Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 6th September

Monday 6th September (allsaints-pri Admin)







Dear Wonderful School Family,


A huge thank you again for your cooperation, patience and continued support.


We hope that our previous Yr6 children have enjoyed the beginning of their next journey. Please pass on our best wishes.


It has been lovely to see all your friendly smiles and to have had a quick chat with you at drop off and pick up times. Your children have been amazing and have thoroughly enjoyed their first two days in start to the new school year. The staff have worked extremely hard on settling your children back into school and have planned fun and exciting work to ensure your children KNOW MORE, REMEMBER MORE and are able to DO MORE. A huge thank you to those who work in the classroom, but also to those who cross our children safely across the main road, those who work upon keeping our school building safe, those who work in our school office, support us at lunch times/at Kids Zone and those who work in our school kitchen. We appreciate everyone who is part of our school family.

Please refer to the return to school letter sent on 1s September and the Respect Charter sent on 2nd September.


Further ways you can help us are below. Please:

  • Stand closer to the bottom court (the caged area) on the KS2 playground.
  • Stand closer to the outer wall on the KS1 playground.
  • Keep younger siblings and school children off the playground equipment, before and after school.
  • Tell your KS2 child and let their class teacher know, if you would like your child to make their own way round to the KS1 playground by walking behind the Reception class. They will be shown where to walk.
  • Once your child has been collected by the class team/yourself, please move along and vacate the playground as quickly as you can.

Ensure all belongings are clearly labelled


There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!

Warm regards,

There will be year group meetings over the next couple of weeks for all our parents. Please see the dates and time under diary dates and we also have two bishops visiting our school on 13th September! They must have heard how wonderful our school family is!!


Warm regards,

Hannah Gaynor and the All Saints' Team


Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

  • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.
  • Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.                                                                                    



We thought it appropriate to let you know that Mrs Hallworth, who has been part of our school family for 8 years will be leaving us on 24th September. She has secured an Assistant SBM post at another Stockport school and is excited about the new adventure ahead.

All Saints’ holds a special place in her heart and we will miss having her as part of our team. We know many of you will also want to express your best wishes to her.








Now that we are all eating in the hall, we have noticed that our children could really do with practising how to use a knife and fork at home.  



Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes really!

Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles










Many congratulations to Mrs Manning-Craggs who got married during August.

As you can tell from the photos, she looked absolutely beautiful and had a truly wonderful day.                    











Anna Clyne (yr 3 mum) and Jenny Tyrrell (reception 2021 mum) manage the Outgrown Uniform




If you had a clear out over the summer, they are happy to take donations. Please see the above website for further information.



PE SESSIONS AND KIT FROM SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                    Please note on PE days from this term, Reception to Y3 children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their 2 PE days each week. This will be to save time changing clothing with the younger children so that the maximum time is spent on getting fit and active in their PE lessons.  

Y4- Y6 will revert to changing into their PE clothes and footwear for PE sessions, so will need their PE kits in lockers again in a clearly labelled bag that will fit inside their lockers.

Please note that PE days / timetable will be sent home for each class at the start of the year via Tapestry.

As a school, we will be tightening up on PE uniform to ensure that all children have their correct PE kits to look smart and for health and safety reasons.


Please see the kit list as follows;

White T- Shirt - plain or polo shirt

Black shorts/ cycling shorts

Black jogging trousers/ leggings 

Black hooded jumper/ zip up jacket for cold weather

Black/ white socks

Black/ white trainers


Therefore, if purchasing new uniforms during the summer holidays, please ensure that you adhere to the PE Kit uniform - NO SPORTS LOGO / FOOTBALL SHIRTS etc.


As per a previous message, hair must be tied up and no earrings / jewellery worn.  It is parents’ responsibility to support with removing earrings on PE days OR if they cannot be removed yet, taping up with blue tape (for certain activities including swimming children with earrings will not be able to participate for safety reasons).  Please ensure that hair bobbles are also in PE bags.


Letters will be sent home if children are not in the correct kits to ensure that we are all in line the start of the year, particularly as we will be hoping to enter lots more sporting competitions to represent All Saints' school in 2021- 2022 and really look the part!


Yours thankfully.

Mr. Granite and Mrs. Noble (Sports Leads)





YR6 – 14.9.21

RECEPTION – 16.9.21

YR4- 20.9.21

YR5- 21.9.21

YR2- 22.9.21

YR3- 23.9.21

YR1- 28.9.21




2 Bishops are visiting our school with


Day of Languages


School staff training day. Children not in.


Scholastic Book Fair

 Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.

Wednesday 6th October 2021: 11.30am

Book onto this session

 Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion


Thursday 7th October 2021: 7pm

Book onto this session

Have a wonderful week!


Hannah Gaynor