Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 20/12/21
  • Monday 20th December (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Dear School Family,                                                                                                                            


    Christmas Lunch was a huge success last week. There was plenty of tasty food for all and the children enjoyed listening to Christmas carols as they ate. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Taylor Shaw kitchen staff who did a tremendous job and a huge thank you to our own Mrs Burney, who decked the tables and organised the event for our children



    Christmas Nativities

    Well we did it!!! We managed to get all our KS1 and Reception parents into church to watch their wonderful children performing their fantastic nativities.

    It was truly a special moment and I know there were a few parents who shed tears of joy!


    All the children have done an amazing job. Thank you, as their family, for rehearsing all those lines and songs and for providing costumes. Thank you also to our outstanding staff who worked so hard to produce polished performances!


    Christmas Jumper Day – Wednesday 22nd December.


    Next term, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes, will be joining forces to decide upon our spring charity focus and how we will be raising money for another worthy cause.





    TOOTH SAFE GOLD AWARD - We are very pleased to announce that Miss McConnell and the Reception team completed an application for us to become a Tooth Safe school and have actually achieved the GOLD award!! This is a tremendous achievement and was gained by including some very innovative ideas in the application.

    The public health adviser commented that they were ‘blown away’ with the ‘outstanding’ suggestions and will be using our school as good practice in other settings across the authority. This is absolutely brilliant news!! Many congratulations to Miss McConnell and her team.


    Following this fantastic achievement, from January 2022, we are asking parents to, instead of sending sweets into school for birthday celebrations, to either donate a fiction/non-fiction book or a class game to their child’s class.


    Thank you in advance for supporting this new initiative as we work in partnership to protect the health of your child’s teeth.




    Please note that our Spring Parents Evenings will be on Monday 24th January, 2022 and Thursday 27th January, 2022. Both evenings will be after the school day. See further information on the next page from Mrs Vickers. 

    Depending on the current guidance, we will also be having an open morning for each class from 8.30-9.00am on Tuesday 1st February, 2022.



    A huge, huge thank you to everyone who attended the charity Fund raiser for The Pantry.  Our kind donation of £178 was collected by Chris Buckley one of the volunteers who passed on his sincere thanks to all who contributed and supported this wonderful, local charity (who distribute up to 50 bags of food per week on average on our community).   

    Please don't forget, if any of our families do feel it would be an extra help at this challenging, financial time of the year, please note that the Pantry is open from 10- 12 every Saturday from CONNECT on Queen Street, Marple and you are more than welcome to attend for food bags and a chat if you wish!  Alternatively, If you are unable to come in person please contact the office at All Saints' Church on 0161 427 2378 or office@allsaintsmarple.co.uk.


    Thank you so much, from Y3 and Y4, Mrs. Noble and Mr. Lonsdale 


    Next term, our Year 1 and Year 2 classes, will be joining forces to decide upon our spring charity focus and how we will be raising money for another worthy cause.





    The Parents Association      

    The Christmas Shop - The children who brought in a gift chose one to take home today. This can be gifted to a family member as a 'surprise'. This item has been wrapped and tagged for them to bring home and put under the tree for Christmas.                                                 

    Thank you,                                                                                                                                                                                     

    The All Saints' Parents Association.


    Parents Evenings


    In these unsettled times we have made the decision to move over to a virtual parents evening session – which has proved incredibly successful and popular in a number of local schools over the last couple of years.  The system, which is called School Cloud, offers video meetings for parents with your child’s teacher.  These can be held by using either a phone, tablet or computer.  You get to choose your own appointment time and if you have more than one child in school it is very easy for you to schedule these so that the appointments are close together.   Appointments run more to time and you can hold the meeting wherever you are, if you have your device with you.   If parents are in different places, it is very easy for you to invite the other parent to attend the same meeting.  The system is very straightforward but if you have any issues making your appointments we’re here in the office to help.  When we send more details in January, I will include links to online ‘how-to’ videos to make the process as easy as possible.  In addition to the online parents evening, we will be having an open morning on 1st February at 8.30-9.00am, for you to be able to see your child’s books in class.   More information about School Cloud will be sent out early in January 2022.  




    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

    Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts. E.g. hummus


    Health & Safety

    • Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.
    • Following the further variants, we would ask that you continue to only come into the school building if necessary.
    • We are also re-emphasising the need for continued vigilance when it comes to covid symptoms.
    • Please note that LFD tests can be picked up from the local chemists for using at home.

    Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities

    See the attached fliers for upcoming opportunities


    See the attached wellbeing poster with a list of support opportunities

    Stockport’s Solihull Approach

    This fabulous online resource is free for residents of Stockport, giving them access to the following courses that are proven to improve emotional wellbeing and the relationships between parents and children. This resource is useful for mothers, fathers, partners, carers, grandparents, other family and involved friends as these courses are for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 including professionals of all kinds.


    WE WANT THE WORKFORCE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS and have scheduled several more learning circles (content is the same for all dates so you only need to attend one session).

    Book your place on Learning Pool

    If you do no have access to Learning Pool please email us and we can book you on and send you the link.

    Monday 17th January 14:00:15:00

    Thursday 24th February 12:00-13:00

    Wednesday 23rd March 9.30-10.30







    Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


    All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

    Thursday 6th January 2022


    24.1.22 & 27.1.22


    1st February 2022

    CLASS OPEN MORNING 8.30-9.00am. (TBC)


    We wish you all a peaceful and relaxing time with friends and loved ones during this holiday season!


    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton