Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 22nd February

Monday 22nd February (allsaints-pri Admin)

Newsletter – 22nd February, 2021










Dear Lovely School Family,

I trust that you are all well and have had a wonderful half term. We have much to celebrate today and a few things to look forward to throughout this term.

You will already know that Mrs Day and her husband have had a beautiful baby boy called Samuel Peter! Big brother Alexander is extremely proud and all are doing very well.

Enjoy reading our school newsletter!



A message from the Chair of Governors …..
A very warm welcome from me as we start a new half-term.  Despite the restrictions that we’re all still facing, I hope you enjoyed spending time together with your families last week - as much as you were able to.  My wife and I are still missing seeing our grandsons, as talking to them via Zoom isn’t quite the same as seeing them face-to-face! 

On behalf of all the governors, I want to say a big thank you to all parents and carers for the wonderful support you’ve given to Mrs Gaynor and the staff at school so far this year. 

I’m writing this before the Prime Minister’s announcement about the “road map” for moving forwards, so by the time you read it we should be clearer about the arrangements for all children returning to school.  Your children’s welfare will always be our number one priority and I hope that a return to normality is not too far away. 

I am grateful to all the governors for the support they give me but I’d just like to particularly thank Tom Braide and Casey Beever for taking up their roles as our new parent governors from the beginning of January.

With best wishes,
Alan Bailey



In addition to the World Book Day poster attached, we would like to invite any of you who would like to be a mystery reader for that day to contact your child’s class teacher. This would simply involve you producing a, less than 10 minutes, recording of yourself reading a short story, poem or extract from a book. It would be great if you appeared in disguise at the beginning and then revealed yourself at the end.                                                                            

How exciting this would be for your wonderful children! Can’t wait to see your videos!    


                  CONGRATULATIONS TO US!!                                        

Last half term, Mr McShane submitted an application for funding under Stockport Hydro’s Environmental Challenge 2021. The panel met on 10th February to consider all applications received and we are pleased to announce that our project has been awarded £500. They were very impressed by our plans to create an allotment space and we know the £500 will go far to making our vision of an outdoor learning and life-skill space become a reality!

We’d also like to thank Nev Phillips, one of our governors, who signposted us to this wonderful opportunity!





This morning we were happy to welcome a virtual visitor to our school. This was Rabbi Katz who works at the North Cheshire Jewish Primary School and led a wonderful collective worship on Purim and Forgiveness.


We hope you and your child will join us each week at 9:45am so we can come together as a whole school family. It is a recurring event so the link uploaded this morning can be used every Monday. We look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it.


Next week, join us wearing the colour red which can symbolise courage, energy, health, love and joy!! You’re welcome to send in an exciting photo like the one below but in RED!


We will also have Deacon Annette Sharp–the local Methodist Minister- leading our Collective Worship on Monday 8th March.


On 11th February, Tanya Cross again led a fabulous Online Safety Workshop for parents.


The next session will be on Tuesday 20th April 7pm-8pm. We’re hoping this time will be more convenient so that many more will be able to attend and glean this valuable information which will help us to monitor our children’s online use.

We are also asking if you would like to become an Online Safety Ambassador. This would involve you becoming a part of a team who would keep up to date with current issues and share crucial information with other parents. Emma Cox whose child is in yr2 has already volunteered to become an Ambassador and Tanya Cross will be leading a training session in June for this team of parents.


See the Online Safety page on our school website for current information. Thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating this page.


INSET DAYS                                                                                                                                                    Some time ago, the governors approved the INSET Days for this academic year, one of which was Wednesday 10th March.  As it now seems likely that schools will begin to re-open to more children on Monday 8th March, we feel it would be appreciated by families if we were to remain open on that day. The governors have approved a postponement of the INSET Day scheduled for 10th March until later in the year. This will be discussed further at the full governing body meeting on 17th March and you will be notified of the new date as soon as it has been agreed.


The Parent Association are hoping to organise a safe family event for our school this half term.


Look out for details in the next few weeks



Who can get broadband help?

This scheme is open to children and young people in years 3 to 11 who:

  • do not have access to a fixed broadband connection (the request may be unsuccessful if the account holder also has broadband)
  • cannot afford the additional data needed to access educational resources
  • have access to a mobile device that uses a participating network
  • are facing disruption to their face-to-face education

If your request does not meet all of these criteria, you may be able to request a 4G wireless router instead. Find out more about choosing help with internet access.

If you think you qualify for assistance, please let admin have the following information:

  • the account holder’s name
  • their mobile number (a number beginning with ‘07’)
  • their mobile network
  • whether they pay monthly or pay as they go

You also need to have read the following privacy policy:  explain our privacy policy 




Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm     


Online Safety Workshop for parents.

As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Mrs Gaynor