Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 13th September

Monday 13th September (allsaints-pri Admin)






Dear School Family,


You may remember completing a Parent Questionnaire for us last Summer. Thank you so much again to all those who were able to spend some time on this. We appreciate your opinion and the results were overwhelmingly positive.


97% of parents say that their child is happy at this school.

99% of parents say that their child feels safe at this school.

96% of parents say that the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.

82% of children have not been bullied. Of the 18% who had been 12% said that the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively, 6% were neutral on this question.

92% of parents say that the school makes them aware of what their child will learn during the year.

53% of parents say that when they have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly. 28% of parents have not raised any concerns.

16% of parents say that their child has SEND.  15% of these parents say that the school gives them the support they need to succeed.

93% of parents say that the school has high expectations for their child.

93% of parents say that their child does well at this school.

91% of parents say that the school lets them know how their child is doing.

93% of parents say that there is a good range of subjects available to their child at this school.

94% of parents say that their child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.

94% of parents say that the school supports their child’s wider personal development.

98% of parents would recommend this school to another parent.


The most popular training that parents thought would help to support children better in Maths, Reading and Writing were: phonics, reading comprehension, maths methods/strategies and grammar and punctuation terms/definitions.


Please note that as all the above will be mentioned in your child’s year group meeting, so we are looking forward to seeing you all at these meetings. Termly updates will also be shared throughout the year.


Thank you for all the positive comments you made and for being part of our special school family,

The All Saints’ Way Team

Our Special Visitors        

Today we had two special visitors. Bishop Mark Tanner, the Bishop of Chester and Bishop Sam Corley, the Bishop of Stockport were taken on a tour around our school. They then spent time with the children, sharing their role and our children were able to ask a variety of questions. They also led a wonderful collective worship on the theme of Hope!       




Please email any notification of Covid symptoms / results of tests etc. to admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk  rather than placing on tapestry.

Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

  • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.




Please ensure all your child’s belongings are well labelled. Simply writing there name on in biro is sufficient , so long as the name can be clearly seen.








As mentioned last week, Mrs Hallworth, who has been part of our school family for 8 years will be leaving us on 24th September. She has secured an Assistant SBM post at another Stockport school and is excited about the new adventure ahead.

All Saints’ holds a special place in her heart and we will miss having her as part of our team. We know many of you will also want to express your best wishes to her.








We are currently in discussions with Taylor Shaw catering company regarding their service to our school. Although they have a shortage of staff and are struggling with some ingredients, they have assured us that the quality of meals provided will be of a high standard. As a means of clarification, vegetarian options and jacket potatoes are available to all children.

Taylor Shaw are hoping to set up a new online ordering system which can be used by parents at home to select meals. We will update you when we receive this information. Taylor Shaw would like to apologise for this interrupted service Thank you for your patience .




Turning on the subtitles while children are watching television can double the chances of them becoming good at reading. Yes, really!

Wonderfully simple isn’t it? 10 seconds of effort for parents, a lifetime’s impact for their children. All backed up by decades of scientific research. Turning on subtitles while children are watching TV can greatly improve their reading skills. A quick, simple, free way to make TV time, reading time. #turnonthesubtitles







YR6 – 14.9.21

RECEPTION – 16.9.21

YR4- 20.9.21

YR5- 21.9.21

YR2- 22.9.21

YR3- 23.9.21

YR1- 28.9.21




Day of Languages


School staff training day. Children not in.


Scholastic Book Fair




 Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

Following the parents/carers meeting with Tim Bowman, the new Director of Education in Stockport and Tameside, as part of our SEND Week of Action in May 2021, this webinar will now provide a regular slot.   Wednesday 6th October 2021: 11.30am


Book onto this session

 Meet Tim Bowman, Director of Education in Stockport, & Bev Milway, Strategic lead for SEND Inclusion

Thursday 7th October 2021: 7pm

Book onto this session


Have a wonderful week!


Hannah Gaynor