Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 30/11/20
  • Monday 30th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 30th November, 2020




    Please do take some time to read the letter sent out to you last week and consider whether you would like to join the Governing Body here at All Saints’. 


    Schools up and down the country depend upon governors volunteering their time, talents and expertise and we’re sure any one of you would be a wonderful addition to our Governing Body.


    The deadline for parent nominations is Friday 4th December.







    Year 5


    As many of you will already know, following the advice from Public Health England, we had to close our Yr5 bubble on Tuesday 24th November.  We are continuing to follow the advice from PHE and Stockport LA.

    The children were very mature and understanding when I spoke with them. They asked very sensible questions and, even amongst the disappointment, maintained their positive attitude which was praised.

    I'd like to give a personal thank you to all our Yr5 parents/carers. We really do appreciate your support and cooperation.

    The children are currently receiving excellent home-learning, regular contact from the Yr5 staff and will return to school on 8th December, after the required 14 day self-isolation.


    We are looking forward to having the whole of our school family in school and appreciate you continuing to follow the health and safety guidance.


    A message from our Administration Team …

    We would like to kindly request that items are brought into school by your child in the morning rather than being dropped off during the school day. This is to reduce the amount of occasions that the office staff need to go to the gate, handle items from different households and then deliver them to different class doors. Thank you for your understanding.

    Please remember that Yr3 children need their swimming kits and underwear on Friday morning.


    Monday 30th November -Online Safety Workshop

    1.15pm -2.30pm. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.

    Thursday 10th December –    

     9:30 am KS1 Christmas rehearsal at Church

    Any Christmas cards your children wish to bring in, must be brought to school in a separate bag. Staff will hand these out on Wednesday 16th December.

    Thursday 17th December – KS1 & KS2 Christmas Parties – see attached letter

    Friday 18th December – Non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day

    Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December – Children will not come into school but will be completing home-learning.
















    Health & Safety!


    Please refrain from driving along Brickbridge Rd between 3:00pm – 3:30pm.


    • Remember only one parent is to drop off and pick up and to remain socially distanced whilst waiting.  (A person who maintained appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) would not be classed as a ‘close contact’ and would not be required to self-isolate.)


    Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.















    Vodafone’s COVID- response offer for people that are unemployed

    Vodafone have just launched a new £10 offer for people claiming Universal Credit or Jobseekers Allowance, here. The package is part of Vodafone’s COVID-response activity and will provide people with the package for 6 months, with no contract nor credit checks required, so suitable for those with low credit ratings.


    Mini Winter Reading Challenge

    This Winter Stockport Libraries are introducing the Winter Reading Challenge following the enormous success of the Summer Reading Challenge.  This is to encourage children to keep reading over the holidays and to give virtual rewards along the way!  Children will be asked to read any range of books of their choice and to review them on the website www.wintermini.org.uk. This is also the website you need to visit to access the Winter Mini Challenge.  We would love to see as many of our All Saints’ Superstars as possible taking part in this lovely event.  It will start on the 1st December and run until the 15th January.

    Wishing you all a very well read Winter with lots of virtual prizes along the way!

    Mrs Manning-Craggs 


    The Selfish Giant Film

    Riding Lights has produced an acclaimed children’s show The Selfish Giant on film. Presented in three 15 minute episodes, The Selfish Giant on film will be used for a watch-along party with our children. This fantastic film explores the value of friendship and kindness towards each other through storytelling, puppets, original songs and humour, and is adapted from the classic children’s story by Oscar Wilde. The film can also be accessed by our families and can be watched in the comfort of your own homes. Details will be sent out at a later date.


    A huge THANK YOU to All Saints’ Church who have purchased this film for our children and families.

    The company have stipulated that the private link must not be shared on social media or by any other public means as per our licence agreement.   https://vimeo.com/481707606/20dde3c528

    The film comes in three chapters, each of which can be accessed by using the timestamps in the description under the film. If you would prefer you can access the film on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/v56DACH1yJ8


    The LA is seeking the views of stakeholders

    The Admissions and Term Dates Consultation for academic year 2022-23 has been published. You can access the consultation and submit your response following this link: https://consultation.stockport.gov.uk/schools/school-admissions-consultation/





    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor