Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 16th November

Monday 16th November (allsaints-pri Admin)

Newsletter16th November, 2020

Road Safety!

A Road Safety team from the Local Authority were brilliant. Their workshops were thoroughly enjoyed by our yr2, yr4 and yr6 children and certainly helped to raise our children’s awareness of how to remain safe when walking and how to cross roads sensibly.


They will be returning to do a session for our yr5 children on Wednesday 25th November.


Please continue to encourage your children to remain on the pavement when walking and continue to collect your children from the pavement on the school side of the road. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we endeavour to keep your children safe.


See the following video as a basis for your discussion with your child: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/road-safety-education-and-training-in-stockport

Health & Safety

As well as referring to the updated Health & Safety reminders from week commencing 2nd Nov, please see the additional information from the LA.

  • A person who maintained appropriate social distancing (over 2 metres) would not be

             classed as a ‘close contact’ and would not be required to self-isolate.

  • Childcare:

Parents are able to form a childcare bubble with one other household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under. Some households will also be able to benefit from being in a support bubble, which allows single adult households to join another household.

  • Flu vaccinations:

It is usual for individuals to develop a temperature following a vaccination, with this being quite transitory, only lasting for a limited period of time. A fever is a temperature over 38°C. Fevers are quite common in young children, but are usually mild. The development of a fever post vaccine shows that the individual’s body is responding to the vaccine, and it doesn’t mean that the vaccine hasn’t worked, or that they have developed COVID symptoms. The vaccines may cause a mild fever which usually resolves within 48 hours (or 6 to 11 days following MMR). This is a common, expected reaction and isolation is not required, unless COVID-19 is strongly suspected.

Pudsey Children In Need Day

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all our families for helping to raise an amazing £206.30 for Children in Need. All the children had a wonderful non uniform day on Friday.

Anti- Bullying Week  - United Against Bullying

To launch this week we have had an Odd Sock Day today. Children wore their school uniform and socks over their trousers/tights. Thank you so much for the £1 which totalled £79.60 This money will go towards an Outdoor Learning Project. 




Sue Woodgate, the manager of New Horizons and one of our governors, dropped off some sweets for our children as a special treat. They were very much appreciated by all the children. Thank you Sue.



In our opinion Playscape Playgrounds Ltd have done an absolutely FANTASTIC job!! 

Finally, the vision to create an exciting running loop to help in our pursuit of a healthier school and to give us additional space for our dash-a-day is here! An all-weather 200m track has been installed with use of our Sports Premium Funding and we believe it will benefit us all as it’s really important that children are outdoors together being physically active and improving their health and wellbeing. The track has an interesting shape to it (something the Pupil Parliament told me was essential) and enhances are outdoor possibilities.  As we progress through school and build our stamina, we will be aiming for a daily mile (which would be equivalent to 8 laps).

The track isn’t about racing (although we won’t rule out a time-trial now and again!) but more for regular, self-paced outdoor activity which has been proven to be beneficial for pupils’ cognition and wellbeing, significantly improving a child’s mood, attention and memory – enhancing their ability to learn.


See the following video which promotes the benefits https://thedailymile.co.uk/ 

Again, we give a HUGE THANK YOU to Playscape Playgrounds Ltd.







As part of our continued drive to better our environment and provide memorable opportunities for our children we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of 100 tree and hedge saplings this week, donated by Tree Appeal.

Varieties will include: Hawthorne, Crab Apple, Dog Rose, Guelder Rose, English Oak and Silver Birch.  All varieties will eventually bring a wealth of habitat creation, biodiversity and new areas to explore for our children.

On Friday this week (though it may spill into the following week depending how we get on) it is our vision that all children have the chance to help plant them in our school grounds before caring and nurturing them over the coming years.

Please bring your Muddle Puddle clothing (wellies at a minimum) and where possible a spade or trowel into school on Friday 20th November.

Kind regards

Mr. McShane and Mrs. Clayton



Vouchers are not necessary but are available from school.

Food can also be delivered to and picked up from school.





Marple Library??

Marple Library is still open for returning stock and collecting pre ordered items, as well as specific PC use.


Tuesday 17th November – Safer Internet Day in school

Wednesday 18th November – School Individual Photograph Day

Friday 20th November – Tree & hedge sapling planting. Wellies required.

Tuesday 24th November – Homework Museum entries

Monday 30th November -Online Safety Workshop

This extremely popular and useful training will be taking place from 1.15pm -2.30pm. It is always so important but as most children’s online usage has increased due to the pandemic, it would be great for as many to attend as possible. Please let your class teacher know through tapestry if you wish the link to be sent to you.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Mrs Gaynor.