Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Newsletter 03/05/2022
  • Tuesday 3rd May (allsaints-pri Admin)


    Dear School Family, 


    Class 5 were amazing last Friday performing in their class assembly.  We were blown away with all their knowledge from their learning about the Anglo-Saxons and also their impressive acting and singing skills.  A huge thank you to Miss Foster and Mrs Daniel for all your hard work with the children and of course all the family members who attended and made it a very special event. The biscuits went down very well too!

    St George’s Day

    It was wonderful to see some of our children in their club uniforms last Friday to mark St George’s Day. Our children contribute to our community in so many ways and we would like to praise them for this.

    Jubilee Celebration Picnic on Friday 27th May, 12-1pm – See attached flyer.


    Latest covid info from the Local Authority

    • Children with mild symptoms of a respiratory infection include covid-19 but are otherwise well, should continue to attend school. They should stay home if they have a high temperature and are unwell, and can return to school when they no longer have a high temperature/feel well enough.

    It is not recommended that children should have a covid-19 test unless directed to by a health professional, but if a child under 18 does test positive, they should stay off school for 3 days after the day they took the test. They can return to school after the 3 days if they are well enough.


    Plastics Count – see attached information leaflet


    WHY IS THE COUNT SO URGENT NOW? This year, the government is starting to decide on legal targets for reducing plastic waste. But at the moment, there’s nowhere near enough information about how much plastic waste leaves UK households, or what happens to it. The new evidence we gather will be crucial to convince the government to set a target to reduce single-use plastic by 50% by 2025 (by transitioning to reusable packaging which caters to everyone’s needs) – and ban dumping UK plastic waste on other countries.


    ARE YOU READY TO COUNT? Attached, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to prepare for the count, what to do during the count, and how to submit your findings afterwards. It couldn’t be easier. Thank you for joining this nationwide investigation into plastic waste. Simply bookmark thebigplasticcount.com/submit so you’re ready to start tallying on 16th May.


    A huge thank you to Mr Lonsdale, who organised a couple of science workshops last week which enhanced our children’s science learning and further developed their enthusiasm for this subject. 

    All Saints' was lucky enough to have two visitors in one week, with Alan Ames (a bird of prey specialist) and "Scientific Sarah" from Mad Science making an appearance.

    On Monday the children were thrilled to see three different types of bird of prey. There was a small, beautiful Barn Owl, a feisty Harris Hawk and a majestic Bald Eagle. Whilst they all learned something about conservation and adaptation, it was certainly the animals that captivated the children, especially when they flew around the hall! 


    Mad Science did a similarly exciting assembly, with a demonstration of different types of rocket. We were able to see how they could be adapted to help them get to Mars.

    The assembly finished with a display of the energy contained within a few drops of rocket fuel! We hope many children will be joining the new Mad Science club in the second half of the Summer Term. 

    Mr Lonsdale





    We have a new resident.  The Duck who made All Saints’ her home last year whilst she hatched and fledged her ducklings has returned. She’s currently sitting on at least 3 eggs and seems settled and very much at home.

    We are trying to make her welcome whilst ensuring that her nesting site stays as clean as possible and that all of Mrs Clayton’s hard work with the beautiful flowers and plants in that area doesn’t get eaten like it did last year!

    With that in mind we’ve bought plastic sheeting and netting etc.  We will be buying chick feed shortly so that when the ducklings arrive (fingers crossed) we are ready for them.  If anyone would like to help with the cost of this we’d be very grateful and there is a Parent pay item called Daisy Duck, if you’d like to contribute.  Thank You.

    Mrs Clayton will be keeping you updated on Daisy (and hopefully her ducklings) progress via tapestry over the next few weeks.

    Mrs Vickers 


    School Nurse

    We were delighted to have our School Nurse, Alison Dunning, running ‘drop in’ sessions at school, last week.

    School nursing is a universal public health service for school age children. School Nurses are qualified nurses with an additional specialist public health qualification.

    The school nursing team can offer support, guidance and signposting to other services on a whole range of things for example: Continence - daytime and night time wetting and any toileting issues; headlice; emotional and mental health & wellbeing; healthy eating and weight management. If you have any concerns at all about your child that you feel chatting to the nurse would help, please do not hesitate to contact them. Details are on our school website.




    Tuesday 3rd May

    KS1 SATs will be completed throughout this month

    Author Workshop Reception, Years 1,2 and 3

    Monday 9th May

    Year 6 Children will be sitting Statutory Assessment Tests throughout the week.

    Year 3 Start Brass

    Monday 16th May

    Year 6 Start Swimming

    Thursday 19th May

    Rounder’s Event at Marple Hall after School selected Year 5 and 6 children

    Wednesday 25th May

    Young Voices Concert

    Thursday 26th May

    Year 5/6  Football Tournament @ Mellor School  - 3:30pm

    Friday 27th May

    Jubilee Celebration Day – Whole School Family Picnic PM – More information to follow

    School breaks up at 3:15pm for Half Term


    Have a good week,

    Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton