Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 5th July

Monday 5th July (allsaints-pri Admin)



Dear Wonderful School Family,

We have so much to celebrate this week!














Chris Penn, Mrs Gaynor, Mrs Morton,                                           The Celebration Service was hosted and led by the Church

Alan Bailey and Jen McIlveen  



We had an absolutely spectacular morning last Wednesday when we welcomed Chris Penn and Jen McIlveen who were on site to present us with the prestigious Church School Partnership Award. They thoroughly enjoyed their morning with us and all the children were praised and thanked for their part in helping us to receive this award. In recognition, the church has sent us some very special bunting with special prayers from the congregation and we have placed this and the bespoke gift from the Diocese in our foyer.
Our achievement of this outstanding award can be read in the Diocese June bulletins below:




We are the first school to have achieved this award in the Chester Diocese and the only school and church to have taken the risk and applied during the pandemic so this really is an enormous achievement for us all.


An enormous thank you to Sarah Holton who organised the service which was led from our church. Chris Penn, our Diocese Director of Education and Jen McIlveen, our Diocese CPD officer were thoroughly impressed with our church and school.  They both, along with Mr Bailey, encouraged the children to continue with their exciting learning and gave them all a personal word of praise and thanks.


The All Saints' Team



On Friday last week All Saints' welcomed some very special visitors with some exciting news.  


As part of the school's work on Remembrance and our curriculum focus on World War 2, we were delighted to find out we had won a local legacy competition, organised by Stockport Normandy Veterans. All classes contributed in some way or other, be it by War song, soldier prayer, poppy art, World War inspired writing, Anderson shelter building to name just some of the many activities undertaken.  Due to the bubble situation, Year 6 welcomed the guests but we managed to Zoom into the Whole school celebration assembly so all could join in; we were treated with some historical stories before receiving our prestigious award.

On the day we were joined by Shelia and Freda who were both Primary aged children during World War 2, Linda Varley - Administrator of the Stockport Normandy Veterans Legacy, Ray (Treasurer) and local MP William Wragg who presented us with the most beautiful trophy that sits proudly in our foyer.






Next year we will plan to build upon this important legacy, especially around the time of Remembrance Day - if any families would like to share stories, artefacts etc. around this time we would be very interested in hearing from you.  Perhaps overly ambitious, I am looking for any local tradesmen who would be willing to donate some time or resources in the near future to help All Saints' build our very own replica Anderson Shelters to help inspire, to help remember and to help bring the curriculum to life! Please get in touch if you think you could lend a hand, some expertise or resources.


Mr McShane (AHT & Yr6 Teacher)




We have heard from Tracy McGuinness that the most recent mural has been installed and our very own Evelyn has had her work included! What a huge achievement!!





Evelyn said that she was inspired by the nature in the park as she likes to watch the birds flying and drinking from the bird baths!





Free school meals and Pupil Premium

Had a change in financial circumstances? Please apply for Free School Meals!

School will receive £1345 for each child for every year they are at All Saints’ regardless if your circumstances change again.

Please apply using the link https://www.stockport.gov.uk/start/free-school-meals-application-form

Apply whichever year your child is in to ensure we get the funding for the vital resources!

Thank you






Taylor Shaw have signed up to be part of the national vegpower scheme.

Each week, Veg Power are asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks’ veg. There are stickers to reward the children who give them a try.

wc 5th July – Peas

wc 12th July – Brocco




Please regulary view the Summer Diary Dates which were posted on Tapestry on Friday 16th April, 2021



9th and 12th July 2021 ~ Inset days

Children are not in school on these days.

14th July 2021

Reports and Parent Questionnaire go home.

19th July 2021

Class End of Yr Assemblies uploaded onto Tapestry

21st July 2021

Parent Questionnaires to be completed by today.



Have a wonderful week everyone!

Hannah Gaynor