Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Tuesday 28th September

Tuesday 28th September (allsaints-pri Admin)






Dear School Family,


We would love to share some exciting, fun adventures that your children have recently been experiencing.


There is nothing better than walking into a classroom and seeing tomatoes being mummified (yr3) or careful thought being given to the classification of animals (yr6)! All our children are certainly on an adventure of learning and are growing in confidence when they are asked to talk about their learning.


Below is a snapshot of some of our church and school adventures from last week.



This year, we are developing a space on our school field into a Spirituality Garden. Our wish is to design and create a beautiful, contemplative space where children can be calm, relax, reflect and have the opportunity to encounter God. The design will include; seating, pathways, a simple water feature and various sensory herbs and flowers.

Thanks to a plea via Tapestry, we received 6 messages from families who will form a working party over the next 4 weeks offering; manual labour, diggers, planting, advice and expertise as well as free resources. We thank you all in advance as ‘Many hands make light work!’ In addition, we have a strong party of 8 talented and creative volunteers from All Saints' Church (some of whom are currently chopping back trees and digging out the ground for our water feature!).  Exciting stuff! 

Church Week's theme for 2021 will be "Growing Faith" and will take place between October 18th- 20th, when we hope we can get children and volunteers working together to develop our Spirituality Garden for an official opening on Friday 22nd October.

Our next meeting will take place next Monday 4th October @ 3.30pm on the school field to allocate areas/ jobs on the action plan!  If you are available and haven't yet contacted school, please do get in touch via Tapestry.  We still need any carpenters to help build seating... so if you know anyone we would love to hear from you! 

Kind regards,

Mrs. Noble, Mr. Mc Shane and Sarah Holton (All Saints' Church Children and Families Worker)


In Reception, we have been having a great time! We have been introducing counting activities, phase one phonics and learning how to write our names. This is helping us build our fine motor skills and letter formation.

Mrs Gaynor also loves coming in when we are having our Dough Disco session!!







In our Year 1 topic work we have done so much! We finished our underwater scenes, learned how to log on to the computers and had fun in PE with Mr G.

As part of our Science activity we investigated the human body by drawing around Malik. We have also named the different body parts.

Can you children remember the correct vocabulary?






This week in DT we made out fabric using wet felting. The children loved the process, and seeing how the fibres changed through rubbing with the soap and water. We noticed all the changes to the fabric, and we also made our own designs, choosing how to arrange the colours. After we made the fabric, we decorated some card using collage, then placed our fabric on it, creating a sea scene. Well done Class 2!







In Year 3, Ancient Egyptian mummification has been a highlight. Children have adored writing instructions on how to mummify a deceased pharaoh and a tomato! We even did some Y5 reading comprehension questions about mummification using the READING VIPERS which we were all so super proud of!








Year 4.

What a great start to the new year, we've managed to squeeze so much into a very short space of time! Whether this is diving into our new Roman topic, writing a job application or revisiting our maths skills the children have given it their best shot and should be very proud of themselves.

We have also completed some challenging science work on the digestive system. I wonder if we can all remember the different parts and their function?






During languages day Class 5 were learning to count to ten in Mandarin as Miss Foster’s mum is from Hong Kong. They have also been very busy designing posters naming French food. Class 5 have been remote learning this week but that hasn’t stopped them creating some wonderful pictures and working really hard, Well done Class 5!









This week we got to work digging holes in what was named ‘Camp Field Lake’ by Penny. This experience gave us some empathy with Stanley Yelnats from our novel and helped inspire our writing. Muscle and stamina was in evidence (though I am not convinced they could do it for 18 months, in the desert, like Stanley!). We have also begun to write our “I am” poems. The poems represent who we are as individuals and were created  by using lots of mixed media.







International Day of Languages saw classes really immerse themselves into different cultures and languages from around the globe.

Reception celebrated Welsh, Irish, Thai, French, Latin, Russian and even Greek!  And of course learnt to speak a little Irish “Dia Duit” (Jay-a Ditch) with our very our Miss Mc Connell!  A huge thank you to all the families who contributed sending in videos.  From Y2’s Frere Jaques singing in French, to Y3’s Spanish dancing and counting and even those home learning in Y5 hearing from Miss Foster’s mum teaching them to count to 10 in Cantonese, it really was a wonderful day of world celebrations across the school!

Isn’t the world a wonderful place!

From The ‘Awe and Wonder Team’ – Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Noble


Chester Diocese are coming to film some children in our school!!

Not only have we recently been visited by two bishops but the Educational Team from the Chester Diocese have asked Mrs Gaynor if they can film some of our children while they have a conversation with them about respect and dignity.

This will take place on 13th October. Look out for further news.

See previous articles in the Education Bulletins


https://d3hgrlq6yacptf.cloudfront.net/5f20800211eb6/content/pages/documents/dbe-schools-bulletin-june-2021.pdf = page 8
https://d3hgrlq6yacptf.cloudfront.net/5f20800211eb6/content/pages/documents/dbe-schools-bulletin-school-news-edition-june-2021.pdf = p12-17




Our fantastic annual Book Fair will be arriving in school this Thursday 30th September! The Book Fair is a great opportunity to get the children excited about reading and to involve them in choosing their own books. In addition, the more books we sell, the more free books we will receive for our school library. See the Tapestry post for the date for each class.




Being a Parent Together  workshops this autumn

Virtual Bitesize 90 minute Taster Session - 4th October 10.30am


Virtual evening workshop (2 hours for 9 weeks, Term time only) Starting 12th October


For co-parents of children aged 2 - 11 years who attend together, are living together / in a relationship or not


For more information  TEL: 0161 406 9558   Email: admin.epec@stockport.gov.uk


Have a wonderful week!


Hannah Gaynor