Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 18/01/21
  • Monday 18th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 18th January, 2021







    We will be having a whole school collective worship every Monday at 9.45am.  This term our theme is Trust.

    We hope you and your child will join us so we can come together as a whole school family.

    It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January can be used every Monday.

    We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.


    A special thank you to all of you for your continued support and cooperation.

    We will continue to develop retention of learning strategies with our children. We will also continue to explore vocabulary and ensure our breadth of cultures and a varied curriculum. Please read the information below regarding our whole school Step Back In Time topic.

    LOCKDOWN REMINDERS                                                                                                                                          

    Throughout this national lockdown all children should continue to comply with the rules set out for tier 4. Parents are asked to help ensure their children are following these rules. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings.

    CHILDREN IN SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                          

    As you are aware, we have a mixture of children in school, who are part of the vulnerable and critical worker category. We currently have 46% of our children in school. The DfE has said in its guidance ‘parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can’. As such, we ask that you only send your child into school on the days when you are having to complete your critical worker duties.  This will assist in ensuring the health safety and wellbeing of ALL our school family. 

    Just a reminder that when children are at home, we would encourage them to continue with their home learning.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and support,

    The All Saints’ Team

    STAFF & REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                                                                   

    I would like to begin by thanking our outstanding staff who have been working extremely hard to provide work for children in school as well as at home. Whilst they are all extremely committed, the situation has certainly increased our workload and we have had to create a manageable rotation of TAs and teachers off and on site at different times throughout the week.  I would like to thank those many parents who have already expressed their appreciation and gratitude to staff. Many of you have also praised the quality of the home learning being provided. Thank you for your very positive comments.



    In the true All Saints’ Way, we are welcoming the New Year of 2021 with an exciting and inspirational topic for the next half term. We are going to “Step Back in Time” and learn many fascinating, historical facts covering Ancient, British, World and Local history.

    We hope you managed to view the video of our fabulous historical timeline. The video was placed on Tapestry on the 15th January.

    We hope your children and yourselves find this timeline display a helpful tool to use during our Spring Term History topic.

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Hammond and Mrs Clayton