Headteachers Public Blog Blog
  • Monday 6th September (allsaints-pri Admin)







    Dear Wonderful School Family,


    A huge thank you again for your cooperation, patience and continued support.


    We hope that our previous Yr6 children have enjoyed the beginning of their next journey. Please pass on our best wishes.


    It has been lovely to see all your friendly smiles and to have had a quick chat with you at drop off and pick up times. Your children have been amazing and have thoroughly enjoyed their first two days in start to the new school year. The staff have worked extremely hard on settling your children back into school and have planned fun and exciting work to ensure your children KNOW MORE, REMEMBER MORE and are able to DO MORE. A huge thank you to those who work in the classroom, but also to those who cross our children safely across the main road, those who work upon keeping our school building safe, those who work in our school office, support us at lunch times/at Kids Zone and those who work in our school kitchen. We appreciate everyone who is part of our school family.

    Please refer to the return to school letter sent on 1s September and the Respect Charter sent on 2nd September.


    Further ways you can help us are below. Please:

    • Stand closer to the bottom court (the caged area) on the KS2 playground.
    • Stand closer to the outer wall on the KS1 playground.
    • Keep younger siblings and school children off the playground equipment, before and after school.
    • Tell your KS2 child and let their class teacher know, if you would like your child to make their own way round to the KS1 playground by walking behind the Reception class. They will be shown where to walk.
    • Once your child has been collected by the class team/yourself, please move along and vacate the playground as quickly as you can.

    Ensure all belongings are clearly labelled


    There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!

    Warm regards,

    There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!


    Warm regards,

    Hannah Gaynor and the All Saints' Team


    Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

    • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
    • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.                                                                                    


    MRS HALLWORTH moving on

    We thought it appropriate to let you know that Mrs Hallworth, who has been part of our school family for 8 years will be leaving us on 24th September. She has secured an Assistant SBM post at another Stockport school and is excited about the new adventure ahead.

    All Saints’ holds a special place in her heart and we will miss having her as part of our team. We know many of you will also want to express your best wishes to her.








    Now that we are all eating in the hall, we have noticed that our children could really do with practising how to use a knife and fork at home.  



    Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes really!

    Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles










    Many congratulations to Mrs Manning-Craggs who got married during August.

    As you can tell from the photos, she looked absolutely beautiful and had a truly wonderful day.                    











    Anna Clyne (yr 3 mum) and Jenny Tyrrell (reception 2021 mum) manage the Outgrown Uniform




    If you had a clear out over the summer, they are happy to take donations. Please see the above website for further information.



    PE SESSIONS AND KIT FROM SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                    Please note on PE days from this term, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week. This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

    Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions, so will need their PE kits in lockers again in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

    Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

    As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


    Please see the kit list as follows;

    White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

    Black shorts/ cycling shorts

    Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

    Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

    Black/ white socks

    Black/ white trainers


    Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.


    As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.


    Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


    Yours thankfully.

    Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)





    YR6 – 14.9.21

    RECEPTION – 16.9.21

    YR4- 20.9.21

    YR5- 21.9.21

    YR2- 22.9.21

    YR3- 23.9.21

    YR1- 28.9.21




    2 Bishops are visiting our school with


    Day of Languages


    School staff training day. Children not in.


    Scholastic Book Fair

     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

    Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.

    Wednesday 6th October 2021: 11.30am

    Book onto this session

     Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion


    Thursday 7th October 2021: 7pm

    Book onto this session

    Have a wonderful week!


    Hannah Gaynor

  • Monday 14th December (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter14th December, 2020


    Yr4 Maternity Leave Teacher




    After a rigorous recruitment process, we are delighted to inform you of the exciting news that Miss Molly Foster has been appointed, to be your child’s new class teacher whilst Miss Taylor commences her maternity leave in line with current Covid-19 regulations. She is a newly qualified teacher who has successfully worked and trained in good to outstanding schools for a number of years. She comes highly recommended and we are convinced she will be a wonderful asset to our school and will continue the fabulous journey of learning your children have already begun in year 4

    A huge thank you to Mr Bailey and Mrs Woodgate as Governors who dedicated their time, support and wealth of knowledge to support us in this process.

    A more detailed letter has been sent to our year 4 parents/guardians.


    OUR OWN SCHOOL POETRY ANTHOLOGY ~ Please view the letter from last week which explains how you can purchase this exciting book of excellent poetry which has been written by All Saints’ Primary children. A huge thank you to Mrs Noble who has initiated this project.                                           


    A Special THANK YOU Message: The Parents’ Association would like to ask you all to join us in making a very special thank you. Some of you may know one of our parents who works hard all year round collecting, cleaning, sorting and rehoming outgrown uniforms. To some she is Margot and Lillian’s Mum, to others Sarah and to a lot, she is simply known as the uniform lady. Even through these very different and difficult times, she has continued to work hard raising much needed funds that are needed more so now than ever before, especially with all our fund-raising activities unable to take place this year. As a token of our appreciation, we wanted to give Sarah a gift that fitted with her ethos and love of nature, we hope she enjoys it. https://www.facebook.com/outgrown.uniform


    Wednesday 16th December – Christmas cards that have been handed in to school will be given out.

    Wednesday 16th December – Christmas Dinner. Children can wear their uniform with a Christmas jumper if they wish to. Christmas cards will be taken home.

    Thursday 17th December – KS1 & KS2 Christmas Parties – party clothes can be worn

    Friday 18th December – Non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day

    Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December – Children will not come into school but will be completing home-learning.













    Please refer to the letter placed on Tapestry on Thursday 10th December. Starting   wc 18th January, teachers will call each parent for a 10 minute chat about how their child is progressing. You are asked to let the class teacher know, if you specifically require a zoom meeting. Further details will follow in the new year.







    Mini Winter Reading Challenge


    This Winter Stockport Libraries are introducing the Winter Reading Challenge following the enormous success of the Summer Reading Challenge.  This is to encourage children to keep reading over the holidays and to give virtual rewards along the way!  Children will be asked to read any range of books of their choice and to review them on the website www.wintermini.org.uk. This is also the website you need to visit to access the Winter Mini Challenge.  We would love to see as many of our All Saints’ Superstars as possible taking part in this lovely event.  It will start on the 1st December and run until the 15th January.

    Wishing you all a very well read Winter with lots of virtual prizes along the way!

    Mrs Manning-Craggs 


















    The Selfish Giant Film


    A huge THANK YOU to All Saints’ Church who have purchased this film for our children and families.

    The company have stipulated that the private link must not be shared on social media or by any other public means as per our licence agreement.   https://vimeo.com/481707606/20dde3c528

    The film comes in three chapters, each of which can be accessed by using the timestamps in the description under the film. If you would prefer you can access the film on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/v56DACH1yJ8




    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Mrs Gaynor

  • Monday 19th October (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 19.10.2020

    The final week of a very surreal and strange half term is here! It is still hard to process that 7 months on we are still living with this pandemic.  However, on behalf of All Saints’ School to every member of our community we want to say the biggest heartfelt thank you.  Each person from staff to Governors, children to families have been simply wonderful. Understanding, supportive and so caring of each other are just some of the words we would use to describe all our wonderful family members.  We really are very fortunate to be part of such a truly amazing and special team.  We hope that everyone has a fabulous last week and half term break. We will come back knowing that no matter how things pan out over the next half term we can get through it together. All Achieving, All Together, All Saints’!


    We are also delighted that over half term our long awaited plans to build a ‘Dash a Day Track’ on the school field as well as other much needed building maintenance work will take place to benefit the children using money from the dedicated Sports and Buildings funding received into schools.  Huge thanks to Mr McShane, Mrs Hallworth and Mr Chaloner for all their hard work co-ordinating these projects in very tricky times!


    Finally a big thank you to MBI Visuals who so kindly and generously gave their time last week over three days to come into School and film our new All Saints’ Video!  We recognise that this is a really difficult time for families deciding on a school for their child and really hope that this helps in the decision making process in the absence of our usual tours.  We also definitely have some budding stars in the making as the children were fantastic during the filming!



    From the Chair of Governors .....


    As we approach the end of this first half-term, I just want to thank all our families for their support in so many different ways as we have welcomed all children back to school.  Governors are not visiting school at present in order to maintain the highest possible levels of safety for children and staff but we have been very busy taking part in meetings via Zoom and keeping in touch by phone and e-mail.


    I also want to take the opportunity to wish Mrs Morton all the best as she begins her maternity leave at the end of the week.  We're really going to miss her and we are having a special assembly on Wednesday (via Zoom, of course!) to say a temporary goodbye to her.  I'm sure it will be an emotional occasion for everyone!


    I know you will give Mrs Gaynor your full support as she steps up to become our full-time headteacher whilst Mrs Morton is on maternity leave.  All the governors are very grateful for her willingness to take on this role and they are reassured to know that our school will be in safe hands.


    With best wishes

    Alan Bailey



      Church Week

    As mentioned above we know everyone will have a great last week as it is our very special Church Week and we are excited for our new Reception children, new starters throughout school, Mr Lonsdale and Miss McConnell to experience what a truly unique week it is too.  Although it will be different to the norm we know so much hard work, thought and love has gone into making sure that it will be an exciting, reflective and fun week for the children.




    One really exciting aspect is that the theme of ‘Discovering God’s stories’ will be a platform for everyone to really think about our new vision statement which we are launching this week.


    After much discussion, consideration and reflection everyone felt that we absolutely needed to retain our ’All Saints’ Way’ which underpins and enhances so much of what we do in school for our children and what we want for them. So we as a church school wanted something that not only captured this but enhanced it therefore as new Vision is …



    Another huge thank you to our parents for all your support, all your likes to posts (keep them coming please!) and contributions sharing home learning and achievements on Tapestry so far this term, especially in KS2.  It has been a wonderful addition to our All Saints offer; so thanks to all the families and staff for embracing and supporting this. 


    If parents haven't posted anything this half term, it would be great to add something before Friday please for your child to share with their class - e.g. football trophy, making a special birthday cake or doing an epic walk in the countryside etc. Any achievement that your child is really proud of please post them on Tapestry for us to celebrate and share in class. Please see the attached guide for more information about how to do add a post. 


    Thank you

    The hugest, hugest thank you to so many parents and staff who purchased a wealth of amazing new books based on 'People of The World'. 

    The response was overwhelmingly positive and we have received approximately over 30 new books off our Amazon Wish List of books. 

    Many have and are being read in classrooms as part of lessons this term based on our topic of 'My World and Me' and then will be placed in the school library in 2021 for children to take home and enjoy.

    There are too many names to mention but we know who you are and are extremely grateful and thankful for your support. 
    All books have a special thank you note with the name on the inside cover of who purchased the book so please do look out for this...

    The biggest thanks to all involved for allowing us to have an array of top, new books for our children to help them experience more about our diverse and wonderful world! 
    Mrs. Noble 



    Message from Marple Hall School


    Dear parents, carers and Year Five and Six Students,


    On behalf of all the staff, Governors and students at Marple Hall School I would like to invite you all to our 2020 ‘Virtual’ Open Evening.

    Choosing a secondary school is a big decision and we are sorry that we cannot host our usual Open Evening events this year. Instead, we have put together a page on our school website that aims to answer as many questions that you may have as possible. Please take your time to look around and of course contact us at the school if there is anything that we can do to help further.





    The page can be accessed on www.marplehall.stockport.sch.uk via the ‘News’ drop down tab, or alternatively by clicking on this link here.


    Best wishes

    Joe Barker


    Marple Hall School


    Message on behalf of All Saints’ Church




    Please see attached an advert for a wellbeing group that we are beginning to run after half term. We are very keen to enable all people in our community whether or not they come to church to take care of their mental and emotional wellbeing. 




    Scarecrow Trail - people coming together with amazing community spirit!

    Throughout the last few weeks classes have been involved in the Marple Scarecrow Trail, designing and making their very own scarecrows. 

    However, sadly, due to Greater Manchester probably heading into Tier3 restrictions, the council have decided that having the scarecrows displayed in the park may encourage people to group together. Taking advice from central government, the council have announced that this option is no longer possible. They are allowed however to incorporate them along the Marple house trail and inside shops. They will keep you informed via their website www.marpletrails.org.uk and also the updated attached poster. 




    This is a local fundraising venture, so please see the link to the Just Giving page below where the money being raising is for all the schools involved in this project. Please share far and wide to raise as much money as we can!  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/raising-funds-for-primary-school-children-in-the-marple-area?utm_term=9k9EkWmj2




    Parking & Driving along Brickbridge Rd

    Sadly, a resident of Brickbridge Rd has brought to our attention that they were inconvenienced on Friday as they could not leave for work on time as a parent from our school had parked across their drive; blocking them in. This unfortunately also happened at the end of the day, so they were unable to park on their drive. Could we please encourage you to not drive down Brickbridge Rd whenever possible and if you do to respect our local neighbours by not parking across the drive ways etc.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Year Three Families

    Please read the introductory letter from Miss Edwards; your child’s new teacher. This was sent out on Tapestry this morning and has also been discussed with your child today. We are sure you will join us in looking forward to meeting her after half term.


    Coronavirus Page on the Website


    Please do view the Coronavirus page on the website which has important updated information, using the following link:-  http://www.allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus


    Food Bank Vouchers

    We have 12 food bank vouchers in school. If anyone would appreciate a voucher or to find out more information then please approach Miss Daley or Mrs Gaynor.



    Online Safety Workshop 







    This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place on Tuesday 17th November, 1.30pm -2.30pm using Google Meet/Teams…… (Details to follow). It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic it would be great for as many to attend as possible. 




    Stockport residents invited to have their say on aspects of SEND provision

    A public consultation on the initial findings of the Dedicated Schools Grant, High Needs Block funding was launched on Friday 9th October and will run for eight weeks closing on Friday 4th December 2020.

    The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) provides the majority of funding for schools. This includes High Needs funding which is for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The High Needs funding element is approximately £32million.

    Please follow the link to find out more and have your say –


    Reminder - We have been asked by Stockport Authority to inform all our parents of the very important information below:

    Current information for families living in Stockport 

    · We advise against all social contact with people from outside your home. Up to six people from different households can legally meet – maintaining social distance - in parks, but not in homes and gardens. 

    · Picking children up from school who aren’t in your household is social contact, and isn’t allowed unless you have formed a childcare bubble

    · A childcare bubble is where someone in one household can provide informal (meaning unpaid and unregistered) childcare to a child aged 13 or under in another household. This must occur on an exclusive basis – always the same two households, and never more than two households.

    · If people don’t follow these rules, it increases the chance that they, their children, and potentially their class or year group bubble at school will need to self-isolate at home for up to two weeks.  



    Finally I (Mrs Morton) would just like to personally say, that as this is my last week in school for a while, All Saints’ will continue to be in my heart and thoughts and I cannot wait to see everyone again soon!


    We hope everyone has a lovely week and peaceful half term, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor.

  • Monday 12th October (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 12.10.2020


    Church Week

    Next week is one of the highlights of our All Saints’ calendar with the annual Church Week. Although it will, as with most things this year, take place differently we are still very excited and we are sure it will be a very special week. All activities will take place in class bubbles but thanks to the wonderful Sarah Holton and many others, the children will still get fantastic interaction with all the volunteers via tasks and videos produced for the week. 


    The Harvest Service and celebration of Church Week will take place in school online and then for many logistical and safeguarding reasons be shared with families after the event via Tapestry. So please watch out for this being shared a week on Friday. 





    Muddy Puddle

    As our new venture really gets underway, we have big plans for the outside area including a track being laid over half term to support our ‘Dash a day’ in all weathers, and also a space for the children to reflect.  Thanks to Mr McShane and Mrs Clayton for all your hard work with planning everything including new trees being planted and developing different areas around the groups.



    Also, thank you to the PA and in particular Mrs Peatfield for all your enthusiasm and support in helping us with plans to develop vegetable patches and much more. Our children are loving our increased outdoor learning opportunities, and this will just enhance it even more for them.

    To help with our plans we are kindly asking for donations of plastic drainpipes, quality wooden planks (no nails or sharp edges please) rubber tyres and plastic crates for our den area: if they can just be passed over the fence near the green container on the last Friday of term before 3.30pm that would be wonderful to avoid everything going through school and of course no fly tipping please!!!

    We Go Together Like Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows | Hot chocolate  marshmallows, Hot chocolate quotes, Hot chocolate drawing


    As a special treat as all the children have simply been amazing over the last half term they will be having a hot chocolate and marshmallow at the end of a session next week. A separate PING message will be coming out for you to let us know if you do not wish your child to have this.





    Online Safety Workshop 


    This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place on Tuesday 17th November, 1.30pm -2.30pm using Google Meet/Teams…… (Details to follow). It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic it would be great for as many to attend as possible. 



    How to Support Your Child’s Learning Online


    If you would like to improve your computer skills so you can support your child’s learning on-line then this short course is for you. So please look at the free LA run course poster attached.




    Operation Encompass 

    We continue to remain an operation encompass school. Our Nominated Key Adults are Mrs Gaynor, Mrs Morton, Miss Daley and Mrs Noble. For more information, please see our website page and the following link: https://www.operationencompass.org/ 


    Important COVID-19 information 


    We have been asked by Stockport Authority to inform all our parents of the very important information below:


    Current information for families living in Stockport 

    · We advise against all social contact with people from outside your home. Up to six people from different households can legally meet – maintaining social distance - in parks, but not in homes and gardens. 

    · Picking children up from school who aren’t in your household is social contact, and isn’t allowed unless you have formed a childcare bubble. 

    · A childcare bubble is where someone in one household can provide informal (meaning unpaid and unregistered) childcare to a child aged 13 or under in another household. This must occur on an exclusive basis – always the same two households, and never more than two households.

    · If people don’t follow these rules, it increases the chance that they, their children, and potentially their class or year group bubble at school will need to self-isolate at home for up to two weeks.  


    Can a childminder continue to mind children in the event of a member of their family being identified as a contact and self-isolating?

    While this might be acceptable in theory, it might not be possible in practice unless the layout of the childminder’s house is conducive to supporting separating the individuals. The separation between two parts of the house would need to be complete. This means:

    · That the person who is isolating must be in a completely separate part of the building from anyone who lives outside the household (the minded children)

    · That they must have access to completely separate toilet facilities, and any other facilities they need

    · Any spaces that are used by both groups of people (isolating and those outside the household) would need to be cleaned between any cross-overs according to the details at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcaresettings/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings

    Parents can book tests by following the link: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test We are currently seeing quicker responses through this method.




    Autumn Parent Drop in!

    Telephone Cartoon Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

    We will sadly be cancelling this event for next half term and therefore felt it is important to offer an opportunity for our families to have a conversation with their child’s class teacher before the formal appointments in the new year.  Therefore, in the final week of half term 19th October, (Church Week) Teachers will call each parent for a 5 minute chat about how their child has settled back into school.  You will receive a Tapestry message today letting you know the time and day your child’s teacher will be calling you. We hope everyone will find this useful.




    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor

  • Monday 28th September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 28.09.2020


    Well another week has flown by in school and it continues to be lovely having all the children in school and happy to be here.  Topics are well underway and everyone is being so resilient as we navigate through the new normal. 

    Lots to Celebrate!







    As mentioned topics are well underway and our classes are really being inspired by all the wonderful opportunists our staff are providing them even in such challenging times! Year 2 had a virtual talk from Greenpeace and the Greenpeace staff member emailed to say how ‘lovely the class were and super-engaged’, saying ‘it is really encouraging speaking to children who show so much awareness of environmental issues; they're a real credit to your school’.  So a huge well done to Year 2!


    Also, our wonderful Mrs Noble and Mr McShane managed, even with all the restrictions at present, to deliver training to around 25 new trainee teachers and the feedback was a joy to read.  The students were so impressed by their knowledge, drive and creative ideas.  So a huge congratulations to Mrs Noble and Mr McShane -  it is amazing that you are able to inspire so many colleagues new to the profession, and allow the children they will teach in the future to have the amazing opportunities you always offer the children you teach!


    Year 3 and Year 6 end of the day…

    As we continually look to tweak and refine systems in School, from today to ease congestion at the end of the day Year 6 (many of whom walk home now) are going to be released from the field gate at the end of Brickbridge Road.  Therefore Year 3 can now be released from the KS2 gates in front of the main entrance.  The children’s release time for both classes remain the same.  



    Church Week 2020


    Sadly we will not be able to hold our annual Church Week in the same way as usual this year.  However, plans have been in place for some time and Sarah Holton has been working incredibly hard with many, many kind volunteers to put together a fantastic week for our children.  It will involve art, drama and outdoor learning to name but a few elements.  It will all be based around the theme ‘Discovering God’s Stories’ and although we cannot hold our wonderful ‘Harvest Service’ at All Saints’ Church we are working hard to do this virtually and more information will be shared in due course.



    Harvest Collection



    Donation for the All Saints’ is very welcome, please see the video link and poster below for more information about such a great and needed cause. 














    Digital Devices Government Scheme

    Many of you may have heard about the Government scheme to ensure all children have access to a loan device if they are self-isolating/ bubbles close or a wider lockdown has to occur again.  As such we in school have a list of families who we feel would benefit from this scheme from previous dialogue in lockdown and will action this if the need arises.  If you feel that your family would benefit from this scheme e.g. multiple children having to share devices to access remote learning, no suitable devices for the children to work on at home, then please do let us know by emailing the admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk account.


    Or alternatively …



    The DigiKnow Digital Device Lending Library

    This service has been set up for residents who have no or limited access to the internet. This could be especially useful for families without a laptop at home, or where several children are sharing 1 laptop. Laptops are free to borrow, and some come with free access to the internet. The standard loan period is for 1 month, but the loan can be renewed, and it is assumed that most pupils would need the device for a longer period. Call the DigiKnow Helpline on 07537 127095.


    A message from the School Crossing Patrol Department


    Following the Crossing Patrol Supervisor’s recent site/welfare visit to the school crossing patrol for our school, she observed that children, parents and carers were not following the government social distancing guidelines of  between themselves or the school crossing patrol.


    School crossing patrols are now instructed to remind all pedestrians that they must social distance when using the service. If this is not being followed, they have also been instructed to take a few steps away from pedestrians in order to create a safer working environment.


    They have informed us that the situation will be closely monitored and are encouraging everyone to act in a responsible manner to help protect themselves and others.



    Colds and Coughs

    We understand how difficult the times we currently find ourselves in are and that very young children often get a temperature and a cough and that this is normal for them. This BBC short film is useful to share to support reassurance in making a decision about whether a child, or adult’s symptoms are that of COVID or a more routine cough or cold https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/health-54182329

    Adults and children can and should get a test within 5 days of symptom onset and the test will reliably be able to pick up COVID-19. This still applies if the symptoms have stopped.

    Individual Photo Change to Date

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the photographer has had to change the date for the individual photos to be taken. The new date is now Wednesday 18th November. Thank you for your understanding.


    Wishing everyone a lovely week, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 14th September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 14.09.2020

    Well is it like we have never been away! It is so wonderful how energised, enthusiastic and happy all the children in school are – long may it last!!!  We can never under estimate the resilience of children and returning to school this last week has proven that in abundance! Well done to all our truly wonderful All Saints’ Superstars!  We of course have to mention a special ‘shout out’ to our fabulous Reception class who did their first full day last Friday and I am sure after plenty of sleep this weekend are ready and raring to go again – well done Reception a huge achievement!


    New to Year Group Meetings
    As communicated already, sadly we are unable to conduct our New to Year Group Meetings as normal, so we hope you are all embracing Tapestry and will enjoy the short video clip of your child’s new class room etc. Please look out for the New to Year Group Booklets with lots of information in that will be uploaded to your child’s Tapestry account on Friday too.


    Thank you so much to everyone for embracing the introduction of Tapestry across the whole school.  Please see the attached Parent Guide, which we hope is of help to people who are new to the new app.  Also, thank you to Mrs Noble for all her hard work producing this and organising the introduction of Tapestry across each class.


    People of the World

    We are happy to announce that we have our very own School Amazon Wish List.  We have carefully selected wish list items that will inspire and support your children's learning through books based on 'People of the World' to further enhance our range of cultural books in the school library.  Please have a browse at anything you feel is inspirational or takes your fancy from our list.  If you would like to purchase something on our behalf, please click the link below, which will take you to the wish list.  Then just add it to your basket and follow the same process as if you were ordering something for yourself. 

    The items will be delivered directly to our school then we will acknowledge who has purchased it with a donation sticker inside the book.   You can make a direct impact on the resources in our school library that we need to enable staff to teach from a wide range of quality, thought provoking books enhancing your child's learning for life and to help to improve our world. 

    Whilst there is no expectation to purchase anything, even if 1/4 of of our families, extended families (and even community members) are able to purchase just one book, we could have at least 30 brand new, thought inspiring books for YOUR child to enjoy and learn from at All Saints'.  Thank you very, very much in advance for your kind generosity.  Mrs. Noble 



    Covid-19 Quick Guide for Parents and Carers

    Please do take a look at this information which was Pinged out to all families which was sent out last Friday.

    More detailed description of the symptoms are below:

    The main symptoms of coronavirus are: 

     a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)  

    a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)  

    a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal 

    Testing Tests for COVID-19 can be booked or ordered from https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirustest  or via a Freephone number, 119. 

    Postal, drive through and walk in tests are available. 

    Test supplies are limited at the moment due to demand exceeding laboratory capacity. Please only arrange tests for people who have coronavirus symptoms – a new, continuous cough, a fever or loss of taste/smell. Please keep trying the website and phone line – new tests are made available regularly at around 8am and 12pm daily, including at weekends. 

    A local test site at Brinnington Leisure Complex opens on Friday 11 September. Please note that testing cannot be offered without an appointment. A further local test site at Teviot Dale Methodist Church is planned, opening Friday 18 September. Appointments to be made prior to visiting this site. Both sites are bookable via the above website and phone number.

    (Some info for families who think they are more vulnerable ) https://www.stockport.gov.uk/coronavirus-help-vulnerable-people

    Our dedicated coronavirus helpline is for the most vulnerable people in Stockport.

    To access support call 0161 217 6046:

    Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm

    Friday from 9am to 4:30pm

    If you're deaf or have difficulty hearing, you can use our text phone number to contact us on

    07860 022 876.

    Alternatively call 0161 218 6028 for support if you need to self-isolate or have a child who needs to self- isolate.


    Manchester Arena

    If anyone is affected by the bombing or by the current enquiry please contact the school office and we will be able to share some supporting resources that have come into school.


    We hope everyone has a great week! Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.



  • Monday 7th September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 07.09.2020

    A very, very warm welcome back to everyone and especially to our new starters in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 6 and Mr Lonsdale! To have our whole school family back together has been so, so positive. We appreciate things need to be different to keep everyone safe but we will still do our upmost to provide a safe and happy environment full of learning for all your children and the last few days have been proof of that. Lots of smiling faces, seeing friends again and creative adapting of practice to ensure lost learning time will be appropriately addressed in the All Saints’ Way.

    It is always lovely to start the new academic year with some happy news and this year we are able to announce that Mrs Day and her husband are excitingly expecting their second child next year. We have already written to Class 3 to share the happy news and we look forward to sharing plans with you all in due course.


    National Spirit of Normandy Trust
    Amazingly All Saints’ work based on the Stockport Veterans Legacy has been designated as commended at national level, as well as at the local competition. It is true a reflection of the commitment that Mr McShane and the children at All Saints’ gave to the project. A wonderful achievement and well done to all.


    Covid-19 Symptoms update
    To make everyone aware Coronavirus Symptoms have now been recognised as the following:
    - a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
    - a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    - loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

    Keeping your child safe at pick up and drop off
    Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation regarding dropping off and picking up please just see a few points below to ensure we all remain safe and most importantly keep our children safe.


    Thinking of driving down Brickbridge Rd?

    Please try your best not to do so between 8:45 - 9:10am or 3:05 - 3:30pm.


    Thinking of two people from your household dropping off or picking up?

    We have kindly asked that only one person does this to reduce congestion/ help maintain social distancing.


    How to maintain social distancing?

    We would remind you to use the yellow lines or judge a 2m spacing to ensure a safe distance and to line up in single file wherever possible.


    Waiting for a child at the end of the school day?

    Please wait outside your child’s pick up point, on the pavement, as close to the wall as possible, so that children walking home alone can get by.

    Year 5 and Year 6 parents to please wait next to the school fence, opposite the Girl guiding hut until their time to come over and collect their children.


    When my child has been picked up?

    Please quickly vacate the area, making room for the next child to be release to their parent.


    Waiting for another child to be released at a different time?

    We appreciate this is not ideal but where possible please go for a short walk to ease congestion or wait on the other side of the road until it is time for you to make your way across to their pick up point.


    As many of you will be aware we understandably have plans in place in case any child needs to self-isolate, classes have to stay home or any local lockdowns come in to force again. As such we are delighted following such positive feedback to be introducing Tapestry across the whole school. This is a really user friendly App that will further enhance the communication between home and school and also allow greater sharing of the learning that is taking place in the classroom. This was explained further in the letter sent out last week to KS2 families, which also asks for your consent as a new user so please do sign up to start accessing this amazing resource.  Tapestry will also be discussed further through the ‘New to Year Group’ videos that will be shared and will replace the usual face to face meetings due to the current Covid-19 restrictions.


    New Timetable

    This is something that has been in the planning for a while, but this term we started with a slightly different structure to the internal day for the children.  This allows for a more settled start to the day in class, particularly important for children at present, and allowing for extended periods of learning time.  The children in Years 1 to Years 6 now have one break in the morning for 20 minutes at 10.10am to 10.30am rather than the past two 10 minute breaks. It already seems to be working well and the children enjoying the longer playtime!

    Water Bottles
    Just a reminder to send your children in with reusable water bottles to keep them hydrated throughout the day.


    Autumn Term Diary Dates
    As with many things at present we are still unsure regarding the possibility of many usual School opportunities. However see the Autumn Term Diary Dates sent via PING last week and we will of course share further details nearer the time for each event.


    Dance Club

    As previously mentioned Sally will be running class bubble dance classes each day of the week starting from next week.  Please see the attached letter for more information.


    Sue Hatton’s Music Tuition

    Please see the attached letter to gather information about how your child could continue their lessons or start to learn to play a new musical instrument!




    Barnardo’s ‘See Hear Respond’ service
    See Hear Respond is a service provided across England by Barnardo’s and other national and local community-based organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
    The programme has been created to help children and young people in England who are experiencing harm and increased adversity during this period by providing support to those who are not being seen by social care or other key agencies.
    Working with its partners, Barnardo’s aims to reduce the likelihood of harm and ensure other support and protective networks are in place.
    See Hear Respond accept referrals from any source either through the Freephone number 0800 151 7015 or via the online referral hub.


    Mellor Lacrosse

    Please see the attached leaflet for more information about opportunities at the club.


    Here's to a wonderful first full week at All Saints’ since March! Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.



  • Monday 20th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Thank you


    It is always emotional when a year draws to a close but none more so than this year! As every child is unique at our school, so too is every year. The 2019-2020 academic year although starting off like many before by half way through was in no way like any other. A global pandemic and the unprecedented closure of schools and national lockdown is a significant historical event that we have all lived through.  At the beginning we thought it would be days, but this quickly unfolded and became weeks and then months! When we did the poster above, no one thought we would be ending the year like this! It is still hard to process and comprehend. Although juggling financial difficulties, health worries, work and home schooling has been an unbelievable challenge, as a school we take our hats off to each and every one of our families who have navigated this period with its mine field of emotions! We could not be more grateful to our wider school family and in particular our amazing Governors who have so willingly given up so much additional time for unscheduled meetings and supporting school through its most challenging of times. All Saints’ Church have continued to be simply wonderful helping us to support our families with food parcels and so much more.

    Finally our staff... as key workers we are simply humbled by their willingness to put their personal fears aside, coming into school and sacrificing their precious holiday time (and even bank holidays) with their families. We are so proud that All Saints’ was open and able to support our community everyday of lockdown! All our All Saints’ staff always work incredibly hard but they have simply worked constantly since March being in school, providing home learning, communicating with families, writing reports and so much more including being there for each other and our children and families emotionally as so many have needed a listening ear and support through this incredibly difficult time.

    As we begin the summer holidays, recognising this will also not be as normal, we hope that everyone manages to find peace, rest and relaxation in some form and we cannot wait to welcome everyone back in September. Sending lots of hope for the future and thanks for everyone’s understanding and patience over the past months. It is our promise that we will take the good from this most difficult of times and use it as influence for positive change in the future.


    This time of year always brings with it sadness as people move onto pastures new and we are very sorry to be saying goodbye to all our wonderful Year 6s, Kit (Y2) and Mrs Cochrane... 

    Well the class of 2020 you are definitely going to be remembered! Not just because of the way in which the world changed as you finished your time at All Saints’, or the way you so successfully navigated your way through this time but because of all you have achieved and what shining All Saints’ superstars you have been throughout all your time with us. Year 6 you have entertained us with your sparkling personalities, dazzled us with your skills and impressed us so much with the wonderful young people you have all blossomed into. Go on to great things and remember to come back and tell us all about them.


    Goodbye and good luck to Kit as he leaves us to join his new school near his new house.  We are really going to miss such a delightful young boy.  We hope the All Saints’ Way stays with you always and you remember your years with us fondly as you embark on your exciting next chapter in life and please keep in touch!


    Finally, over the last three years Mrs Cochrane has done so much not just for the children she has taught but also for everyone in School.  We cannot thank Mrs Cochrane enough for all her support of the children in her care and the staff too.  In particular we must mention her excellent leading of the teaching and learning in science across the whole school during her time with us, a legacy that will stay with our teachers and children for the future. Mrs Cochrane has been a tremendously hard working, caring and devoted member of the All Saints’ Team and she will be greatly missed, but of course we wish her all the very best for her next challenge as Transition Teacher at Marple Hall and we know we will still see her as part of the All Saints’ family at school events, which is wonderful. 


    Of course this year brings additional sadness as we cannot say goodbye within school in the usual All Saints’ Way. So we very much look forward to the time when we can come together as School family and celebrate all our 2020 leavers properly. We will of course communicate this to everyone as soon as we can.



    Farewell and Hello Sessions and Reading Books!

    We are excited beyond words to be able to see so many of our children and families after what have been 4 long months at the after school sessions this week!

    Just a reminder that it would be really helpful for our return in September if you could please bring any library/ book band books along with you to the face to face sessions and place them in the box outside of school, many thanks in advance. 


    Home Learning

    We all want to say thank you to all the children, families and staff for all the hard work towards home learning over the past months.  We hope we won’t need this again but as a backup we will be working further on our Remote Learning provision over the holidays.  Back to now and there are just a few things below for you to take or leave depending on your wishes and thoughts…

    Mrs Noble has kindly added at the top of the Home Learning page a Year group Recommended Reading List so for all those book lovers or for those who would like their children to discover a love of reading then we are sure there will be something for everyone. 



    TT Rockstars the results are in… well done to everyone who took part in the Times Tables battle, especially Year One who have only just joined!

    This weeks home learning is a few ideas for the holidays – to take or leave as you wish.  But we hope you might find something useful, new, exciting to have a go at over the the next 6 weeks and of course we would as always love to hear about it on our return! Also attached is the next edition of the Families Manchester Magazine, which we hope you find a useful read too.  

    Please for the final time, continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources (please note due to different School holidays only the White Rose and BBC Bitesize resources have been updated for this week) https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.



    Collective Worship


    This week’s Collective Worship theme is Hope linked to transition.  As we all aim to be positive as things start to return to a more normal way of life, we hope this fills you with further Hope.  We are also very thankful to Rev Daniel Currie this week as well as Sarah Holton as he has also sent a video message of Hope for us all.    Finally, please also see the beautiful Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown.  Thanks again to Sarah Holton for sharing this, please click the following link to view it.   https://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/9-12/book-hopes/ 



    Stockport LA Summer Holiday provision and childminders

    Approximately 70% of the usual offer have now confirmed their offer for the summer. Please visit www.stockport.gov.uk/childcare where there are links for childminders and holiday schemes.

    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached the usual resources and activity ideas, produced by Ethnic Diversity Services.  The final weeks activities are based on Indonesia!

    Relationship Round UP

    It is important to try and proactively make time to boost our positivity, as this helps to increase our resilience, our immunity and helps us to think more clearly. 

    However, as we move through our fifth month of learning to live with Covid, it can be hard to stay upbeat about remaining positive. Yet staying positive is a core ingredient in the recipe of successfully coping in a crisis. So, this week we focus on ways to be proactive about keeping positive.


    We truly wish everyone a peaceful and safe Summer Holiday and simply cannot wait to welcome all our school family back again in September, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 13th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 13.07.2020

    We can’t believe we are writing the penultimate newsletter of this academic year!  However, even though nothing is normal at the moment in true All Saints’ style we still have a busy two weeks ahead. 



    We are thrilled to also be able to share our amazing community produced ‘Looking to the Rainbow’ lockdown song.  We cannot thank Mrs Manning and Mr Phil Alston enough for all their incredible hard work and huge amounts of time spent producing this simply amazing and heart-warming song.   Please keep reading below to find out how to view it and how it is included in this week’s Collective Worship by Mrs Holton!




    It is so lovely to bring some sunshine back into the KS1 playground with the return of the Mural.  It has been greatly missed and makes such a difference being back.  Huge thanks to artist Tracy McGuinness Kelly and the parents Association for working together to revive this amazing piece of artwork for our children and community.





    September 2020

    Please see the separate PING today for a more detailed letter explaining the wider re-opening plan for September 2020, as well as a letter for your children.  As always if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact School.


    Book Return/AAC Showcase/Instrumental Concert/Eagle Leaders ...Zoom/ Farewell and Hello Sessions and Reading Books!

    We have been so pleased to run successful Zoom meetings last week and look forward to even more this week.  We also, cannot wait to see your children at next weeks after school sessions.  It would be really helpful for our return in September if you could please bring any library/ book band books along with you to the face to face sessions and place them in the box outside of school, many thanks in advance. 


    Time to Celebrate!

    As part of the All Saints’ Church, Tearfund Challenge Lily and Ava in year 3 and 4 managed to raise a very impressive £200 and they also managed £20 from donations from passers-by doing the stay at home Carnival. Lily raised money via a fantastic trolley push and Ava's was by rollerblading up Mount Wycheproof. It has been so heart-warming to be able to share examples of our fabulous children being so thoughtful and kind for others.  Huge well done girls!


    Home Learning

    There was definitely some very continental learning taking place last week in French week, well done to everyone!

    This week’s home learning task we are going back to basics with some great ideas to keep those basic skills sharp and ready for September!  Huge thanks to Mrs Noble for the attached 30 Day Reading and Writing Challenges and Mr McShane for the 30 Day Maths Challenge and Maths Year group Challenge Booklets, which have been shared via your child’s class blog/ Tapestry.  In addition, there also be a TT Rockstars battle starting today for one week. Year 1 v Year 2, Year 3 v Year 4 and Year 5 v Year 6.  Please see the Maths Home Learning sheet for all details and let the battle commence!!!!

    Please also continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.


    Maths Resources

    If anyone did want any maths workbooks for the summer in addition to the ones recently ordered then please use the following link to see some recommended, high quality resources.   (https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/product/power-maths-summer-home-edition-school-order/. They are priced at £9.24 to be delivered straight to your house.


    Collective Worship and School Looking to the Rainbow Lockdown Song!!

    This week’s Collective Worship theme is Resilience.   With the very special feature at the end of our school’s version of the amazing Rainbow Song.   Both videos are attached to the weekly PING for everyone to view too. Remember, if you would like to send in prayers/ requests for prayers via Tapestry/ DB we can include them in the final weeks Collective Worship video.


    Food Bank Opportunity

    Families who are in need of help with food can contact their local foodbank directly to request support. This can be done by phoning the Foodbank Referral Helplines for the nearest foodbank. Please see the attached flier for more details. 


    Financial Inclusion Service Guide

    Understandably many people will be in changing and difficult financial circumstances at the moment.  As such, please see the flier attached for information including advice and helplines on managing debt,   household payments, council tax and rent.


    Stockport Music Service

    Have just begun broadcasting a series of live Music Making sessions via our Stockport Music Service Facebook page. The sessions would be most suitable for KS2 children who play a musical instrument, but all are welcome. 


     You are invited to join in!

    What? Stockport Music Service's live Music Making sessions!

    When? Fridays, 2.30-3pm. 

    Where? Live on our Stockport Music Service Facebook page. 

    The first session was on Friday 3rd July, but is still available to watch. (All videos should be available to watch later on our Facebook page if you can't make it live)

    Who? All ages welcome (including parents!). Most suitable for children up to around Grade 3 on any instrument, but playing an instrument is not compulsory. 

    What to do on the day

    Bring your instrument, a piece of paper and a pencil in case you need to write any notes down to use in the session. 

    If you don't play an instrument, find a sound-maker around the house e.g. plastic bowl and wooden spoon; rice or pasta in a plastic bottle.

    If you are below the age of 13, you must access Facebook using a parent/carer's account with their permission and supervision.

    Log in a few minutes early to check out any information you need to know before the session starts. 

     We look forward to seeing you! 


    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached the usual resources and activity ideas, produced by Ethnic Diversity Services.  This week activities are based on Poland!

    Relationship Round UP

    As each day passes, we learn and begin to settle more into our new way of being. However, having been in some form of lockdown for over 12 weeks, many of us are feeling the effects of living through a time of such significant change and disruption. So, this week we are commending REST and SLEEP.   


    Sleep and rest are critical and we should never underestimate the importance of sleep on our health and wellbeing, so take a read of this week’s edition of the Relational Round Up for ideas around ways to improve our rest and sleep. 


    Wishing everyone a great week and looking forward to seeing more children on Zooms this week and in person next week, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 6th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    September 2020

    We are delighted following last week’s announcement to be able to now say we can warmly welcome all our children back into School from September.  As you can imagine there is a lot of work to be done in terms of updating Risk Assessments and auctioning the guidance in order to ensure we continue to have a safe environment in school for everyone.  As such we thank you for your patience on this matter and will share finalised plans as soon they have been completed and approved by the Local Authority and Governors. Please follow the link for a reminder of next year’s term dates http://www.allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/termdates


    Marple Child Care

    Are very much hoping that they will be able to offer before and after school club again from September.  They are also currently working through the latest guidance and will be communicating with families as soon as possible.


    Farewell and Hello Sessions

    We are very excited to be able to welcome all our wonderful children into school to say farewell to their current class team and hello to their new team! Please see the separate PING for more detailed communication. 

    Tear Fund Challenge

    It is a real pleasure to share that everyone’s kind and generous donation contributed to the amazing £10,000 raised for Tear Fund Charity.  Also, huge congratulation to Daniel Currie and his team in what can only be described as an EPIC achievement.









    Blue Peter Badges

    Two of our very own children have managed to be rewarded with, hard to come by, Blue Peter badges for special music work they completed last week. This is absolutely fantastic!!  What an outstanding achievement!  Please see the attached Blue Peter 6 Badge Summer Campaign too. I wonder how many more children will receive Blue Peter badges?


    Lockdown Long Term Project!

    Thank you so much to all those who entered the summer term homework competition.  You had all worked incredibly hard and what a lot of science learning we saw.  The designs were so impressive.  Prizes are being awarded to Robyn and Hugh Gerrard for their family catapult and fabulous accompanying video. To Reuben in year two for his fabulously engineered marble run, he had even made adjustments so the marble had enough speed to complete the loop at the bottom.  And last but by no means least Dougie in year six for his incredible DT skills in what was, quite honestly, a terrifying catapult that we certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of!  A massive All Saints' well done to all these children and a huge thank you to you, their families, for your help and support with these ambitious projects.  Amazing scientific and engineering skills.  Take a look at the video attached to this weeks PING to see the future scientists and engineers too!  Prizes will be winging their way to you soon! 


    Home Learning

    100+ Free French Flag & France Images - PixabayWe are thrilled with all the children and families who have returned their Transition learning from last week’s project, anyone still needing too please email your child’s current class teacher on their DB account as explained on the sheets.

    This week’s home learning task we are taking a trip to France! With some French activities to try as a family! Huge thanks so much to Mrs Cochrane for all your hard work in producing this!

    Please also continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.

    Collective Worship

    This week’s Collective Worship theme is Kindness.   Huge thanks again to Sarah Holton our Kids Church Worker from All Saints’ Church for so kindly producing a virtual Collective Worship for our School Family.  Again Sarah will share a bible story, lead a song and invite the children to send in prayers/ requests for prayers via Tapestry/ DB to include the following week.  It would be wonderful to see as many children and families at home taking part. Please view the video via the Newsletter PING.


    SEND Improvement Journey newsletter - June edition

    Please follow the link below to view the Local Authority Newsletter.



    Stockport SENDIASS

    (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) offers free support to parents and carers of Stockport children and young people with any special educational needs and disabilities, from 0-25 years of age. We also provide independent advice and support directly to young people aged 16 to 25 years with SEND. Our experienced team of local advisors offer impartial, confidential advice and support on all matters relating to SEND. The service is led by the needs of you and your child. The type and range of support offered includes: Information regarding the local offer, local policy and SEN/ disability law from independently trained staff.

    Service availability: Monday – Friday, 9am- 5pm. 

    Contact: Phone: 0161 240 6168 

    E-mail: stockport@kids.org.uk



    Respect for All

    This is a counselling service for those who have learning disabilities, autism and their family members or carers. Please see the attached fliers for further information.


    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please also see attached the usual resources and activity ideas, produced by Ethnic Diversity Services.  This week you don’t have to travel far as the activities produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services are based on the UK!

    Relationship Round UP

    Our experiences of lockdown have illustrated just how important being in contact with our friends and family is to our emotional well-being. With the easing in lockdown restrictions allowing us to explore some reconnecting, this week’s edition of the Relational Round Up spends time explicitly thinking about what makes a good relationship and what helps us to keep our relationships healthy. 


    Wishing everyone a great week and looking forward to the classes being together again as some of the Zoom’s start this week, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 29th June (allsaints-pri Admin)














    Online Meet the New Teacher Meetings

    We are delighted to finally have the go ahead to be able to use Zoom to host an opportunity for your children and yourselves to meet their new teaching team and also have some social time with their classmates.  As our staff are teaching in the day the meetings will all take place at 4pm, please see the timetable below for when your child’s new year group meeting will take place.    There is also a separate PING letter that will come out with all the relevant detail about how to access the meeting and consent to the protocol.

    New Year Group



    Year One

    Wednesday 8th July


    Year Two

    Thursday 16thJuly


    Year Three

    Friday 10thJuly


    Year Four

    Monday 13th July


    Year Five

    Tuesday 14th July


    Year Six

    Wednesday 15th July



    Home Learning

    Looking to the Rainbow Project

    We are absolutely delighted by everyone’s amazing contributions to last week’s Music challenge and we can’t wait to see the finished result. If you haven’t completed the video recording yet – just a reminder to please start filming from the beginning of the intro rather than just from when the signing starts.  If anyone is having problems emailing the file due to size there is a very easy to use app that will compress the file called Video Compressor. This is free to download and very simple to use. 

    The final video will be placed online. It will be on our school website, All Saints’ Church will share it with their congregation and it may end up being shared by the creators who would like to do a mash up of a few schools.

    If you do not wish your child to appear online please don’t send the video in but just keep it as a memento of the hard work that has taken place and please reiterate to your child how proud of themselves they should be for being brave enough to film themselves. 

    Thank you so much to Mrs Manning and Mr Alston for all their hard work bringing this project together.

    This week’s home learning task is all based around Transition.  Which is always of up most importance but even more so this year with all the current uncertainty.   Huge thanks so much to Miss Taylor, Miss McConnell and Mr McShane for all their hard work producing the documents and we hope you particularly enjoy the All Saints’ Staff Quiz too!!!

    Please also continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.


    500 Word Challenge!






    The brilliant writing competition is back again and we would love to have as much success as previous years.  Please follow the link for all the details and of course keep your class teachers updated with how you’re getting on!



    Collective Worship

    Starting from this week for the final 4 weeks, Sarah Holton our Kids Church Worker from All Saints’ Church will kindly be recording to share in school and at home a Video Collective Worship, please open your Newsletter PING to view the video from home.  She will share a bible story, lead a song and invite the children to send in prayers/ requests for prayers via Tapestry/ DB to include the following week.  It would be wonderful to see as many children and families at home taking part.  The weekly themes are listed below:-

    29th June – Courage

    6th July – Kindness

    13th July – Resilience

    20th July – Hope (linked to transition)


    Let’s get Reading!

    This year, Silly Squad, the Summer Reading Challenge 2020, will celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. Children taking part in the challenge will join the Silly Squad, an adventurous team of animals who love to have a laugh and get stuck in to all different kinds of funny books!

    The 2020 challenge will feature bespoke artwork from award-winning children’s author and illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson (Amelia Fang; Evil Emperor Penguin; I Don’t Want Curly Hair).

    The digital challenge will be FREE to access, featuring games, quizzes and digital and downloadable activities to incentivise and encourage children and their families to take part in reading related activities at home. www.sillysquad.org.uk/

    The Reading Agency have provided lots of information for parents about signing up for the challenge and this can be accessed from the Summer Reading Challenge website.


    How the Challenge works:

    ? Children can sign up to the easy-to-use website from the 5th June onwards and create their own pro?le at http://sillysquad.org.uk/

    ? Usually we ask children to read 6 books, but this year they can set their own challenge to read any amount of books, with children being encouraged to read anything that makes them happy – whether it be comics, joke books, poetry, ?ction or non-?ction; in digital or print format. Stockport Libraries have provided a FREE range of e-books and e-audiobooks that will be available via https://www.stockport.gov.uk/ebooks-and-audiobooks

     from 5th June. There are many copies of these titles so children will not have to wait to borrow any!

    The Reading Agency have also provided a book sorter to help you chose a book to read!   https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/book-sorter

    ? Every time children ?nish a book, they add it to their pro?le and write a review. They are rewarded with activities and incentives along the way, such as online badges, games and videos.

    ? Children receive a downloadable certi?cate once they’ve completed their challenge!

    Plesse note we will not be running the inter school cup challenge this year in Stockport libraries.

    If any parents or your children are not members of the library they can join online, receive a temporary number via email and start borrowing straight away.

    To join the library please visit https://www.stockport.gov.uk/join-your-local-library

    It's FUN!    It's FREE!    It's LOCAL!   So ENJOY!






    Reading Books

    This week is the chance for Year four, five and those Year six not In school, so please look out for the PING with further information later today. 

    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please also see attached the usual resources and activity ideas, produced by Ethnic Diversity Services.  This week they are based on Thailand produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Relationship Round UP

    Please see the attached this week’s leaflet, it builds on and the theme of listening further from last weeks edition. 



    Last Day for Learning Activity Booklets

    Headstart Primary have produced some lovely, simple activity booklets which we know would be of great benefit to our children.  They are also currently available at a bargain price of £1.38 each. This price is only valid until the end of June so if you wish to place an order for your child, please do so by Monday 29th June.  

    You will today, receive a ping with an order form attached. 

    To see a sample of the workbooks please go to: https://headstart-primary-ltd.myshopify.com/

    We would recommend that you purchase the year group most appropriate for your child’s level.  Most will purchase workbooks for your child's current year, but if you feel they would like to be stretched and prepare for their next year group or that they may struggle, you have the option of choosing the year group you feel is best suited to your child.

    Once you have ordered the booklet(s) please go to www.parentpay.com, amend the figure to the total cost for your order and make your payment. We will inform you when the booklets have arrived in school, many thanks.





    We could win £5,000 of National Book Tokens for our school library, ready to spend when school reopen – and if your entry is picked, you'll also get £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself!   The more nominations we receive, the higher their chances of winning – so please spread the word and get voting got All Saints’ via the link below.


    Have a lovely week everyone, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor

  • Monday 22nd June 2020 (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 22.06.2020

    From the Chair of Governors:

    I am delighted to be able to begin this week’s Newsletter with the news that Mrs Morton is expecting her second child and will be starting her maternity leave sometime during the Autumn Term.  When she was expecting her first child just over three years ago, we had a farewell send-off for her on the Friday and then Oliver arrived on the Sunday morning - so I’ve told her not to cut it so fine this time !  I know you will all join with me in sending congratulations to Helen and her husband, Will, as they look forward to the arrival of a new brother or sister for Oliver.

    I am also delighted to be able to tell you that during Mrs Morton’s maternity leave, Mrs Gaynor has agreed to be our headteacher on a full-time basis.  When she applied for the co-headteacher role in 2018, one of the attractions for her was the part-time nature of the post, so I'm immensely grateful that she is willing to sacrifice her time at home during Mrs Morton’s maternity leave in order to work for us on a full-time basis.  Her calm presence will ensure stability for our school as we continue to work our way through the challenges presented by COVID-19.

    On behalf of all the governors at All Saints’, may I also take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful support of the school over the last few months.  In recent weeks, we've not been able to welcome back as many children as we hoped, and that will have been a great disappointment to some of you, but - as I’m sure you appreciate - all of our decisions have been made with the safety of your children as our main priority.   If we are able to make any changes to our current provision before the end of term, we will of course write and let you know.

    With best wishes

    Alan Bailey

    Now back to this week’s newsletter with some amazing achievements from some of our children and other exciting news!


    So much to Celebrate….


    Welcome to the All Saints’ Family  

    We are delighted to announce that after a very rigorous recruitment process Mr Sam Lonsdale was successfully appointed as the new Year 5 Class Teacher.  Mr Lonsdale has experience of working in other local schools as well as abroad and we are sure you will all make him feel very welcome.  Mr Lonsdale is very much looking forward to meeting his wonderful new class via an online ‘meet your new team’ meeting in the next few weeks. So a very warm welcome and hope you love being a member of the All Saints’ Team as much as we all do!



    Young Writers

    We are thrilled to announce that three of our very own All Saints’ writers are finalists in the Marple Young Writer’s Competition and will become published authors! Huge congratulations to Amelie in Year 1 for the 5 to 7 category, Lily in Year 4 for the 8 to 10 category and Harrison in Year 6 for the 11 to 14 category! 




    NHS Fund Raising

    We were also delighted to hear all about the fantastic and kind initiative by Amelia in Year 5 to raise money for the NHS.

    Well done also to Elliott in year 3 for all your help with your sisters project too! 

    As Amelia wanted to raise money for the NHS she set up a stall outside her house. She started by making clay animals to sell for a donation and as they proved quite popular, so she has now extended her offer to a home-printed newspaper. The newspapers (which include a comic strip and word puzzles) have also been selling well. Amelia makes more clay models (mostly chickens) when she needs them and is currently working on the second edition of the 'Nield News'. So far she has raised around £50 and the total is still rising.












    Home Learning

    This week our whole school theme is all things Musical! We would absolutely love everyone to get involved in signing this beautiful ‘Looking to the rainbow’ song as we hope to really create something very special from it. Thank you so much to Mrs Manning for all your time creating and planning this project.

    Please also continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.



    Please could children post in any Sporting Achievements to their teachers by the end of the week? SHAPES Stockport are still distributing medals and trophies as they would have done at the end of year Sports Evening so it would be amazing to still get the medals and trophies and recognition for our fantastic sports men and women as we have in previous years!!


    Learning Activity Booklets

    Headstart Primary have produced some lovely, simple activity booklets which we know would be of great benefit to our children.  They are also currently available at a bargain price of £1.38 each. This price is only valid until the end of June so if you wish to place an order for your child, please do so by Monday 29th June.  

    You will today, receive a ping with an order form attached. 

    To see a sample of the workbooks please go to: https://headstart-primary-ltd.myshopify.com/

    We would recommend that you purchase the year group most appropriate for your child’s level.  Most will purchase workbooks for your child's current year, but if you feel they would like to be stretched and prepare for their next year group or that they may struggle, you have the option of choosing the year group you feel is best suited to your child.

    Once you have ordered the booklet(s) please go to www.parentpay.com, amend the figure to the total cost for your order and make your payment. We will inform you when the booklets have arrived in school, many thanks.









    Reading Books

    Last week saw us successfully see the families that wished to swap their reading books in Reception and Year One.  This week we would like to extend this to Year Two and Year Three, so please look out for the PING with further information later today.  Further classes to follow next week… 


    Kooth - Emotional Wellbeing

    Kooth is an online Mental Health platform.

    Kooth is a FREE, anonymous, confidential, safe, online Wellbeing service, offering counselling, information, and forums for children and young people.

    Access is available 365 days a year to counsellors who are available from:

    12 noon-10pm Monday- Friday, and 6pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday

    Log on through mobile, laptop and tablet.

    Please see the attached flyers for more information or visit their website. www.kooth.com


    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Following the murder of George Floyd, the Ethnic Diversity Team have produced a poster and a guide for parents and carers which describes some ideas on how to talk to their children about the organisation, Black Lives Matter. Please see the Race and Racism Poster and Parents Guide attached. 

    Please also see attached the usual resources and activity ideas, produced by Ethnic Diversity Services.  This week they are based on Australia produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Relationship Round UP

    Please see the attached this weeks addition, which explores the benefits of remaining open minded and curious in helping to keep our relationship with ourselves and others healthy.



     We could win £5,000 of National Book Tokens for our school library, ready to spend when school reopen – and if your entry is picked, you'll also get £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself!   The more nominations we receive, the higher their chances of winning – so please spread the word and get voting got All Saints’ via the link below.






    Have a lovely week everyone, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor

  • Monday 15th June (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this weeks newsletter, it is good to see the sunshine back again!

    Wider re-opening update

    Last week saw us successfully open for our Year 6 children and it was wonderful to see them back in School and being so sensible and mature about all the changes and most importantly seeing their smiling faces and hearing their laughter, was just so lovely.  A huge thank you all the staff who worked tirelessly to ensure everything was in place and also the families for abiding by all the new rules and regulations around school.  We would also like to give a special mention to Mr Chaloner who has worked tirelessly getting the school ready for wider re-opening including increased cleaning rotas and organising signage in and around school.

    After this positive start, it is a shame to be sharing the sad news that we will no longer be also able to welcome back our Year One children, as we had originally hoped.  This is no one’s fault but a result of many more families recently needing to access the Key Worker/ Vulnerable children places and as such, us having to add 2 more bubbles for these children.  This means we have no more staff or spaces to accommodate any other year groups at this time, until guidelines change and we can update our Risk Assessment because of this.

    We totally understand also that the announcement last Tuesday that schools could no longer look to welcome all Primary age children back before the summer holidays was also not the news many wanted to hear.  We will obviously keep you aware of any updates and also plans regarding September as soon as guidance has been released. 


    As a result of last week’s announcement we are finalising plans surrounding transition arrangements for September this will commence of Friday 19th June when the ‘Meet your new team’ pen portraits will be shared. We are also trying to work with the Local Authority and finalise a safe way for us to be able to have some ‘virtual face to face screen time’ as part of transition for children with their new Teacher.  We will update you on our plans as soon as possible and again thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this as we try to quickly and safely create new ways of working in this time.  

    Home Learning

    We really enjoyed seeing the results of all the home learning linked to last week’s Geography Tasks, so a huge thank you for everyone’s hard work! This week sees a PSHCE theme and a project that will hopefully inspire you all to help brighten up All Saints’ for when we all come together again!  A big thank you to Mrs Day for producing this and also the top 5 PSHCE websites that are so crucial in terms of supporting our children’s emotional wellbeing at this tricky time. 

    Please continue to follow the link to access a huge amount of resources https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) in addition to your weekly worksheets provided to all year groups via Tapestry/ DB Primary.









    Reading Books

    We are really pleased to be able to say that we are now in a position to change reading books for children who are at home.  So please look out for more information over the next few weeks as we work though the year groups to ensure we do this safely.


    Stars Dance Academy

    We are so excited to be able to support Sally Tommony/ Berry who runs our very successful morning dance classes with her offer to get everyone dancing at home! Please look out for the future PING with all the information you will need about these virtual class dance sessions starting THIS WEEK.  School has funded the initial session so it is a free session for classes to sign up to and see their friends whilst having a dance!


    Total Produce – Infant Fruit Deliveries

    This is just to inform infant children that are coming in to school that the fruit deliveries will not be able to commence before September and as such please continue to ensure your child brings in their own healthy snacks from home.

    Tearfund Challenge

    We are delighted to let you all know about an amazing challenge taking place next week for Tearfund - a charity that raises money for people living in poverty. Daniel the wonderful Vicar of All Saints' Church, Tearfund challenge is riding up Church Lane from the little mini roundabout up to the Ridge Methodist (exactly a mile) 111 times over a week. This is equivalent of cycling up Kilimanjaro three times! So if you see three cyclists on Monday and Tuesday on church lane it will probably be them! Please do take a minute to see how you can support this incredibly worthwhile cause or even take on your own challenge by looking at the poster attached.


    Support Line

    A new telephone support and helpline service to aid autistic people, people with learning disabilities, and their family members and carers has been launched.  Please see the attached flyer for further information.


    Think u know - Home activity packs for parents

    The resources have been created by Think U Know (CEOP) to support parents during COVID-19. Each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities for parents to do with their child to support their online safety at a time when they will be spending more time online at home.  Please click on the link below to access the resources



    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on Egypt produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Relationship Round UP

    Please see the attached, which including information on how to increase your happiness.




    We could win £5,000 of National Book Tokens for our school library, ready to spend when school reopen – and if your entry is picked, you'll also get £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself!   The more nominations we receive, the higher their chances of winning – so please spread the word and get voting got All Saints’ via the link below.





    We hope everyone manages to have a lovely week, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor

  • Monday 8th June (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Newsletter 08.06.2020

    Welcome to the start of Summer Term 2.  Again, we start this half term in very unusual times but we are starting to welcome more children back to All Saints’ and we are delighted about this. 

    We hope that everyone managed some time to enjoy the lovely weather we had during the holidays.  The children in school over the last two weeks most certainly did!  A huge thank you of course to all our wonderful staff who so willingly gave up their holidays again and time with their families to support the national fight against Covid-19.

    R Rating

    I am sure you are all aware of the R Rating rising above 1 in the North West and some neighbouring Local Authorities postponing schools wider re-opening until the 22nd June.  At present Stockport are not planning on delaying current plans and we will of course keep you updated if there are any changes to this.

    Wider Re-opening

    As we slowly return to school life with more children in each day, many things will look and feel very different around school, including lots of signs and fewer desks in the classroom.  But we want to reassure you that All Saints’ will still very much be filled with The All Saints’ Way and we will of course continue to extend this to all our children and families who are not yet back in school too by our regular phone calls and home learning links.

    We hope that you found the letters and PINGs sent out in the holidays useful and again we apologise for sending out communication in the holiday, but as with lots of things at present many things are time sensitive.  Each child who will be in school next week has hopefully received a PING with all the key information about returning.  The Year One ‘Bubbles;’ will receive this information later this week ready for next week.  Each class should also now know when they will be able to expect responses to their online learning posts.  If you have not received these PINGs then please let us know ASAP.

    Letter from Public Health in Stockport.  

    Please find this attached the letter outlines where Stockport is up to in terms of the 5 tests outlined by the Government that needed to be in place before schools could re-open.

    Home Learning

    Thank you so much for all the lovely feedback and sharing of home learning tasks over the last half term.  We hope you really enjoy this week’s Geography task and look forward to seeing what you get up to! Thank you to Miss Day for producing these documents and a reminder of the upcoming deadline for the ‘Long Term Homework Project’, so please do send in your entries to your class teachers!

    As mentioned in the Home Learning Update Ping also sent tout today please do continue to use all the other daily lesson plans and wealth of ideas on our website.  (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning)

    A message of thanks from Mrs Eva

    Mrs Eva would like us to express her heartfelt thanks for all the lovely messages, well wishes and beautiful Goodbye PowerPoint by her wonderful Class Three.  She was incredibly touched and cannot wait to return for her chance to properly say goodbye and thank you to everyone. 

    The Office

    From Wednesday 10th June the school office will be open between 9am and 3pm each day.  You can of course leave a message on the answer machine outside of these hours and also email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk with any enquires.  We are asking that unless dropping off new medication that nobody comes to the school office in person, we thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.


    We know many people are beginning to wonder about transition and how this will look this year. Please rest assured that we are busy making plans in case all children are or are not back in school before the summer holidays and will be in touch in due course to share these with everyone.






    We could win £5,000 of National Book Tokens for our school library, ready to spend when school reopen – and if your entry is picked, you'll also get £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself!   The more nominations we receive, the higher their chances of winning – so please spread the word and get voting got All Saints’ via the link below.






    Please access the #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack with new activities for parents and carers to use at home: by clicking on the links below for the relevant age ranges for your family.

    Manchester Families – Lockdown Edition 2

    Please follow the link for the second edition of the really useful magazine. https://issuu.com/familiesonline/docs/familiesmanchesterlockdown2june2020?fr=sYjUyYjE0OTIxMDY 

    The North West SEND Regional Network Newsletter

    Please see attached document.

    People wearing masks

    Please follow the link for a helpful article to support children seeing people wearing masks.


    Worship for Everyone Season 2 Episode 5

    This episode is about Courage  (The Story of Pentecost) and very pertinent for many at this challenging time stepping out again in the unknown.


    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on Spain produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Relationship Round UP

    Please see the attached, which includes lots of lovely activities and games. 

    We hope everyone has a good week and look forward to welcoming some of you back this week, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor


  • Monday18th May (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to the final newsletter of this half term.  Unfortunately, the term ends as it started in unusual times!

    Phone Calls Home  

    It has been a great way to keep in touch with all our families, see how everyone is doing and offer any support we can. Over the next couple of weeks we thought it would be nice for children and families to speak to their child’s class teacher and as such they will be calling for a catch up, so please look out for their call, which may be from a withheld number. 

    Finally, as school will remain open in the holidays for key worker and vulnerable children in order for staff to try and have some rest they will not be setting any home learning for the two weeks over the Whit Holidays and it will resume again on the 8th June.  There is a wealth of material out there, including on our own website, if needed. 

    Partial Re-opening of School

    We are sure you will have all heard and read much media speculation about the possible re-opening of schools across the country.   You may have also seen the letter published by the Council over the weekend.  It states ‘As a local area we are clear that our leaders need time to think through these plans carefully in order that they can support pupil and staff safety. It is for this reason that we will begin to extend our provision in Stockport no earlier than June 8th. Primary schools will begin their work with two training days on June 8th and 9th, without any children, to allow the staff to meet together for the first time since the start of Covid-19 in March. This time will allow staff teams to be appropriately trained and prepared in how to manage the new ‘way of working’ safely. As you will appreciate this will then enable them to be better prepared to provide a safe environment for your children as they return.’

    Please see the letter in full attached for those who have not read it.


    We fully understand it is very hard for you as families to plan when it is still not clear what exactly the provision will look like in school and for who it will be for straight away.  We are still awaiting the Government to indicate that all 5 tests for the safe reopening of schools have been met and are aware these are on sliding scale so can and will keep changing. We apologise for this but hope you can understand and appreciate how complex and important the decisions we are making in school are for your children and families and our staff and indeed their own families. We also fully understand for specific year groups and whether to send your child back to school or not is a very personal decision for each individual family and your circumstances. We will of course respect and support all choices that individuals will make.


    As such, we thought it might be helpful to share some of the actions that have already taken place, but please do be aware we are working with regularly changing guidance so these may be subject to change and obviously in addition to these headlines there is a huge amount of detail, planning and preparation taking place. 


    • Last week we asked all Key Worker and Vulnerable Children’s families to identify when they would need childcare in school, as these children remain the priority for places.  Thank you to all those who have already replied and we urge those who have not done so to do so ASAP so we can allocate places appropriately. 
    • We also sent a survey out last week to families of children in Reception, Year One and Year Six to ask if they would, would not, or are unsure if they will be sending their children in.  Again thank you to those who have responded, those who have not done so yet we will be asking your initial thoughts when staff call over the next two weeks.
    • We have had and will continue to have numerous meetings and discussions including with Governors, the Local Authority, Staff and our Health and Safety Consultant as we work through the guidance and adapt it as appropriate for the All Saints’ setting and building. 


    At this stage we cannot completely say what school will look like for our wonderful children and of course we will share further detail as soon as we can, but at present the following is fairly clear:-

    • Children will be spilt into groups or ‘bubbles’ of up to 15 children with an adult.  There will be no mixing or social interaction in school between your child’s group and other groups at any point in the school day. As such unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all friendship groups will be together, your child will be in their current classroom or that your child will be taught by their current teacher.
    • Classrooms will have all excess furniture and resources removed to reduce touch points.
    • Practical resources particularly in Reception and Year 1 will be removed/ reduced e.g. small world and construction in order to reduce the potential spread of infection. 
    • Each group or bubble will have different playtimes to all the other groups.
    • Lunches will most likely be eaten in the classroom on the child’s individual desk.
    • Increased hand and respiratory hygiene will be a big part of the children’s daily timetable along with being outside as much as possible remaining in their ‘bubbles’.
    • Increased cleaning regimes that are currently in place in school e.g. regularly cleaning  of light switches, door handle etc will continue.
    • The start and end of the day will be staggered to ensure no mixing between ‘bubbles’ and reduce the number of adults waiting outside school.  In addition, pick up and drop off locations may need to be altered to further support this.


    When able to we will producing ‘bubble’ videos for each group to show them who their adult(s) will be and what their new environment will look like.


    Stockport Behaviour Support Services have produced a resource that some children and families may find helpful, to open up discussions with your children about possibly returning to school:- https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/oakgrove-behaviour-support-service/UploadedDocument/e136521d9d9049b58a3ffaaa1fb3ac4d/the-day-we-went-back-to-school-by-primary-jigsaw-pdf.pdf


    In the true All Saints’ Way the children, families and staff remain our most valuable and precious asset, as such all decisions are being made with this at the heart of all we do.  We will continue to update you as soon as we are able to.  Thank you so much for your continued kind words and messages of support they mean a huge amount and when it is safe we simply all cannot wait to be all back together again. 


    Back to this week!

    Home Learning

    We hope everyone had a great time making their history project time capsules last week and also thanks to everyone who shared all their home learning from last week with us. Please keep sharing your latest work and achievements so we can celebrate with you.

    This week our theme is Religious Education (what the children refer to as Discovery in school), so we hope you enjoy the activities project sheet that Mrs Eva has kindly produced and also find some interesting things to do on the Top 5 RE Websites sheet too. 

    In addition please follow the usual home learning link to find all the daily lessons plans from BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy as well as a wealth of other resources. (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning).

    Please note that all staff will continue to upload some daily ‘optional’ English/ Maths worksheets via Tapestry KS1 OR DB Primary KS2 if you feel that these would be helpful to your child for their home learning.  Please dip in and use whatever is manageable and useful for them (the aim of this is to make it even easier to find the right activities at the right level for your child).


    Sign Posts to Other Resources and Services

    A Message from Front Row Music

    Dear parents,

    Our school music provider Front Row Music is offering a discounted subscription service for online guitar, ukulele and keyboard lessons throughout lockdown.

    Here is a sample of some lessons https://youtu.be/U_e4XNjVRnA

    To find out more on how to access these lessons please visit www.frontrow-music.com

    Many thanks!


    Film Making Competition

    Nature in your neighbourhood – Film making Competition by Into Film – Enter by 19th June and you could be in with a chance of winning some fantastic prizes

    Children can celebrate their surroundings by creating a 3-5 minute live-action or animated short that documents something they’ve noticed or appreciated while spending more time in their local area. Whether it’s a local park or even a view from the window, they want to see it.  Follow the link for more details



    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on India produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Relationship Round UP

    Also this week we are featuring a new resource from the BSS Primary Jigsaw team who have created a bespoke story with activities for families to share at home called with the ‘The day we went back to school’


    Written by Wendy Smith and illustrated by Jessye Gardner, this story can help with starting to explore the various thoughts and feelings that returning to school after lockdown could bring. There are also some activities, to support the values and ideas within the story, for schools and/or families to share with their children and help begin to plan how to be best prepared for returning to school. 


    Local Authority SEND Newsletter

    Please follow the link for the latest update:- https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKSMBC/bulletins/287685b


    Please know we are here for anyone who has any questions, queries and once again thank you all for your support and understanding.  Stay safe and take care, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 11th May (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this week’s newsletter. 

    Sunday’s Announcement

    I am sure like us you were all sat watching Boris Johnson at 7pm last night! Wondering what would be announced as the county tries to ease out of lockdown and of course hopefully on the path back to normality.

    We like you are eager to get All Saints’ School back to normal for all our children as soon as it is safe to do so. However, the announcement last night although giving us some further guidance on how this may look and happen still leaves many, many questions. It also made it very clear that schools will not be operating how they were before lockdown for some time to come. Many of the questions raised by last night’s press conference are around the logistics of social distancing in school and the safety of the children and staff when in school and parents dropping off and collecting.  Also, as the first part of the phased return when the Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children start attending school again, what will the children need most on their return e.g. a huge focus on emotional support as well as learning. Please rest assured we have been reflecting on many of these things already and we will continue to work extremely hard in the All Saints’ Way.  Following all the appropriate advice and guidance to put together a comprehensive plan, with the safety and wellbeing of all the members of our school community at the heart of all we will do. We will communicate this as soon as we are able to give a clear and accurate account of what this will look like. We continue to thank you for all your patience, understanding, support and words of kindness in this unprecedented and difficult time for all.

    Mrs Eva

    Mrs Eva - Class 3 TeacherAs many of you know Mrs Eva and her family have had a dream for a very long time of moving to the Lake District. Well although we are absolutely delighted that this dream has now become a reality. The news obviously comes with great sadness for school, as it means she will be moving on from All Saints’ to start her new life in the country.

    Mrs Eva has been a huge part of the All Saints’ team since she started here 10 years ago. She has been a wonderful teacher to children across many year groups from Year 2 to Year 5 during her decade at All Saints’. Also as you all know leading RE and such celebrations as Church Week and Easter so enthusiastically and always with the children’s experiences and enjoyment at the heart of all she does.  But, who could think of Mrs Eva without thinking of Forest Schools - where her drive and determination to offer our children these amazing opportunities has created so many positives and life long memories for so many. A passion she has enthused so many others with and therefore a legacy we will endeavour to honour and continue as best we can.

    Mrs Eva will be with us until the 29th of May and we are very grateful and delighted to announce that Mrs Day will return to full time Class 3 teacher after Mrs Eva leaves.

    Of course this will not be the final goodbye to Mrs Eva because as soon as we are able to arrange it, she will be back to attend her very special and well deserved ‘proper’ All Saints’ send off!

    In the meantime we know she would very much appreciate any well wishes and goodbyes to be shared with her via her DB Primary email address feva.allsaints-pri.stockport@dbprimary.com.  


    A message from Miss Taylor and (her husband to be) Simon...

    This weekend, we had a wonderful time celebrating our ‘non-wedding day’. We dressed up, enjoyed a delicious wedding breakfast in the sunshine and held an online virtual wedding for friends and family (complete with speeches, cutting the cake, a first dance and a few bubbles!)

    The day was made extra special with a wonderful video of some familiar faces singing ‘All You Need is Love’ by The Beatles - One of our favourite songs! Thank you so much to all the staff, parents and children who helped make this happen.

    We would also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Hallas who put together an amazing video of Class 4 holding up lovely signs and messages and of course playing their brass instruments for us. We watched both videos over and over again - They really made our day!

    Home Learning

    Thank you to everyone who submitted their DT and ART project ideas.  We really hope that there is a winning playground design in there (we definitely think there is) as what an amazing prize it would be for our wonderful children!

    This week our theme is History, so please do take a look at the project sheet all about creating your own time capsule and also the Top 5 History Websites sheet too.  Thank you very much to Mrs Manning for producing these documents and we can’t wait as usual to see what you create!

    In addition please follow the usual home learning link to find all the daily lessons plans from BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy as well as a wealth of other resources. (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning).

    Please note that all staff will upload some daily ‘optional’ English/ Maths worksheets via Tapestry KS1 OR DB Primary KS2 if you feel that these would be helpful to your child for their home learning.  Please dip in and use whatever is manageable and useful for them (the aim of this is to make it even easier to find the right activities at the right level for your child).

    Time to celebrate!

    Many children particularly in Key Stage 1 are loving #drawwithrob and a special mention and well done to Eden in Year 2 for being recognised on his grid! 













    Free School Meals Applications

    As we are aware many families financial circumstances are regularly changing at the moment therefore if this is the case, even if you have previously applied and been refused it is worth submitting a claim again, using the following link:- https://www.stockport.gov.uk/free-school-meals.  Please be aware that one of the main issues Stockport experience with FSM applications going wrong, is where parents don’t use the child’s name as held in school and therefore struggle matching the correct pupil. This could be where a child is known by another name, e.g. Tobias becomes Toby.  If you have any questions regarding FSM applications please contact benefitsfsm@stockport.gov.uk .  For those who are eligible, currently a supermarket food voucher is sent to families weekly for an amount of £15 per child.   



    Sign Posts to Other Resources and Services





    Please see the poster of useful information attached. 


    Church of England
    Mrs Holton was very excited to share the following link:-

    This is Worship for Everyone about HOPE, in line with the C of E Faith at Home theme for last week.  It will be very familiar for our children as they sing 'All through History', use Noah's Ark rainbow story and then they also teach a new rainbow song about lockdown life! Which we are hoping to build on so watch this space in future weeks.


    Stockport NHS children's Speech and Language Therapy Service

    Have a new Facebook page designed for families - Let's Communicate.  Please visit, like and share the page for information, advice and ideas on how to support the development of Speech, Language and Communication skills both at home and in school. https://www.facebook.com/LetsCommunicateSALT


    Special Educational Needs Blog

    Packed full of useful resources and information.



    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on East Africa produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.
    Also, the Ramadan Kindness Challenge attached, these are daily, good deeds which are appropriate for all our children.

    As we are all aware of the impact on mental health and well-being living with Covid-19 is having on our children, staff, friends, family and colleagues. Action for Happiness produce a monthly calendar. This month Magnificent May includes simple ways to respond to the global crisis with a sense of purpose.   The calendar has been translated in to 20 different languages https://www.actionforhappiness.org/meaningful-may  


    Stockport Schools Relationship Round Up

    These weekly newsletters are here to offer a regular well-being top tip for families and share good stories from our schools across Stockport during our current new ways of living.


    Behaviour Support Services – Forest Schools

    The BSS Forest School team are providing ideas and inspiration to help everyone get outside and enjoy simple, fun, hands-on activities. They have produced a wealth of easy to access resources, including weekly 5 minute tutorials and one-page games and activity resources available on Twitter @BSSForestSchool and their website at https://www.behavioursupportservice.co.uk/bss-forest-school-resources/


    Sleep Message from Stockport LA

    Whilst we continue to deal with the demands of COVID-19, changes to how we work and social isolation it is even more important to remember the basics - and that includes getting good sleep. 

    Sleep is often one of the first things to suffer when we are stressed. Stress can upset the balance between sleep and wakefulness and create an inability to get to sleep, periodic waking or a shallow, fitful pattern of rest - all of which are extremely common. The NHS has guidance on 10 ways to beat insomnia?and?healthy sleep tips for children, as well as apps designed to help with sleep.  

    Sleep is very important as it allows the body to restore tissues, energy levels and recover from illnesses. It helps the mind to unwind, de-stress and restore mental harmony - so a lack of sleep will take its toll on us both mentally and physically. The sleepcouncil suggest a range of actions to help safeguard our sleep, including: 

    ·       Keeping a regular daily routine - don’t be tempted to hit the snooze button just because you don’t have to physically go into work.  

    ·       Before you start work, or during a mid-morning break, get some natural light – whether that’s a brisk walk or 10 minutes sat in the garden with a morning cuppa.  

    ·       Put boundaries in place - don’t be tempted to ‘be available’ at all times. Checking emails or working too close to bedtime could see you having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. 

    ·       Avoid fuelling up on caffeine in the afternoon when you hit the post lunch dip.  

    ·       Create a regular bedtime routine to help you relax, wind down and prepare for bed


    Sleep problems tend to get worse the longer we leave them so it’s best to tackle a sleep problem as soon as possible. It’s not always possible to resolve sleep problems by yourself, so if you’re struggling to get to sleep or stay asleep and it’s affecting your daily life, particularly if you’ve had the problem for more than four weeks, then you should contact your GP. 


    As always any question, queries or worries you may have please do not hesitate to contact us on headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk and we will call you to discuss and see how we can help.


    Take care, stay safe and in touch, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor




  • Monday 4th May (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to the start of another unusual week in Lockdown.  We hope everyone continues to be well and it continues to be lovely hearing and seeing online all the wonderful things that you have all been up to at home.  Please do keep continuing to share.

    Thank You, Baked Potato: Amazon.co.uk: Lucas, Matt, Coello, Scott ...


    Tears were definitely cried when the staff watched the beautiful ‘Children are missing you’ video message.  It was so touching and we cannot put into words how much it meant to us all, it really has brightened our hearts and it will never be forgotten. A special thank you to Mrs Hallas for all your kindness organising and producing the video and all the children and families who took part.  We simply cannot wait until we are all back together again as our one big All Saints’ Family and of course all singing the ‘Thank you baked potato’ song smiley!


    Time to celebrate!

    This week we would like to celebrate the wonderful letter written to Greenpeace by Ollie in Year 6.  Not only a wonderfully constructed letter but it also explained how amazingly Ollie, Sam and Emily managed to raise £100 by completing a sponsored run! Also, how as a family they try and do all they can to protect the planet and all that live on it. Great inspiration – a very well done. 

    Home Learning

    Last weeks Science focus saw some fantastic results and we are very excited to see what the DT/ART focus week will create!   Thanks to Mrs Mylrea for producing, the documents. We, also hope that the children love the DT competition and that fingers crossed your designs could even win new play equipment for our school!

    In addition, thanks to Mrs Noble and Miss Day for producing a 5 top websites sheet for PE and also placing on the school webpage lots of amazing PE activities, including film clip and activity sheets for children that go alongside the activities.  Please follow the usual home learning link to find all these wonderful resources. (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning).

    A huge thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating the Online Safety/ E-Safety page on the website with lots of usual information which is so important at this time of home learning.  Please follow this link to access everything:- https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/e-safety

    Another nice activity for our time at home that also raises money for front line services is the 'Lockdown Memories Book' it can be purchased online at www.ldmbook.co.uk or by messaging Lockdown Memories Book on Facebook or LDMBOOK on Instagram for more info.   



    Manchester Families Magazine

    For a wealth of information and ideas please see the magazine via the following link.  https://issuu.com/familiesonline/docs/familiesmanchester?fr=sZTBlNDEyMzkxMzQ


    As part of our commitment to safeguarding, a Childline poster will be placed on DB Primary this week.

    Marple Foodbank

    We just wanted to remind families of Marple Foodbank. This is open weekly on Saturday mornings from 10.00am - 12.00pm in the CONNECT building on Queen’s Street in Marple.



    Families do not need a referral. It is all done on trust and on a needs must basis, this support is there for all families and you are encouraged to access this if you need to.  Please also see Stockport food banks map and information attached.





    Messages from All Saints’ Church







    Sign Posts to Other Resources and Services

    Church of England’s Weekly Collective Worship 

    We hope many of you were able to view the launch of the Church of England’s weekly collective worship resources last Thursday, with the Archbishop of Canterbury leading the opening worship.   The weekly collective worship resource is being made available to schools through the new Oak National Academy website, https://www.thenational.academy/.

    Restorative Approaches

    The Stockport team have produced another really useful Stockport Schools Relationship Round Up flyer with lots of ways to help families in this difficult time, including family discussion points.  As an activity with the family, why not have a game of Things I Can Control Bingo or use the Gratitude Prompts, again we would love to hear how they go. 

    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on Japan produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support

    Please see attached the flier for services available to support Emotional Health and Wellbeing at this time.  The attachment includes information about :Big White Wall, Open Door, Shout, Silver cloud, Kooth. 42nd Street and other services.

    Parent guide to Covid -19

    This attached guide offers helpful advice of what to do if your child is unwell during this time.

    Children’s Therapy Services and Sensory Support Services

    Children’s therapy services and sensory support services have produced visual resources including Sign / Picture / Symbols including British Sign Language and Makaton resources with the families of children with complex Special Educational  Needs and Disabilities, and in particular, vision impairment.  However, other children who do not have complex SEND, or whose parents would like to introduce sensory routines at home, may also find this useful. Please follow the link to our SEND page on the website to access the resources. https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/send

    Again as with any question, query, worry you may have at present please do not hesitate to contact us on headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk and we will call you to discuss and see how we can help.

    Take care, stay safe and in touch, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor




  • Monday 27th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to the second addition of the summer term and it is wonderful in such difficult times to be able to start this week’s newsletter again with lots of good news!

    Thank you

    To everyone who has sent their thanks in to the amazing school staff who as Key Workers are so willingly coming in to support children every day.  Thank you also to everyone for all your positive feedback to staff for all they are doing in relation to home learning and communication with everyone at home.  It really does mean a great deal and we really appreciate it very much. 

    Amazing Home Learning

    I know lots of people were celebrated last Friday in the class blogs but we have just picked out a few to share.

    Jack in C1 created the most amazing invention after being hugely inspired by last week’s Inventors English Task.  He invented, designed and even made ‘The Hugger 2020!’ This allows hugging following social distancing rules as you can give people hugs from a 2m distance.  Heart melting!


    Well done to Maximilian in C2 for being so inspired by a book ‘Ten Little Monsters’ that he drew a diorama and even sent some pictures to the illustrator Simon Rickerty who had a chat with Max and is sending him a signed copy as he was so impressed!

    Also, well done to Isabelle in C6 who has been looking at the chameleon project and created an amazing peace of DT as a result.  Great work and I am sure you will inspire many others too.   



    All Saints’ is now in top 5 (locally) on TT Rockstars, which is amazing.  Demonstrating everyone’s continued hard work on those very important basic skills!  Let’s see if we can get into the top 3 next!!!

    New Sports Kits

    Vernon Bear will be coming into school to present a class set of super new sports tops when we re-opens.  This is great news for all our children who will be representing us once again in our sports teams.  Thank you so much to Liz Smith (ex parent) from The Vernon Building Society for donating them and Mrs Noble for all your hard work organising this.   We thank Vernon Bear for visiting our key worker children too last week at school from behind the school fencing!




    Now onto the other news and again we apologise as this newsletter also includes a huge amount of important information …


    Big questions!

    When will Schools re-open?

    Unfortunately, we have no further information at present that we are unsure, and are like you all awaiting the Government to announce when we will be able to re-open.  As you know staff are keen to get everyone back in as we are all missing our school community so much.  However, we will of course only act on the official advise of when it is safe to do so, we will keep everyone updated as and when we can including about the changes we will have to make in order to allow children to start returning.


    What will happen to assessments?

    As announced by the Government.

    Primary assessments, including SATs, and exams including GCSEs, AS levels and A levels, will not go ahead this summer.

    This includes:

    • early years foundation stage profile
    • phonics – Year 1
    • key stage 1 – Year 2
    • multiplication tables check – Year 4
    • key stage 2 – Year 6

    The government will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020.



    Obviously, this is such unprecedented times; please know that we have a wealth of information regarding your child’s wellbeing, progress and attainment up until school closed and continue to build this picture by class teachers monitoring online activity on a daily basis.  We will ensure we work tirelessly to allow for a smooth transition either back into their current year group or into their next year group as needed.  The Local Authority is already working hard on plans in relation to transition to High School for our Year 6 children and we will again await further information as to when this will be/ how this will look and share as soon as possible. 



    Again as with any question, query, worry you may have at present please do not hesitate to contact us on headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk and we will call you to discuss and see how we can help.


    Update to SEND information report in light of COVID-19.

    Due to the recent Covid-19 situation, there has been some important changes in relation to SEND provision for children.  Please click on the following link to view the document Miss Taylor has kindly produced to help everyone understand this important information


    Home Learning

    After the huge success of last week’s home learning English Task, this week you will find our Science one attached, with lots of science activities to try as a family. Also attached is the Summer Long Term Project attached with great catapult and marble run challenges on. Thank you to Mrs Cochrane for producing both. 

    Alongside all the online learning links on the website (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) We would of course love to see what you have learnt/ produced either via Tapestry or DB so we can celebrate these and also share inspiration to others.  Please see the attached Science sheet for this week and also follow the link for all the Home Learning Resources/ Ideas we have on offer (including a new website https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/schedule which is an online classroom/ school providing 180 free lessons a week from Reception to Y6. The Oak National Academy is endorsed by the Department for Education). 


    School Travel September 2020 for Year 6 children

    Information for parents


    Pupils aged 11 to 16, MUST have an Igo card to travel using any child ticket on buses in Greater Manchester. I understand that they must have an Igo card to make an application for the Yellow bus scheme


    Applications for Igo passes, apply at:

    https://tfgm.com/tickets-and-passes/igo-pass (available now)

    Applications for the Yellow Bus Scheme, apply at:

    https://tfgm.com/tickets-and-passes/bus-yellow-school-buses.( available 1st June 30th June)

    Applications for free school travel (for eligible pupils), apply at:

    https://www.stockport.gov.uk/travel-to-school (available week of the 6th May)


    Failure to apply for places on the Yellow  Bus Scheme may result in the resources not being allocated this year and may cause difficulties again with school attendance.


    Other useful Resources/ Signposts!

    Staying Safe at home and when to seek medical attention during lockdown

    We hope you find these guides useful:-





    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas, this week based on China produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Red Cross

    Have created a lovely ‘Calendar of Kindness’ please follow the link to view and learn more.



    Restorative Approaches

    The Relational Round Up has a number of top tips to help families’ wellbeing during lockdown, please see attached. 

    Creativity & Confidence at Home For Children - Celebrity Messages

    Please see the links below for the “Creativity and Confidence At Home” series. In this new collection of messages – introduced by Cbeebies’ Rebecca Keatley, celebrities discuss their inspirations, give advice and set challenges to complete at home.


    Perhaps you could complete Anton Du Beke’s dance challenge and send him 15 seconds of original choreography set to their favourite music? Or maybe they can get active around the house by taking part in Olympic champion, Amy Williams’ fitness challenge?


    Children will also hear from a cohort of celebrated professionals including celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal on introducing taste and explorer Levison Wood on what inspired him to travel the World.


    All this is topped off by celebrities including; international cricketer Ryan Sidebottom, Britain’s Got Talent Winner Jai McDowall and ITV’s The Dales Amanda Owen - all giving ideas and perspectives on how to use all this extra time at home: https://vimeo.com/409475949


    Finally, in an extended video – visit Jay Blades of BBC’s The Repair Shop in his workshop as he gives a beginners guide to upcycling: https://vimeo.com/409499633


    Just in case you missed it – here is a link to the first video of the series. It features messages from David Suchet; Twist and Pulse; Paul O'Grady; Sir Ben Ainslie; Dame Kelly Holmes; Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber: https://vimeo.com/403968451




    Take care, stay safe and in touch, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor






  • Monday 20th April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to the first Newsletter of the Summer Term. We hope that despite everything everyone has managed to enjoy some of the sunshine and have some peace and rest over the holiday period.

    It is lovely to be able to start the term off with some positive news!

    Firstly, we are absolutely thrilled to be able to announce that after a very thorough and rigorous process Miss Jenny McConnell has been appointed as our permanent Reception Teacher at All Saints’ C of E Primary School.  The process involved application forms, visiting numerous different candidates in their current settings and an interview.  Throughout all aspects Miss McConnell was exemplary, not only in her academic knowledge but living out all the values that we hold so dear here at All Saints’.  I am sure you will join us in saying a huge welcome and well done to Miss McConnell.  In addition, we would just like to say a special thankyou to our Governors Mrs Woodgate and Mrs Beardwood, for the many hours they spent supporting and advising during the process. 

    Secondly, Class 4 worked really hard last term on the BBC 500 word story challenge and fantastically Lilian’s story 'Fighting for Fashion' is through to the next round!  The BBC received nearly 135,000 entries and only around 5,000 go to the Reading Agency for the second round of judging.  So a huge achievement – a very BIG well done Lilian!

    Finally, as a staff we simply cannot express how much we are missing you all, so we hope the attached pictures and video clip on our website https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/classpages/wholeschool/missingyou  from us all will let you all know and hopefully bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

    From the Chair of Governors ……

    It seems strange to say welcome to the new term when most of the children are at home with you rather than returning to school.  Like you, the daily routines for myself and my family are very different at the moment, but I hope that you are managing to cope with the restrictions that are currently in place.

    I just wanted to add to the words of Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor and say a big thank you to all the staff at All Saints’ for everything they’ve done over the last few weeks.  Class teachers have spent a lot of time putting together activities for children to work on at home and have also kept in touch with families through their weekly blog.  Many staff have also been in school during the holiday period to care for the children of key workers and any vulnerable children.  We have a wonderful team here at All Saints’ and I feel privileged to be a part of it.

    Despite some stories appearing in the media, there is no clarity yet about when schools might re-open.  As soon as there is any information about this, we will obviously let you know.  In the meantime, please be assured that the welfare of your children is very much in the thoughts of all staff and governors here at All Saints’.

    With best wishes

    Alan Bailey

    Home Learning

    We are very aware that the juggling of work and children at home is a huge current challenge for many of us, before you throw home learning into the mix!  Therefore, we have spent a long time coming up with a plan for the remaining weeks/ time we are to be closed and we hope that it will continue to support you with this.  The idea is that we will have a weekly subject focus - starting with English this week - and there will be a one page sheet with 5 useful websites as well as 5 non internet based ideas for you to carryout throughout the week.  Alongside all the online learning links on the website (https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/parents/coronavirus/homeschoollearning) and familiar online subscriptions this will replace the daily lesson plans and hopefully be something for the whole family (where possible to get involved).  We would of course love to see what you have learnt/ produced either via Tapestry or DB so we can celebrate these and also share inspiration to others.  Please see the attached English sheet for this week and also follow the link for all the Home Learning Resources/ Ideas we have on offer.  In addition this week Miss Taylor has brilliantly produced a document for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), again we hope this is of use to those families and please do not hesitate to chat to us when we commence our weekly calls again this week or email any questions or queries to headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk


    We felt it would be helpful for everyone to as normal have the spelling list for the term as usual this Friday, therefore they will be uploaded to Tapestry/DB.  Spelling is something the children can practice at home and we feel it is very important that they maintain (where possible) learning their spellings on a weekly basis.  When your children do their weekly test, again we would love for you to share their scores with your class teachers.  Hopefully the new spelling website will help too!

    Other useful Resources/ Signposts!

    We are very sorry there are so many, as you can imagine we are currently inundated with information from many different services as they begin working in very different way and want to get their many messages heard by as many people as possible.  We of course want to use our school platform to shares these messages and hope something will be of use for you or a loved one.

    Ethnic Diversity Services

    Please see attached some lovely resources and activity ideas produced by the Stockport Ethnic Diversity Services.

    Behaviour Support Services
    Books and visual resources for children:


    Parent support:  Attachments
    - Parenting advice booklet from Warring Parenting Leads

    - Booklet about helping parents /carers connect and play with their children

    - Booklet about helping siblings get along

    Domestic Abuse

    As everyone is aware this is sadly increasing due to the lockdown enforcements.  Please see the poster attached for awareness, information and support purposes.

    NHS Emotional Wellbeing Services Launched

    Stockport Council and Stockport NHS CCG have formally launched three new emotional health, wellbeing and mental health services, which are available to residents of Stockport.  Whilst these are all the more relevant during the COVID-19 crisis, these will form part of the council and the CCGs' ongoing offer to residents in relation to emotional wellbeing.

    The services are:

    ·         the Big White Wall - www.bigwhitewall.com/, which offers 24/7 anonymous support via a digital emotional wellbeing and mental health service, offers peer support for anyone over the age of 16 as well as support from trained clinicians alongside a range of helpful tools and resources. To access this, if you are a Stockport resident register by using your own postcode.

    ·         The establishment of the new 24/7 mental health helpline and (currently virtual) safe haven for anyone over the age of 18 in Stockport (0800 138 7276), commissioned by Stockport NHS CCG and provided by the charity Making Space;

    ·         An Emotional Wellbeing Hub which provides information, advice, and guidance for anyone up to the age of 25 for emotional wellbeing and mental health concerns. Access to this is through the Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub (MASSH) - 0161 217 6028 - 8.30am-5pm Mon - Thurs 8.30am-4.30pm on Friday.

    More information about looking after your health and wellbeing can also be found at: http://www.stockport.gov.uk/wellbeingcoronavirus .

    Please do make use of these services if you feel they are relevant to you and share the information with your friends, family and neighbours locally.

    There is also a specific number if you are a carer of a person with dementia as seen on the attached document. 


    Please let us know via the headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk email or via your weekly call from school if we can be of any help at all.

    Take care and stay safe, Helen Morton and Hannah Gaynor

  • Monday 30th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A warm welcome to this week’s newsletter, which we thought we would start by sharing a poem that you may find helpful in such unusual times…

    The poem, "And the people stayed home" reads:

    And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

    Holiday Dates

    As we are aware many people have had holidays plans cancelled. We therefore just wanted to remind you of the 2020-2021 holiday dates by following this link:-


    In addition to these holiday dates, there will be 5 In Service Training Days (where school will be closed to children) throughout the academic year. All Saints’ Governing Body is just in the process of ratifying these dates and then we will circulate them ASAP.

    Easter Holidays

    As with everything being so different right now, in order to support the fight against Covid-19 School will be open to vulnerable and key worker children over the two week Easter Holiday. We are so very grateful of our staff who all volunteered so willingly to work during this time. As such the home learning links will be on the website, but there will not be a daily timetable added and in order to allow staff some time off during this incredibly difficult period they will also not be responding to Tapestry/ DB messages. This will be for the period between Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April. However, if you do have any questions then please do email headteacher@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk and we will respond ASAP. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Free School Meal

    As many people’s financial situation may be changing currently we wanted to remind people about the Free School Meal Scheme. If you are eligible for FSM then you will receive a £10 Asda voucher per week, per eligible child until school returns. To apply all you need to do is follow this link:- https://www.stockport.gov.uk/start/free-school-meals-application-form Once you have been accepted school will be informed in due course and then we can process your vouchers.

    Home Learning

    It is fantastic to hear how many families have been getting involved in all the home learning activities being shared on our website. We are glad that they are helping keep some type of routine going for our children and families. Just a reminder to please read the class blogs on a Friday as usual and also let us know when we call you each week or contact staff on Tapestry/ DB if we can be of any help.

    A Wellbeing Message from Stockport Council

    The uncertainties created by the coronavirus outbreak will undoubtedly be causing concern for all. It is essential at this time of great challenge, that we take appropriate measures to look after ourselves. We want to remind you that Stockport’s Local Offer now has a section on the Coronavirus, with relevant health information and guidance. It is also packed with useful information, links and resources to support wellbeing. This includes self-help materials linked to evidence based approaches, such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing; HeadSpace (a free app for guided relaxation/ meditation), and the excellent Living Life to the Full online course, which can be accessed free of charge to anyone living in Manchester (available through the GM health hub). Of course, it is important to remember that even in these times of social distancing, it is important to find ways to connect (one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing) to family, friends and colleagues. This is where technology can be useful (e.g. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Whatsapp and FaceTime).

    Please do stay safe everyone and take care, Mrs Morton and Mrs Gaynor.

  • Monday 16th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this week’s newsletter…



    As everyone is fully aware, information is changing on a daily basis at present, with regards to Coronavirus.  As a school we are and will continue to work closely with the Local Authority and Heath Officials to ensure we are following all guidelines.  Please see attached a poster produced by the World Health Organisation about how to help children cope with stress during this time. 

    As informed in last week’s newsletter the most up-to-date information including this poster is now on our dedicated section of the website.  This can be found by following the link below or using the parents drop down menu on the website homepage:- https://allsaintsprimarymarple.co.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/staging/pages/parents/coronavirus



    We are very fortunate to have a parent Janine Kelly who has been so kind, coming in and working with different classes on a ‘Movement Month’.  This trial explores ways in which to get more movement into the children’s day in the classroom.  The children involved so far have all really enjoyed it and felt the benefits.  In order to support these benefits further for our children, we would really like to buy more equipment to have in all classrooms for example yoga blocks and yoga balls.  As, such Janine has wonderfully offered to run a number of sessions for parents and families to attend, with all money raised going directly to school to buy the equipment.  Janine is planning to run some sessions for families very soon, so watch this space for more information!


    Sponsored Read and Homework Museum

    Can we please say a huge congratulation to the children who have taken part in the sponsored read and kindly ask for sponsor money to be brought in asap please? We can’t wait to find out how much money has been raised and what wonderful books we will be able to buy for the children!Also, just a reminder that this term’s Homework Museum is in Tuesday 31st March, with all entries to class teachers by 30th March please.
    -You will need your book review accompanied by your photograph of you reading in the most unusual place you can think of!
    - Be as creative as you like – we want to see your best ideas!

    Please see the attached poster again for more information.



    Let's Get Active 

    A shout out to any sporty parents who are qualified/ interested (or know a great local contact) in helping us to set up a girls PE club either before school, lunch time or after school.  We are thinking something along the lines of; Netball, Cheerleading, Zumba dancing, Gymnastics etc.  We are aware that there are lots of clubs many boys are involved in at present at All Saints' and are keen to get some more extra curricular activities for the girls too.  (Of course some girls are already involved in our after school Football clubs and have started to have some great scores in recent competitions - go girls!).  If you have any feedback - Mrs. Noble would love to hear from you...!



    Internet Safety workshop for Year 5/6 parents - 2nd April 6-7pm

     Please note an additional training session has been arranged with Tanya Cross from the Local Authority. These sessions are always hugely popular and essential for ensuring you keep your child safe when in the virtual world.  Please let the office know if you are able to attend. 




      Best Attendance

    Very well done to the Reception Class. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 98.97%.  Fantastic and very well done.                                                                                                                                                                                                    




    The Week Ahead


    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest.  

    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Fairy tale wedding at All Saints’ Church.

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training

    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.

    Friday 1st May - Quiz Night Hawk Green Cricket Club 8pm onwards.


    Thank you for all your understanding and co-operation with the difficult ever evolving situation at present, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 9th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A warm welcome to this week’s newsletter.



    This is obviously a topic on every bodies mind at the moment.  Please rest assured that as a school we are constantly being updated by the Local Authority in line with PHE guidance. As such we have created a tab on the School Website. This means that the latest information will be available at all times through the links rather than needing to send out separate information.  The latest resources guidance and advice contained at https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response and much more can be found on the tab.


    Key points:- 

    • Personal hygiene is the most important way we can tackle COVID-19, especially washing hands more (for at least 20 seconds each time); and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes – also help in delaying the peak of the infection.   As such we will continue with the increased reminders to the children in school about washing their hands and for how long e.g singing happy birthday twice through. 


    • A new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education has been launched. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:


                  Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk

                  Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


    • Current advice remains in place: No school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) COVID-19 case unless advised by Public Health England


    Many thanks to everyone for their support in this matter. 


    Stockport Foodbank

     Please see the attached fliers for Stockport Foodbank. Also, know that at times of difficulty this is an amazing charity that willingly wants to help and support families. If anyone requires a voucher, please let us know. Or if you simply would like to find out more about what support is available then please pop in to the office or send us an email. We all want to help and support everyone of our school family. 




    No Pens Day 

     No Pens Day will take place this Wednesday. It is run by The Communication Trust and I CAN, the children’s communication charity. In November of this year, they will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary of this special day. No Pens Day is usually a national set day each year, but at All Saints’ we will be holding our No Pens Day on Wednesday in order to link it to and celebrate the work that has been taking place in school on improving Science.  The aim of the day is to encourage spoken language and listening skills. On this day, children in the school will put down their pens and all lessons and activities will have a focus on spoken language skills rather than writing skills.  We hope the children have a very chatty and lovely day this Wednesday. 


    INSET Days

    Just a reminder that that Friday 26th of June and Monday 29th of June are both INSET days.  As always, your child’s attendance is so important so hopefully this will help with possibly a cheaper holiday or time together to do things not in the school holidays. 


    Young Leaders Award

    Huge congratulations to Year 5 who raised a fabulous £80 from their bake sale last week.  This is all part of their work on the Archbishop of York Award and they are so keen to support and improve our local community so please watch out for their upcoming contributions, you are all truly inspiring, well done Year 5!


    Year 4 and 5 Football Tournament

    The children represented school amazingly well last Tuesday at Aquinas.  The children showed the All Saints’ Way Team approach in abundance and the Girls team coming 3rd and Boys team also coming 3rd.  A huge thank you to all the children for all their hard work and sportsmanship and also Miss Taylor, Mr Granite and Mrs Pattison for organising and supporting the children at the event.  Finally thank you to all the parents who came along to cheer the children on – what a great TEAM!


    Online Safety Update

    Please find below links to two highly recommended parental control apps:-

    Ourpact - https://ourpact.com/


    Screen time

    Screen Time is a free to use parental control app that helps parents manage and control the amount of time their kids spend on smartphones (Android & iPhone) and tablets (Android and iPad). Additionally, Screen Time Parental Controls provides robust web filtering and Location Tracking for your children. Device time management.


    Screen Time Parental Control - Android Apps on Google Play



    Please also find attached a useful WhatsApp Parents Guide.


     Marple Young Writers’ Competition

    Please see the following link for more information:- https://www.marple-uk.com/smf/index.php?topic=8581.0







    A Message from Marple Carnival

    Applications are still open but will close at the end of the month. 

    To apply they simply follow this link: https://www.marplecarnival.org.uk/royalty.html or drop us an email to marplecarnival@gmail.com 

    Thanks for your help and support as always! 



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 2. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.




    The Week Ahead

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day -Speech and Language focus


    Upcoming Events


    Wednesday 11th March - Yr3 trip to John Rylands  Library

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest.  School Disco 6.30pm-8.30pm Marple Cricket Club

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Fairy tale wedding at All Saints’ Church.

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    Friday 1st May - Quiz Night Hawk Green Cricket Club 8pm onwards.

    We hope everyone has a wonderful week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 2nd March (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Well it was lovely to finally welcome a break from the rain this weekend and we hope you have all had a lovely weekend.  As always it is a busy week ahead at All Saints’ with of course World Book Day taking place on Thursday!





    Sponsored Read

    Just a quick reminder that this week is our sponsored read week so please help your child to read as much as they can and to collect as many sponsors as possible to really enhance our school library. Any amount, no matter how big or small, will help contribute to our final amount and remember that Usborne will contribute up to 60% so please dig deep and help us buy some beautiful books!


    Film Night

     The KS1 and KS2 film night was a huge success! While KS2 relaxed with their slippers, onesies and blankets in the hall for a screening of 'Horrid Henry', KS1 had a Lego-fest with 'The Lego Movie', Lego colouring-in and plenty of Lego to play with.  Many thanks to Mrs Mylrea and the Pupil Parliament team for organising this fun event and to all the members of staff who gave up their time to help out.  Thank you so much also to all the parents who supported this money-raising endeavour. The Pupil Parliament raise money each year to spend on resources to enrich the more social aspects of school life which, sadly, there is little National funding for. This year the children are raising money for wet-play activities and games that will benefit every class. Your support means the world to us and the children! Thank you!






     Parents Association

    The half termly Parents Association meeting this Tuesday (the 3rd March) at The Crown in Hawk Green. The meeting begins at 8pm. It would be lovely to see some new faces as we are always looking for new ways to fundraise and provide those special opportunities for our children.







    Japanese Students

    As per the Ping sent out last week with the international concerns in regards to the Coronavirus, the intended Japanese visitors will no longer be visiting the UK for the foreseeable future.




                                                                                                         Best Attendance 

     Very well done to Classes 1 and 4 . You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.33%.  Fantastic and very well done.







    The Week Ahead

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Tuesday 3rd March – Year 5 Bake Sale all donations gratefully received. Parents Association next meeting, 8pm at The Crown - new faces very welcome.

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day


    Upcoming Events

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest.  School Disco 6.30pm-8.30pm Marple Cricket Club

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Fairy tale wedding at All Saints’ Church.  

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    Friday 1st May - Quiz Night Hawk Green Cricket Club 8pm onwards.


    We hope everyone has a fantastic half term holiday, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 24th February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A very warm welcome back to everyone. We hope you have all had a wonderful half term and are ready to begin the second half of this term, continuing with the brilliant whole school topic of ‘Long. Long Ago!’  Do not forget it you have completed anything from the DfE Activity Passports or been busy on the Spring Term Homework Museum tasks please do let us know.


    Year 3 shared the love!

    Year 3 really did put us all in a lovely mood when they entertained us with their Class Assembly all about ‘Love’ before the holidays.   The children spoke, acted and sung beautifully.  They made everyone feel very loved and reminded us of how important it is to be kind to others.  The family pictures were lovely also, so well done Year 3 – a fantastic assembly.

    Sponsored Read

    We have a very exciting reading event taking place in school to complement this term's Homework Museum.  Some of you may remember a few years ago we raised a huge amount of money to pack our new library full of the most up to date books through a sponsored read with Usborne Books.  We are really lucky to have been given this opportunity again.  Today, Monday 24th Feb your child will come home with a letter after an Usborne assembly and their sponsored read form which will take place the following week, 2nd March.  The more we raise the better - Usborne will top up our sponsorship money and this can be up to 60% so every penny counts.  Please help get your children enthused about the reading week and collecting their sponsors - some new books would be wonderful for our children!


    World Book Day 2020!

     We hope the letter made its way home that was sent out before the holidays!  As a reminder we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March.  Everyone is welcome to wear fancy dress on that day. Your child may wish to dress up as a character from a book. However, if you prefer, your child can simply bring in a pair of slipper socks or slippers to wear during our ‘Share A Story’ times.  It would also be fabulous if your child could bring in one of their favourite books to share with their class and if there are any parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles etc. who wish to be a mystery reader on that day, please do let your child’s class teacher/TA know.



    Year 5 Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award

    As our Year 5 children start their award, they are thinking of ways to support our local area.  As such, a group is making bird feeders and would very much welcome any donations of the following to support them.  Plastic bottles up to 200ml, spare bird feed or seeds, string bags (to place food/ veg in).  If these kind donations could be handed in to Year by the 6th March that would be wonderful. 

    A second group will be running a Bake Sale on Tuesday 3rd March, therefore please could they have any cakes to sell that day handed in again to Class 5.  Cakes will be sold at first break and after school and will all be priced at 50p – no nuts please. 

    Thank you very much in advance – Year 5.


    Eco Bricks

    Thank you so much for the many ecobricks you brought in for our project. We have enough now (so please don’t send in any more) to begin to make our stools and benches. Miss Whittleworth is running an ecobricks club every Monday lunchtime to finish filling up some bottles and to begin designing and building our seating. We can’t wait to sit on the finished items.



    Creative Writing Club

    We have been asked to share the below poster for a writing club at Marple Library.  Please speak to the library of you require any further information.









      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 2. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.39%.  Fantastic and very well done.







    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

    Wednesday 26th February – Year 6 trip to Crucial Crew

    Thursday 27th February –Whole School film night 3.15pm -5.00pm. Please see separate letter.

    Friday 28th February - Yr5 swimming begins– please see separate letters



    Upcoming Events

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Tuesday 3rd March – Year 5 Bake Sale all donations gratefully received. Tuesday 3rd March next meeting, 8pm at The Crown - new faces very welcome. – KS1 Fabulous Fairytale extravaganza

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest.  School Disco 6.30pm-8.30pm Marple Cricket Club

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Fairy tale wedding at All Saints’ Church.   

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    Friday 1st May - Quiz Night Hawk Green Cricket Club 8pm onwards.


    We hope everyone has a fantastic half term holiday, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 10th February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Well the last half term has simply flown by and we are very much looking forward to our final week of half term.


    Teacher Training Students

    Last Tuesday saw Mr McShane and Mrs Noble lead an amazing day of training for 14 Teacher Training Students.  The Students spent the whole day receiving excellent tutoring from Mr McShane and Mrs Noble and also spending time visiting all our classes to see high quality teaching in Art and DT.  The students gave excellent feedback and said they absolutely loved our School, it welcoming atmosphere and creative curriculum in particular.  They were also incredibly impressed with the children and the skills and knowledge they demonstrated!  So well done All Saints’ and a huge thank you to Mr McShane and Mrs Noble for taking such time and kindness to support the teachers of the future!



    Year 5 Entertain!

    Year 5 entertained their parents with singing and brass playing last Friday afternoon. They sang and played with such precision and enthusiasm. Their brass teacher, Danielle Powell said the class is one of the most musical classes she has come across! Fantastic job Year 5!!


     Activity Passports

    As you may remember last summer, we circulated The Department for Education Activity Passport, which is great for children and families to engage in.  The activities are relevant to life around us and will further enhance your children’s experiences. So why not give it a go! There are activities such as: make a treasure map (Reception), make a daisy chain (Yr1), start a collection and share it with your class (Yr2), learn a new game (Yr3), learn to sew on a button (Yr4), use an OS map (Yr5) and choose objects to put in a time capsule (Yr6). 

    Please find it attached and remember you can use Tapestry or DB Primary to share what you have ticked off with us, as we would love to see it in school!







    Homework Museum Spring 2020

    Just a reminder that you may like to complete the Spring Homework Museum Task over the half term holiday! We look forward to seeing your ‘Reading in unusual places photographs, book review project and sponsored read’. 


    Message from Stockport Family

    Please find attached A4 poster and A5 Flyers for Being a Parent together (either living together or apart) 

    We have 2 courses:

    St. Thomas Bungalow, Marriott Street. Stockport. SK1 3PJ  

    6.30pm – 8.30pm

    Mondays 24 Feb – 30 March and

    Reddish Vale Start Well

    Reddish Vale Road, SK5 7EU

    Thursdays 27 Feb – 02 April 9.30am – 11.30am


    Message from Autism Parent Support Group

    We have recently started a new Autism Parent Support Group in the Offerton, Stockport area for the Parents of Children who have social communication difficulties. Please see attached flyer for more information.


     Message from Parents in Partnership



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 2. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.




    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

    Wednesday 12th February - Yr3 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome

    Friday 14th February - Valentine’s Day Yr4 Brass session begins – additional information to follow Yr3 Swimming School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term



    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

    Thursday 27th February –Whole School film night 3.15pm -5.00pm. Please see separate letter.

    Friday 28th February - Yr5 swimming begins

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    We hope everyone has a fantastic half term holiday, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 3rd February (allsaints-pri Admin)







    Mathletics Competition Week

    Drum roll please … well done and huge congratulations to Class Two who were the All Saints’ winning class.  Amazing, dedication and accuracy meant that they topped the leader board and I know they and Mrs Noble celebrated in style last week.  Even though competition week is over please do keep it up and keep the enthusiasm going by visiting Mathletics to practice those very important Maths skills. 





    Young Voices!

    Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Really there is no other way to describe the event last Wednesday at Manchester arena.  All 54 children were absolute All Saints’ Superstars, they behaved so sensibly and kindly towards each other throughout the whole event.  It really was such a heart-warming moment when the children independently put their arms around each other while signing.  Thank you so much to all the families who supported the children to attend the event and also all the staff who gave up their time so willingly to help the children too Mr McShane, Miss Daley and Mrs Day.  In addition, Mrs Manning who also did so much to help prepare the children with choir sessions. Mrs Davey, deserves a very big thank you also for all the excellent organisation of transport, tickets and merchandise.    Finally, the biggest thank you to Mrs Noble who has spent hours and hours preparing the children, running choir sessions, completing risk assessments, writing letters etc. all to make the event run like clockwork and most importantly meaning all the children had an absolute blast!



    Year 5 and 6 Girls Football Tournament

    The girls and Mr A were absolutely amazing at the event at Manchester United Training Ground last Tuesday.  They all loved it, played superbly and want to do something else soon! The girls finished a very respectable 2nd out of 14 teams, well done girls!  The children were also impeccably behaved and a real credit to themselves, their families and All Saints’. 



    Message from Stockport NHS

    Please see the attached flyer giving details of a FREE Workshops for the over 50's.

    Date:      Monday, 17th February, 1.00pm to 3.00pm

    Venue:   Ground floor access at the Cornerstone, (Stockport Housing Group), 2 Edward St, Stockport SK1 3NQ

    FREE Macrame & Felting workshops for the over 50's Come and have a go, FREE complete beginners welcome, all materials provided.

    These items can be made in just one session for you to keep!   No need to book, just turn up!









    Homework Museum Spring 2020

    It is Homework Museum time again! We look forward to seeing your ‘Reading in unusual places photographs, book review project and sponsored read’. 





      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Year 1 You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 98% Fantastic and very well done.






    The Week Ahead

    Monday 3rd January - Yr1 & Yr2 trip to Staircase House

    Friday 7th February - Yr5 Brass Sessions end will be held at 2:45pm. All parents and family members are welcome.


    Upcoming Events

    Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

    Wednesday 12th February - Yr3 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome

    Friday 14th February - Valentine’s Day Yr4 Brass session begins – additional information to follow Yr3 Swimming School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term


    Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

    Thursday 27th February –Whole School film night 3.15pm -5.00pm Your child brought a letter home on Friday.

    Friday 28th February - Yr5 swimming begins– please see separate letters

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 27th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Mathletics Competition Week

    Early last week saw All Saints’ enter the top ten of nearby schools for their speed of answering questions correctly, so a very big well done to everyone for all your hard work and speedy mental agility! But if that was not great enough, All Saints’ even managed to top that when Mrs Noble’s Class Two Children and Mr McShane’s Class Six children were placed in the WORLD TOP 50 CLASSES!!!! With Class Two reaching place 31 and Class Six position 24, this is absolutely amazing! This demonstrates excellent maths skills and should be massively celebrated – so a huge congratulation to you all! Finally, a big thank you to Mr McShane for all his effort and time supporting and promoting the event. 


    Mrs Turner

    This week sees Mrs Turner who has been a student teacher since September in Class 2 finish her time with us.  I know all the children are really going to miss you and a big thank you for all your hard work since joining us.  You always have a smile on your face and nothing is ever too much to help the children in your care.  From everyone at All Saints’ we wish you all the very best for your next placement and future teaching career. 


    Young Voices!

    We have a big week in school this week with the Young Voices Choir taking place on Wednesday, We have over 150 All Saints’ children and family members attending so we are sure it will be an amazing event!


    Health and Safety

    As health and safety is always a high priority at All Saints’, we were very grateful when Simon came into school on Wednesday to train more of our staff on how to use our Defib.  We of course hope we never have to use it, but it is great that we have this resource available in school if ever the need did arise.  A very big thank you to Simon for all his time and kindness offering this training for free. 

    We also held a very successful fire drill last Tuesday and the children and staff were all fantastic at exiting quickly and safely, so a huge well done to all our fabulous children.



    Train to Tokyo!

    Please take a look at the exiting family challenge below…


















    Homework Museum Spring 2020

    It is Homework Museum time again! We look forward to seeing your ‘Reading in unusual places photographs, book review project and sponsored read’. 



     Calling all Musicians!

    As part of our school's passion for the arts and for our children to be exposed to live music, we are asking any parents or family members who have a talent for tinkling piano keys, any great guitarists or swell singers to come in and play for our children.  You can simply visit your child's class, a few classes or if you are feeling very brave we would love it if all our children could hear your talent in assembly.  If you feel you may be musical in anyway please email the office with your name and email address for Mrs Manning to get in to.








      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class Two. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.39%.  Fantastic and very well done.








    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 28th January – Year 5 and 6 Girls football tournament

    Wednesday 29th January - Young Voices Junior Choir event


    Upcoming Events

    Monday 3rd January - Yr1 & Yr2 trip to Staircase House

    Friday 7th February - Yr5 Brass Sessions end will be held at 2:45pm. All parents and family members are welcome.

    Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

    Wednesday 12th February - Yr3 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome

    Friday 14th February - Valentine’s Day Yr4 Brass session begins – additional information to follow Yr3 Swimming School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term


    Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

    Thursday 27th February – KS1 film night 3.15pm -5.00pm – more information to follow

    Friday 28th February - Yr5 swimming begins– please see separate letters

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 20th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    It was lovely to see so many of you last week at parents evening appointments.  Thank you very much to everyone who came and for those who took the time to complete the new feedback forms.  Please do not worry if you have yet to complete yours, we would still appreciate you doing so and sending them in by the end of this week if possible.


    We will keep it short this week as there are lots of messages below that may be of interest to you and your family/ friends…


    Life Leisure

    February swimming holiday courses are running at all of our Life Leisure pools during half term (17th – 21st February).  For just £33.25 children swim for half an hour Monday to Friday and build up their confidence quickly which shows in the progression they make by the end of the week.  When booking both the holiday course and a term of lessons new customers will receive a 20% discount off their first booking of termly lessons.  Please contact swimming@lifeleisure.net or your preferred centre for more information.



    Please see attached information about a February half term holiday club for string players.


    Messages from the NHS

    Keeping Steady and Active in Stockport

    Please find attached details of our next event at Abney Court.  The information session is on Thursday 30th January at 1.30pm until 3.00pm, and the topic is ‘Keeping Steady and Active in Stockport’.  Helen Riley will be delivering the session.  This is a free event, booking is essential as places are limited. 


    Carers Choir

    Stockport Mind - open to all Carers.  It is hoped that this choir will provide an opportunity for some much needed respite for a lot of carers, as we are aware of how beneficial at times respite can be, especially considering some of the pressures that carers can face. Please see attached information. 



    Competition Time!




     Homework Museum Spring 2020

    It is Homework Museum time again! We look forward to seeing your ‘Reading in unusual places photographs, book review project and sponsored read’. 




    Calling all Musicians!

    As part of our school's passion for the arts and for our children to be exposed to live music, we are asking any parents or family members who have a talent for tinkling piano keys, any great guitarists or swell singers to come in and play for our children.  You can simply visit your child's class, a few classes or if you are feeling very brave we would love it if all our children could hear your talent in assembly.  If you feel you may be musical in anyway, please email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk with your contact details, marked for the attention of Mrs Manning.






      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Reception Class. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.                                                                                                                                            






    The Week Ahead

    Monday 20th January - Martin Luther King Day, Mathletics Competition Week

    Thursday 23rd January – Pupil Parliament Meeting 8.15am


    Upcoming Events

    Wednesday 29th January - Young Voices Junior Choir event – more information to follow

    Monday 3rd January - Yr1 & Yr2 trip to Staircase House

    Friday 7th February - Yr5 Brass Sessions end

    Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

    Wednesday 12th February - Yr3 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome

    Friday 14th February - Valentine’s Day

    Yr4 Brass session begins – additional information to follow

    Yr3 Swimming

    School breaks up at 3.15pm for Half Term


    Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day

    Thursday 27th February – KS1 film night 3.15pm -5.00pm – more information to follow

    Friday 28th February - Yr5 swimming begins– please see separate letters

    Monday 2nd March - Assessment Week

    Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

    Monday 9th March – Science Week

    Wednesday 11th March - No Pens Day Wednesday-Speech and Language focus

    Wednesday 18th March - Yr3 trip to Manchester Museum

    Friday 20th March - Yr3 Rugby Megafest

    Tuesday 24th March - Dance Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family of those participating are welcome

    Thursday 26th March - Yr 4 go to Hollowford Centre, Castleton on a one night residential and return on Friday 27th March

    Friday 27th March - Yr1 Class Assembly at 9.05am - parents/family are welcome.  Yr2 Step Outside Road Safety training


    Monday 30th March - Front Row Music Service Assembly 9.00am, families whose children have lessons welcome

    Tuesday 31st March – Reading in Unusual Places – Homework Museum, more information on poster.

    Class 5 Trip to Eyam

    Wednesday 1st April - Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am – parents/family are welcome Yr6 Theatre trip to Blackpool Achievement Assembly

    Thursday 2nd April - Easter Rehearsal at Church – 9.10am. Celebration of Successes - Ice-Cream/Fruit Party

    Friday 3rd April - 1.45pm Whole School Easter Service at All Saints’ Church– parents/family are welcome. School breaks up for the Easter Holiday and returns on Monday 20th April 2020.


    Thursday 23rd April - St George’s Day – Those who are part of a uniformed club can wear their uniform today e.g. Cub Scouts, Girlguiding, etc.


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 6th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome back everyone we hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.  New Year is always a great time for a fresh start and to try and think about the things we would like to achieve in the coming year.  Many will have resolutions and we will be talking to the children about this and also how we can all support each other to achieve them.  In addition, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Miss McConnell, who joins us as our new Reception teacher. We are all delighted to have you join the All Saints’ Team.  


    Before we move onto 2020, we must just take a moment to reflect back on last year and the final week of term, as what a week it was!


     Front Row Music Assembly

    A very well done to all the children who performed so successfully in their concert, from the youngest children to the oldest they all rose to the occasion and got the audience tapping and singing along.  Thank you also to all the family members who came along to join in the fun!




     Cinema Trip

    It was a really magical morning when we all made our way through Marple to watch the Grinch, the children were amazing and the staff at the cinema commuted on what ‘well behaved and polite children’ we had.  We felt immensely proud of them all and would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Manning for organising the whole trip and of course the Parents Association for funding this very special treat.  It has created memories for all our children to last a life time. 





    Christmas Carol Service and Reception Nativity

    Thank you to everyone for joining us at All Saints’ Church for our Carol Service. You all sang with so much enthusiasm and it certainly prepared us very well for the season.   The Reception children were absolute superstars. Their singing, spoken voice and movement was outstanding and they certainly made all their family and school buddies, proud.  A huge thank you to Mrs Eva and The Reception Team in particular for all your hard work in producing such a wonderful event.


    Mrs Preece

    Well we said our final farewell to Mrs Preece on the last day of term. We enjoyed a fabulous assembly in the morning which celebrated her achievements and the many hearts she has touched; our children, families, staff and wider community. The children recited poems, presented cards and honoured Mrs Preece in a very special way. We wish her all the very best and know she will come back to see us in the future


    Diary Dates

    Now time to look forward to 2020!


    We look forward to seeing many of you next week at Parents Evening Meetings and also at other events across the term, please do take a look at the Diary Dates attached to make sure you know everything that is happening in advance. 




     Message from the Pupil Parliament

    Our School Pupil Parliament have mentioned in our most recent meeting that one or two parents/carers are, in their words, ‘ignoring’ our new parking figures. For the safety of our children, we would remind those adults to park legally and drive carefully.





    Please ensure to hand your child’s request time for parent evenings in if you have not already done so.  We will be sending out letters with an appointment date and time on this week if we have not received anything.


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 2. You have won the best attendance for last week before the holidays with an amazing attendance percentage of 98.79%.  Fantastic and very well done.




    The Week Ahead

    No homework club. All other sports clubs will start again this week.



    Welcome back everyone and looking forward to a wonderful 2020 together, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 16th December (allsaints-pri Admin)


    As we write the last newsletter of 2019, we would like to reflect on another great year here at All Saints’.  In the true All Saints’ Way 2019 has seen so many risks been taken, learning encouraged, goals achieved and memories made.  All of which is only possible because of our wonderful community.  We cannot thank our staff enough for their dedication and hard work, our Governors for their wisdom, knowledge and kindness, our families for working in partnership with us and of course our amazing children who every day make us smile and brighten our lives. We hope that everyone has a wonderful final week of term with still so much to fit in including coming wearing your Christmas jumpers to the Thursday evening Carol Service and to school on Friday …




     Goodbye Mrs Preece

    We are very sad that it is Mrs Preece’s last day with us this Friday.  We cannot thank Mrs Preece enough for all she has contributed to the children, families and life of All Saints’ over the last 4 years.  She has been an amazing Reception teacher, helping so many children achieve so many firsts in their learning and time at school.  She has also been an incredibly talented artist, which we are fortunate to have many lasting memories of around the school.  She has also helped us achieve the wonderful accolade of Gold Sports Mark and for all of these things we are very thankful.  Although you will no longer be here you will live on in the many legacies you have created and left behind.   Your new school is very lucky to have you and we hope you come back and visit us lots too. 


    Key Stage One Production

    This was absolutely spectacular! The children were all amazing singers, dancers, speakers and movers! Every single child shone brightly and did exceptionally well. Thank you to all the many family members and friends who were able to attend. Also, a huge, huge thank you to the fantastic Mrs Noble and all the wonderful Key Stage One team.  We cannot thank you enough for all your incredible hard work and massive amount of time you spent above and beyond to make this such a ‘show stopping’ performance! 




    Shining example of the All Saints’ Team!

    An amazing £1,300 was raised at the Christmas fair.  This is a phenomenal amount of money and down to many people’s hard work and dedication.  The money raised will make such a difference to our children and bringing our Forest school dream alive! So a huge All Saints’ thank you to everyone who made this possible.



    Dance Assembly

    Last Tuesday morning saw our wonderful Dance Club entertain us thoroughly and put on a great show, with amazing moves and smiles aplenty.  Well done everyone and thank you to all the parents and family members who attended.


     Year 5 and 6 Football Tournament

    Last Tuesday also saw the team heading out to Stockport County to play in a Stockport schools event. The children were also shining examples of the All Saints’ Way and this was commented on by other schools too!  Well done to all the team and Miss Taylor and Mr Beswick for organising and supporting the event so well. 













    Christmas Lunch


     Well it is still amazes us – where do you start making Christmas Dinner for so many people!?!  However, last Wednesday was a great community event and it was so lovely to see so many children and family members join us and get in the festive spirit.  Thank you so much to everyone who came and also all the staff who gave up their time to help serving, tidying and everything else.   Finally, the biggest thank you to our fabulous kitchen team Lindsey, who did all the real hard work! 



    Helpers required!

    If you are able to help walk the children up to the rehearsal at Church on Thursday morning at 9.10am and then return back to school from Church at 11.00am that would be wonderful – please let your child’s class teacher or the office know. Also, if you are able to help walk the children to and from church on Friday at 1.20pm and back again after the service then that would also be wonderful.


    Walk to School Scheme

    As the end of term is approaching we wanted to say a huge well done to the whole school for taking part in WOW this term!

    Your current engagement rate for the autumn term is 54%. Let’s see if this can be even higher next term!


    A Message from Stockport Local Authority

    The Children’s and Young People’s Department have co-produced, with children, young people and families, a set of outcomes which create a framework for measuring how well every child or young person, including those with SEND, reaches their own goals. They would now like a wider view on the proposed outcomes and would be grateful if you could complete the following online survey which closes on 3rd Jan 2020.  C&YP Outcomes Consultation



    Messages from NHS Stockport


    Autism Friendly Library Session

    Please find attached publicity for our December session at Cheadle Library. There will be no session at Bredbury this month due to it falling on Boxing Day.


    Living Life to the full course

    Our next series of Living Life the Full start early in the New Year (7th January) and we’ve fixed starting dates for two more (see below). These informal classes teach CBT tools for those with low mood or anxiety – perfect for people wanting to beat the New Year blues All series consist of 8 sessions at 7:45pm at Bramhall Methodist Church. There is no cost but we do welcome donations if people feel they have benefitted. You can read about what people have said about the classes at this link.

    ·        Tuesdays from 7th January (non-religious)

    ·        Wednesdays from 4th March (non-religious)

    ·        Mondays from 6th May (additional Christian material*)

    (* These classes have exactly the same CBT content as the non-religious version but are 10-15 minutes longer as they include some extra material suggesting how a Christian faith can augment the CBT techniques)


    60+ Drop In

    Please also see the attached poster giving information about a new group that has started at the Plaza on a Wednesday morning 10:30am till 11:30am for people aged 60+..

    A launch event will also be held on Wednesday 8th January 10:30am till 11:30am where Carers, friends, family and care organisations can pop down to find out more.





    Please ensure to hand your child’s request time for parent evenings in the new year if you have not already done so.


     Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 3 You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.





    The Week Ahead


    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  No brass for Year 5. Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday

    Upcoming Events

    School opens again on Monday 6th January 2020.


    We wish everyone a very merry Christmas and peaceful new year, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 9th December (allsaints-pri Admin)

    December is in full swing with lots of exciting things to say well done and thank you for from last week and also many events to look forward to over the next week…


    Saint George’s Choir Concert

     Amazing and wonderful are two very apt words to describe our fabulous All Saints’ Choir.  They represented themselves, their families and All Saints’ last Tuesday night at Saint George’s fantastically.  The Choir were shining examples of the All Saints’ Way and it truly was a beautiful, festive evening.  A huge thank you to Mrs Manning and Mrs Noble for all your hard work and giving up so much of your free time to prepare the children so brilliantly. 



     All Saints’ Church

    We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at All Saints’ Church for making us so welcome yesterday during our visit.  It was a pleasure to see so many of our All Saints’ School family and also celebrate the amazing links we have between our School and such a special Church. 




    Helpers required!

    If you are able to help walk the children up to the rehearsal at Church on Wednesday morning at 9.10am and then return back to school from Church at 11.00am that would be wonderful – please let your child’s class teacher or the office know.




    Message from Saint Anne’s Hospice - Christmas tree collection

    Please see the attached poster for more information of how to support this charity. 



    Message on behalf of Stockport Council

    The link below asks for views on the admission arrangements of a number of schools out of the local area but the final section is about School Terms and Holiday Dates 2021/22.  It is asking for families’ views on if they would like to keep the 2 week May holiday or change it to a week and have an additional week in the summer.


    To respond to this consultation, visit https://www.stockport.gov.uk/admission-arrangements-and-school-holiday-and-term-dates-consultation


    The consultation closes on 12 January 2020


     Message on behalf of Stockport SEND Team

    We’re asking parents of children and young people with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) to sign up for our SEND e-newsletter. The aim of this newsletter is to keep you updated on the most recent information from our SEND Improvement Programme journey.

    The aim is that it will help us:

    • signpost parents to useful information, services and support
    • inform parents of any changes to the services we provide
    • get feedback on how we can improve our support and services

    Please email the following email address for more information:- SEND-IP@stockport.gov.uk







    Please do take a look at all the upcoming events below, as it is a very busy time of year!



           Best Attendance

          Very well done to Class 5. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 98.67%.  Fantastic and very well done.





    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Christmas Lunch – This is fully booked and parents should have received a message with sitting time.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December - Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.  Year 5 brass.


    Upcoming Events


    Monday 16th December – Front Row Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3, no Brass for Year 5.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.


    We hope to see you in school at some of this week’s events, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 2nd December (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Well December is here and it is officially Christmas Time at All Saints’!!!  As you will all be well aware, it is the season for many an All Saints’ Christmas tradition from Year 6 Christmas cake making to Key Stage One Productions and Carol Services, as such we just want to say thank you for all you are doing to support your child and school at this busy time and encourage you to look at the upcoming date reminders below to ensure you don’t miss out on anything. 



     Parents Association Christmas Fair

    Saturday’s Christmas Fair was a huge success and thank you so much to everyone who played a part, no matter how big or small! It is a real team effort and School cannot thank you all enough as the money you raise really does make a difference. It makes a difference especially to the ‘M’ part of our All Saints’ Way definition as the money allows us to make many Memories for the children, as highlighted by our upcoming Parents Association funded cinema trip!



    Class 6 Assembly

    Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us as the Year 6 children celebrated their learning in style. The theme was our whole school topic ‘Global Neighbours’ and it included some impressive science, geography, music and English learning. We were particularly impressed with the thought provoking poem and narrative poem. Thank you Year 6 children and staff for a fabulous assembly!


    Parents Evening Letters

    Please look out for your child coming home tonight with their Parents Evening letters for January meetings. 


    Teacher Training Students

    We are always happy to accommodate students and Friday was no exception as we had 13 students joining us as Mr McShane and Mrs Noble led some of their training on PSHE and RE. They were impressed with our children and their children’s learning.



    A message from Marple Carnival Committee







    Our Royalty application is now available on our website!


    To be the Carnival Queen the child/student must be aged 10 to 15 and to be Princess aged 7 to 10. Entries are also welcome in the age range 5 to 7 for the Carnival Rosebud and from 4 years for a Carnival Petal. Boys are also welcome to apply.


    Entry details are on our website: www.marplecarnival.org.uk



                                                                                                Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 3. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.33%.  Fantastic and very well done. 





    The Week Ahead


    Tuesday 3rd December  - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal pm and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 Christmas Cakes


    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Christmas Lunch – please see separate letter.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December -  Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.       

    Monday 16th December – Fiddler Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 25th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this week’s newsletter, you will be pleased to know that it is a short one!


    Trashion Show

    Last week saw our Key Stage 2 children put on a great show displaying all their ‘Trashion’ items and ‘Upcycling’ skills.  It has been a great part of our whole school ‘Global Neighbours’ topic, with many of our children really interested in how we can look after our planet more and also make a difference ourselves.  The children really enjoyed it and there were definitely some budding fashion designers in our midst! 




    Homework Museum

    Thank you also to all our ‘Trashion Show’ homework museum entries for this term. Again, there are definitely some great talents and creative minds in our school and a particular well done to our class winners, we know it was a difficult decision for our staff!   



    Welcome to Miss McConnell

    We are very much looking forward to Miss McConnell being in school over the next two weeks. We are sure you will make her feel very welcome as she gets to know our wonderful Reception Class and families.


    Christmas Fayre

    We are excited to be holding our Parents’ Association Christmas Fayre on Saturday from 11am to 1pm.  Thank you to everyone who has been busy behind the scenes and for all your donations last week. All money raised does so much to help all our children. Hope to see you there! 



    Movement Month

    As previously mentioned two of our classes have been trialling Movement Month working alongside Janine Kelly – one of parents. We would just like to say another huge thank you to Janine for all her time working with Class 2 and Class 5.  It has been really useful to take part in this project and something the children have enjoyed and benefited from. We are also fortunate enough that Mrs Noble and Mrs Cochrane will be sharing the learning and ideas with other staff to get us all moving even more every day!  







    CGP Books

    A reminder Mrs Davey in the Office is now taking orders for the CGP books. If you would like to order any books for your child, please contact the school office. Orders will be placed on Friday 29th November so please ensure you have placed your order and paid by this date.


     Read all about it!

    We are asking for donations of any used children's magazines, comics or newspapers (maybe from any subscriptions) that they no longer require and that can be used for our school library e.g. First News, Whizz Pop Bang Science magazine, Beano, Football magazines they would be gratefully appreciated




      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 1. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 95.71%, well done.




    The Week Ahead

    W/C 25th November -   Assessment Week

    Thursday 28th   November – 9.15am Year 6 Class Assembly

    Friday 29th November - Year 3 first swimming session - please see separate letters.

    Dress Down Day for Christmas Fair –

    All year groups – chocolate


    Saturday 30th November - Parent Association Christmas Fayre 11am – 1pm


    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 3rd December - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal am and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 making their Christmas Cakes – please see separate letter and make a payment on Parentpay

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Christmas Lunch – please see separate letter (closing date for booking Wednesday 4th December)

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December -  Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.       

    Monday 16th December – Front Row Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 18th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    We can’t believe we are already in week four of this half term, time flies when you are having fun!


    Mrs Preece

    As many of you are now aware we are sorry to be saying goodbye to Mrs Preece as we break up for Christmas.  However, we cannot thank her enough for all she has done for the children and school since she joined us, four years ago.   We are sure you will join us in wishing her all the very best as she embarks on her next step in her career. 


     Miss McConnell

    We are delighted to announce that Miss McConnell who many of you will know from Class 2, Class Four - or even taking part in the All Saints’ Mighty Hike Team last year - will be the new Reception Teacher from January.  She is thrilled to be coming back to All Saints’ and will be in school a great deal leading up to Christmas getting to know all the wonderful Reception children and families. We know you will all make her feel at home again in no time!




    Active Generations

    Last Monday saw a great first for All Saints’ with the Reception Class Grandparents invited in for a very active afternoon.  Despite the weather, laps of the playground were done and even new skills learnt in the game of ‘Boccia’.  It was a great afternoon and thank you so much to everyone for coming and joining in.  Also, a huge thank you to Mrs Noble for organising this great event and watch this space for similar future events too!  


    Thank You  - Online Safety Workshop and Parent Open Afternoon

    Thank you to Tanya Cross who led the workshop and to the parents who were able to come along. Again, it was an informative session and all found it very helpful. The next session will take place during the evening.  Thank you also to all the parents who attended the drop in session we hope you found it useful.



    Welcome Back

    Mr Phil Alston led our Collective Worship on Friday 15th November. It was a superb interactive assembly using The Good Samaritan to demonstrate how we ought to treat each other with respect and care. He spoke about being intentional in our efforts to make everyone around us happy. We are looking forward to Mr Alston joining us again in the future.





    Say hello to our new road safety figures

    We were all excited to unveil our road safety figures on Friday. Our Non-Uniform Day raised £195.45 and the Parent Association have kindly volunteered to add £149.55 so we could purchase 3 figures. Thank you so much for all of your generous donations and thank you very much to the Parents' Association for helping us make this possible. Hopefully, they will make car users think twice about where they park to ensure our children stay safe.



    Christmas Lunch

    This year our annual All Saints’ Christmas Lunch will take place on Wednesday 11th December.  Family members are welcome to come and join their child/children and really start the festive season off, sharing a Christmas Lunch together.  As usual it is a huge event to organise so please book your places by Wednesday 4th December.  Please look out for the separate letter coming home with your child today. Pay for your child’s meal as normal using the Taylor Shaw Lunch Payment option, pay for any adults and siblings by clicking on the Christmas Lunch option. For any help with this please email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk

    Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at this exciting event!



    Homework Museum Entries

    We are very excited to see your Homework Museum entries ready for the ‘Trashion Show’ tomorrow! Children to please bring in entries and a photo of it being modelled by the beginning of the day. The entries will be open for families to view at the end of the school day until 4pm!




    CGP Books

    A reminder Mrs Davey in the Office is now taking orders for the CGP books. If you would like to order any books for your child, please contact the school office. Orders will be placed on Friday 29th November so please ensure you have placed your order and paid by this date.


     Read all about it!

    We are asking for donations of any used children's magazines, comics or newspapers (maybe from any subscriptions) that they no longer require and that can be used for our school library e.g. First News, Whizz Pop Bang Science magazine, Beano, Football magazines they would be gratefully appreciated! 





     Best Attendance

    Very well done to our Class 6. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 97.46%.  Fantastic and very well done.






    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 19th November - Trashion Show (Homework Museum). Children to bring in entries and a photo of it being modelled by the beginning of the day. The entries will be open for families to view at the end of the school day – please see the flyer for more information and get creating!

    Friday 22nd November - Year 4 last swimming session and Year 5 first brass session - please see separate letters.

    Dress Down Day for Christmas Fair –

    Reception & Key Stage 1 - pamper goods

    Key Stage 2 - bottles


    Upcoming Events


    W/C 25th November -   Assessment Week

    Thursday 28th   November - Year 6 Class Assembly

    Friday 29th November - Year 3 first swimming session - please see separate letters.

    Dress Down Day for Christmas Fair –

    All year groups – chocolate


    Saturday 30th November - Parent Association Christmas Fayre 11am – 1pm

    Tuesday 3rd December  - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal am and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 Christmas Cakes

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Christmas Lunch – please see separate letter.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December -  Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.       

    Monday 16th December – Fiddler Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    Have a great week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 11th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

     Anti-bullying Week

    This week sees us focus and celebrate the extremely important national Anti-bullying week.  This year’s theme is ‘Change Starts with Us’ and we are sure the children will have a fantastic and informative week.  Included this week are the following events for parents:-


     Thursday 1.15pm - Online Safety Workshop for parents run by Tanya Cross from the Local Authority.  Please sign in at the main entrance. Followed by the open afternoon.2.15pm - Autumn Parent Open Afternoon.                                                                                                                                                                                      



     After parental feedback we will also be selling the CGP workbooks at the parent drop in, many families find these really helpful when supporting their children at home.  Parents will be able to order these by paying cash only to the office up until Thursday 28th November. Books will then be distributed to children at the beginning of December.  We will also be finishing the week with a dress down day to raise money for parking figures outside of school, a suggested minimum donation of £1.00 would be very gratefully received.    




    Parents Association Christmas Fair

    Saturday 30th November 11am – 1pm.

    In preparation for the Christmas Fair please see the information regarding dress down days below:

     Friday 22nd November

    Reception & Key Stage 1 - pamper goods

    Key Stage 2 - bottles


    Friday 29th November

    All year groups - chocolate

    The PA are also trialling a present 'buy and wrap' service this year where children will be able to buy a gift priced £1, £2 or £3 for someone special in their family, an adult will be on hand to help them pick, wrap and write a tag for the gift. For this we are asking people to send in any 'unused gifts' they have lurking at the back of cupboards.  If you are able to help before or during the Christmas Fair then please let either Helena Monds or the Office know.  The money raised by these events is absolutely invaluable for the school, so a huge thank you in advance for all your support.  


    Basketball Assembly

    We had an absolutely amazing assembly led by Gavin who trains the England basketball team and is part of the Sports for All organisation. He was engaging and the children enjoyed the interactive challenges he set for them. Individuals who took part wowed us with their skills and the children were impressed with the skills of Mrs Monds and Mr McShane too!  Gavin spoke about resilience and success that can be achieved by all. He also gave an open invitation to anyone who would like to join the training session. Children took these home last Thursday, so hopefully you have seen them!


    Year 5 Class Assembly

    The Year 5 children led their assembly on Environmental issues with enthusiasm and conviction. They spoke about writing to real audiences like ASDA and KFC and shared some of the replies received from different organisations. We heard a wonderful acrostic poem and everyone left with a much better understanding of how to look after our planet Earth. Thank you to the Year 5 children and staff for a fabulous assembly! We would also like to thank the many parents who turned up to celebrate, support and encourage the children in their learning.

    Message from Saint Ann’s Hospice

    Our tiny charity, JustHelping, is once again is running their Christmas Tree collection in partnership with St Ann's Hospice.  The collection will take place in Stockport on 10th, 11th and 12th January.




    Homework Museum Entries are due in on Tuesday 19th November!


     Read all about it!

    We are asking for donations of any used children's magazines, comics or newspapers (maybe from any subscriptions) that they no longer require and that can be used for our school library e.g. First News, Whizz Pop Bang Science magazine, Beano, Football magazines they would be gratefully appreciated!                                                                                      



     Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 6. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.68%.  Fantastic and very well done.




    The Week Ahead


    W/C 11th November - Anti-bullying Week 2019 – Theme ‘Change starts with us’

    Active Generation event at 1.30pm for Grandparents of Reception Children (please see separate letter). Please sign in at the main reception.

    Tuesday 12th November - Flu vaccinations for Reception to Year 6 children – please see separate communication.

    Wednesday 13th November - Years 3, 4 and 5 Samba Drums Workshop in school, 2.45pm showcase for parents to attend.  Please sign in at the main reception. 

    Thursday 14th   November - Safer Internet/ Social Media Workshop for all parents at 1.15pm to 2.15pm followed by Parent Drop In to meet your child’s teacher(s).   Please sign in at the main reception.

    Friday 15th November - Year 6 last brass session and Dress Down Day to raise money for parking figures.


    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 19th November - Trashion Show (Homework Museum). Children to bring in entries and a photo of it being modelled by the beginning of the day. The entries will be open for families to view at the end of the school day – please see the flyer for more information and get creating!

    Friday 22nd November - Year 4 last swimming session and Year 5 first brass session - please see separate letters.

    W/C 25th November -   Assessment Week

    Thursday 28th   November - Year 6 Class Assembly

    Friday 29th November - Year 3 first swimming session - please see separate letters

    Saturday 30th November - Parent Association Christmas Fayre 11am – 1pm

    Tuesday 3rd December  - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal am and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 Christmas Cakes

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December -                Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.

    Monday 16th December – Front Row Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    We hope you have a lovely week and to see many of you on Thursday, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 4th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to another newsletter and busy week here at All Saints’!


     Selling poppies

    Following our special Remembrance Collective Worship, led by our Ethos Group, this week we will be selling poppies and other merchandise in school to raise money for the appeal.  We have a range of things that the Year 6 children will sell for example, wristbands, zip pulls, reflector badges and snap bands all for a suggested donation of £1.00 as well as 4 things for £1.00 such as ruler, pencil, eraser and sharpener. 




     Read all about it!

    We are asking for donations of any used children's magazines, comics or newspapers (maybe from any subscriptions) that they no longer require and that can be used for our school library e.g. First News, Whizz Pop Bang Science magazine, Beano, Football magazines they would be gratefully appreciated! 


    Parent Governor Election

    We only received one application at the recent election and as such are delighted to announce that Helena Monds has been elected again for another term of office.  We are very grateful of your continued commitment and dedication for all the children of All Saints’. 


    Our Fantastic All Saints’ Community

    Music and Movement

    A huge thank you to Henry and Nathaniel’s Mum for giving up her time and coming in to lead a music assembly for the whole school and Dulcrose sessions for the infants last week.  The children (and staff) really loved it and it definitely had the desired effect of inspiring our future musicians.  Also, thank you so much to Lois’s Mum in Year 1 for also giving up her time to come and trial some movement sessions with two of our classes, again the children really enjoyed it and we hope to build on this as part of our constant drive to keep our children active and healthy.  

    Being a Beekeeper

     Mr Chris Buckley came in to share his expertise on bees and beekeeping on Thursday. This fitted in perfectly as our topic this term is Global Neighbours. He led several workshops for all our children who were buzzing with excitement and extra knowledge by the end of it. Mr Buckley brought in a robust hive with bees inside, the children enjoyed learning about candles made from beeswax, handling honeycomb and seeing the different consistencies of honey. We even had our own giant bee saying thank you to Mr Buckley. He was absolutely brilliant and we hope he visits us again soon.




    Evergreens Group

     Four representatives of the Year 6 class went to All Saints’ Church to visit the Evergreens Group. This group have kindly paid for the subscription for our Year 5 class to engage in the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award this year. The children spoke about how important it is to serve others and to build confidence and determination to be the change we want to see. They spoke about all the local projects they had engaged in and how these helped to develop their leadership skills. We would like to again express a huge thank you to the Evergreens Group.



     Thank You!
    A massive thanks to all who handed in Aldi sports stickers we now have a full 300 on our chart  - fingers crossed we will receive some great new sports kits for PE events in the future and thank you to Mrs Noble’s daughter who spent time in her holidays sticking them all on!!! Please hand in any stickers you may have before the 13th November, to ensure they are all stuck on the chart ready to be posted before the deadline.




    Message from Marple Civic Society

    An event is being organised by St Martin’s Low Marple Heritage Trust entitled "The Arts and Crafts Movement in the North West". This is a study afternoon with afternoon tea and all are welcome.  It is taking place on Saturday 23rd November 2019, 2.30pm - 4.30pm.  For further information please see https://www.stmartinsheritagetrust.org.uk/



     Thursday 14th November - Online Safety Workshop and Parent Open Afternoon

    As circulated on the Autumn Term Diary Dates we have organised a special online safety awareness workshop for all parents and family members. This interactive session will be led by Tanya Cross (Local Authority PSHE Lead) at 1.15pm. The previous workshops have all been absolutely brilliant and all who attended thought it was excellent and benefited from it greatly.  Even if you have attended previously as the online world is constantly changing, it is still very much worthwhile attending again if you are able to.   This will be followed by our open afternoon where you can have a chat with your child or children's class teachers about how your child is settling in and the progress they are making. This will take place in the hall from 2:15pm to 3.00pm on Thurs 14th November. As always if you can be aware that these sessions are for all parents and if you feel you would like a little longer then please let your child’s class teacher know you would like to arrange a follow up meeting on the day.




      Best Attendance

    Very well done to our Reception Class. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.67%.  Fantastic and very well done.






    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 5th November  - Individual photos – please come ready to say cheese!

    Thursday 7th November –Mr Gavin Lane will be visiting us again to deliver a Basket Ball Workshop for all the children.

    Friday 8th November - Year 5 Class Assembly

    Upcoming Events


    W/C 11th November - Anti-Bullying Week 2019 – Theme ‘Change starts with us’

    Active Generation event at 1.30pm for Grandparents of Reception Children (please see separate letter)

    Tuesday 12th November - Flu vaccinations for Reception to Year 6 children – please see separate communication

    Wednesday 13th November - Years 3, 4 and 5 Samba Drums Workshop in school, 2.45pm showcase for parents to attend.  Please sign in at the main reception. 

    Thursday 14th   November - Safer Internet/ Social Media Workshop for all parents at 1.15pm to 2.15pm followed by Parent Drop in to meet your child’s teacher(s).  

    Friday 15th November - Year 6 last brass session and Dress Down Day to raise money for parking figures.

    Tuesday 19th November - Trashion Show (Homework Museum). Children to bring in entries and a photo of it being modelled by the beginning of the day. The entries will be open for families to view at the end of the school day – please see the flyer for more information and get creating!

    Friday 22nd November - Year 4 last swimming session and Year 5 first brass session - please see separate letters.

    W/C 25th November -   Assessment Week

    Thursday 28th   November - Year 6 Class Assembly

    Friday 29th November - Year 3 first swimming session - please see separate letters

    Saturday 30th November - Parent Association Christmas Fayre 11am – 1pm

    Tuesday 3rd December - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal am and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 Christmas Cakes

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December - Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.       

    Monday 16th December – Fiddler Music Performance assembly for invited families 9.05am. Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    Have a great week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 28th October (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A very warm (or unfortunately maybe cold and wet) welcome back to the second half of our Autumn Term!


     Church Week

      Well we could not start this half term without reflecting back on the amazing last week of Autumn 1 half term and Church Week.  The week continues to go from strength to strength and this year was a real triumph in terms of bringing all our All Saints’ Values to life, with the community living and breathing them all for the benefit of our amazing children.  We even had visitors from other Schools that were blown away by the uniqueness of this special event and all learning that takes place. Organisation for such a huge week starts many, many months ago and is not possible without the dedication and sheer hard work put in by all the kind volunteers and helpers along the way for which we could not be more grateful.  However, two incredibly special people really do need an individual mention and that is Mrs Eva and Mrs Holton! Your vision came to life and we cannot thank you enough for the hours and hours of work you both did to ensure that the week ran like clockwork and the children had a an absolutely fantastic time.  The colour run was something that early on did not seem possible but you did it, and from the many smiling - if not a bit muddy and wet – faces on the day I am sure it made it all worthwhile!     It was a very special week indeed and finally a big thanks for all the donations for the Pantry in Marple, supporting local families’, homeless and disadvantaged people in Stockport.






    Lockdown Arrangements

    In line with our Safeguarding procedures and policies, we will be having a Lock Down Drill next Wednesday the 6th November.  Please look out for the letter coming home with your children on Wednesday this week with further detail and information.


    Road Safety

    As you are aware, we are always concerned about the safety and wellbeing of our children. We have regularly sent out reminders about driving and parking on Brickbridge Road. To assist us, we would like to invest in some parking reminder resources. We know the children are keen to be involved so we will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 15th November, where each child is being asked to bring in at least £1 towards this very worthwhile cause. This will be instead of taking part in Children in Need this year. Many thanks in advance for your support.





     Thursday 14th November - Online Safety Workshop and Parent Open Afternoon

    As circulated on the Autumn Term Diary Dates we have organised a special online safety awareness workshop for all parents and family members. This interactive session will be led by Tanya Cross (Local Authority PSHE Lead) at 1.15pm. The previous workshops have all been absolutely brilliant and all who attended thought it was excellent and benefited from it greatly.  Even if you have attended previously as the online world is constantly changing, it is still very much worthwhile attending again if you are able to.   This will be followed by our open afternoon where you can have a chat with your child or children's class teachers about how your child is settling in and the progress they are making. This will take place in the hall from 2:15pm to 3.00pm on Thurs 14th November. As always if you can be aware that these sessions are for all parents and if you feel you would like a little longer then please let your child’s class teacher know you would like to arrange a follow up meeting on the day.







    Also, following on with the need to try and keep up with the ever-evolving online world, please see the attached guide around ‘Sadfishing’ a growing trend on social media. 





     Stockport Local Authority - Our SEND Improvement Journey

    Please see the attached - on behalf of Stockport Local Authority – an invite to a meeting regarding the LA Special Educational Need and Disability improvement journey. 




    Best Attendance



    Very well done to our Reception Class. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.






     We are still collecting!



    The Week Ahead

    Thursday 31st November - Beekeeper Workshop for children in school




    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 5th November  - Individual photos– please come ready to say cheese!

    Thursday 7th November - Outdoor Classroom Day

    Friday 8th November -    Year 5 Class Assembly

    W/C 10th November - Anti-bullying Week 2019 – Theme ‘Change starts with us’

    Tuesday 12th November - Flu vaccinations for Reception to Year 6 children – please see separate communication

    Wednesday 13th November - Years 3, 4 and 5 Samba Drums Workshop in school, 2.45pm showcase for parents to attend.  Please sign in at the main reception. 

    Thursday 14th November - Safer Internet/ Social Media Workshop for all parents at 1.15pm to 2.15pm followed by Parent Drop In to meet your child’s teacher(s).  

    Friday 15th November - Year 6 last brass session and Dress Down Day to raise money for parking figures.

    Tuesday 19th November - Trashion Show (Homework Museum). Children to bring in entries and a photo of it being modelled by the beginning of the day. The entries will be open for families to view at the end of the school day – please see the flyer for more information and get creating!

    Friday 22nd November - Year 4 last swimming session and Year 5 first brass session - please see separate letters.

    W/C 24th November -     Assessment Week

    Thursday 28th November - Year 6 Class Assembly

    Friday 29th November - Year 3 first swimming session - please see separate letters

    Saturday 30th November - Parent Association Christmas Fayre 11am – 1pm

    Tuesday 3rd December - All Saints’ Choir singing at Saint George’s Church.  Rehearsal am and Service 7.30pm – please see separate letter for more information.

    Friday 6th December - Year 6 Christmas Cakes

    Tuesday 10th December - Dance Assembly 9.05am

    Wednesday 11th December - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church, whole school to watch. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.

    Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church 9.30am and 6pm.

    Friday 13th December -                Celebration of successes Fruit and Ice-Cream Party for the children. Last Year 3 Swimming before the holidays.

    Monday 16th December - Reception and KS1 Christmas Party

    Tuesday 17th December – KS1 and 2 (Years 1-6) to Marple Cinema to watch The Grinch.  PM - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6) Christmas Party.

    Thursday 19th December - Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church. Anyone who is able to help walk the children to and from church at 9.10am and 11.00am please let the office know – thank you in advance.   Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church 6pm.

    Friday 20th December - Achievement Assembly for children in school time.  No swimming for Year 3.  Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm.

    School breaks up for the Christmas/New Year Holiday and returns on Monday 6th January 2020.

    Please note that Parents Evening Week will take place W.C Monday 13th January with evening appointments on Tuesday 3.30pm -6.00pm and Wednesday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Letters will be sent out to book appointments early December. 


    Lovely to be back, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 14th October (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Here goes for the final Newsletter of this half term…



     Well where to begin! We are simply bursting with pride about our truly amazing Year 6 children; they were simply outstanding at Robinwood.  It was a genuine honour and privilege to accompany such polite, kind and risk-taking children on their residential.  It was so lovely to be told by so many different Robinwood staff that our All Saints’ children where some of the best they had ever had the pleasure of supporting.  They said they were excellent at listening, working together, supporting each other and having a great time!  We could not be any prouder of you all as should all the children and families be too.  We would also like to say a massive All Saints’ thank you to Mr McShane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Adshead who meticulously planned such a fabulous trip, filled with memories that will last a lifetime, your time away from your families and kindness is very much appreciated by us all. 


    Church Week – is here!



      Just a reminder that as well as the children visiting Church Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we are very excited to be holding a ‘Colour Run’ on Friday 18th October at 2.15pm on our school field! We are so thankful to Mrs Holton and Mrs Eva for coming up with the idea to do something a bit different, take a risk and try something new.  This year's Church Week is focusing on 'God's Big Story', an overview of the bible, which fits with All Saints' new R.E. curriculum, "Understanding Christianity". There is an amazing mural that helps explain the timeline of the bible, it shows all the wonderful colours of Creation, however when 'The Fall' happens the colour disappears from the images. A metaphor for sin bringing sadness and hurt into the world. The exciting thing about this frieze is that later we can see colour re- enter the story of the bible with the birth of Jesus. We are exploring these paintings and their meanings during Church week. The colour run developed from this idea for a celebration of God's ongoing rescue plan to restore our world. The final panel is a vivid display of life in full technicolour washing over the grey brokenness.  We hope your children will recognise the link to God's life giving joy and love through this unusu al Harvest Colour Run ...for practical reasons this event needs to take place on the school field!  As it is the first time we have done anything like this then please come ready to just see how it goes and most importantly have a great time! We truly hope it will be a great end to Church Week, such a special time of year, celebrating our links with All Saints’ Church and Harvest!





    Also, a reminder that we are also asking for donations of tins of food to be handed in via your child’s class teacher. We will deliver these hampers to the Pantry in Marple, supporting local families’ charity for homeless and disadvantaged people in Stockport.  Many thanks in advance for all your donations. 



    Christmas Already!

    We hope you will forgive us for mentioning Christmas when you see the special letter making your way home with your KS1 and KS2 child this week.  Our fantastic PA have agreed to pay for the children to attend an All Saints’ only screening of ‘The Grinch’ on the morning of Tuesday 17th December at Marple Cinema and a huge thank you to Mrs Manning for organising this.



    Christmas Again!!!

    The PA have discovered that the date of the Christmas Fair clashes with both Make it Marple and also the Marple Bridge Christmas event and are therefore proposing moving it to Saturday 30th November. Many thanks in advance for your understanding and really hope you can make the new date. 



     Mural Restoration Update

    I am sure you join us in really missing the KS1 playground mural as you go past on Church Lane or wait in the KS1 playground.  Well the painstaking process of resorting it is well underway now with local artist Tracy McGuiness Kelly and we can’t wait to have it back with us soon.  A huge thank you to the PA for supporting the cost of this restoration, which will make it last for another 10 years!





    Linnet Clough

    Please see attached poster for ‘Adventure Days’ this half term.



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Reception and Class 4. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.33%.  Fantastic and very well done.







     We are still collecting!





    Parent Governor Election

    Please do take a minute to read the letter circulated about the upcoming Parent Governor Election and get in touch if you would like any more information about what the role entails and how it helps our children and school greatly. 


    The Week Ahead


    Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October Church Week – please see separate letter


    Friday  18th Harvest Celebration PM – please separate letter .  Break up for October Half Term



    Upcoming Events


    Monday 28th October – School re-opens 


    Have a lovely week and happy holiday next week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 7th October (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Congratulations All Saints’

    What lovely news to start last week …All Saints’ artwork won first place at the Marple Climate Crisis Event.  A huge thank you to Mrs Clayton and the fabulous 20 children who all worked together to create this very thought provoking piece.  It has now been placed on show in the waiting room at Marple Station and we hope you get the opportunity to go and view it as it has been very well received by others using the station. 



    Church Week – a week to go!

    With Church Week just around the corner Mrs Holton has put a request out for empty egg shells - halved, washed, sterilised and in their box.  If you are able to bring these in to School, they would be very gratefully received.  Also, if you are able to help us walk the children to and from Church as outlined on the letter then please let us know ASAP. Thank you in advance. 





    Parent Governor Election

    Please do take a minute to read the letter circulated about the upcoming Parent Governor Election and get in touch if you would like any more information about what the role entails and how it helps our children and school greatly. 


    Year One Thank You!

    So touched - our cake sale for Dementia UK the charity nominated by John who made the flower rings on Dan Bank raised £40 and we were so unbelievably touched by how many cake donations there were and how well attended it was.  Can we just say a huge thank you to Year 1 families for supporting this little bake sale. 

    Mystery Reader

    We have had great success with our Mystery Reader chair in the past and last year had requests flooding in from families! We therefore thought we would send a letter again to remind you about a really lovely opportunity for you to become further involved in the life of All Saints’ Primary School and to provide a surprise for your child.  In addition, to welcome you as a new Reception parent and explain what Mystery Reader is all about! Please look out for the letter. 


     World Mental Health Day

    On Thursday 10th it will be World Mental Health Day. Throughout the day your child will complete a couple of activities to explore wellbeing and resilience. This learning will enhance our current curriculum offer for our children where we continuing support and reflect on their wellbeing.  On the day we will be promoting the fact that we can help ourselves to feel good e.g. keep active, eat healthily, listen to our favourite music, go outside to get some fresh air, talk to someone we trust, have a good night’s sleep, etc.



    Special Assembly

    Mr Botwe, the Headteacher of Tytherington High School came to lead our collective worship on Friday 4th October, it was both interactive and engaging! He spoke about the importance of having big dreams, being determined and resilient. He was blown away with how our children confidently spoke and participated in the assembly. Many children were keen to share their big dreams and how they would be working hard to achieve them! We thoroughly enjoyed having Mr Botwe with us and are looking forward to him visiting us again.


     A Message from All Saints’ Church



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Classes 2 and 4. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.






     We are still collecting!


    The Week Ahead

    Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October – Year 6 Residential to Robinwood


    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October Church Week – please see separate letter


    Friday 18th Harvest Celebration PM – please separate letter .  Break up for October Half Term


    Monday 28th October – School re-opens 


    Have a lovely week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 30th September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Another week has flown by and we have had a great turn out for all the ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ thank you to everyone who attended and all the staff for all their time and hard work preparing and leading the meetings.  If you were unable to attend then please do speak to your child’s class teacher and take some time to look at the packs provided.   We will also be showing a selection of CGP books at the parent drop in on Thursday 14th November, if families wish to purchase them.



    In school we have also been spending some time to get to know our sponsored child Nicholas who we support via the Christian Charity Compassion.  Nicholas lives in Uganda and the children have been making birthday cards for him, which I am sure, will be very gratefully received.   We look forward to sharing more updates and how the children are supporting Nicholas to attend school in the future. 



     Celebration of Languages Day

    What an amazing day we all had! The morning began with Mr Chaloner and Mrs Daniel hanging out the flag bunting to mark this special day. Parents and friends of the school who came in, shared stories, songs, taught basic phrases and shared information about a country’s landscape, food, main attractions, etc. It was such a wonderful multicultural day, where our children learned a little Bengali, Polish, German, French, Thai, Swahili and Spanish!!  We would like say a huge THANK YOU to those who prepared presentations and volunteered to share a language with us: Ms Helena Akterrekha, Mr Sobiegraj, Ms Ensinger, Mrs Bell, Mr Jantong and Mr Janjua.  The day was completed with a celebration of languages assembly where the children shared some of what they learned and sang songs with Gill Henderson Wild from the Stockport Music Service.


    Church Week

    Your child will have come home with a letter with lots of important information about our annual and upcoming Church Week.  We hope you agree that it should be a fabulous week and that the Friday Colour Run instead of the Harvest Service will be such an exciting event!  A huge thank you to Mrs Eva and Mrs Holton who have been planning this special week for months already!


     Wow Walk to School

    Just a reminder to parents that we are running the Wow Walk to School scheme again this year.  For our new families this is where we ask the children how they travelled to school each day and if they walk, cycle or park and stride then they work up towards earning badges as a reward.  This is part of our continual efforts to encourage healthy lifestyles and increase safety for our children and families around busy times of the school day.  In addition, recent press articles are discussing the very negative effects of not switching off engines while waiting on pollution levels and therefore the air quality we are breathing in, especially small children who are nearer the level of the exhausts.  It is an offence to idle your engine and it is a fineable offense. We hope that you will help support our children and please turn off your engines while parked.  Thank you in advance. 



     Book Fair

    Thank you to everyone who has been and looked at our book fair in school. Mrs Shaw is kindly processing orders and will be getting books to people ASAP! 



    Bags for School                          

     A huge thank you to everyone for their very kind donations, we raised a wonderful £120!  Thank you especially to Mrs Hallworth and the office team for all the organisation that was involved. 







      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Classes 1 and 3. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.29%.  Fantastic and very well done.





    We are still collecting!


    The Week Ahead

    Thursday 3rd October – National Poetry Day


    Upcoming Events


    Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October – Year 6 Residential to Robinwood


    Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October Church Week – please see separate letter


    Friday  18th Harvest Celebration PM – please see separate letter. Break up for October Half Term at 3.15pm


    Monday 28th October – School re-opens 


    Have a lovely week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 23rd September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    It has been lovely to watch our Whole School Topic of ‘Global Neighbours’ really gathering momentum and seeing the different directions each of the classes are taking their learning in, from the impact of pollution on our world to Brexit!

    We are collecting Aldi team GB stickers for Sports and PE in school.  Please collect any stickers and drop off in the bucket in the school entrance. We are aiming for 300 by the start of November to be in with the chance of winning some fabulous prizes (up to £20,000 for PE) and free, exclusive sports kits for school competitive events.  Every time you spend £30 you will receive a sticker with a sporting star on for our poster so please, please, please get to Aldi for your weekly shop!  Kind regards, Mrs. Noble and Mr. G!



    Amazingly, we now have our defib installed in the Reception area of school and staff received training on using it last week.  This is a great asset to our school and we would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Hallas and Mrs Hallworth for all their help and support achieving this goal!


    Volunteers in School

    We are holding our annual volunteers training this Wednesday 2.00pm - 3.15pm followed by Safeguarding training 3.30pm - 6.30pm.  If you are interested Mrs. Noble would love to hear from you!  Please email school admin if you or a family member have any free time and are interested in volunteering in school.  We are always keen to welcome new volunteers to hear readers, help sort the school library and carry out various jobs such as photocopying, sticking in work, displays etc. in the classroom.  An extra pair of hands can make a huge difference...!  


    Communication Reminder

    To ensure all messages/ information is received in a timely manner and passed on appropriately please can we remind families to contact the School office on 0161 427 3008 or email admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk in the first instance. 


    Special Assembly

    Mr Barker, the Headteacher of Marple Hall School came to lead our collective worship on Thurs 19th September, it was both interactive and engaging! He spoke about the importance of planning to be successful by developing determination, honesty, organisational skills, respect and enthusiasm. He was super impressed with our children and even spent a short while with the Year 6 children in their classroom. We thoroughly enjoyed having him with us and are looking forward to him visiting us again.



     A Message from Marple Mellor and Marple Bridge Energy Saving Strategy (MESS)

    Please see the attached Flyer for the MESS organsied Climate Crisis in Marple event on Sunday 29th September.


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 1. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.64%.  Fantastic and very well done.






    Scholastic Book Fair is now in school, until the 26th September.  It will be open in the hall 3.30pm – 4.00pm and available to look at prior to the 6.00pm meet the new teacher meetings.

    Mathletics Contributions

     As you are all aware our budget, as with many Schools, at present is extremely challenging.  We are hopeful that the recent announcements linked to increased funding will come to fruition, but in the meantime we would be most grateful if parents felt able to support their child by making a £5.00 donation towards their child’s Mathletics subscription for the year.  If so then we would be very appreciative if you were able to do this via Parents Pay.  Many thanks in advance as this will help us to be able to maintain this wonderful resource for the children. 

    The Week Ahead


    Year 2 New to Year Group Meeting – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 New to Year Group Meeting – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Volunteers Training 2.00pm - 3.15pm followed by Safeguarding training 3.30pm - 6.30pm

    Year 4 New to Year Group Meeting – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Celebration of Languages Day – Thursday


    Parents Association Disco – Marple Cricket Club, tickets £3.00 via parent pay


    Upcoming Events

    Thursday 3rd October – National Poetry Day


    Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October – Year 6 Residential to Robinwood


    Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October Church Week –  separate letter to follow


    Friday 18th Harvest Celebration PM – more information to follow.  Break up for October Half Term


    Monday 28th October – School re-opens 


    We hope everyone has another wonderful week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 16th September (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to another week’s newsletter.  Thank you for your patience last week with the long Newsletter, you will be pleased to know this week’s is much shorter J!


     As always at the start of a new school year it is important to reflect on our vision and hopes for the coming year.  As all the classes have been thinking about this in school we felt it important to reflect on this with our families too.  The All Saints’ Way sums up our ethos and underpins all we do and most importantly how we do it. We are committed to Restorative Approaches that promote accountability and seek to repair any harm caused in a situation. Restorative Approaches help us to create peaceful learning environments for our children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. We are also committed to our Christian values of Hope, Friendship, Trust, Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Peace. With Hope being the focus for our first half term, back in school.

    Well what an honour for the Tour of Britain to go past our very own All Saints’ School on Saturday.  What a great atmosphere and what a great opportunity for our community.  I am sure that it has inspired many of our children to take up a great new hobby!




     Mathletics Contributions

    As you are all aware our budget, as with many Schools, at present is extremely challenging.  We are hopeful that the recent announcements linked to increased funding will come to fruition, but in the meantime we would be most grateful if parents felt able to support their child by making a £5.00 donation towards their child’s Mathletics subscription for the year.  If so then we would be very appreciative if you were able to do this via Parent Pay.  Many thanks in advance as this will help us to be able to maintain this wonderful resource for the children. 



    Eco Bricks

    Miss Whittleworth says thank you for the many Eco bricks we received. The class who brought in the most was class 3. A very well done to all those who managed to bring at least one in. If you have any at home, please do send them into school once they are complete.


    A Message from Kidslingo


    Kidslingo will be teaching fun-filled French sessions in our school. A Lunchtime French Club will take place on Tuesdays at 12.15pm for years Reception, 1 and 2 and 12.45pm for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 from 17th September. We’ll make sure all children have time to eat before the sessions!

    The club will cost £3 per session and therefore £36 for this term (12 sessions in total). Similar clubs in other schools have filled up very fast so do book your child’s place now so that you don’t miss out.

    À bientôt!

    www.kidslingo.co.uk/area/eaststockport-necheshire or Elin.mcfarlane@kidslino.co.uk



    Languages Day

    We are looking forward to our Celebration of Languages Day on 26th September when each class will be experiencing a different language and country. 

    It would be fantastic if your child could begin to research the country and language listed next to their class name.


    Class                   Language

    Reception              Bengali ( Bangladesh)

    Class 1                  Polish ( Poland)

    Class 2                German ( Germany)

    Class 3                 French   (France)

    Class 4                 Spainish  (Spain)

    Class 5                 Thai  (Thailand)

    Class 6                 Swahili (Kenya)



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 3. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done.



    Scholastic Book Fair arrives in school, until the 26th September.  It will be open in the hall 3.30pm – 4.00pm and available to look at prior to the 6.00pm meet the new teacher meetings.

    The Week Ahead

    New to Year Group Reception Meeting – Monday 16th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    New to Year Group Year 1 Meeting – Tuesday 17th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    New to Year Group Year 3 Meeting - Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Marple Hall Open Evening-Thursday 19th September 4:30pm till 8:30pm


    Upcoming Events


    New to Year Group Meetings

    Following the success of previous years, we will be holding ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ early this September.  It is so useful if families are able to attend so they are aware of the new class expectations and can support their child and work in partnership with school effectively. Therefore, we wanted to share the dates with you as early as possible so you can pop them in your dairies! 

    Year 2 – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm                        

    Year 3- Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 4 – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm


    Here is to another great week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 9th September (allsaints-pri Admin)



    Welcome back everyone…

    It has been lovely seeing all our wonderful children and families again and of course welcoming all our new starters.  We hope everyone has an amazing year and all our new All Saints’ family members are all very happy here too!

    As always, it is back to School with a bang and our new whole school topic of ‘Global Neighbours’ is well underway.  With Samba workshops, Science clubs, a Residential and Church Week to name but a few opportunities all in the first half term let’s make it another fabulous term at All Saints’. 

    Respect Charter

    At All Saints’ we passionately believe that working together with families gives the best possible outcomes for our children.  As such at the start of the new academic year, we would just like to re-send and share with our new members our Respect Charter. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.



    Sadly, we have already received concern from parents regarding the parking around school.  As always we understand that the access to All Saints’ is not ideal, however we are also sure you will agree that this still should not put any of our children or families’ members in danger.  Therefore, please do take the time to read the reminder of ‘please don’t’ and ‘please do’.   




    Languages Day

    Thank you so very much to all those who have volunteered to contribute to our Celebration of Languages Day on 26th September when each class will be experiencing a different language and country. We now have sufficient volunteers and are looking forward to this very special day.


    School Funding Summit

    *Meeting postponed* the school funding summit planned for 16th September at Marple Hall School has been postponed following the chancellor’s announcement on school funding. We will update you with further details when we have them.


     School Games Gold Kite Mark

    As previously mentioned we celebrated securing the Silver School Games Kite Mark before we broke up, but when being quality assured it was actually demonstrated that All Saints’ met the necessary standards for the highest Award - Gold!!! We would like to say another huge well done and thank you to all our Sports Ambassadors, Mr Granite and Mrs Preece for helping All Saints’ secure this accolade and for most importantly for providing excellent provision for all our children!


    Autumn Term Diary Dates

    Well it wouldn’t be All Saints’ if we didn’t mention Christmas in the first newsletter of the year J, so please find attached the Autumn Term Diary Dates that were also circulated last week.  As usual we really appreciate it if you take the time to read it through, place dates on your calendar, pin it on your fridge – whatever works for you and your family!  We hope to see you at as many school events as possible over the coming term.


    Time to get your Trashion on!

     In keeping with our Global Neighbours whole school topic, our optional Long Term Homework Project has an eco-theme.  So please take a look at the attached flyer and we can’t wait to see what our wonderfully creative children come up with! All entries in by the start of the day on Tuesday 19th November please.



    Stockport Music Service

    Please see attached a flyer and application form for singing activities in Stockport for Year 1 to Year 6 children.





    We are pleased to remind you that All Saints’ C of E Primary School has organized a clothes & shoe collection with Bag2School in order to raise funds for resources for school and money towards the Forest School area. Please see the attached letter for more details and thank you in advance for supporting us.


    Summer Reading Challenge  

    Has been taking place at Marple Library – fingers crossed All Saints’ may top the leader board this year!  We can’t wait to find out how much everyone has been reading over the holidays in the next few weeks.


    Eco Bricks

    As mentioned before the holiday’s we are continually trying to improve on our sustainability. Therefore, we look forward to seeing how may eco bricks we welcome into school! After the count by Mrs Whittleworth on Friday we will be able to reveal the winning class! Good luck everyone



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Classes 2 and 6. You have both won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done, what a great start to the year!




    The Week Ahead

    Thursday 12th September - Year 6 New to Year Group Meeting 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Scholastic Book Fair arrives in school, until the 26th September.  It will be open in the hall 3.30pm – 4.00pm and available to look at prior to the 6.00pm meet the new teacher meetings.

    Friday 13th September – Eco Bricks handed in. 

    Year 4 start swimming and Year 6 start brass.


    Upcoming Events

    New to Year Group Meetings

    Following the success of previous years, we will be holding ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ early this September.  It is so useful if families are able to attend so they are aware of the new class expectations and can support their child and work in partnership with school effectively. Therefore, we wanted to share the dates with you as early as possible so you can pop them in your dairies!

    Reception – Monday 16th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 1 – Tuesday 17th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 2 – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 3- Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 4 – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm


    It is wonderful to be back, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 22nd July (allsaints-pri Admin)





    Where to begin ............


     We can’t quite believe we are writing the final newsletter of the 2018-2019 academic year!   It seems a long time ago since we welcomed our new Reception children back in September and so much has happened between now and then.  From our Whole School Walk, Robinwood, Church Week, Key Stage One Christmas Production, Castleton, SATs, Active Week to Summer Fairs and that is without even mentioning all the class trips and experiences that have taken place.  As always All Saints’ is the definition of ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ so many people come together to make all these things happen and of course our wonderful children make it worthwhile every single day. We want to take this opportunity to say a huge ALL SAINTS’ THANK YOU to everyone in our community and celebrate another amazing year at this very special place.  We hope everyone has a lovely and safe summer and we can’t wait to see you all to do it all over again on Wednesday 4th September!




    Our Fabulous Year Six!

    We were totally entertained last week when Year 6 took on and smashed their Shakespeare production of Romeo and Juliet! Singing, dancing, lines learned, props made, it really was a great end to their time at All Saints’.  We are so proud of them all and although we are going to miss each and every one of you so much, we know you are more than ready for the next chapter in your lives and can’t wait to hear about your exciting adventures. We are also looking forward to another part of the goodbyes with the Leaver’s Service on Wednesday with Year 5 and 6 parents invited to attend All Saints’ Church at 1.45pm. We would also ask families if possible to kindly donate a tin or packet of food for Marple’s Connect Centre. 


     Goodbye Mrs Collinge

    We are so sad to be losing Mrs Collinge this week and feel extremely grateful for all you have done for our school and in particular our Year 1 children and families.  We were so lucky to have you cover Mrs Manning’s maternity leave and we wish you all the very best for a fantastic time at your new school. They are very lucky to have you.



    Welcome Back Mrs Manning

    We are delighted to welcome Mrs Manning back this week from her maternity leave – we can’t believe how quickly the time has gone and although its always difficult to return to work and leave little ones we are sure everyone will make her feel super welcome and super busy in no time!            





     School Games Silver Kite Mark

    We would like to say huge well done and thank you to all our Sports Ambassadors, Mr Granite and Mrs Preece for helping All Saints’ secure the Silver Schools Sports Kite Mark for the third year in a row, this is a great achievement and one to keep building on further next year!




    As always, we really value your comments so if you are able to bring back the comment section from your child’s report into school before we break up that would be greatly appreciated.


    School Reading/ Library Books Amnesty!

     Please can we ask for all library and reading books to be returned by Thursday for our library audit.  Even if you have had them for a long time, please search around and return for our book amnesty.  Unfortunately, we have lots of stock missing and we want all children to be able to choose some exciting books to help them love reading! We would also like to remind you of about the Summer Reading Challenge that is taking place at Marple Library – fingers crossed All Saints’ may top the leader board this year!  





    Eco Bricks

    As a school we are continually trying to improve on our sustainability. This summer we would like to start by collecting Ecobricks.  An Ecobrick is a building block made entirely from unrecyclable plastic. It is created by filling a 2 litre plastic bottle with clean, dry plastic until it is packed tightly and can be used as a building block. This is plastic that can’t be recycled in our council bin like crisps packets, sweet wrappers, fruit or bread bags, plastic trays and even yogurt pots. Each 2 litre bottle needs a mixture of soft and hard plastics, these are cut up small and then pressed down into the bottle until it weighs a minimum of 660g to make a hard building material. 


    Our collected bottles can be used in all sorts of sustainable building projects like benches, chairs or tables. If we get enough, we may be able to build a den in our forest school area. If each family over the summer is able to fill just ONE 2 litre plastic bottle with non-recyclable plastic, then we will start the September term with approximately 150 bottles. This would make an amazing structure for our outside area as well as saving thousands of pieces of plastic from ending up in landfill.

    So let’s bring those bottles in and make good use of these materials. Which, class will be the winning class – get ready for totals in September!


    Lost Property

    All lost property will be sorted through and put out in the hall after school on Thursday.  Please do come and sign in at the main entrance after school and hopefully many items will be returned to their owners.  To help with this please, please, please ready for September label any new or old belongings it makes it so much easier to return items!



    Talent Show

    On Friday the Pupil Parliament will be holding their talent show at school. The children have been invited to put their names on a list of acts, and will be given the opportunity to perform in a special talent show assembly to celebrate the end of another fabulous year! The Pupil Parliament are trying to raise funds for play equipment to be enjoyed by all children, on both the KS1 and KS2 play grounds, during play times. To support the Pupil Parliament in this enterprise, children will be able to wear their own clothes to school on Friday for a minimum donation of £1 each. Children are also able to bring in 50p if they like to purchase an ice-lolly. We can’t wait to see ‘All Saints’ has got Talent’ we know the audience will be in for a treat and also thank you so much to Mrs Mylrea and the Pupil Parliament for organising it. 



    All Saints’ Day of Languages!

     As many of you may be aware, we teach French throughout KS2. However, on Thursday 26th September, we are going to have our very own All Saints’ Celebration of Languages Day.

    We really want to celebrate the array of languages spoken amongst our school family and would like you to participate in this day. If you or a member of your family can speak a language, apart from English, we would like you to spend as little or as much time with us on this day, celebrating that particular language.

    Please complete the slip on the letter sent out last Thursday, speak to the school office or to Mrs Gaynor by Thursday 25th July if you can contribute in any way.


    The All Saints’ Mighty Hike Team!!!

    We have managed to raise over £3,700 which is absolutely amazing.  If you would still like to donate, that would be fantastic and you can either drop cash into the office or donate on-line at the following address: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet.

    Huge thanks again for all your support.


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 1. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.7%.  Fantastic and very well done





    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award – please bring along a tin/ packet of food for Connect in Marple.

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly. Lost property after school.  All library/ Reading books returned for amnesty.  

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.


    Upcoming Events

    New to Year Group Meetings

    Following the success of previous years, we will be holding ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ early in September.  It is so useful if families are able to attend so they are aware of the new class expectations and can support their child and work in partnership with school effectively. Therefore, we wanted to share the dates with you as early as possible so you can pop them in your diaries! 

    Reception – Monday 16th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 1 – Tuesday 17th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm                                                                                           

    Year 2 – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 3- Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 4 – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 6 – Thursday 12th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm


    Here’s to a fabulous last week and fantastic holiday, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 15th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    As we start our penultimate week, we are starting to reflect on the past year and definitely going to make the most of the last two weeks!



    The All Saints’ Mighty Hike Team!!

    Well we have done it!

    We cannot thank everyone enough it was everyone’s amazing and generous sponsorship that kept us going right to the very end.  Please be kind to us all as we may be hobbling round school recovering this week, but how proud we are of each other is definitely making those aching muscles worthwhile! Some miles were easier than others and some hills steeper than others however, it was an amazing experience and the All Saints’ Way shone around Ullswater on Saturday! So are we nearly there yet?  The answer can finally be yes!  But what next is the new question? ….

    If you would still like to donate, that would be fantastic and you can either drop cash into the office or donate on-line at the following address: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet.

    Huge thanks again for all your support.


    Summer Fair Success

    A big thank you to all those who helped prior, during and after the Summer Fair with a special thanks to family members for all their help on the day. The amazing Parents Association efforts were rewarded as £1,500 was raised for school!!!  This will do so much to give all our wonderful children the extras that we know they deserve but school cannot afford. 




    Marple Carnival

     Thanks so much to William’s Mum in C3 for sharing these fantastic pictures.  It is clear to see how much of a great time everyone had and a huge thanks to all the parents and carers that went along to support too!








    Keeping your Child Safe in the Virtual World – Parent and Carer Workshop






    As part of our commitment to keeping children safe on-line, Tanya Cross from The Local Authority led a session on internet safety for our families. 

    The session was excellent as always and provided parents with an abundance of advice and top tips to ensure the safety of children on-line and gave an overview of:

    • What children are doing on line
    •  Social networking sites & games
    •  Cyber bullying
    •  Resources
    •  Digital resilience

    Thank you to all those parents who came along as part of our effort to keep all our children safe.


    We will be having another session on 14th November in the evening. 



    Year 2 Choc ‘n’ Roll

    On Thursday, Class 2 were visited by Oliver Dunn a local chocolatier, and what a scrumdidlyumtious chocolate morning they had! A huge thank you to Oliver Dunn and his team for such an amazing experience. Year 2 learned absolutely everything there is to know about where chocolate comes from, how it is made and what it takes to build your own business. They even made and designed their very own chocolate t-shirts and chocolate lollipops! Nev Phillips, Class Two’s Governor Friend also joined in and enjoyed the delicious chocolate too!


    Parking on the solid lines

    Please do make sure that when picking up, dropping off and parking around school that you obey the road markings.  The lines are there to keep everyone safe as when those areas are restricted it increases the chances of an accident happening.  Obviously, no one wants this so please do make sure that you do not put others at risk from your parking and driving.



     Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 3. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done







    Medical Update

    Following recent medical training school has purchased an emergency anaphylaxis kit on the recommendation of the school nurse and NHS guidance.  Where children have existing allergies and intolerances they have their own medication in school, but if a child were to have a new reaction in school and following the advice of the 999 call handler school would be able to administers the emergency Epipen.   Along with the new defibrillator that will shortly be arriving in school, I am sure you agree that these are two excellent further steps to keeping our children and community safer.   


    New to Year Group Meetings

    Following the success of previous years, we will be holding ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ early in September.  It is so useful if families are able to attend so they are aware of the new class expectations and can support their child and work in partnership with school effectively. Therefore, we wanted to share the dates with you as early as possible so you can pop them in your dairies!

    Reception – Monday 16th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 1 – Tuesday 17th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 2 – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 3- Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 4 – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 6 – Thursday 12th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm


    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular Music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am

    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.

    Let’s make the last two weeks a great two weeks, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 8th July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Only three weeks to go, so much to do, so little time! Please do keep reading to the end of this long newsletter (sorry) as there is lots to be thankful for and also lots of reminders/ new information too!

    The All Saints’ Mighty Hike Team!!

     The boots are out, the bags are (almost!) packed and the forecast is set fair! This Saturday finally sees the team head up to the Lake District to complete their 'Mighty Hike' to raise much needed funds for Macmillan. Our grand total currently sits at £2500 which is absolutely tremendous - thank you to everyone who has already contributed. If you would still like to donate, you can either drop cash into the office or donate on-line at the following address:


    Thanks again for all your support.


    Transition Morning and Parent Drop in

    What a fantastic transition morning your children had! They thoroughly enjoyed spending the morning with their new teachers and are very excited about some of the fabulous learning planned for the Autumn Term.

    It was lovely to see so many of you at the parents drop in session in the afternoon. We appreciated you expressing your gratitude and thanks to all the staff. Thank you also for introducing yourselves to your child’s new teacher.

    Both the children and staff are very much looking forward to their time together in September.










    Blooming Circus

    A HUGE THANK YOU again to Helena M and all the parents involved in organising this absolutely fantastic event. It was such a brilliant experience from beginning to end! All our children got to spend quality time with Jay and Sam from Blooming Circus. They were taught various circus skills and impressed each other with their new found talent throughout the day.



    A Fantastic Picnic Lunch

    Our picnic lunch was a huge success!! We ate together as one big family and some of us even managed to play a few games. Thank you to all those parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and friends who were able to join us for this occasion. We appreciate you all as our school family and will definitely be repeating this event in the future!


    All Saints’ C of E Primary School Parents’ Association Summer Fair

    Again, this was a spectacular event where family, friends and neighbours came out to support. A neighbour, who has no family at the school, said, “Oh, this is a fabulous event! What a delightful school!”

    Blessed with gorgeous July sunshine there was a lovely atmosphere at our well attended Summer Fair on Friday. 

    Thanks to the dedication of our Parents Association and volunteers we had: soulful and talented musicians, a sizzling BBQ, wizardry wand making; welly throwing, a melting chocolate tombola, refreshing drinks, flowery arranging and so much more…it was our very own little festival minus the mud puddles. We even had our very own Circus workshop! A special thank you to Diane P and Helena M.

    It was lovely to see so many children, parents and many returning former pupils enjoying themselves and taking turns to run the stalls, all to raise funds for the children of All Saints’!


    Fairer Funding Campaign

    A group of local parents set up this campaign in January to raise awareness of the impact of funding cuts on our children’s education. The contact at our school is Emma Dine. If you want to know more, get in touch with Emma, or follow our page on facebook: Fair Funding for Marple Schools.

    They will be sharing information about schools funding cuts every half term to highlight the effects of the cuts. For example:

    -    Nearly half of schools have reduced their teaching staff in the last two years.

    -    Almost three quarters have lost support staff.

    -    Half have reduced specialist services.

     On Friday, some of our parents and their children wanted to show their support of this worthwhile cause, thanks to everyone who took part.



    Keeping your Child Safe in the Virtual World – Parent and Carer Workshop

    Thursday 11th July 2pm - Tanya Cross Local Authority PSHE and Wellbeing Consultant

     Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world both on and off line.  As part of our commitment to keeping children safe on-line, we will be running a session on internet safety for families. 

    The session aims to give an overview of: -

    • What children are doing on line
    • Provide parents with the advice and top tips to ensure the safety of children on-line.
    •  Social networking sites & games
    •  Cyber bullying
    •  Resources
    •  Digital resilience

    Please do come along as part of our effort to keep all our children safe.


    Medical Update

    Following recent medical training school has purchased an emergency anaphylaxis kit on the recommendation of the school nurse and NHS guidance.  Where children have existing allergies and intolerances they have their own medication in school, but if a child were to have a new reaction in school and following the advice of the 999 call handler school would be able to administers the emergency Epipen.  Along with the new defibrillator that will shortly be set up in school, I am sure you agree that these are two excellent further steps to keeping our children and community safer.   

    New to Year Group Meetings

    Following the success of previous years, we will be holding ‘New to Year Group Meetings’ early in September.  It is so useful if families are able to attend so they are aware of the new class expectations and can support their child and work in partnership with school effectively. Therefore, we wanted to share the dates with you as early as possible so you can pop them in your diaries!






    Reception – Monday 16th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 1 – Tuesday 17th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 2 – Monday 23rd September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 3- Wednesday 18th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 4 – Thursday 26th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 5 – Tuesday 24th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm

    Year 6 – Thursday 12th September 3.30pm and 6.00pm



    Marple and District Allotment Association Centenary Open Day

    Please see the attached poster for the event on Saturday. 


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Classes 2 and 3. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done





    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families

    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular Music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am (Please note the new date)

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.

    We hope everyone has a wonderful week everyone, Mrs. Morton an

  • Monday 1st July (allsaints-pri Admin)

    July is here and thankfully; it looks like we are finally starting summer too! 

    Meet your new class team day

    Who can believe that this week is upon us already! On Thursday, the children will be meeting their class teams and I know that lots of great things are planned!  In addition, there will be an opportunity in the hall from 2-3pm for an informal drop in for parents to come and meet their child’s new class teacher.  Everyone as always is very welcome and we will also have Intrahealth present if you would like to ask any questions relating to the National Nasal Flu programme and Stockport College about adult learner courses they can offer.





    Friday is the Summer Fair Fun Day!

    This Friday is a busy one so hopefully the below will be of use to get everyone prepared and ready for a great day of fun!


    Raffle Tickets…

    Pupil Parliament will be selling PA raffle tickets in support of Friday's fair all week this week. Tickets cost 20p each and prize winners will be announced on Friday. If your child wishes to buy a raffle ticket (or more than one!), there will be opportunities throughout the week to buy tickets in school. You have to be in it to win it!


    Dress Down Day…

    It is Dress-Down Day on Friday 5th with donations from Reception, Year 1 and 2 of Cakes and Year 3,4,5 and 6 of Chocolate gratefully received for the Summer fair. 


    Whole School Picnic Lunch…

    We are looking forward to our whole school picnic lunch on Friday. Just a reminder that the request for a packed lunch to be made for your child is required by the end of our school day today. If you would like to order a picnic for your child from school, it will cost £2.25. Please log in to www.parentpay.com to make a payment, if this is required and return the order slip.

    We want to keep this event as simple as possible... turn up if you can, have your lunch on the school field with your child (or children) and maybe play a game or two.  Bring a blanket, bring a deckchair, bring a garden game!

    Children will be on the field at 12pm and say goodbye at approximately 12:45pm. As Year 6 children are going swimming that day, their parents are welcome to join us at 11:45 as Year 6 need to leave for swimming at 12.30pm (We will make a decision by 10am if the weather forces us to change plans).


    Parents’ Association Summer Fair…

    Starting at 3:30pm and finishing at 5:30pm please do come along and join in the Forest School themed event and as previously pinged any raffle prize donations gratefully received also. 


    Blooming Circus

    We would like to say a huge thank you to our Parents’ Association who through all their previous hard work have been able to organise and pay for a very special circus event for our children. As well as a whole school assembly, every class will have their own session with Jay and are sure to have lots of fun. So as you can see the children benefit hugely from all the kindness and hard work of the Parents’ Association so please do support in any way you can. 


    Greater Manchester Dodgeball Championships!

    Well we are extremely proud of our All Saints’ Dodgeball Team, they came a hugely respectable 4th Place in the Greater Manchester Finals (only one place behind the 3rd place team)!  They were amazing on the day with everyone playing in the All Saints’ Way and what a fantastic opportunity for them all.  Big thanks again to Mr G for all your inspirational coaching and also Mrs Wilson for being the number one supporter on the day and Mrs Preece for all her support with the fantastic achievement too. 


    All Saints’ has talent!




     On Friday 26th July the Pupil Parliament will be holding a talent show at school. The children have been invited to put their names on a list of acts, and will be given the opportunity to perform in a special talent show assembly to celebrate the end of another fabulous year! The Pupil Parliament are trying to raise funds for play equipment to be enjoyed by all children, on both the KS1 and KS2 play grounds, during play times. To support the Pupil Parliament in this enterprise, children will be able to wear their own clothes to school on 26th July for a minimum donation of £1 each.







    Stockport’s Giant Leap Frog - 29th June - 28th September

    Your children have taken home a green booklet, which is a guide to a free art trail in Stockport. We have a few spare booklets if you require any more – just ask at the Office.

    Giant frogs have hopped - up all over Stockport town centre!

    The project is designed to increase town centre footfall, to promote Stockport and the businesses located here as well as to support local groups, including the youth community who are after all tomorrow’s giant leapers.

    Each frog is unique and has been designed by local artists and community groups.

    Stockport’s Giant Leap, an art trail of giant-sized frogs, celebrates all the great changes that are taking place in Stockport. Each frog has been sponsored by a local business and individually designed and painted to showcase the businesses and the people who are Totally Stockport.

    Explore the trail and discover the giant frogs. Which one is your favourite? Can you solve the secret message? Can you spot All Saints’ Frog inspired poster on your travels?  Join in the frog-tastic fun, complete the activities and you could be in with a chance to win a miniature golden frog!

    Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    A big thank you to everyone who brought in their plastic we will keep you updated if we are lucky enough to win!



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Classes 3 and 4. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 98.33%.  Fantastic and very well done





    Look out Lake District, here we come!

    Not long to go, so any final donations would be amazing thank you very much in advance.


    The Week Ahead

    Monday 1st July – Ukulele Assembly

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents’ Association Circus event in school for children and Summer Fair after school!

    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families. 

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular Music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.

    Looking forward to another fun filled week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 24th June (allsaints-pri Admin)

    As this week there is so much to celebrate let’s get started!!!



     Stockport Dodgeball Champions!

    After topping the leader board against all the schools in Marple a few weeks ago, last Thursday saw team All Saints’ beat the final 8 teams in the Stockport Borough dodgeball completion.  

    As such, team All Saints’ are now in the next round, which is in Manchester, representing Stockport in the North West finals!!!

    The biggest thank you to Mr G who has skilfully taught the children amazing tactics, strategies and sportsmanship. So much so that by the time of the 8th of 16 games the other Stockport schools were also following All Saints’ lead and using all of these.



    Mathematical Success at Stockport Grammar

    Well done to all the children who represented school so well at Stockport Grammar last Thursday in a maths day. One of our Year 5 teams came a fantastic third overall too – with only 3 marks

     separating the top 3 teams!




    Stockport County Trophy

    Thanks to Miss Taylor, we were very lucky to have the actual League Winners Trophy in school last Tuesday.  The children were captivated learning all about the resilience shown by the team who went from near the bottom of the league to winning. The children’s amazing knowledge of all the team players was also nearly as good as Miss Taylors and Mrs Noble







    Year 2 Moderation

    Last Monday was a very important and busy day for the Year 2 Team as their Teacher Assessments for the Year 2 children were externally moderated.  Not only that but the experienced moderator was also being observed by the Standards and Testing Agency, to ensure that Stockport Local Authority carry out their duties appropriately. It was an absolute pleasure to be part of as all judgments were upheld and described as extremely thorough and accurate.  Strong and very worthwhile praise was given to Mrs Nobel and Mrs Mylrea for how well they knew their children and how secure they were in their judgements.  So a huge congratulations and thank you to you both and Mrs Shaw.  All Saints’ is extremely lucky to have you all. 




    Reception Class Assembly: The Enormous Turnip

    All the children in Reception wowed us with their acting and singing skills. They had to remember so many lines and stood, confidently to deliver their superb assembly. A special thank you goes to all the parents who attended. Your children are a real credit to you and we know you are all very proud of the journey of growth and development, they have made throughout the year. We would also like to thank the Reception team of staff who have helped to nurture your children into the fine All Saints’ stars that they are.  We look forward to your continued support in Year 1.



    Stockport Legacy

    Last Thursday saw an amazing event at Stockport Town Hall. With a thank you letter stating…We feel we are well on the way towards establishing a legacy for the Normandy Veterans from our Stockport

    branch, and your involvement has been a major factor in achieving that goal. A huge thanks to all the children involved and to Mr McShane in particular who has passionately led on excellent and extremely worthwhile project. 


    Governor Newsletter

    Please find attached the Spring/ Summer Governor Newsletter full of lots of great information around changes to Ofsted and SIAMs Inspections and our links with Uganda.  Huge thanks to Mr Bailey for producing the newsletter.   There are also some hard copies in the entrance if you would like one.


    New Reception Induction

    It was so lovely to see so many familiar and new faces last Tuesday when the new Reception children and their families came to visit us here at All Saints’.  A very warm welcome to you all and we can’t wait to get to know you even more over the coming weeks and years ahead. 



    RSE Policy

    Thank you to those who attended our annual Relationship and Sex Education meeting.  Following on from this, please see our updated Policy following this link on the website https://marpleschool.org.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/policies and as always any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher. 


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 1. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.24%.  Fantastic and very well done!







    Parents in Partnership Stockport AGM

    Please see the attached poster for more information. 


    Semitone Studios

    Please see the attached flyer for free Ukulele taster sessions on Saturday. 








    Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    This is the last week so one finally big push would be much appreciated.  It will all really help us to be in with the chance of winning a £10,000 playground makeover.  Please see the posters around school and place any recyclable items in the box in the main entrance to school.  Thank you very much in advance as every little helps.




    Look out Lake District, here we come!

     Well training is going from strength to strength and a special well done to Mrs Chapman who has been braving all the elements to keep to her training plan!

    We are so very grateful for all the donations and to make a final big push for Macmillan we are popping a donations box and sponsorship form in the entrance, no matter how big or small it all really does make a difference so a big thank you in advance.   https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet


    The Week Ahead

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum – families welcome to come and view the entries after school via the office. 

    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.



    Looking forward to another great week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 17th June (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A very warm welcome to this week’s newsletter (even if the weather is not very warm, especially for June!).  There is lots of information this week so let’s begin …


    Carnival Fun!

    A huge thank you on behalf of All Saints’ to everyone you worked so hard and made so much effort for the All Saints’ carnival entry.  A special thank you to Mr Kennerley for all your organisation and well-done Team All Saints’


     Special Visitors to All Saints’

     We were very fortunate to have some very special visitors last Monday! Bishop Cramner and his wife Hope,who kindly took time out of their very busy schedule to come and see us again all here at All Saints’.  They were here all the way from Kisoro in Uganda and kindly presented school with a beautiful wooden plague to say thank you for the wall hanging that we recently gave to their school.  They said it really has brightened up their school and we all look forward to hopefully working together in partnership even more in the future. 





    Clean Air Week

    This week is Greater Manchester Clean Air Week!  We will be sharing and discussing the information on the attached leaflet with the children, so please do take a look and get chatting about #cleanairgm with your children and families!




    Look out Lake District, here we come!

     Well training is going from strength to strength and a special well done to Mrs Chapman who has been braving all the elements to keep to her training plan!

    We are so very grateful for all the donations and to make a final big push for Macmillan we are popping a donations box and sponsorship form in the entrance, no matter how big or small it all really does make a difference so a big thank you in advance.   https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet




    Carver Juniors Present…

    Always a great show so please take a look at the flyer for this year production of Porridge! Good luck and break a leg to everyone!





    RSE Policy

    Thank you to those who attended our annual Relationship and Sex Education meeting.  Following on from this, please see our updated Policy following this link on the website https://marpleschool.org.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/policies and as always any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher. 




    May Bank 2020 holiday Change

    As some people may be aware, next year's early May bank holiday will be moved back by four days for the whole of the UK to coincide with the 75th anniversary of VE Day. May Day is traditionally held on a Monday but will be put back to Friday 8th May 2020.  Therefore, please see the new updated holiday dates attached.


      Best Attendance


    Very well done to Class 4. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99%.  Fantastic and very well done!








    Legacy Competition Launch 

    Thursday 20th June

    Stockport Town Hall (Main Hall) 2.00pm - 4.00pm.  Please see Mr McShane for more information.   



    Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session

    2.00pm till 3.00pm on Thursday 11th July Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority will be running a session that all family members are invited to.  Previous parents who have attend said it was an excellent and very eye opening session that all parents should attend.  So we can be aware of numbers please let the office know if you are able to come to this very worthwhile training. 









    Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    Thank you so much to everyone who has dropped off their plastic containers etc in School.  It will all really help us to be in with the chance of winning a £10,000 playground makeover.  Please see the posters around school and place any recyclable items in the box in the main entrance to school.  Thank you very much in advance as every little helps.



    The Week Ahead

    Thursday 20th June – New Team Pen Portraits out to families.  Year 4 visit to Pizza Express.

    Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly 9.05am


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  Parents Association Disco

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am (Please note the new date)

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.


    Looking forward to another great week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 10th June (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A very warm welcome back to everyone and this the final half term of the academic year!

    Before we start to look forward, we simply must reflect back at a very special 2019 Active Week.  The children had an absolute blast either trying, getting better or even mastering a wide range of sporting activities.  As we are sure you can appreciate, something so fantastic and well organised takes months of preparation and for this we want to show huge appreciation and thanks to Mrs Preece.  Mrs Preece your time, enthusiasm and passion for all things sporty is second to none and it is greatly appreciated by us all, you are a true All Saints’ Superstar!

    John would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for all their support and kindness with offers of lifts for him to attend his daily medical appointments.  It really shows what an amazing community we have at All Saints’ and what a special place it is.

    Marple Carnival 2019 





    It is Carnival time again!  All Saints are going back to the 1920s prohibition era, so put on your zoot-suit, chuck on a feather boa, slick back your hair, grow a tash and watch Bugsy Malone to get into the spirit.

    Please head over to Parents Association Facebook page to share dressing-up tips.




    A message from the Carnival Committee …

    This year we have initiated some improvements to our management of the event.


    Firstly we are giving schools safety wrist bands to distribute to your pupils. These are simple non-rip bands which the parent/carer can use to write their mobile number on to help stewards to quickly contact them should they become separated. As additional security, we recommend that a surname and a unique code word be written on the underside (hidden from view when the band is on) that can be used as proof of identity on collection of their child.  (These will be distributed on the day via the Parents Association).


    Secondly, to help identify the Carnival Committee H.Q. in the park, a new flagpole and windsock will be erected next to it. This will help parents/carers locate us quickly from a distance should they need help or if there is an emergency.


    We are again pleased to welcome St. John's ambulance as our first aid providers. They will be located in the park near the war memorial and will accompany the floats in the parade. Please let parents know where to find them if they need medical assistance.


    Finally, we would like to notify you that at this year's closing event in the arena there will be an artillery demonstration by a military enthusiasts' group. This is part of the overall theme for the carnival and is a recognition of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings.


    This is scheduled for 3.45 pm and will involve the firing of several blank artillery rounds. We are aware that this might prove distressful for some children (particularly very young ones) so wanted to make people aware.


    A message from the FAIR FUNDING FOR MARPLE SCHOOLS campaign

     A group of local parents set up this campaign in January to raise awareness of the impact of funding cuts on our children’s education. Your contact at All Saints Primary School is Emma Dine. If you want to know more, get in touch with Emma, or follow our page on facebook: Fair Funding for Marple Schools.


    We’ll be sharing information about schools funding cuts every half term to highlight the effects of the cuts. This time we wanted to share some results from a survey of headteachers in the Stockport area, including Marple:

    - Nearly half of schools have reduced their teaching staff in the last two years.

    - Almost three quarters have lost support staff.

    - Half have reduced specialist services.


    On behalf of all the children of All Saints’ we want to say a huge thank you to everyone supporting this campaign and especially to Mrs Dine. All your time, passions and energy is greatly appreciated and we are sure it will make a difference for all the children in the Marple area. 


    Stockport Normandy Veterans Legacy

    All Saints’ has been fortunate enough to be one of the pilot schools for the Stockport Veterans Legacy Project and you may remember in the Autumn Term we had some very special and unique Legacy Team members visit school!  The Veterans simply captivated all our children with the opportunity to hear so many first-hand experiences telling the children personal stories about life at home and in the armed forces during World War 2 as living history. The members also taught the children the importance of tolerance and respect for others. 

    We are therefore delighted to share the below information about the Stockport Legacy Competition launch event.  Mr McShane and some children from All Saints’ will be attending to share their learning with others and it would be absolutely wonderful if anyone who was able to could also go along and show their support for some truly inspiring individuals. 

    Legacy Competition Launch - Thursday 20th June

    Stockport Town Hall (Main Hall) 2.00pm - 4.00pm 

    You will be able to experience:

    · augmented reality of veterans’ portraits through iPhones / iPads. Please download the free App Creativmuse from your App store before coming to the Town Hall.

    · displays of work produced by a pilot group of schools (including All Saints’)

    ·WW2 memorabilia which includes (among others) a German helmet taken from Juno Beach during the invasion; an authentic clicker; a kit bag; original military caps and a British battledress.

    The Launch is supported by World War 2 veterans, sporting role models and high profile guests.


    Please speak to Mr McShane if you have any questions about this amazing event. 



    Anti-Bullying Audit

    As part of our Anti-Bullying work in school just before half term, we conducted an Anti-Bullying Audit with the children. The purpose of this audit was to establish the safe and unsafe areas within and just outside our school grounds.  Interestingly, the children brought a few concerns to our attention which we feel are important to share with you. Our children mentioned roads/ cars around our school being a ‘risk’. They mentioned speeding, reversing, people rushing to get to their cars and having to avoid scooters/bikes.

    As a consequence, if any of the following statements apply to you, we are politely asking that you bear these in mind:

    • drive at or below the speed limit
    • be safe and take care when parking & reversing
    • be patient when trying to get to your cars
    • encourage the awareness of pedestrians in scooter/bike users. (We feel this is also a healthy way to travel to and from school and are not at all discouraging the use of bikes/scooters.)

    We will also be reinforcing key messages of road safety with the children in school.

    Thank you for your continued co-operation as we work in partnership to keep your children safe.



     Schools subscription to Spellodrome has now expired and as we are currently reviewing all our online subscriptions ready for the new academic year we will therefore not be re-subscribing this term.  If you would like for your child to continue with this resource you can personally subscribe via the following website https://uk.spellodrome.com/#/home.  

    Many thanks and please look out for further updates and exciting new resource opportunities coming soon!



      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 6. You have won the best attendance for last week of term with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done!




    Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session

    2.00pm till 3.00pm on Thursday 11th July Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority will be running a session that all family members are invited to.  Previous parents who have attend said it was an excellent and very eye opening session that all parents should attend.  So we can be aware of numbers please let the office know if you are able to come to this very worthwhile training. 

     Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    Thank you so much to everyone who has dropped off their plastic containers etc into School.  It will all really help us to be in with the chance of winning a £10,000 playground makeover. Please see the posters around school and place any recyclable items in the box in the main entrance to school.  Thank you very much in advance as every little helps.


     Look out Lake District, here we come!

    We are so thrilled and humbled by everyone’s donations so far, so a huge thank you for us all. 

    If you would like to make a donation no matter how big or small, it would be very gratefully received and can be done via the link below.



    The Week Ahead

    Monday 10th June – School re-opens Year 1 Phonics Screening Week and National Carers Week.

    Thursday 13th June – Year 3 visit to Pizza Express

    Saturday 15th June – Marple Carnival – more information to follow

    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Thursday 20th June – New Team Pen Portraits out to families.  Year 4 visit to Pizza Express.

    Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly 9.05am

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  Parents Association Disco

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am (Please note the new date)

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.


    It is great to be back and we are very much looking forward to a wonderful final half term, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 20th May (allsaints-pri Admin)

    We are already in the final week of this half term and what a week it will be! So much is planned for Active Week from scooter workshops, yoga sessions, rugby, dance, archery and forest schools to name but a few.  Of course, fingers are crossed for a lovely week of weather and that we can go ahead with Sports Day on Thursday morning too! Always a highlight of the All Saints’ calendar we hope everyone has a fantastic week. 

    We would also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our community members who have contributed to making it yet another successful half term here at All Saints’.  In particular, we would like to say a special thank you to Emma (Felix, Polly, Louie and Evelyn's Mum) for her support in Y2 as a volunteer this year.  Also a huge thank you must go to Kate (Charlie and Isaac's Mum) for all her support with reading as a mentor in Y1.  Huge congratulations to both of you on your promotions in your work life.   Your time and kindness really has made a huge difference to all the children you have worked with whilst volunteering, so one big final thankyou is very much deserved! 

     Tennis Success

    Amazing result… despite the rain and difficult conditions All Saints’ triumphed and won the local Y3 and 4 Tennis Competition!  Future Wimbledon champions we are sure!



     Operation Encompass

    Please look out for a letter that will be coming home tonight with your child as it explains in more detail about All Saints’ becoming an Operation Encompass School.  This is in partnership with Manchester Safeguarding Board and Greater Manchester Police and around information sharing of domestic abuse incidents. 








    May King and Queen

    A huge thank you to Margot in Year 2 and Tyler in Year 1 for representing themselves, their families and All Saints’ School so beautifully as May King and Queen.  Super job and thanks also to Anna (Ollie and Sam’s Mum) for organising the cake stall on behalf of the PA and everyone else involved in making cakes and helping on the day – it is very much appreciated and the wonderful amount of £209 was raised. 


    Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session

    2.00pm till 3.00pm on Thursday 11th July Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority will be running a session that all family members are invited to.  Previous parents who have attend said it was an excellent and very eye opening session that all parents should attend.  So we can be aware of numbers please let the office know if you are able to come to this very worthwhile training. 


    Year 2 Class Assembly

    Please note a change in date for the Year 2 Class Assembly to Friday 19th July at 9.05am.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope you can make the new date.



     Marple Bridge Street Party                                                                                                                                                                    

    The Marple Bridge Association would like to invite everyone to their street party raising funds for the community on Sunday 21st May 1-5pm.  Please see the attached poster for more details. 



    Wyevale Holiday Events





    Little Diggers May Half Term

    27th – 31st May 2019

    Make a Bird Home – Monday

    Decorate a cosy bird box for your garden birds.

    Create a Bird Buddy – Tuesday

    Decorate and plant your own bird pot for your home.

    Grow Your Own Mini Garden – Wednesday

    Plant your own mini garden with giant flowers, nee hives and wild friends.

    Flower Power Pot – Thursday

    Plant your own flower and decorate a pot and plant marker.

    Feed the Birds – Friday

    Make and decorate your own feeder to entice more birds into your garden.

    All events cost only £2.50 per child, are 20 minutes long and include an activity sheet.

    Tickets are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment. All events can be booked at wyevalegardencentres.co.uk/event-half-term-craft-events.

    Posters also attached for more information. 


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 6. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done!





     Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    Help us to be in with the chance of winning a £10,000 playground makeover.  Please see the posters around school and place any recyclable items in the box in the main entrance to school.  Thank you very much in advance as every little helps 




    Look out Lake District, here we come!

    We are so thrilled and humbled by everyone’s donations so far, so a huge thank you for us all.                                                       

    If you would like to make a donation no matter how big or small, it would be very gratefully received and can be done via the link below.



    The Week Ahead

    Monday 20th May to Friday 25th May – Active Week and Wow Walk to School Week.  Children to come in sportswear all week, Sports Day Thursday Am.  More information to follow. Schools breaks up for half term.

    Wednesday 22nd May- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Year 1 to Year 6 parents meeting at 5.30pm


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Monday 10th June – School re-opens Year 1 Phonics Screening Week and National Carers Week.

    Thursday 13th June – Year 3 visit to Pizza Express

    Saturday 15th June – Marple Carnival – more information to follow

     Thursday 20th June – New Team Pen Portraits out to families.  Year 4 visit to Pizza Express.

    Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly 9.05am

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum

    Monday 1st July – Front row music summer performance 9.00am

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  Parents Association Disco

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Friday 19th July – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am (Please note the new date)

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.


    Have a fantastic holiday and see you all for the final half term of this academic year on Monday 10th June, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 13th May (allsaints-pri Admin)

    It is lovely to start this week’s newsletter with some special announcements!


    Colouring Competition Success

    A very well done to Hallie in Reception who recently won the Vernon Building Society colouring competition.  Her artwork really impressed the judges in the age 3 to 7 category, so a huge congratulations to Hallie!




    May King and Queen


    Also, well done to Margot in Year 2 and Tyler in Year 1 who have the honour of being the May Queen and King at this Sunday`s Hawk Green Event.  Super applications from both meant they will carry out the special roles this weekend.  Very well done to you both.                                                                   




    Huge thank you to the wonderful All Saints’ Parent Association!

    Due to all the support the parents association receives, Mrs Eva now has plenty of wood for forest school.  Massive thanks to Lenny Logs who will hopefully be delivering some branches next week as well. You can find him on Facebook should you require any logs for your log burner, chimnea or fire pit.  The children will get so much from having these logs and branches for their forest school sessions, so your support and generosity is so gratefully received.


    Good luck Year 6 and 2

    Year 2 have already been busy completing the Year 2 challenges with excellent attitudes and calmness. This week Year 6 will also join them in completing their nationally set SATs papers.  In the All Saints’ Way we wish everyone the very best of luck to shine and simply do their best, all we can ever ask for. 


    Key Stage One pick up at the end of the day

    At the end of the day, we are kindly asking for all parents of Year 1 and Year 2 children to wait on the soft surface of the infant playground where staff will be able to see you clearly and release the children to you safely.  A big thank you to everyone for your cooperation in this matter.


    Parking on the solid lines

    Please do make sure that when picking up, dropping off and parking around school that you obey the road markings.  The lines are there to keep everyone safe as when those areas are restricted it increases the chances of an accident happening.  Obviously, no one wants this so please do make sure that you do not put others at risk from your parking and driving!


    Wyevale Holiday Events







    Little Diggers May Half Term

    27th – 31st May 2019

    Make a Bird Home – Monday

    Decorate a cosy bird box for your garden birds.

    Create a Bird Buddy – Tuesday

    Decorate and plant your own bird pot for your home.

    Grow Your Own Mini Garden – Wednesday

    Plant your own mini garden with giant flowers, nee hives and wild friends.

    Flower Power Pot – Thursday

    Plant your own flower and decorate a pot and plant marker.

    Feed the Birds – Friday

    Make and decorate your own feeder to entice more birds into your garden.

    All events cost only £2.50 per child, are 20 minutes long and include an activity sheet.

    Tickets are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment. All events can be booked at wyevalegardencentres.co.uk/event-half-term-craft-events.

    Posters also attached for more information. 


    Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 4 (again!!!). You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.  Fantastic and very well done!





    Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    Help us to be in with the chance of winning a £10,000 playground makeover.  Please see the posters around school and place any recyclable items in the box in the main entrance to school.  Thank you very much in advance as every little helps.





    Look out Lake District, here we come


    If you would like to make a donation no matter how big or small, it would be very gratefully received and can be done via the link below.     









    The Week Ahead

    Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May – Year 6 SATs

    Tuesday 14th May – Reception Canal trip

    Friday 17th May – Year 6 to Linnet Clough


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Monday 20th May to Friday 25th May – Active Week and Wow Walk to School Week.  Children to come in sportswear all week, Sports Day Thursday Am.  More information to follow. Schools breaks up for half term.

    Wednesday 22nd May- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Year 1 to Year 6 parents meeting at 5.30pm

    Monday 10th June – School re-opens Year 1 Phonics Screening Week and National Carers Week.

    Thursday 13th June – Year 3 visit to Pizza Express

    Saturday 15th June – Marple Carnival – more information to follow

     Thursday 20th June – New Team Pen Portraits out to families.  Year 4 visit to Pizza Express.

    Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly 9.05am

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum

    Friday 28th June – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am

    Monday 1st July – Front row music summer Performance 9:00am

    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  Parents Association Disco

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.




    Have a fantastic week everyone and we cannot wait for Active Week next week too, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Tuesday 23rd April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    A very, very warm welcome back to the Summer Term here at All Saints’.  We hope everyone had a lovely and restful break and are as excited as we are about this term’s whole school topic of Scrumdiddlyumptious!  Think all things food and of course with the traditional Active Week, whole school picnic, Parents Association Summer Fair and Marple Carnival there is so much to look forward to.  So please do look at the attached Summer Term Diary Dates and take a few minutes to make sure you have key dates in your diary.

    Defibrillator Success!

    We are delighted to start this term off with some fantastic news.  School has managed to secure the funding for our own defibrillator from a local council fund! We are very grateful indeed to Mrs Hallas (Archie and Penny’s mum) for researching possible funding streams and letting us know about this one.  Also, a big thank you to Mrs Hallworth for all her time and support with the application.  It will be wonderful to reach this goal and have a defibrillator on site, although we hope never to have to use it is fantastic to have this life saving resource for our school community and local area. 


    Recycle plastic to make our school fantastic!

    We are delighted to announce that following a parent (Ben in Year 1s Mum) we have found out about and enrolled on the recycle plastic to make your school fantastic programme.  The competition starts now and finishes on the 28th June with the winning school, the one that collects the most beauty products packaging, getting an amazing £10,000 for a recycled playground makeover!  Please see the posters attached and around school for the acceptable waste we can collect.  Then please just bring it along to the main entrance where a box will be kept.  Fingers crossed we can be in it to win it and happy recycling. 



    A busy final week of Spring Term ….


     Great All Saints’ Bake Off

     On Friday 5th April the Pupil Parliament held their first school bake off. We received some beautiful Show Stopper cakes made by children from Reception to Year Six. The Show Stopper cakes wowed us both with the level of effort put in, and the creativity and imagination that went into them too. All entries into the Show Stopper competition won a prize as they were all absolutely stunning! However, our overall winner from KS1 was Elliott with his Sheep Cake, and Connie in KS2 with her spring garden inspired cake. Well done Connie and Elliott! As well as our Show Stopper cakes we had an amazing response from families across the school donating an astonishing array of cakes which the Pupil Parliament children sold to their classes throughout the morning. The Pupil Parliament had a great time organising the day and acting as market sellers for the morning. We certainly got closer to our fund raising target, raising a grand total of £175.06.  We have another event planned for the Summer term. All money raised by the Pupil Parliament this academic year will be added together and used to purchase equipment for the All Saints' children to use at playtime. A massive thank you to everyone who donated and bought cakes on Friday!


    Easter Service

    The children were amazing!  They sang their hearts out and performed so confidently. They truly shared the Easter message so clearly and it was wonderful to see the service so packed too!! A huge thank you to all the children and staff for their hard work and Mrs Eva in particular for her organisation and co-ordination of the service. 


    Marple Cricket Club

    Please see the attached poster of an All Stars Programme for your child/children. 


    Stockport Music Service

    Please see attached information about all the sessions available each week from age 0 upwards and also a letter regarding Stockport Young and Junior Choir rehearsals. 


      Best Attendance


    Very well done to Class 4 and 5. You have both won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.26%.  Fantastic and very well done!




    Look out Lake District, here we come!



    Thank you to everyone who has already very kindly sponsored Team All Saints’ for the 26-mile hike on 13th July.  If you would like to make a donation no matter how big or small, it would be very gratefully received and can be done via the link below.



    The Week Ahead

    Friday 28th April - 9.00am - 9:30am Year 4 drop in to see all the Castleton photos and share the fun that was had by all!


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Thursday 2nd May – Class Photographs

    Monday 6th May – May Bank Holiday

    Friday 10th May – Year 3 brass lessons start

    Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May – Year 6 SATs

    Tuesday 14th May – Reception Canal trip

    Friday 17th May – Year 6 to Linnet Clough

    Monday 20th May to Friday 25th May – Active Week and Wow Walk to School Week.  Children to come in sportswear all week, Sports Day Thursday Am.  More information to follow. Schools breaks up for half term.


    Monday 10th June – School re-opens Year 1 Phonics Screening Week and National Carers Week.

    Thursday 13th June – Year 3 visit to Pizza Express

    Saturday 15th June – Marple Carnival – more information to follow

     Thursday 20th June – New Team Pen Portraits out to families.  Year 4 visit to Pizza Express.

    Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly 9.05am

    Monday 24th June – Summer Term Homework Museum

    Friday 28th June – Year 2 Class Assembly 9.05am


    Thursday 4th July – Meet your new class team day – informal parent drop in 2.00pm -3.00pm

    Friday 5th July – Whole school picnic, Parents Association event in school for children and Summer Fair after school – more information to follow

    Tuesday 9th July – 9.05am Dance Club Assembly

    Thursday 11th July – 2.00pm Keeping your child safe in the virtual world parent session by Tanya Cross from Stockport Local Authority

    Friday 12th July – Reports go home to families.  Parents Association Disco

    Tuesday 16th July – Year 3 at Stockport Spectacular music Event

    Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production 9.30am and 6.30pm

    Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church 9.30am

    Wednesday 24th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church 1.45pm, also including Year 5 presentation for Young Leaders Award

    Thursday 25th July – Ice cream and fruit party and Achievement Assembly

    Friday 26th July – Dress Down Day and Talent Contest. School Breaks up for the summer holidays returning on Wednesday 4th September.



    It is good to be back and have a great week Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor

  • Monday 1st April (allsaints-pri Admin)

    We can’t quite believe we are writing the last newsletter of the Spring Term! As such we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your continued support over the last term and say how much we are looking forward to working together to support your children and our wonderful All Saints’ community over the summer term.


    Year Four Residential

    The children in Class 4 had a brilliant time on their residential trip to Castleton. They showed so much courage, bravery and resilience and we are so proud of them all. They really did shine in the ‘All Saints’ Way’!

    "We had the time of our lives!" Leila

    "The food was delicious." Louie

    "The caving was amazing and we were all really brave!" Freya

    "The hike was really fun because we felt like we were on top of the world." Amelia.

    We also would like to give a massive thank you to Miss Taylor, Ms Wilson, Mrs Eva and Mr Granite for accompanying the children and taking care of them while they were away from home.

    The children and Class 4 team would like to invite the Class 4 parents to an open morning on Friday 26th April from 9.00am - 9:30am to look at their photos and memories from the trip. We hope to see you there!


    Go Team All Saints’

    A huge well done to all our Year 4 and 5 Footballers who took part in the Local Authority football final last Tuesday. The girls finished in a very respectable 5th place and the boys achieved 2nd place overall.  Another example of the ‘All Saints’ Way’ really coming to life!  A great big thank you to the many parents who went to support the children. Of course, another massive thanks needs to be given to Mrs Preece and Mr Granite for all their hard work and preparation leading up to the event and their support and organisation on the day, it is greatly appreciated by all. 


    Woodwind Concert

    What an amazing concert we had last Friday at All Saints’! We had children from Reception, right the way through to Year 6, performing and ‘showing off’ their musical talent and ability. The concert was so enjoyable and we were all proud of the children who participated. We were also impressed with their rhythm, ability to read notes and to perform independently as well as in small groups.

    A huge thank you to the parents for continuing to support your children and another thank you to Mrs Hatton who continues to teach them.


    Lock Down

    In line with our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, we will be carrying out a Lock Down drill this week in School.  As previously communicated to families it is essential we carry out these drills, so that in the case of a real emergency situation staff are fully rehearsed in their responsibilities and duties, and in order to identify any potential any areas for improvement.  Also very importantly, that the children are clear on procedures and with the staff’s support can remain calm. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.



    New Horizons Volunteers Day

    Please see the attached Poster for a New Horizon Open Day on the 14th April.


    Easter Colouring Competition

    Please see attached the Easter Colouring Competition from Vernon Building Society if you wish to take part.


    Best Attendance


    Very well done to Class 5. You have won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 99.6%.

    Fantastic and very well done!




    The Week Ahead

    Monday 1st April – Year 6 pre-SATs drop in 3.30pm to 5.00pm (please see Class 6 blog for more information).

    Tuesday 2nd April - Eggstravaganza Homework Museum. As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!  Please also see flyer sent home and posters around school for more information.  

    Wednesday 3rd April – Achievement assembly and ice cream and fruit party throughout the day for the children, so please keep working on those key skills!

    Thursday 4th April – 9.30am Easter Service rehearsal at Church.  As always, we would be most grateful of walkers to help the children get safely to and from Church.  We will be leaving All Saints’ School at 9.10am and returning from Church at 11.00am.  Please let the school office know or your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.

    Year 2 Challenges drop in after school 3.30pm-4.45pm, please see Class 2 blog for more information.

    Friday 5th April – 1.45pm Easter Service at Church.  Again, anybody able to help walking would be fantastic.  We will be leaving school a 1.20pm and returning following the service, many thanks in advance.


    All Saint’s Great British Bake Off! No nuts to be used please!

    On Friday 5th of April, the Pupil Parliament will be hosting a Great British Bake Off fund raising day. Children will be invited to bring cupcakes and biscuits to Class 2 in the morning. Each class will have a chance to buy the donated treats for 50p or less. The success of the day will depend on how many cake donations we receive so all donations (whether shop-bought or home-made) will be gratefully received.

    If your child would like to enter the Show-Stopper Competition as well, they can bring their home-made show-stopper cake and £2 entry fee to Class 2. Show-Stopper cakes will be returned to the bakers at the end of the day and each entry will receive a certificate. The winning entry from Reception and KS1 (Year 1 and 2), and KS2 (Years 3 to 6) will each receive a prize.


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Tuesday 23rd April – School reopens after the Easter Holidays. Saint George’s Day -  Children are invited to wear Scouting/Guiding uniforms to celebrate - Beavers, Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides can wear their respective uniforms to school on that day. For all other children, school uniform must be worn (this is not a non-uniform day).

    Friday 26th April - 9.00am - 9:30am Year 4 drop in to see all the Castleton photos and share the fun that was had by all!


    Even further in advance…

    Please pencil in Friday 5th July after school for the Summer Fair.  More information to follow in due course.


    Look out Lake District, here we come!

    On the 13th July, team ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?!’ aka Mrs. Morton, Mr. McShane, Mrs. Noble, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Eva, Mr. G, Mrs Davey and Mrs Hodge will be hiking the Ullswater Way in the Lake District, all 26 miles of it, to raise money for Macmillan. The team have set a target of £2000 which will be donated straight to Macmillan via our joint JustGiving page. Simply use the following link and click ‘Donate’.

    On https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet

    Any donation that you can make, no matter how big or small will be massively appreciated and help this amazing charity with the wonderful work that they do to support patients and families living with cancer.

    If you have any ideas for simple fundraisers or would like to get involved in helping us to raise money, please contact the office.          


    We hope everyone has a great last week and pleasant holiday too , Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 25th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    With only two weeks left to go before the Easter break, we are particularly looking forward to seeing everyone’s Eggstravaganza entries next Tuesday at our Spring Term Homework Museum! Don’t worry if you haven’t started yet there is plenty of time to get cracking! 


    Significant People Day

    Last Friday was an absolutely wonderful day at All Saints’!

    As you know all term the children have been learning about significant people both past and present.  Also, spending lots of time writing, blogging, instagramming and tweeting their significant people to invite them to our school for a very special Wow Day!

    Where someone could not attend, they communicated via letters, emails and film clips! Juan Mata, a Manchester United football player, sent a special video message to Year 4. Tessa Wullaert, a member of the Manchester City Women’s Football Team even promised tickets to watch one of her matches, for the child who wrote to her! (We are also hoping Tessa can actually visit All Saints’ later in the term during Active Week – which would be wonderful). Chester Zoo Rangers also sent some fantastic letters to the children who contacted them. 

     The day started with Matthew Walker; a paralympic swimmer who has not only won 11 medals but has also earned an MBE! Well done to Year 2 for inviting Matthew in to our Wow Day he was truly inspirational.






    We were then visited by Daniel Moseley who had a very serious accident but delivered clear messages of how to be determined, strong, positive, make the most of our opportunities and live life to the full.  James Clayton came in to talk about his games programming experience to Year 3, 4 and 5. Mrs Manning shared her designing skills with our children and every class spent some time with Tracy McGuinness-Kelly a local author and illustrator. In addition as so many of our Reception class said their Mums, Dads and family members were the significant people in their lives they invited them all in.  Wonderfully at times on Friday there were more adults than children in Reception!  Thank you to everyone who came in! It was a terrific day and we appreciate the time and effort everyone has put into making this day a huge success!



    Well done All Saints’

    Christmas seems a long time ago now but last Thursday we were visited by High Peak Radio who presented All Saints’ with the 2nd prize cup for the School Christmas Signing Competition. Thank you to everyone who listened and voted for our All Saints/ Christmas Medley and of course to our fabulous children for signing so enthusiastically.   


    Parents Association Quiz Night!

    Thank you to everyone who attended the quiz night at Hawk Green last Friday evening.  It sounds like it was a great night with lots of fun had by everyone.  A huge thanks to all the wonderful parents who made it happen and the money raised will benefit all our children greatly.


      Best Attendance

    Very well done to Class 3. You have both won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.

    Fantastic and very well done!



      Easter Activities at Linnet Clough

    Please see attached poster and booking form regarding Easter activities at Linnet Clough.



    The Week Ahead

    Tuesday 26th March – 9.00am Tuesday morning dance class performance for parents and families.

    Wednesday 27th to Thursday 28th March – Y4 Residential to Castleton.



    Friday 29th March - The parents of all children who have lessons in school with Sue Hatton, are invited to a special Woodwind Concert at 9.05am.


    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Monday 1st April – Year 6 pre-SATs drop in 3.30pm to 5.00pm (please see Class 6 blog for more information).

    Tuesday 2nd April - Eggstravaganza Homework Museum. As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!  Please also see flyer sent home and posters around school for more information.

    Wednesday 3rd April – Achievement assembly and ice cream and fruit party throughout the day for the children, so please keep working on those key skills!

    Thursday 4th April – 9.30am Easter Service rehearsal at Church.  As always, we would be most grateful of walkers to help the children get safely to and from Church.  We will be leaving All Saints’ School at 9.10am and returning from Church at 11.00am.  Please let the school office know or your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.

    Friday 5th April – 1.45pm Easter Service at Church.  Again, anybody able to help walking would be fantastic.  We will be leaving school a 1.20pm and returning following the service, many thanks in advance.


     All Saint’ Great British Bake Off! No nuts to be used please!

    On Friday 5th of April, the Pupil Parliament will be hosting a Great British Bake Off fund raising day. Children will be invited to bring cupcakes and biscuits to Class 2 in the morning. Each class will have a chance to buy the donated treats for 50p or less. The success of the day will depend on how many cake donations we receive so all donations (whether shop-bought or home-made) will be gratefully received.

    If your child would like to enter the Show-Stopper Competition as well, they can bring their home-made show-stopper cake and £2 entry fee to Class 2. Show-Stopper cakes will be returned to the bakers at the end of the day and each entry will receive a certificate. The winning entry from Reception and KS1 (Year 1 and 2), and KS2 (Years 3 to 6) will each receive a prize.


    Tuesday 23rd April – School reopens after the Easter Holidays. Saint George’s Day -  Children are invited to wear Scouting/Guiding uniforms to celebrate - Beavers, Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides can wear their respective uniforms to school on that day. For all other children, school uniform must be worn (this is not a non-uniform day).


    Even further in advance…

    Please pencil in Friday 5th July after school for the Summer Fair.  More information to follow in due course.


    Look out Lake District, here we come!


    On the 13th July, team ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?!’ aka Mrs. Morton, Mr. McShane, Mrs. Noble, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Eva, Mr. G, Mrs Davey and Mrs Hodge will be hiking the Ullswater Way in the Lake District, all 26 miles of it, to raise money for Macmillan. The team have set a target of £2000 which will be donated straight to Macmillan via our joint JustGiving page. Simply use the following link and click ‘Donate’.

    On https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet

    Any donation that you can make, no matter how big or small will be massively appreciated and help this amazing charity with the wonderful work that they do to support patients and families living with cancer.

    If you have any ideas for simple fundraisers or would like to get involved in helping us to raise money, please contact the office.          


    Have a super week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 18th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Well after Storm Gareth and Storm Hannah hopefully we will start to see some better weather soon! We hope everyone is ready for the last three weeks of this term, we are sure they are going to be great!

     Red Nose Day

    Well done and thank you to everyone for raising a fantastic £200 last Friday for Red Nose Day, school was full with so many red items of clothing and even hair! The money raised is greatly appreciated and will go to some fantastic causes. Thank you also to the children and families who have already started helping us plan next year when we will have red nose painting taking place in school!


     All Saint’ Great British Bake Off!

    On Friday 5th of April, the Pupil Parliament will be hosting a Great British Bake Off fund raising day. Children will be invited to bring cupcakes and biscuits to Class 2 in the morning. Each class will have a chance to buy the donated treats for 50p or less. The success of the day will depend on how many cake donations we receive so all donations (whether shop-bought or home-made) will be gratefully received.

    If your child would like to enter the Show-Stopper Competition as well, they can bring their home-made show-stopper cake and £2 entry fee to Class 2. Show-Stopper cakes will be returned to the bakers at the end of the day and each entry will receive a certificate. The winning entry from Reception and KS1 (Year 1 and 2), and KS2 (Years 3 to 6) will each receive a prize.


    Measles awareness

    As many people may be already aware, there has been an increase in the number of measles cases in Greater Manchester.  Therefore, the local Authority and Public Health England have sent schools updated awareness raising guidance and asked that we make parents aware.  So please do take the time to read the attached information leaflet. 



     Best Attendance


    Very well done to class 2 and Class 4  You have both won the best attendance for last week with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.

    Fantastic and very well done! 






    The Week Ahead


    Friday 22nd March – Let’s see who the children have managed to persuade to come in and help with our ‘Significant people’ topic! Parents Association Quiz Night at Hawk Green Cricket Club, £5.00 per person and that includes a chip buttie too!

    7:30pm for 8pm start.



    Upcoming Events/ Reminders


    Tuesday 26th March – 9.00am Tuesday morning dance class performance for parents and families.

    Wednesday 27th to Thursday 28th March – Y4 Residential to Castleton.


    Tuesday 2nd April - Eggstravaganza Homework Museum. As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!  Please also see flyer sent home and posters around school for more information.


    Wednesday 3rd April – Achievement assembly and ice cream and fruit party throughout the day for the children, so please keep working on those key skills!


    Thursday 4th April – 9.30am Easter Service rehearsal at Church.  As always, we would be most grateful of walkers to help the children get safely to and from Church.  We will be leaving All Saints’ School at 9.10am and returning from Church at 11.00am.  Please let the school office know or your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.


    Friday 5th April – 1.45pm Easter Service at Church.  Again, anybody able to help walking would be fantastic.  We will be leaving school a 1.20pm and returning following the service, many thanks in advance.


    Tuesday 23rd April – School reopens after the Easter Holidays. Saint George’s Day -  Children are invited to wear Scouting/Guiding uniforms to celebrate - Beavers, Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides can wear their respective uniforms to school on that day. For all other children , school uniform must be worn (this is not a non-uniform day).


    Even further in advance…

    Please pencil in Friday 5th July after school for the Summer Fair.  More information to follow in due course.


    Look out Lake District, here we come!

    On the 13th July, team ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?!’ aka Mrs. Morton, Mr. McShane, Mrs. Noble, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Eva and Mr. G will be hiking the Ullswater Way in the Lake District, all 26 miles of it, to raise money for Macmillan. The team have set a target of £2000 which will be donated straight to Macmillan via our joint JustGiving page. Simply use the following link and click ‘Donate’.

    On https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/all-saints-are-we-nearly-there-yet

    Any donation that you can make, no matter how big or small will be massively appreciated and help this amazing charity with the wonderful work that they do to support patients and families living with cancer.

    If you have any ideas for simple fundraisers or would like to get involved in helping us to raise money, please contact the office.      


    We hope everyone has a great week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 4th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this week’s newsletter as we start our second week of this half term.


    A great event took place before the half term break thanks to the Parents Association. A wonderful disco raising £318 towards a school defibrillator. Thank you so much to everyone involved in everything from planning to making sure it was such a great event on the night. It really is greatly appreciated.  Also, please save the date of Friday 22nd March as the Parents Associations next event is a quiz night at Hawk Green Cricket Club.  Tickets are priced at £5.00 per person and that includes a chip buttie too!  More information to follow soon!





    Following on from the huge recent coverage in the press about Momo and the flyer we sent out last week please see the current advice from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) below.


    To safeguard your children whilst online, parents should work to create a positive relationship with their children around their internet use. Children’s online access should be closely supervised and you should encourage your children to tell you (or another trusted adult) if they ever encountering anything worrying. Parental controls go some way to protecting children from accidentally viewing disturbing content but are unlikely to prevent it in many cases, for example when the content has been deliberately spliced into content aimed at children. Inappropriate content should be reported direct to the online service it appears on.


    Our families may find the following article regarding a Momo Challenge useful-



    Best Attendance




    Very well done to Class 5!  You have won the best attendance for the week before the holidays with an amazing attendance percentage of 100%.

                                                                         Fantastic and very well done!





    Upcoming Events/ Reminders


    Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th March – As previously mentioned John will be absent and therefore the crossing will be unmanned on these days. 


    Thursday 7th March - World Book Day, children are welcome to come dressed as their favourite book character or in their PJs with their favourite book.  Please refer to the flyer sent out about the ‘Big Booky Breakfast Club’.


     Friday 8th March - Co-producing with Families Information Day: A FREE information day for young people, parents, carers, family members and professionals who have or work with special educational needs and/or disabilities

    Key notes: delivered by a young person/parent carers

    Workshops: SEN Support in schools, Working with young people to prepare for adulthood, Stockport Therapy Services Review

    To book your place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities-information-day-tickets-55578748533?fbclid=IwAR2oVGBg6gi7oJYfuYcBtyDMYRqtsNZ-1beuSKGsJ1g9g7NcFCK-CZsBAsk 


    Tuesday 12th March – As part of National Science Week All Saints’ will be hosting a Science Share in School for children from local cluster schools. 


    Wednesday 13th March – Y3 at a Football Festival, please see additional letter for more information.


    Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day children to come dressed in red for a £1.00 donation please.  No noses will be sold in school but children are welcome to bring in their own.


    Friday 22nd March – Let’s see who the children have managed to persuade to come in and help with our ‘Significant people’ topic! Parents Association Quiz Night at Hawk Green Cricket Club, £5.00 per person and that includes a chip buttie too!  More information to follow soon. 


    Tuesday 26th March – 9.00am Tuesday morning dance class performance for parents and families.


    Wednesday 27th to Thursday 28th March – Y4 Residential to Castleton.


    Tuesday 2nd April - Eggstravganza Homework Museum. As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!  Please also see flyer sent home and posters around school for more information.


    Wednesday 3rd April – Achievement assembly and ice cream and fruit party throughout the day for the children, so please keep working on those key skills!


    Thursday 4th April – 9.30am Easter Service rehearsal at Church.  As always, we would be most grateful of walkers to help the children get safely to and from Church.  We will be leaving All Saints’ School at 9.10am and returning from Church at 11.00am.  Please let the school office know or your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.


    Friday 5th April – 1.45pm Easter Service at Church.  Again, anybody able to help walking would be fantastic.  We will be leaving school a 1.20pm and returning following the service, many thanks in advance.



    Have a great week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 25th February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a wonderful break (if you got one) and that all the children are refreshed and excited to be back in school for what I am sure will be a busy but great half term.



    Young Voices

    We could not possibly start the term without reflecting back on the absolutely fantastic and memorable Young Voices Choir concert, which took place at Manchester arena on Monday 11th February! It was a truly magical event.  Singing in the largest school choir in the world and with the likes of Tony Hadley was an unforgettable experience.  All 34 members of the All Saints’ Choir where outstanding not only in their performance but in their behaviour and manners, they were a joy to accompany.  Thank you so much to Miss Daly and Mr McShane (whose dance moves even managed to outshine some of the international performers we believe) for so readily giving up their free time to accompany the children, the parents for getting so on board and supporting the children in so many ways and of course Mrs Noble!  Mrs Noble you excelled yourself in what can only be described as the mammoth task of coordinating and organising all the rehearsals, t shirts, tickets, transport and everything else.  It all ran like clockwork and we are all so grateful for literally making the choirs dreams come true.


    Best Attendance


    Very well done to Class 2!  You have won the best attendance for the week before the holidays 

                                 with an attendance percentage of 99.17%.

                                                    Amazing and very well done! 




    Upcoming Events/ Reminders

    Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th March – As previously mentioned John will be absent and therefore the crossing will be unmanned on these days. 


    Thursday 7th March - World Book Day, children are welcome to come dressed as their favourite book character or in their PJs with their favourite book.  Mystery readers are also welcome on the day; please speak to your child’s class teacher if you are available to make an appearance!



    Friday 8th March - Co-producing with Families Information Day: A FREE information day for young people, parents, carers, family members and professionals who have or work with special educational needs and/or disabilities

    Key notes: delivered by a young person/parent carers

    Workshops: SEN Support in schools, Working with young people to prepare for adulthood, Stockport Therapy Services Review

    To book your place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities-information-day-tickets-55578748533?fbclid=IwAR2oVGBg6gi7oJYfuYcBtyDMYRqtsNZ-1beuSKGsJ1g9g7NcFCK-CZsBAsk 


    Tuesday 12th March – As part of National Science Week All Saints’ will be hosting a Science Share in School for children from local cluster schools. 


    Wednesday 13th March – Y3 at a Football Festival, please see additional letter for more information.


    Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day children to come dressed in red for a £1.00 donation please.  No noses will be sold in school but children are welcome to bring in their own.


    Friday 22nd March – Let’s see who the children have managed to persuade to come in and help with our ‘Significant people’ topic!


    Tuesday 26th March – 9.00am Tuesday morning dance class performance for parents and families.

    Wednesday 27th to Thursday 28th March – Y4 Residential to Castleton.


    Tuesday 2nd April - Eggstravganza Homework Museum. As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!  Please also see flyer sent home and posters around school for more information.


    Wednesday 3rd April – Achievement assembly and ice cream and fruit party throughout the day for the children, so please keep working on those key skills!


    Thursday 4th April – 9.30am Easter Service rehearsal at Church.  As always, we would be most grateful of walkers to help the children get safely to and from Church.  We will be leaving All Saints’ School at 9.10am and returning from Church at 11.00am.  Please let the school office know or your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.


    Friday 5th April – 1.45pm Easter Service at Church.  Again, anybody able to help walking would be fantastic.  We will be leaving school a 1.20pm and returning following the service, many thanks in advance.


    We hope everyone has a lovely week and welcome back, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 11th February (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Well the final week of this half term has sprung upon us and we are already half way through the academic year.  How time flies when you are having fun and working hard!


    So long, farewell …

    It is with great sadness that last week we said goodbye to Miss Pollitt who has been a student teacher in Year 5 since September.  The children and staff are all going to really miss you and we cannot thank you enough for all you have done for the children during your time with us. 

    We are also incredibly sad to be saying goodbye to Miss Aboo who has been at All Saints’ for 5 years!  During this time Miss Aboo has worked with so many of our wonderful children, supporting them both in classrooms and at lunchtimes.  Miss Aboo will be starting a new role in a school near where she lives as well as getting married and moving house, so as you can see she will be very busy! But hopefully not too busy to pop back and see us when she can.   Miss Aboo you have always been so kind and caring to all our children, members of staff and families.  You will be greatly missed.


    We wish you both all the very best of luck for your chosen career paths and futures. We hope that you will always have fond and cherished memories of your time at All Saints’ as we all will of you.



    Year 1 Class Assembly

    Well the Year 1 parents and the rest of the school were certainly not disappointed!! We first of all walked into the hall which had been transformed into the North Pole. Although there was snow, icicles and snow prints all around, the children thoroughly warmed our hearts. The Year 1 children, not only celebrated their learning with confidence and enthusiasm but they also shared how much fun they are having. They demonstrated what they had learned in PSHE about being a good citizen, geography, science, English, art, Forest Schools and music.  We all loved the various songs, which reminded us of how we can help our planet.

    Thank you to our many parents and family members who attended; your children are a wonderful credit to you


    Book Fair

    Thank you so much for everyone who supported the schoolbook fair.  We managed to raise a total of £239. This means that we will ask the children via the Pupil Parliament what new books they would like to see in our fantastic library and will be ordering the new additions soon!



    Assessment Week


    Well done to all our children last week for approaching their assessments with ease and completing them in the All Saints’ Way.  We will be of course marking these challenges in school. Then going through them with the children where valuable learning takes place and finally in line with last term be sending these home with your child for you to see after the holidays. 



    Parent/ Community Courses

    Unfortunately, we will not be able to host the community courses at our school as we did not have enough people enrolling for the courses and the college stipulated a minimum of 12. Thank you to those parents who did enrol for the Spanish, Positive Parenting and Maths courses. There are a few courses taking place in other venues. Please see the attached flier for further information.



    Safer Internet Day

    Alongside the spiral curriculum approach to internet safety that always happens in school we also had a specific focus last Tuesday for Internet Safety Day.  The children looked at a range of ways to stay and keep safe online such as what consent is needed and what to do if they see something they do not like or feel happy with.  As always we can never be too vigilant with keeping our children safe in the virtual world so please do take a look if you have not already at the link below.  We will also be holding a special Internet safety assembly today.




     Best Attendance

           Very well done to Class 4 and Class 5 for jointly winning the best attendance this week with an attendance percentage of 100%.  

         Amazing and very well done!





    The week ahead…

    Monday 11th February Young Voices Choir Event for Choir Children – we are all very excited!


    Friday 15th February Year 4 start brass lessons.  Last Year 3 swimming.  School breaks up for half term. School Disco between 6.30pm and 8.30pm at Marple Cricket Club, tickets £3.00 and available from the School Office. 



    Upcoming Events/ Reminders


    Eggstravganza Homework Museum

    As mentioned on the Spring Term Diary Dates we will be holding our Spring Term Eggstravaganza homework museum on Tuesday 2nd April. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ‘cracking’ ideas!


    ‘Be Active, Be Healthy’ Family Challenge 2018-19

    Please see the attached poster to enter the great competition and see what you could win!


    Little Diggers February Half Term activities at Wyevale Garden Centre

    18th – 22nd February 2019


    ?         Make a Bird Home – Monday

    Decorate a cosy bird box for your garden birds.

    ?         Create a Bird Buddy – Tuesday

    Decorate and plant your own bird pot for your home.

    ?         Grow Your Own Mini Garden – Wednesday

    Plant your own mini garden with giant flowers, bee hives and wild friends.

    ?         Flower Power Pot – Thursday

    Plant your own flower and decorate a pot and plant marker.

    ?         Feed the Birds – Friday

    Make and decorate your own feeder to entice more birds into your garden.

    All events are only £2.50 per child, last 20 minutes and include an activity sheet.

    You can now add a kids’ mean to any craft event! Adult meals are also available to pre-order online.

    Tickets are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment. All events can be booked at wyevalegardencentres.co.uk/event-half-term-craft-events.


    Suzanne's Simply Health Greater Manchester Run

    Please do take a moment to read Suzanne’s story and all about what she is doing to raise money for such a great cause by following the link below. 

    You can help Suzanne Short (A Year 5 Mum) raise money for this great cause by donating directly to their fundraising page - https://www.justgiving.com/Suzanne-Short1?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Suzanne-Short1&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=rqGq5jMpZ.

    JustGiving sends your donation straight to Weekend Day Centre and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

    Thank you for your support!


    Thursday 7th March World Book Day you may want to start thinking of your costume ideas!



    Have a great week everyone and half term when it arrives, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 4th February (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Welcome to this week’s newsletter. We hope that the weather will be improving soon and thank you for your understanding with the very difficult decision to close School last week!


    Assessment Week

    This week sees the children at their various ages and stages take part in a number of challenges.  These challenges along with your child’s daily classroom outcomes allow staff to plan for and tailor opportunities to best support your child going forward.  It is also an excellent opportunity for the children to celebrate and feel confident in what they have achieved and encourage them to reflect on and understand what their next steps are. 




    As we have mentioned on numerous occasions, linked to the National Fairer Funding Campaign, we as a Stockport school have a smaller budget when compared to schools with the same number of children in other Local Authorities.  With indicative figures circulated for the next financial year, we continue to face challenges with our budget, especially with the continual rises in costs such as rates and utilities.  We always strive to give the best value for money including regularly looking at contracts with suppliers and trying to increase our income where possible e.g. through lettings.  As a result, of such challenges with our budgets we obviously have to reflect on our current spending and what we are able to continue to provide going forward.  Following discussions at Governors and in line with many other schools, we are therefore going to begin asking for contributions towards special class projects.  These requests will be made when there are significant costs to All Saints’ for us to continue carrying out for example Design Technology projects/ cooking/ Science experiments.  Before class teams issue any letters we will of course always reflect very hard on what we ask for and try to keep these requests to a minimum (a few pounds each per term could make a huge difference!).  Although this is not a positon, we want to find ourselves in we appreciate your support in this matter and hope this is a way we can continue to offer your children a fantastic curriculum.


    Holiday Dates 2019-2020

    Following ratification at a recent Governors meeting please find attached the School holiday dates for 2019 -2020.  Please do take a look and be aware of them when booking holidays as no term time holidays can be authorised.  In addition to try and support families many of whom who would like to go away for a cheaper long weekend in term time and for staff to have quality time to ensure a really thorough transition we have for the first time two INSET Days in June. 



    As many of you are aware, John out Lollypop man sadly has to attend a number of appointments relating to his health.  John is so very keen not to let anyone down and wants to carry out his job, but I am sure you will all join us in understanding that he must attend these appointments.  Where cover can be found, Stockport Council will endeavour to do so but where cover is not able to be found, we will PING parents ASAP to let them know that the crossing will not be manned.  Thank so much for your compassion and understanding in this matter. 

    Best Attendance

               Very well done Reception for winning the best attendance this week                  

                             with an attendance percentage of 98.08%

                                          Well done Reception!




    Suzanne's Simply Health Greater Manchester Run

    Please do take a moment to read Suzanne’s story and all about what she is doing to raise money for such a great cause by following the link below. 

    You can help Suzanne Short (A Year 5 Mum) raise money for this great cause by donating directly to their fundraising page - https://www.justgiving.com/Suzanne-Short1?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Suzanne-Short1&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=rqGq5jMpZ.

    Just Giving sends your donation straight to Weekend Day Centre and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

    Thank you for your support!


    The week ahead…

    Tuesday 5th February Karaoke Singalong until 4.30pm. Please see separate letter Safer Internet Day please do take a look at the materials on the following link. https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2019/education-packs/activities-parents-and-carers We will also be having a special assembly on Monday 11th February for the children as well of course always highlighting the importance of Internet Safety with our children throughout the year.

    Friday 8th February Year 1 Class Assembly at 9.05am

    Reminder if anyone wants to order any additional CGP year group resources to support their child/ children (as displayed at Parents Evening) the closing date will be this Friday and all monies to please be paid via ParentPay.  


    Upcoming Reminders

    Monday 11th February Young Voices Choir Event for Choir Children

    Friday 15th February Year 4 start brass lessons.  Last Year 3 swimming.  School breaks up for half term.

    School Disco between 6.30pm and 8.30pm at Marple Cricket Club, tickets £3.00 and available from the School Office. 

    Thursday 7th March World Book Day - you may want to start thinking of your costume ideas!



    Have a great week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 14th January (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Well the term is already flying by the children have been really enjoying their topics which is fantastic to see.

    Open Afternoon

    Thank you to everyone who was able to come and spend some time in their children’s classrooms last Wednesday. The children loved you being in School and we hope you found it both interesting and informative.

    Parents Meetings


    We are looking forward to our upcoming Parent Meetings on the 22nd and 24th January.  During these times, we would like to let parents know that the Book People stands will be available in the hall for you to browse a range of different and exciting books and buy them if you wish.    We will also have a range of materials, to support your child’s learning at home, for you to again browse and purchase if you wish. The resources are approximately £3 each for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), Reading Comprehensions and Maths booklets the materials will be able to be viewed, ordered and paid for via parent pay using iPADs set up in the hall. 

    The week ahead…

    Wednesday 16th January Key Stage 2 Homework Club resumes.  The very well attended club will be now in Class 5 from 8.15am.  If your child has previously attended then they can just continue and if you would like your child to attend then please sign and complete a letter from the office. Other club letters will be making their way home so please so look out for them. 

    Thursday 17th January KS2 Film Night   


    Year 5 would like to invite Key Stage 2 children to watch the Eddie the Eagle Film from 3.30pm to 5.15pm .  This is all to raise money for the child in Uganda who we sponsor vis Compassion. Please see additional letter for more information. 

    Friday 18th January Year 5 Class Assembly at 9.05am                             

    2019-2020 Accademic Year Holiday Dates

    The date as set by Stockport Local Authority are available using the following link https://www.stockport.gov.uk/school-term-dates/2019-2020-term-dates.  There will be 5 additional staff INSET days distributed across the year and these will be communicated to families by the end of January following Governing Body ratification.

    Online Safety

    We have received warnings against a video production app https://parentzone.org.uk/article/tiktok-everything-you-need-know-about-video-production-app  

    We encourage you to make yourself fully aware of how your children are using any device they may have.

    Message from Intrahealth

    Parents, please could you take part the following survey to rate the flu programme in schools,https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7FTFSRD ”

    Linnet Clough

    Please see attached a flyer for February half term Adventure Days at Linnet Clough and booking form if you so wish.

    Upcoming Reminders

    Tuesday 22nd January Parents Evening - 3.30pm-6.30pm (Book People books available to purchase in the hall during these times)

    Thursday 24th January Parents Evening – 4.00pm-7.00pm (Book People books available to purchase in the hall during these times)

    The deadline has been extended for the maths and parenting courses until Friday 1st February.

    Friday 8th February Year 1 Class Assembly at 9.05am

    Monday 11th February Young Voices Choir Event for Choir Children

    Friday 15th February Year 4 start brass lessons.  Last Year 3 swimming.  School breaks up for half term.


    We hope everyone has a great week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.


  • Monday 10th December (allsaints-pri Admin)

    As we embark on another fun filled festive week at All Saints’ you will be pleased to hear, we have a much shorter newsletter than the last two!

    It is a delight to announce that the Christmas Fair raised an absolutely fantastic £1,644.12 we cannot thank everyone enough and the children will all benefit so much from this money, it really does make a difference!

    A huge well done as we were runners up in the Stockport Walk to School Fortnight.  Thank you to everyone who is and continues to make a concerted effort to walk and park and stride to school it is greatly appreciated by all and really will stop an accident from happening!  In addition, we just want to make everyone aware that John will not be operating the crossing on Tuesday 18th December at the end of the day.


    Assessment Week

    Following on from our recent Assessment Week, classes 2,3,4,5 and 6 have been going through their tests celebrating their successes and learning from their mistakes. To support this further the children will be bringing their assessments home with them to share the scores and again for you as families to further understand what your child(ren) need to work on.  We would also recommend although a very busy period that any time on mathletics,  focus on any spellings not secure with from the Autumn Term and of course time read, read, reading would really benefit your child.


    Christmas Jumper

    As previously shared, the children will be wearing Christmas Jumpers at the Carol Service on the 18th in the evening and on the final day of term Wednesday 19th December.  However, following some very recent and tragic events for members of our school family we would like to ask families to pay a £1.00 donation to the Lullaby Trust.  This is a wonderful charity that raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families if you would like to know more about the charity then please follow the link https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/ and many, many thanks in advance for your kindness and generosity.


    Parents Evening and Open Afternoon

    Please look out as letters to book appointments for parents evenings in January are coming home today.  Also, please be aware that we will be holding an open afternoon for you to come and spend some time in classes between 2.00pm and 3.00pm on Wednesday 9th January.



    Homework Club

    The last Homework Clubs for Key Stage One and Two in 2018 will take place this week. 


    Adult Courses at All Saints’ Primary School

    Just a reminder to enrol for any of the courses below. This is a fantastic opportunity for all our community


    Food Vouchers

    As Christmas approaches which can be a difficult and expensive time for many families please do contact Miss Daley or ourselves if you would like some food vouchers.  They can be used in several different locations and really are there to try and make a difference.


    Upcoming events including updates…

    Tuesday 11th December12.45pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)


    Wednesday 12th December – 9.00am Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)


    Thursday 13th December – 9.30am Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance). The front rows seats will be saved for those who help us to walk the children up safely.

    Choir singing at Hawk Green Cricket Club

    6.00pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church


    Friday 14th DecemberChristmas Lunch (please see separate letter for further information e.g. times) Key Stage Two Christmas Party (please see previous separate letter that was sent out for more information)

    Choir signing at the United Reformed Church


    Monday 17th December – 9.00am Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Reception and Key Stage One Christmas Party (please see previous separate letter that was sent out for more information)


    Tuesday 18th December – Achievement Assembly, Ice Cream and Fruit Party

    6.00pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper)


    Wednesday 19th December – 1.45pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper all day) anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance. The front rows seats will be reserved for the Reception parents.

     School Breaks up for the Christmas Holidays.  Children return to School on Thursday 3rd January 2019.


    Have a wonderful week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.

  • Monday 3rd December (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Welcome to this week’s newsletter.  At this time of year there is so much going on, so apologies again as it is another long one! 


    Time to Celebrate!

    We could not be prouder of all the children last week as they all approached their assessments with confidence and maturity – well done to all our All Saints’ Superstars!



    Last week we spent time updating our website.  Most importantly to add the children’s definition of the All Saints’ Way to our homepage…

    Also, from parent feedback, we have added a new link to School Ping with a new tab under the Parents drop down header. We hope you like the new look website! Thank you to Mr Patel and Mrs Pratt for all your time and help on this. 


    Quick Sticks Hockey Team

    Well done to the children who brilliantly represented All Saints’ in the hockey tournament last Tuesday evening.   Also, thank you to Mrs Preece and Miss Taylor for organising the event and accompanying the children.


    Autumn Term Governor Newsletter

    Please see attached the Autumn Term Governor Newsletter, which includes key school developments and initiatives. Parents may find the section regarding payment of trips of particular interest.  There are also some hard copies in the entrance.  Thank you to Alan Bailey our Chair of Governors and the Governing Body for producing this for our community.


    The children were out of this world last Thursday morning singing our All Saints’ Medley they sounded unbelievable.  So please read the information below and make sure to tune it to hear our children and please get voting for All Saints’…


    Christmas Open Morning

    What an absolutely fantastic morning we all had last Friday. Each class was buzzing with excitement and activity as so many parents, grandparents and friends of the school joined together to participate in a variety of amazing crafts.  As you can see from the pictures below!  Thank you so much to everyone for coming and all the staff for their hard work in making it such an enjoyable morning for everyone.

    Christmas Fair

    It was amazing to see so many people on Saturday at the Christmas Fair it was a lovely atmosphere and really made a wonderful start to the festive period.  The incredible amount of work cannot be underestimated and we are so very thankful for everyone in the Parents Association who contributed to making such a successful event.  A special mention to Helena Monds who did a fabulous job coordinating everything and bringing it all together so well.  It has always been fantastic to have so many give so generously when raising money for School but especially in today’s financial climate it is even more important as it really does mean we can keep doing some of the things we do, as without the Parents Association money we simply could not!


    Reception/ Year Two toilets

    A huge thank you to Mr Chaloner who last week spent many hour preparing and painting the boys and girls toilets they are much brighter and the children love the colours!


    New News and information


    KS1 Nativity letter

    Today the Year One and Two children will be coming home with a really important letter regarding their Christmas performance, so please do look out for it!  It includes all the information regarding times, costumes and watching your children. 


    School Holidays

    As a Local Authority school our holidays fall in line with the Stockport Council therefore we are encouraging families to have their say on the proposed holiday dates for 2020/21. 

    Please  click on the link below:-


    Then click on the link in the blue box and you can scroll down to view the two proposed holiday dates via appendix 10.

    Finally scroll down to the bottom and follow the link (pictured below) to complete the survey.  Please note the first sections are related to proposed changes to admissions at other Stockport Schools the holiday dates questions are at the end.

    The consultation closes on 31st December so thank you in advance for taking the time to share your views. 

    All Saints’ Church

    Mrs Holton will be delivering the printed 'Search for an Angel' competition sheets to school this week... if any children have already spotted some names while they were singing or shopping last weekend then please try and remember then to add this week!



    Whole School Christmas Service and Christmas Jumpers!

    As always, we will be holding our traditional All Saints’ Church Service on the last day of Term (Wednesday 19th December at 1.45pm) at All Saints’ Church.  In addition this year from parent feedback, we will also be holding an evening Service on Tuesday 18th December at 6pm (again at All Saints’ Church).  This will be the same Service repeated and is open for all year groups to attend – with a special Reception Nativity included in the Service. Children and families are warmly welcome to drop their children off from 5.40pm at the Boyer Hall entrance of All Saints’ Church and then make their way round to the main Church entrance for the Service.  Then at the end children will return to the Boyer Hall and be released from there.  We hope this will be a way for everyone who would like to take part in the Service to be able to and although obviously not compulsory, it would be lovely to see as many children as possible attend the evening Service please.  Finally, in what has become a bit of an All Saints’ tradition it would be great if children could come to the evening Service and for School on the last day of term in their usual school uniform just swapping their school jumper for a Christmas one. 

    Stockport School Funding Public Meeting

    As we have mentioned on numerous occasions funding is currently a huge issue for schools including our own. Therefore please attend the meeting above if you are able to, in order to learn more about the topic.



    Adult Courses at All Saints’ Primary School

    Just a reminder to enrol for any of the courses below. This is a fantastic opportunity for all our community


    Food Vouchers

    As Christmas approaches which can be a difficult and expensive time for many families please do contact Miss Daly or ourselves if you would like some food vouchers.  They can be used in several different locations and really are there to try and make a difference.


     Upcoming events…


    Tuesday 11th December – 1.30pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)


    Wednesday 12th December – 9.00am Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)


    Thursday 13th December – 9.30am Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Choir singing at Hawk Green Cricket Club

    6.00pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church


    Friday 14th DecemberChristmas Lunch (please see separate letter for further information e.g. times) Key Stage Two Christmas Party (please see separate letter for more information)

    Choir signing at the United Reformed Church


    Monday 17th December – 9.00am Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Reception and Key Stage One Christmas Party (please see separate letter for more information)


    Tuesday 18th December – Achievement Assembly, Ice Cream and Fruit Party

    6.00pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper)


    Wednesday 19th December – 1.45pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper all day) and School Breaks up for the Christmas Holidays.  Children return to School on Thursday 3rd January 2019. 



    Have a fantastic week everyone, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor. 

  • Monday 26th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

    Hello again and welcome to this week’s newsletter. The days of 2018 are whizzing past but so much is accomplished and achieved each week here at All Saints’, it really is wonderful to be part of this very special All Saints’ family.  Sorry in advance, as this week’s newsletter is a bit of a long one but there is lots of important information included so thank you for taking the time to read it!


    IMG_0539Let’s Celebrate!

    The first All Saints’ Homework Museum was a huge success on Tuesday.  It was wonderful to see so many creations and also that lots of people had lots of fun making them too.  A huge thank you to Miss Taylor and the Class Four team for organising the event and we hope to see some more fantastic entries in our Spring Term Homework Museum!





    Well done to our Year Three and Four classes for their very poignant and informative class assembly on Wednesday.  They shared their learning about their Remembrance topic very well and even sang with great gusto.  We had some lovely comments from the many parents who came to support the children.  Thank you to everyone in the Class Three and Four teams for all their hard work and of course the children for their enthusiasm!


    Thursday saw a wonderful day take place at All Saints’ when 20 Primary Teacher Trainees came to School to look at our Design Technology and Art Provision.  The students were so impressed by All Saints’ and commented on how much they loved the School, how friendly everyone was and how creative, fun and engaging all the lessons they saw were.  A huge thank you in particular to Mrs Noble and Mr McShane who planned and led the excellent day. 


    Another highlight of Thursday was that our Dodgeball Team won their tournament! The team played amazingly well. They were co-operative, worked together, actioned out clear strategies, were extremely supportive of each other and were an absolute credit to our school and their parents. Thank you to the parents who came to support. Every team member had someone there to witness their skill and success! An amazing job All Saints’!


    Farewell to Miss McDonnell who left us after a month in Class Four. She did so much for the children in the short time she was with us and wish her all the very best for the remainder of her training and her future teaching career.  


    Whole School Christmas Service and Christmas Jumpers!

    As always we will be holding our traditional All Saints’ Church Service on the last day of Term (Wednesday 19th December at 1.45pm) at All Saints’ Church.  In addition, this year from parent feedback, we will also be holding an evening Service on Tuesday 18th December at 6pm (again at All Saints’ Church).  This will be the same Service repeated and is open for all year groups to attend – with a special Reception Nativity included in the Service. Children and families are warmly welcome to drop their children off from 5.40pm at the Boyer Hall entrance of All Saints’ Church and then make their way round to the main Church entrance for the Service.  Then at the end children will return to the Boyer Hall and be released from there.  We hope this will be a way for everyone who would like to take part in the Service to be able to and although obviously not compulsory, it would be lovely to see as many children as possible attend the evening Service please.  Finally, in what has become a bit of an All Saints’ tradition it would be great if children could come to the evening Service and for School on the last day of term in their usual school uniform just swapping their school jumper for a Christmas one. 



    Stockport School Funding Public Meeting

    As we have mentioned on numerous occasions funding is currently a huge issue for schools including our own. Therefore, please attend the meeting above if you are able to, in order to learn more about the topic.



    Adult Courses at All Saints’ Primary School

    As part of our Wellbeing agenda and our focus on providing for our community, we asked you to complete a survey informing us of what courses you would be interested in being held at our school. We have fantastic news!  We are able to offer some courses starting after Christmas and at your preferred time of 6:30 - 8:30pm on a Tuesday evening.


    Holiday Spanish



    Tuesday 15th January -12th February 2019

    6.30 - 8.30pm

    £50 for 5 weeks.   No charge if on certain benefits*

    Keeping up with the Children in Maths 


    Tuesday 26th February – 19th March 2019

    6.30 - 8.30pm

    4 weeks.  No charge

    Positive Parenting



    Tuesday 23rd April - 21st May 2019

    6.30 - 8.30pm

    5 weeks.  No charge


    A high percentage of survey results also showed an interest in a Paediatric Awareness and First Aid course which, depending on the success of the Spring courses, we are hoping to run in the Summer Term.


    These courses are open to anyone in the community who is 19 years old and above (NB There is no crèche available). All you need to do is collect a registration form from the school office or you can contact the college direct. Please complete these registration forms by 14th December and return them directly to the college.


    A flier will be coming home with more information so please do look out for it.  Courses can only run with a minimum of 12 people so we really hope there is enough uptake for them to run. 

    Spread the word so that as many people as possible will be able to benefit from these courses.



    We would like to inform parents and families that the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) came into force earlier this year and in order to comply with the new regulations All Saints' has updated its Privacy Notice. All our GDPR information is on our website and can be viewed by the following link https://marpleschool.org.uk/stockport/primary/allsaints-pri/site/pages/school/gdpr.

    If you have any questions or queries regarding this matter, please contact Mrs Noble our GDPR Officer via the School Office.



    As Christmas approaches which can be a difficult and expensive time for many families please do contact Miss Daly or ourselves if you would like some food vouchers.  They can be used in several different locations and really are there to try and make a difference.


    The week ahead

    W.C Monday 26th November – Assessment Week

    Wednesday 28th November – Please can each child bring a bauble in from home to make our tree festive and special!

    Friday 30th November - Christmas Craft Morning from 9.15am to 10.15am (as mentioned on the Autumn Term Diary Dates).  This will give parents and carers an opportunity to visit their child/children in class and work together on something festive.  Please come to the school office after morning drop off and sign in; before making your way to your child/children’s classroom.  Be prepared for glue and glitter!

    Also Dress Down Day for the Christmas Fair.  Reception and Key Stage One to please bring in donations of Chocolates and Key Stage Two Cakes. 


    Upcoming events…Image result for your class needs you

    Saturday 1st December – All Saints’ Christmas Fair (please see the letter already sent home for more information) But used to reiterate the fairs are really important events to help raise funds for the benefit of your child. In the past the funds raised have paid for school trips, experiences with in school and most recently the fantastic new library! Any help parents can provide is always greatly appreciated – these things don’t run themselves.

    So get chatting in the playground, send messages on your facebook pages or let your class teacher know if you can help on the day – Saturday 1st December 11am-1pm.

    Tuesday 11th December – 1.30pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Wednesday 12th December – 9.00am Key Stage One Christmas Performance Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Thursday 13th December – 9.30am Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Choir singing at Hawk Green Cricket Club

    6.00pm Key Stage One Christmas Performance at All Saints’ Church

    Friday 14th DecemberChristmas Lunch (please see separate letter for further information e.g. times) Key Stage Two Christmas Party (please see separate letter for more information)

    Choir signing at the United Reformed Church

    Monday 17th December – 9.00am Whole School Carol Service Rehearsal at All Saints’ Church (anyone who can help walking please let the Office Staff know and thank you in advance)

    Reception and Key Stage One Christmas Party (please see separate letter for more information)

    Tuesday 18th December – Achievement Assembly, Ice Cream and Fruit Party

    6.00pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper)

    Wednesday 19th December – 1.45pm Whole School Carol Service at All Saints’ Church (please wear your school uniform with a Christmas Jumper all day) and School Breaks up for the Christmas Holidays.  Children return to School on Thursday 3rd January 2019. 


    We hope everyone has a lovely week, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Gaynor.