Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 22nd November

Monday 22nd November (allsaints-pri Admin)






Dear School Family,                


Health & Safety

Thank you for continuing to wear masks whilst on the school premises. This is helping to keep us all safe.

We also have an LA Health & Safety Officer on site tomorrow to audit Health & Safety in school. This is being carried out in all LA schools on a rota basis.



What an 18 month it has been!  During this time, in the All Saints’ Way, we have reflected on each individual circumstance when it has come to absence requests.  As things slowly return to normal, this will also be the case with all holiday requests.  In line with national guidance, we will no longer be authorising any absence requests unless they meet the exceptional circumstances criteria.  Many thanks in advance for your understanding.


Volunteering in School

Mrs Noble is looking for people to kindly volunteer with a focus of listening to our youngest children in Reception and KS1 read.  Therefore, if you are able to come in and listen to readers 1:1 please look out for the post on tapestry from Mrs Noble or contact the school office via admin@allsaints-pri.stockport.sch.uk   Many thanks to those who have already volunteered. Please note that the new training date is now Thursday 2nd Dec 11.30a.m. – approximately 12.45pm.



Are you feeling stressed or low at this time?

Please see the Stockport LA booklet that contains a wide array of support for people mental health and wellbeing. 




It is our Anti-Bullying Week this week and it has been lovely to see so many of our children in ‘odd socks’ as a traditional start to the week. All donations will go to Pupil Parliament and the projects they have planned. The theme is One Kind Word and we will be exploring this theme throughout the week. All our KS2 children have or will be taking part in an Anti-Bullying Workshop


  As a continuation of our efforts to keep our children safe, we have organised Road Safety Workshops for Year 2, 4, 5 and 6. Please discuss what your children have learned with them and thank you for continuing to encourage safety awareness when out and about. Please see the diary dates below




The Parents Association would like to start fundraising again this Christmas. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions still in place a Christmas fair will not be possible this year.

We would like to hold two dress down days. On the 26th November we will ask for a £1 donation and on 3rd December we would ask that KS1 bring in chocolates and KS2 bring in bottles. These items will then be collected and we will make some hampers that will be raffled off. Raffle tickets will be able to be purchased from the beginning of December.

In addition, we would also like to do a Christmas Shop this year. This would require all children to bring in an item for no more than £1. (Please could people mark this item as Christmas Shop). Then during the last week of term children can bring in £1 and they would ‘buy’ an item from the shop. This item would then be wrapped and tagged as a surprise for someone in their family



As always Christmas is such a special time of the year and we are delighted to be able to do some things this Christmas that were simply not allowed last year. However, due to LA guidelines still in place and other restrictions in places of worship etc. we will not be able to do things fully as in pre-covid times. As always we have thought hard and in the All Saints’ Way about how we can include as many people as possible and have as many events still take place for the children. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to a fun filled festive period ahead. 


Christmas Tree – we are inviting all children to donate a Christmas Tree decoration for our tree if they wish to, we will keep these for future years. If you would like to donate a decoration, please bring it in BY FRIDAY 26TH NOVEMBER.  Thank You.


Christmas Lunch – we will be having our school Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 14th December. This will be a special occasion for our children but due to the restrictions on large crowds in our setting, we will unfortunately, not be able to invite any parents on this occasion. Thank you for your understanding and please do order a dinner for your child no later than Tuesday 7th December.


Christmas at Church

Due to capacity restrictions in churches we have decided to run three separate events to ensure all children get to experience Christmas at Church and our young children’s families can see them in their starring roles!

15th December KS1 Nativity at 9.30am and 6pm. It is absolutely brilliant that x2 family members are allowed to attend each performance. However, the Church has asked that all adults wear a mask if they are not exempt, you remain seated once you have found a seat and the children remain on the stage throughout the performance. In line with the LA guidance, we are also asking that you all take a LFD test on the day of and before coming to each performance

20th December at 9.30am – the Reception children will be performing their very first school nativity which is really exciting!! The rules above apply and x4 family members will be allowed to attend the performance.

22nd December at 1.30pm - KS2 will be attending church for a Carol Service at 1.30pm. As the capacity for seating is currently only 225, we will only be allowed to have the children in the Church.

There will be a retiring collection at the end of the R and KS1 performances.


Christmas Parties - All classes will be having Christmas parties in school. See the diary dates at the end and party letters


Due to the medical needs across our school, we would ask that you:

  • Alert us immediately if your child should develop chicken pox/measles/flu symptoms or any other infectious diseases.

Refrain from bringing anything into school which contains nuts


SEND Week of Action. We are excited to share with you some events timetable for the LA’s third SEND Week Action, which commences on Monday 22nd November. As always there are a jam-packed week of webinars and activities for professionals, parents and cares to help raise awareness and make SEND everybody’s business. During this SEND Week of Action, we will be focusing on SEN support and early help. Please visit Eventbrite to book onto the sessions. 

We have been made aware of excellent free online training for parents to access.  Below is a brief outline of what is offered…Free online courses - Solihull Approach

Stockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.

The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends. They are split into the following topics:

·        Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby

·        Understanding your baby (0-12 months)

·        Understanding your child (0-19 years)

·        Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)

·        Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

·        Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)

Please follow the link below for more information and how to book a place.




                                                              SEE AUTUMN DIARY DATES PREVIOUSLY ISSUED




Reception and KS1 Party Day – more information to follow


Years 3 & 4 Party Day – more information to follow


Years 5 & 6 Party Day – more information to follow


All school breaks up for the Christmas holiday.

All children back in school on Thursday 6th January, 2022


Have a wonderful week!

Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton