Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Wednesday 3rd November

Wednesday 3rd November (allsaints-pri Admin)



Dear School Family,


Church Week was absolutely brilliant and the children thoroughly enjoyed, once again, being in the church building for an array of activities e.g. bell ringing.


Our Harvest Growing Faith celebration this year, was wonderful and we were overwhelmed with your generous donations of not only plants for our Spirituality Garden, but also food!! Many commented that it was the most food that had been donated in many years. We praised and thanked your children but we would also like to give a big THANK YOU to you all for your kindness and generosity!!


Special Prayer written by Amelie (Year 3)


Dear God,

Thank you for the sound of our hearts beating as we breathe in and out - how lucky we are to have such lovely lives.


Thank you for Psalm 23 for inspiring our Spirituality Garden - what a wonderful goal that has been achieved!


Thank you for the water that sprays out of our beautiful water fountain and the exquisite array of stunning flowers donated that decorate our Spiritual garden.


Thank you to everyone at All Saints’ Church and all the wonderful volunteers like my mummy and daddy who have shown such kindness to make this week simply the best! Our relationships and partnership has grown even stronger through terrific TEAM WORK!


Thank you for all our learning with our wonderful teachers encouraging us how to be great Christians and for helping to lead us down the right pathways for our lives.


Thank you God for being; the way, the truth and the life and most of all, thank you God for you!


May the memories of Church Week 2021 live in our hearts and help us grow forever.


Church Week 2021 truly has been ‘All Together, All Achieving, All Saints’!




Our Chester Zoo Trip was absolutely fantastic!! We had the best day ever and the children absolutely loved their experience! Please see the many photos/videos of our special day out on Tapestry.



From the Chair of Governors …..


On behalf of all the governors here at All Saints’, I’d like to give a very warm ‘welcome back’ to Mrs Morton as she returns as Co-Headteacher this week.  We hope that she’ll soon settle back into being a working mum again !


I’d also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Gaynor for the wonderful way she has led the school, full-time, over the last twelve months whilst Mrs Morton has been on maternity leave.  It has not been an easy 12 months, having to constantly respond to the range of challenges that Covid-19 has brought, but she has managed everything with a quiet authority and provided wonderful support to staff, parents and children.


Governors continue to support the school in all sorts of ways, despite the Covid restrictions, and I am pleased to report that Mr Lonsdale will be joining us on the Governing Body this week, replacing Mrs Hallworth as staff governor.  During October, one of our other governors, Nev Phillips, was rushed into hospital after suffering a heart attack and subsequently underwent a triple heart by-pass operation.  He is making an excellent recovery and is hoping to be back in circulation in the not too distant future.  Both he and his family have been very grateful for all the support and good wishes they have received from the All Saints’ community.


Here’s hoping for a safe and healthy half-term in the run-up to Christmas.


With all good wishes,


Alan Bailey


Our wish was to design and create a beautiful, contemplative space where children can be calm, relax, reflect and have the opportunity to encounter God.  It has turned into so much more!

If this pandemic has taught us one thing, it is to appreciate what green space we have; to get outdoors and not take it for granted.  To breathe.  To sit.  To slow down.  

  …’He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water…

True gardeners say singing to our plants can stimulate growth, but as part of Church week it was the sound of bells that rained down from All Saints’ Church and spread joy over our new oasis on the school field.  Each class visited, a true excitement as this has always been a highlight of our school year and one we sorely missed due to Covid.  With well planned activities, such as the mentioned bell ringing, songs, bracelet making, learning about Potters village in Uganda or water and baptism were all held in the church.

…he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake’ Psalm 23

We couldn’t be more proud of our new spirituality garden- complete with a working water feature, new life given to an old boat, colourful peace posts and an abundance of flora and foliage.  We have recharged and rebalanced our souls. 

We now have a real place to go and reflect as the spaces within our classrooms were not fit for purpose.  We can encounter God, discover God and find peace and wellbeing amongst a hidden paradise.

 Mrs. Noble has been the spearhead, galvanizing this project as part of her Christian Leadership development and the always brilliant Sarah Holton (our Children and Families Worker from Church) who has helped to energise it and rally the troops.  With a modest budget we have planted seeds, some of which we may never see, but isn’t that what life as a Primary School is all about?!

Mr McShane




If possible we will be inviting you to come and have a proper look around



Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

  • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts.











Sunday 14.11.21

1.30-3.30pm Community Garden Project

(Sign up for this event and see separate Tapestry post)


Yr5 and Yr6 Anti-Bullying Workshop by the Christians in Schools Trust

wc 15.11.21

Anti-Bullying Week – One Kind Word

Yr3 and Yr4 Anti-Bullying Workshop by Christians in Schools Trust

Road Safety Workshops for years 2, 4, 5 & 6



Have a wonderful week


Hannah Gaynor