Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 04/10/21
  • Monday 4th October (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family,


    New to Year Group Parent Meetings

    A huge thank you to all parents who joined our Year Group meetings. Many parents have commented on how informative they found the meetings which went through the expectations for each year group. Each class teacher was able to clarify punctuation/spelling terminology, reading comprehension expectations and maths strategies used. Thank you for continuing to work in partnership with us for the benefit of your children and there will be regular updates throughout the year.


    Black History Month

    Today marks the start of our focus on black history. Although we enrich our curriculum throughout the year, with the children exploring their own culture and that of others, we feel it is important to honour this national month.

    This month we will highlight and celebrate the achievements of black people in Britain and beyond. It is also a time to look forward and celebrate the here and now and the future possibilities.


    As part of our collective worship today, we were introduced to Jackie Kay, a Scottish poet who wrote ‘In My Country’ (https://poetryarchive.org/poem/my-country/ )and Katherine Johnson, a superb mathematician who helped NASA put an astronaut into orbit around Earth and then helped put a man on the Moon. https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/who-was-katherine-johnson-k4


    Church Week is fast approaching and the children are getting excited about this special annual event. Our theme for this year is Growing Faith. Throughout the week, each class will visit the church for a series of activities including our very popular bell ringing. There will also be classroom activities and a session in our newly constructed Spirituality Garden which we will continue to add to, throughout the week.


    Specific plant donations are very welcome and should be brought into school/delivered to school on the morning of Monday 18th October. (See specific Spirituality Garden letter on Tapestry.)


    The week will end with a special grand opening of our Spirituality Garden and a morning Growing Faith Harvest Festival service at school. (We are unable to host our Harvest celebration at church this year due to restrictions in the amount of people allowed in the building.) This year we are asking all families to contribute what they can to our ‘harvest’ which will be displayed and later distributed to charities. We are asking that you send in any of the following on the morning of Friday 22nd October and not before due to storage reasons: pasta, rice, cereals, 



    pasta sauces, tinned fruit/pudding/fish/meat/soup/veg, UHT milk, etc. No gift is too small and we are sure the children will feel good about their ‘giving’. Whatever is donated will go to a few of our local foodbanks.


    Many thanks in advance for your wonderful donations, whether they are plants/shrubs for our Spirituality Garden or dry/tinned food for local foodbanks.


    The All Saints’ Way Team




    Please read the Tapestry post as this is a wonderful opportunity to purchase books for your child or as a gift for others. As a school, we also earn commission and are hoping to spend this money on science books to improved our deeper learning in science.  Please visit: https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents




    We have been asked by the safeguarding team to make you aware of the following site.




    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:                                                                                        

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.



    Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. 




    Have assured us that they are looking into setting up an online system that parents can use at home to select their meals 








    Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes, really!

    Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles












    WC 4.10.21







    Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.  Book onto this session     Book onto this session


    Donations for Spirituality Garden


    Donation for Growing Faith Harvest Festival





    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor