Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 11th October

Monday 11th October (allsaints-pri Admin)








Dear School Family,


Yippee!! How exciting that our Yr6 children and staff, along with Mr Granite have been able to leave school this morning to attend their traditional 3 days residential at Robinwood. What an achievement!! We know they will have fun, taking risks, encouraging learning, achieving goals and making memories. Mrs Gaynor will be with them during the daytime on Tuesday and we thank you so much for your cooperation and support. Please do look out for regular posts on Tapestry.


Black History Month

Last week marked the start of our focus on black history. Although we enrich our curriculum throughout the year, with the children exploring their own culture and that of others, we feel it is important to honour this national month.

This month we will highlight and celebrate the achievements of black people in Britain and beyond. It is also a time to look forward and celebrate the here and now and the future possibilities.


Church Week is fast approaching and the children are getting excited about this special annual event. Our theme for this year is Growing Faith. Throughout the week, each class will visit the church for a series of activities including our very popular bell ringing. There will also be classroom activities and a session in our newly constructed Spirituality Garden which we will continue to add to, throughout the week.


Specific plant donations are very welcome and should be brought into school/delivered to school on the morning of Monday 18th October. (See specific Spirituality Garden letter on Tapestry.)


The week will end with a special grand opening of our Spirituality Garden and a morning Growing Faith Harvest Festival service at school. (We are unable to host our Harvest celebration at church this year due to restrictions in the amount of people allowed in the building.) This year we are asking all families to contribute what they can to our ‘harvest’ which will be displayed and later distributed to charities. We are asking that you send in any of the following on the morning of Friday 22nd October and not before due to storage reasons: pasta, rice, cereals, pasta sauces, tinned fruit/pudding/fish/meat/soup/veg, UHT milk, etc. No gift is too small and we are sure the children will feel good about their ‘giving’. Whatever is donated will go to a few of our local foodbanks.


Many thanks in advance for your wonderful donations, whether they are plants/shrubs for our Spirituality Garden or dry/tinned food for local foodbanks.

The All Saints’ Team




We are very pleased to announce that, with the support of one of our governors, Ali Holmes, Mr Lonsdale was successfully interviewed, and is now a permanent member of staff. Not only did he achieve that but yesterday, he also ran the Manchester half marathon on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society.  What a fantastic achievement and we are all so very proud of him!                                                                                             



Mr Lonsdale is pictured at the front of this group                               Mr Lonsdale celebrating the end of the race


If you would like to give a donation, please donate using the  JustGiving page by clicking: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/slonsdale19?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=slonsdale19&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=517dcc084b0c473586944d829c29256d.


Mr Lonsdale will be running a Cross Country Club on a Monday for our KS2 children. 


Kittle Photography

Individual school photographs will be taking place on Monday 1st November.

If you could let the school office know by Friday 22nd October if you would like sibling photos to take place for those siblings who are part of our school.




WELCOME TO OUR NEW SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGER – ANDREA VICKERS                                                                                                                         


After a rigorous recruitment process, we are delighted to inform you of the exciting news that Mrs Andrea Vickers has been appointed, to be our new SBM and she will join us on 1st November, 2021.

She has worked in a school office and setting for a number of years and we are convinced she will be a wonderful asset to our school.

A huge thank you to Mr Bailey (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Woodgate (Chair of Resources) who dedicated their time, support and wealth of knowledge to support us in this process.








We have been asked by the safeguarding team to make you aware of the following site.




This year’s World Mental Health Day took place on Sunday 10th October 2021. The theme was mental health in an unequal world!

More so now than ever, we must ensure that we take the time and the steps needed to improve our mental health.

As a school community we can work towards ending the stigma around mental health, opening up conversations and normalising the discussion of mental health and wellbeing in our classrooms.

Our children and staff's wellbeing is one of our biggest priorities at All Saints’ so over the course of the week your children will be participating in simple wellbeing activities to promote positive mental health in every member of our school community.

 Don’t forget to check out our weekly Wellbeing Wednesday updates on Tapestry.



Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

  • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.




We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Hammond who organised an Art Day for our children last Friday.   See her message below:



Well, the Festive spirit of Christmas definitely visited All Saints last week!

To coincide with the children creating their Christmas art, the Parent’s Association have previously been able to raise the much needed funds by using a company called Cauliflower Cards to print the children’s designs onto cards, wrapping paper, mugs, etc. 


It would be wonderful if every family could order at least one item as this will really help to raise some money with very little effort.


During last week and on Friday, the children were busy using their art skills and creativity to produce their own unique Christmas designs.


It was wonderful to see the many elements and techniques of art used by the children throughout school demonstrating we have many budding and talented artists!


There were collaged snowman on a painted background; Reindeer handprints, collaged Robins on a sponge stamped background; a tracing of Rudolph incorporating the use of lines for shape and contour; Brusho colour washing and art pen tree designs; watercolour backgrounds with intricately cut trees (which takes patience and dexterity) and finally a City of Bethlehem collage with a burst of Brusho for the night sky.


I would like to say, on behalf of the Parents’ Association, an enormous thank you to the teaching staff and TA’s for all of their time and immense effort that I know goes into this type of project.


Everyone has gone above and beyond in the true All Saints’ Way. Mrs Jo Hammond 









Plant donations for Spirituality Garden


Food donations for Growing Faith Harvest Festival


                                                                  Individual photographs



Have a wonderful week!


Hannah Gaynor