Headteachers Public Blog Blog
Monday 25th July

Monday 25th July (allsaints-pri Admin)


Well, sadly we are nearing the end of our yr6’s primary experience at our school.

It has been an absolute pleasure having your children as part of our school! We have admired their great resilience, patience, determination, perseverance and positivity. Their progress throughout the year has been outstanding! Please continue to nurture these qualities as they begin their new adventures in their high school. 

Every staff member who they have encountered, has given them all the tools they need to face all the adventures and challenges ahead of you. Your children have developed a passion for learning, have achieved many goals, taken risks safely and made a wide variety of memories!

We will miss them all but know they are more than ready for this next chapter in their life. We would also like to say an enormous THANK YOU to you as parents. Thank you for your support and cooperation over the years and as some of you leave our school family, we wish you all the very best and know you will also be leaving with very fond memories.

Yr. 6 children- All the very best and grab every opportunity throughout your exciting future!

The All Saints’ Team


Marvellous Macbeth 

Our own Broadway Performance in Marple! The huge cheers of applause were so very well deserved last week when our year 6 simply dazzled us all with their highly professional, slick and memorable performance of Macbeth! It was a joy to watch every single child take part and make the end of year play so brilliant. A huge thank you to Mr McShane, Mrs Pratt and Mrs Clayton for their tireless work, simply going above and beyond for months to make it such a special occasion for everyone. Also, thank you so much to the very talented Miss Daley for her excellent make up skills, the beards and witches in particular were amazing! Finally, we can’t thank all the children enough for bringing their ‘A game’ and having so much fun along the way! Well done our superstar 6s! We cannot wait for tomorrow’s Leavers Service at All Saints’ Church - the next Chapter in your leavers journey.

We are currently updating our All Saints' Values for 2022 and beyond.

If you have any ideas and thoughts on what you feel our values should be, to set our children up for life, we would love to hear your top 6 ideas (starting with the one you regard as the most important).

Parents views will be collated alongside; children's, staff and Governors, to form our new All Saints' values from September 2022.

Please address your Tapestry post; FAO: Mrs. Noble (Values) by Wednesday 27th July 2022.
There will be a prize on Wednesday for one lucky parent who contributes - so what are you waiting for...?

Thank you, as always families, for your amazing support and positivity this year. Working together, we can make great things happen for our children!


HEALTH & SAFETY NOTICE                                                                          

Online Safety and WhatsApp Groups

We would remind you to be extra vigilant with your child’s use of online services and the use of phones over the holiday.

We would also encourage parents to monitor the use of WhatsApp groups to ensure they are used appropriately.


Natasha`s law

Natasha's Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. It requires all food outlets to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling on Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS). PPDS is food that is prepared, prepacked and offered or sold to consumers on the same premises.

If children are to bring in pre-packed food, then clear packaging and labelling needs to visible.

Thank you for your cooperation.



We are all looking forward to the next academic year and we are sure you will join us in being hopeful for a more stable year than previous years in terms of Covid -19.  As we all adjust to normal life again in full, we wanted to make all families aware that we will be ensuring that some of our pre-covid ways are back in place properly from September 2022. 


Throughout the year, we will be following up again on ensuring that children are in the correct school and PE uniform; including appropriate school shoes and not trainers unless for PE.  That jewellery is only a watch (not smart watches if the internet is enabled for safeguarding reasons) and stud earrings, which must be removed for PE or taped over.  That children endeavour to bring in healthy snacks not crisps etc. and that only water is put in water bottles not juice.  Finally, children donate a class book for their birthdays rather than bringing in sweets to share with the class.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we work in partnership to ensure our children are coming to school ready to learn and maintaining healthy lifestyles. 


Reception Class Assembly                                                                                                   

What a celebration was had a couple of weeks ago with the Reception class assembly for families! It was truly a joy to watch the children so beautifully showcase some of what they have been learning. Their amazing spoken parts, singing and dancing were all very much appreciated by their extended families.

Well done Reception and a huge thank you to all the families for joining us. Also, a great big thank you to the brilliant Reception team for all they have done giving so many opportunities to the children and allowing them to create such incredible memories.



Parent Drop In

It was lovely to see so many of you drop in to express thanks to your child’s current teacher and to say a quick hello to your child’s new teacher/s.


Sports Day  

Well it has been a long time coming and it did not disappoint! Sports day 2022 was a truly wonderful event. Our children shone so brightly and entered into the event with amazing attitudes. Everyone getting stuck in, having a good attitude and behaving like true All Saints’ Way superstars. The spirit of the games stickers highlighted the brilliant qualities we are looking for and also that is why the children were covered in them! Thank you to all the children for throwing those wellies, jumping in those sacks and running your races so brilliantly! Thanks to the All Saints’ Sports Ambassadors for supporting the event so well - your leadership qualities were highly praised by many! Another thank you to all the Harrytown children who facilitated the event so well; their patience with the little ones was a credit to them and their school. Also, thank you to all the families who came to cheer everyone on and we were VERY impressed with the parents' races!!!! Finally, the biggest thanks to Mrs Noble and Mr G who simply worked so hard to make the event so successful; planning every detail to maximise the fun that was had by all. All Saints’ is so lucky to have two such passionate professionals!

Gold Sports Award for All Saints’

Following straight on from the success of sports day, we were thrilled to be able to announce that we have the GOLD GAMES MARK for PE for 2021-2022! The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress. 

To achieve the Gold Mark is no mean feat in any year, but over the last twelve months the sheer determination of Mrs Noble and Mr G to get our children involved in as many competitions as possible was unwavering. With the cancelling of events due to Covid last minute, they did not stop re-arranging and organising for our children to participate. I am sure you will join us in saying the biggest thank you for all they have done for our children and the biggest Congratulations!!!!!



We hope many of you have now been able to see the absolutely amazing Marple School Garden Project in Memorial Park.  It is absolutely incredible and a true demonstration of the All Saints’ Way. Miss Foster, Mrs Clayton, Mrs Daniel, our governor friend Mr Phillips and of course the stars of the show Class 5 worked so beautifully as a team to create the masterpiece.  The children are a real credit to their families and our school and we hope many, many people get a chance to enjoy and it and it spreads lots of joy to everyone.  Please do take a look at the below link to see lots of wonderful pictures of all the children’s hard work and.  A huge thank you to Sarah Braide for all her work on the project and inviting us to be part of it and of course the All Saints’ Superstars involved in it. 



Summer Reading Challenge 2022

Stockport Libraries are proud to present the Summer Reading Challenge 2022 – Gadgeteers!

As always, we want All Saints’ leading the way, and we have ALWAYS been the closest of the close second place! This year we want to be the winners, so, as an incentive, any of our keen readers who can come in and prove they have completed their 6 books and have got to the end of the challenge will receive TEN merits – not bad when the maximum you can earn in school is three!

For our children who aren’t on merit cards yet, you will move STRAIGHT up to the Sunshine on the behaviour chart and can come to Mrs Manning for a shiny sticker.

As well as this, the Library will give you a medal and a certificate, and you get to read some awe inspiring books over the long Summer Holidays – what’s not to love?! So come on All Saints’, do us proud and LET’S GET READING! Just pop in to Marple Library any time from 9th July to sign up for free. Here is a website with some more info on, should you wish


Mrs Manning-Craggs


Message from the PTA

Thank you to everyone for their support with the ice lolly sales last week.

We raised an amazing £123! Look out for some amazing events and fundraising activities next year.



There’s a vast amount of support available to support any young person who is feeling overwhelmingly worried, stressed or low over the summer holiday. There are options to talk over the phone, by text or online to someone who can help. Please see the attached posters for more information



Tuesday 26th July

 Year 6 Leavers Service

Year 5 Leaders presentation

Wednesday 27th July

School Breaks up For Summer

Thursday 1st September

INSET Day – School closed for children

Friday 2nd September

INSET Day – School closed for children

Monday 5th September


New to Year Group Meetings


As always we will start the year with a New to Year Group Meeting and this will include lots of important information about your child’s time and learning journey in their new class.


Please see below the dates for September to make a note in your diaries! All meetings will be held in your child’s classroom at 6pm, there will be no crèche available for children to attend. 


Reception - Monday 12th September 2022

Year 6 - Tuesday 13th September 2022 

Year 3 - Thursday 15th September 2022


Year 2 - Monday 19th September 

Year 5 - Tuesday 20th September 2022

Year 1 - Wednesday 21st September 2022

Year 4 - Thursday 22nd September 2022

Have a great summer,

Hannah Gaynor and Helen Morton