Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 22nd March

Monday 22nd March (allsaints-pri Admin)

Newsletter 22nd March 2021











THINGS TO CELEBRATE!                                                                                                                                                    

Dear Lovely School Family,

We have much to celebrate this week!

Please read Alan Bailey’s Governor of the Week message for some special news!

We also had Daniel Brazil, the Senior Lead Officer for Health and Safety, visit our school last week to review our procedures in relation to the drop-off and pick-up of children.  He verified that we are doing exactly what we need to do and commended us for ensuring our children are kept safe.

Having visited the school this afternoon to review the current control measures in place, it was determined that the school have worked hard to ensure that effective COVID safe measures are implemented and in place. Further good measures were also witnessed with the staggered allocated finishing times and dedicated gates for the different year groups, also further to this, the children were being supervised at all times from the classroom exit door and down to each dedicated gate. When the children were being released from the gate area, parents/carers were wearing face coverings and in most cases adhering to social distancing guidelines whilst waiting for their children. There is further information/signage on each gate that indicates the drop off and pick up times and the year group that gate is allocated to.   Due to the footprint of the school and the obvious lack of walkway width space and potential pinch points at the rear of the building, the school are currently working to the best possible COVID safe measures for the site as previously mentioned above.

Thank you all for working in partnership with us as we endeavour to keep your children and the wider community safe.



YOUNG CARERS ACTION DAY                                                                  


Hannah Thompson, one of the Liaison Workers, led a workshop for bubbles of our children on the day.

The theme was Protecting Young Carers Futures and each child either took home a pencil or a wrist band to mark the event.

Thank you for supporting this day.



GOVERNOR OF THE WEEK ~ Alan Bailey who is our Chair of Governors.



I became a co-opted governor at All Saints’ soon after I retired in December 2012, and it’s been my privilege to be Chair of Governors since September 2013.   After a lifetime of working in education, I wanted to use my experience to support our church school.



As the photo shows, I used to be a Science teacher at Marple Hall when I was a lot younger (there’s a slightly more up-to-date photo of me on the school website!)

After leaving Marple Hall in 1996, I worked as a School Improvement Officer in Tameside for 16 years and since I retired I’ve done some work as a School Consultant for Chester Diocese.

At All Saints’ I am chair of the Steering Committee and the Christian Ethos Committee and I’m also a member of the Resources Committee.


I became Class Governor Friend to the children who were in the Reception Class in 2013 and stayed with them until they left Year 6 in 2019.  Currently, I’m Class Governor Friend to Year 1 but I haven’t been able to meet them for just over a year because of the coronavirus situation - although I did join them on one of Mrs Manning’s Zoom calls a couple of weeks ago.



I feel very proud of our school when I read some of the recent comments sent in by parents and I’m delighted that we are now a very popular school in the local community.  This year lots of parents applying for a school place put All Saints’ as their first choice, with over 100 families naming us as one of their choices.  Unfortunately, we only have space for 30 children!   

It hasn’t really been possible to show families around school this year in the way that we would want, so we decided to produce a new video to try and provide a flavour of what our school is like.  You can find this on the home page of our school website if you’ve not had a look yet.  As always, the children are the real stars, but I’m still hoping for a BAFTA nomination … 



Last week, Hev Taylor mentioned that we had applied for the Church-School Partnership Award.  I’m delighted to report that we received confirmation this week that we have been successful in our application, which makes All Saints’ the first school in Chester Diocese to receive this award.  It’s a real testament to the relationship between the school and the church and reflects a lot of hard work by so many different people.  Thank you so much to everyone involved.


CLOSING THOUGHTS:  I hope everyone enjoys being back together at school for the last week of this term and I wish you all a very happy Easter.




Parenting Programme/ Course

This has been highly recommended. Please read the attached flier and sign up. Great to have some additional support and strategies to use.

Household Asymptomatic Testing

Household testing Public Health England are continuing to work on developing a strategy for implementing this initiative in Stockport. Currently families can request test kits on-line. We will provide further updates about the way in which the programme will delivered in the near future.

Families in immediate need of financial support should visit our money advice and support pages or contact the Coronavirus helpline: 0161 217 6046

For more information of Free School Meals visit FSM Frequently Asked Questions.







Muddy Puddle Day for every class


Easter Activities on site

School closes at the end of this day


School is open. Our topic is Incredible Inventions & Amazing Discoveries


7.00 – 8.00pm


Online Safety Workshop for parents.


Have a wonderful week everyone!

Hannah Gaynor