Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 8th March

Monday 8th March (allsaints-pri Admin)

Newsletter  - 8th March 2021








As a Senior Leadership Team, we wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning since January. As parents, these week`s have been incredibly tough trying to juggle home schooling, the demands of work and surviving a pandemic! (We ourselves as teachers and parents to our own children, know exactly what you have been going through!). We want to say ‘Very Well Done’ and the biggest THANK YOU to each and every one of you!


Dear Lovely School Family

It is so wonderful to be open to our whole school family today!  We feel so blessed to be together once again and to be able to see so many of you who we haven’t seen in person for a while.

Unfortunately, 9 of our yr6 children and our yr6 staff need to self-isolate but they will again be with us on Monday 15th March. Despite the disappointment, they too are looking forward to being back with us.

Thank you for continuing to comply with the rules set out in the government’s ‘Roadmap out of lockdown’ guidance. This particularly includes those related to mixing with other households when they are not at school and when they are travelling to and from educational settings. Thank you also for continuing to refrain from driving down Brickbridge Rd, for wearing masks and for maintaining social distancing.

We appreciate your support and cooperation.

The All Saints’ Team



This morning we continued with our theme of Forgiveness. We had our very own Reverend Daniel Currie from All Saints’ C of E Church in Marple, who inspired the children to be forgiving by using the story of the Prodigal Son.



Next week, on Tuesday 16th March, it will be the Young Carers Action Day. To mark this day, we are asking children to come in school uniform but to wear something purple e.g. socks, bobbles or to bring something small into school of that colour so we can honour and show support for these unsung heroes.

Hannah Thompson, one of the Liaison Workers, will be leading a workshop for bubbles of our children on the day.

The theme is Protecting Young Carers Futures.




We had a very successful and fun packed World Book Day. We hope you enjoyed the stories which were read by our members of staff and thank you to those parents who sent in videos of themselves as a mystery reader. They were enjoyed by the children too. 


Household Asymptomatic Testing

Separately and additional to home testing for staff and the testing for secondary school students, the government is extending testing to family bubbles around school children of all ages and school staff. Eligibility includes:

• households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary-age pupils

• households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary staff


To confirm, tests are available for collection from the sites detailed on the map, or for home delivery to families who can’t collect a kit. There is no plan to distribute kits for family members through schools. The existing school testing programmes are unaffected by this additional offer. Stockport is currently developing a borough wide approach to ensure this programme reaches as many families as possible. Any help in publicising the initiative would be appreciated.


A reminder that the council central testing site at Fred Perry House next to the Town Hall is now open until 7 p.m. on a Wednesday in order for Childminders and staff to access asymptomatic testing. Starting from next week onwards there will be wider access to asymptomatic testing via a mobile testing unit with a number of venues planned over the week. These community venues will be confirmed as soon as possible.



A Useful Document from the Behaviour Support Service

Please see the link below for a bank of resources to support emotional wellbeing and behaviour - put together by the Behaviour Support Service. It includes a variety of advice on such things as helping siblings get on, supporting sleep, behaviour tips and handy scripts, etc.

Link: https://padlet.com/stockportbss/vxzajteb09v8n8lk 



Communication from Stockport Local Authority

The LA have written a letter which outlines the arrangements for children and young people as they return to schools from March 8th and provides answers to some frequently asked questions.Please note that the letter has also been posted on Stockport’s Local Offer: https://stockport.fsd.org.uk/kb5/stockport/fsd/advice.page?id=b7_NRmiHuQw



We are asking if you would like to become an Online Safety Ambassador. This would involve you becoming a part of a team who would keep up to date with current issues and share crucial information with other parents. Emma Cox whose child is in yr2 has already volunteered to become an Ambassador and Tanya Cross will be leading a training session in June for this team of parents.

                                                                             See the Online Safety page on our school website for current information.

Thank you to Mrs Pratt for updating this page.






Young Carers Action Day – full uniform but wear a bit of purple if possible

From 19.3.21

Yr5 Swimming Commences – please read the important letter on Tapestry

Tuesday 20th April at 7.00 – 8.00pm


Online Safety Workshop for parents.

As more and more people, including children are spending more time online, it is important for parents to regularly have a conversation with their children around safety.

Parents can refer to the following link and our school website for some useful information including references to age appropriateness.




Have a wonderful week everyone!

Mrs Gaynor