Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 13th June

Monday 13th June (allsaints-pri Admin)


Dear School Family, 


We would like to welcome you back to the final half term of this academic year. It will be a busy one but we know it will be full of risk taking, learning, achieving of goals and special memories.

What a great event on Friday 20th May, after school, when our Y5/6 football team took on Warrenwood. It was a real pleasure to see the team expertly led by Mr G. It finished 3-0 to WW but a huge congratulations to our man of the match- Max and a special mention to Dillon and Rafin for great goalkeeping skills! 

Well done All Saints'! You conducted yourselves in the All Saints' Way and should be very proud! Great to see ex pupil Matthew Barke leading as referee in his first match- Matthew you did a sterling job. Congratulations and thank you!

A huge thank you also to Mrs Noble for organising the event - it is lovely to be back in the swing of all these great opportunities for our children.  



It seems a long time ago now but we just wanted to say thank you so much to all the families who were able to make our special Jubilee celebration picnic in school on the last day.  It was so lovely to welcome you all and see everyone having such a lovely time. The sunshine even managed to come out for a while too! A special thank you to Mrs Burney for all her effort with organising the music and decorations and also Amanda, our wonderful cook, for making the picnics so lovely for the children. 


The children had such a wonderful last day as they also got to enjoy a very special assembly all about the Jubilee by Mrs Sue Woodgate, one of our School Governors and Royal Expert!  She really captured the children’s interests with all her factual knowledge about the royal family throughout history and the wealth of memorabilia she brought in too.  The children were so engaged they couldn’t stop asking questions and learnt so much!  The biggest thank you to Mrs Woodgate for so generously giving up her whole day to celebrate such an unusual and special historical event with the children. 




Tree Decorations to Celebrate the Jubilee

Our school decorations looked wonderful and were displayed from 2nd-6th June on the trees along Market Street. We hope you noticed them.



Parent and Carer relationships and sex Education meeting parents are invited to discuss the statutory RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) unit of work as part of our PSHE curriculum. This will take place at 3:30pm on Thursday 16th June.

We will be using a progressive scheme called Jigsaw which we have used for many years to deliver this particular subject. The Jigsaw scheme of work provides age appropriate resources and will teach the children about the emotional and physical aspects of growing up as well as providing children with relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others




From 24 June 2022, Unison are setting up a limited fund to help UNISON members on a low income with school clothing costs by way of a one -off payment of up to £70 per child.

To apply, download the application form from unison.org.uk/thereforyou

Please only contact UNISON Direct on 0800 0 857 857 if you need a paper application form posted to you. Please note: This grant fund will close once Unison have received enough qualifying applications. See attached flier




Monday 13th June


Thursday 16th June

Parent and Carer Relationships and Sex Education Information meeting 3.30pm – in the year 6 classroom

Thursday 16th  June

Class 2 Parents Assembly – 9.15am


Saturday 18th June

Marple Carnival

Tuesday and Wednesday 21st and 22nd

Fun Food Chef in School!

Friday 24th

Pen Portraits to introduce the children’s new class teachers and TAs

Year 3 Parents Assembly 2.40pm

Monday 27th June


Active Week!

More information to follow – children to come in their sports clothes including appropriate footwear everyday.

Thursday 30th June

Sports Day- in the morning


Have a good week,

Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton