Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 19/07/21
  • Tuesday 20th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    We hope you enjoyed reading your child’s report last week.  I’d like to give a personal thank you to you all for supporting your child but would also especially like to thank the staff who spent time on assessing and writing these reports. Thank you for your many messages of thanks and appreciation too.


    If you wish to complete the parent questionnaire, please do so by Wednesday 21st July.


    Our yr4 & yr5 class had an absolutely fantastic, jam packed day at Castleton last Tuesday and our yr6 children had an exciting activity day at the Underbank Peak Adventure Centre. Our children encouraged each other, worked as teams, took risks and made many memories they will remember for a life time! Please view all the photos on Tapestry.


    We had an excellent music session with Jill Henderson-Wild last Friday. It was great to use our lungs and voices for singing.

    As it is going to be extremely hot this week, we have asked all children to bring in a water bottle, cap and sun cream if you wish them to apply sun cream throughout the day. Please ensure all items are labelled. Your children also have the option of wearing their PE kit which should be a plain white top and black leg wear. See the full list on the following page.


    You would have all by now read the Stockport Authority letter which was posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th July. It states that our school and schools across Stockport will maintain our current restrictions: social distancing in and around school, the use of face coverings at drop off and pick up times as well as in school communal areas by staff and class bubbles until the end of term.

    We thank you for your continued co-operation and understanding,

    The All Saints' Team



    It has been absolutely wonderful to see and hear your children acting and singing with so much energy and enthusiasm. They have made props, brought in costumes and all sorts.

    Please do take some time to watch their Oscar winning performances.





    Anna Clyne and Jenny Tyrrell have taken over Outgrown Uniform and set up a new Facebook page. The existing Facebook page will close on the last day of term.




    Please note on PE days from September, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week.

    This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

    Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions from September so will need their PE kits in lockers again from the start of the year in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

    Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

    As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


    Please see the kit list as follows;

    White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

    Black shorts/ cycling shorts

    Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

    Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

    Black/ white socks

    Black/ white trainers


    Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.


    As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.


    Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


    Yours thankfully.

    Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)



    Finishing the school year a day earlier at the end of Summer 2022

    Please note slightly adjusted term dates for 2021-2022. The changes are in response to legislation for an extra day holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We have reduced the length of the original Summer term, our last day of the academic year, by one day, to minimise any disruption to any plans already made. We will now finish 2021/2022 school year at the end of Wednesday 27th of July.         


    Please ensure all school library books have been returned to school by tomorrow.




    Free school meals and Pupil Premium

    Had a change in financial circumstances? Please apply for Free School Meals!

    School will receive £1345 for each child for every year they are at All Saints’ regardless if your circumstances change again.

    Please apply using the link https://www.stockport.gov.uk/start/free-school-meals-application-form

    Apply whichever year your child is in to ensure we get the funding for the vital resources!

    Thank you



    The DfE have launched an information site for parents which have some very useful

    pieces of information and  FUN activities for your children.

    There is also some information about a Summer School.






    Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



    19th July 2021

    Class End of Yr Assemblies uploaded onto Tapestry

    21st July 2021

    Parent Questionnaires to be completed by today.



    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Hannah Gaynor