Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 25/01/21
  • Monday 25th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter – 25th January, 2021







    Again we had a whole school collective worship this morning and will continue to do so every Monday at 9.45am. 

    This morning, we shared a story about Nehemiah and how he and friends had to encourage and trust each other to build the walls that had broken down.

    We hope you and your child will join us each week so we can come together as a whole school family.

    It is a recurring event so the link uploaded on Tapestry on Friday 15th January and this morning can be used every Monday.

    We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.

    Please read the very important letter about Lateral Flow Device Testing for staff which will be sent to you on Tuesday 26th January 2021.


    NOTICES FROM Stockport Information Round up - STOCKPORT


     Maternity, Children and Young People NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group

     Please share this webinar through your networks and contacts.

    You and your baby: the challenges of becoming a parent in a global pandemic webinar.

    Wednesday 27th January, 2pm to 3pm on Zoom.

    Emma Arnold from Pennine Care and Kirsteen O’Keeffe from Stockport NHS aim to introduce parents to the idea of parent-infant mental health and well-being





    BUMPS TO 2S     

    A New Zoom group for expecting mums and mums with children under 2.

    Tuesdays or Thursdays at 11am

    Starting on 2nd and 4th February

    To book your place or for more info

    Call Leila on: 07803699360








    Please refer to the letter placed on Tapestry on Thursday 10th December. Starting wc 18th January, teachers will contact each parent for a 10 minute chat about how their child is progressing.


    All those who requested Zoom meetings will be sent their appointment and link via Tapestry. Please see the list below as a reminder as to when your zoom appointment will take place.





    Year 3: Monday 25th January

    Year 6: Tuesday 26th January

    Year 5: Wednesday 27th January

    Year 1 Thursday 28th January


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor