Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 14/06/21
  • Monday 14th June (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear Wonderful School Family,

    We trust that you had a wonderful half term and were able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

    Attached is a very important letter from Jennifer Connolly who is our Director of Public Health.

    The last week of term was absolutely fantastic. We all became more active during our Active Week and enjoyed a vast array of sports. Thank you to Mrs Noble and the Awe & Wonder Team for organising this for us. The coaches were very impressed with the behaviour of our children and one even commented on how wonderful our children were:

    “I had a great day and was very impressed with ALL the classes’ behaviour and general conduct. I didn’t have to talk to one single pupil the whole day as they were all listening brilliantly and doing everything I asked. “

    I’m sure you’d agree that this is very high praise for our children and staff.

    We continue to invite visitors to lead our collective worship. Before half term, Shiraz Janjua led an excellent collective worship on Islam and this morning we have had Rabbi Katz, who is Jewish, leading a wonderful collective worship on peace. Our children continue to enjoy learning about different faiths as part of their wider understanding of the world.

    Brenda Beardwood, one of our ex governors had a fabulous assembly. It was a real tribute to the 12 years of being a governor at All Saints’ and she was thrilled with all her gifts. (See linked information about our non-uniform day on Friday 18th June further on in our newsletter.)

    Online Safety featured in last week’s newsletter. You are reminded that key information can be found on our school website. Two of our parents, Emma Cox and Tamzyn Jones, are our Parent Online Safety 

    Ambassadors. I’d like to give a special thank you for their commitment and willingness to serve our school in this way.


    Thank you to all those who signed up to the Parent Association, Summer Treasure Trail. I know many of you had fun completing the challenge. A huge thank you goes out to all those who have been instrumental in creating this outdoor activity for all our families! We appreciate all your time and effort.







    As part of my role as being vicar of All Saints’ Church it has been my privilege to serve as a governor of All Saints’ Primary School and be a member of the Curriculum Committee. What excites me about the role is being able to see how very good governance and excellent leadership at the school can really influence the ethos, atmosphere and culture of our wonderful primary school and how this positively impacts the educational experience and learning of our super children


    Having been a Year 6 teacher before becoming a vicar, the best bit about being a governor is having contact with teachers and children and over the last five years it has been great to be involved in classroom activities. Recently, the Year 6 class grilled myself and Sarah Holton (All Saints’ Children and Family Worker) about issues concerning faith, creation and suffering. It is always wonderful to support the children in their learning even when they do ask really difficult questions! It has also been great to be involved in the children’s collective worship and this year has been particularly interesting as we have joined the school using Zoom. One of the highlights of our church calendar year has to be Church Week when the children spend a week coming up to church. All of the above reflect the wonderful partnership between All Saints’ School and All Saints’ Church that has been built over many years and recently we have been able to celebrate this partnership by achieving a special school, church partnership award.  A massive thank you must go to the staff at All Saints’ School and Sarah Holton at church.


    I know how exhausting this last year has been as we have had to cope with the Covid pandemic. For many of us, after trying our hand at home schooling, we may have a new appreciation for our dedicated teachers.  I am immensely grateful to all the staff at All Saints’ Primary who have had to cope with constant change, video lessons, Zoom as well as doing the everyday excellent teaching and supporting of our children. I have nothing but immense admiration and gratitude for their resilience, skill and dedication.

    At church, in our morning worship, we have just started a series on mental health and wellbeing. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly invite you to join us at 10.15am on Sunday morning, live on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/allsaintsmarple/videos) or YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/allsaintsmarple).

    Every blessing,

    Daniel Currie.



    As part of our celebrations for Brenda Beardwood, the Ethos Group researched about a charity close to Brenda’s heart- Potter’s Village in Uganda, Africa. All children in school heard about the wonderful work that Potter’s Village charity does to help babies and orphaned children in crisis who have no other chance of survival. Potter’s Village seeks to provide a home where God’s love is lived out within a Christian context. For further information, please see their website; https://www.pottersvillage.org.uk/


    Following on from this, on Friday 18.06.2021, we will be holding a non- uniform day asking children for a donation of £1 (or whatever they can give) to help other babies and young children who are not as fortunate and who desperately need our help.

    We hope to raise a great sum of money to donate to this incredible charity in Africa and to make Brenda proud! 

    Many thanks in advance for your kindness and helping our children to understand the importance of supporting others in our world.

    Mrs. Noble and Ethos Group











    Our school kitchen and Taylor Shaw have signed up to be part of the national vegpower scheme.

    Each week will feature a rally cry around one of Britain’s family favourite vegetables. Veg Power are asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks’ veg. There are stickers to reward the children who give them a try.

    • wc 14th June – Sweetcorn
    • wc 21st June – Peppers
    • wc 28th June – Carrots
    • wc 5th July – Peas
    • wc 12th July – Broccoli




    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    Friday 18th June

    Non uniform day with £1 donations for the Potters Village

    Tuesday 22nd June

    Staff Pen Portraits sent to parents

    Thursday 1st July

    Transition morning. Children will spend the morning with their new class teacher.

    9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

    Children are not in school on these days


    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor