School Games - Gold Award 2023 - 2024
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the School Games Gold Award for the 4th consecutive year! This is a wonderful achievement that we are all extremely proud of for our commitment to keep our children active and engaged with PE and Sports. We are pleased that the dedication and hard work of everyone at All Saints' C of E Primary, in this subject has been successfully rewarded. From our Sports Ambassadors, to teachers who lead extra curricular sports clubs, our amazing PE Coach, to parents who have assisted at competitions and of course our amazingly passionate children who adore this subject, a HUGE WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS! Fingers crossed for the PLATINUM AWARD in the near future...!
PE Intent
At All Saints’ we believe that PE plays a pivotal role in developing a strong sense of health and wellbeing – physically and mentally. PE is viewed as a key subject for setting a strong foundation for a healthy, positive future lifestyle and we hope that through our engaging, fun, high quality and challenging PE provision, we are strongly supporting our children to be physically literate and aware of the huge benefits of exercise and healthy living/ eating. We strive for every child to achieve their physical potential through a determined attitude to succeed, be resilient when required and to and develop important social skills for life such as; teamwork, fair honest play and respect in all sports (linked to our school Christian values). Our aim is to foster a real enjoyment, confidence and competence in Physical Education and for children to find pleasure in beating personal bests and excelling in competitions in our local community and the wider authority. Through additional clubs and special events, we aim to spark a love of PE, encouraging children to be active out of school time as well through a wealth of extra- curricular clubs that we promote. As a Church school, we are passionate that all our children use their gifts given by God and let their light shine for others to admire and marvel at! Such sporting successes are celebrated in our weekly Friday celebrations, on our PE display board and Newsletter/ Tapestry communication to families as we ensure that PE is continually promoted as a ‘star’ subject at All Saints’ C of E Primary School.

The power of PE

PE at All Saints' C of E Primary School
PE Sports Coach- Mr. Josh Granite leads specialist lessons with all children for an hour a week of PE outdoor games (alongside another hour of indoor PE Dance and Gymnastics by class teachers). Mr. Granite knows all our children and their needs extremely well and works with passion and enthusiasm to ensure that every child reaches their full potential in PE lessons and at lunch times.
Alternate years, we have used part of our PE Premium budget to support staff CPD by having PE specialists from Stockport Shapes -Victoria Floyd (2022) and Jenny Gawne (2023) leading Dance and Gymnastics sessions, team teaching and supporting staff to deliver the highest quality PE sessions for our children. Mr. Granite is also a full time professional football player at Buxton FC - another inspiration for our children as an ex All Saints' pupil himself!
Extra curricular Sports clubs
- Monday- Well Being Warriors - Yoga at Lunch (Chosen Children as part of an annual project)/ Cross Country after school (Mr. Londsdale) / Football after school Reception and KS1 (Mr. Granite)/ Gardening after school (Mrs. Clayton) all ages
- Tuesday - AM Dance Stars Academy Reception, Y1 and Y2 (Mrs. Sally Berry) / Football after school Y3 and Y4 (Mr. Granite)
- Wednesday - AM Dance Stars Academy Y6 and Y5 (Mrs. Sally Berry) / Girls Football after school - all ages (Mr. Granite)
- Thursday- AM Dance Stars AcademyY3 and Y4 (Mrs. Sally Berry) / Netball Y5/6 after school (Miss. Foster and Mrs. Pattison)/ Multi Sports after school - all ages (Mr. Granite)
- Friday- Football after school Y5 and Y6 (Mr. Granite)
Every year All Saints' enter many Stockport SHAPES competitions... tennis, cricket and netball to name just a few of the 33 events we took part in this academic year.
Over the last few years, some of our most successful events have included;
- Y5/6 Football Winners in our local cluster in Summer 2023 (we have the trophy gleaming proudly in our entrance!).
- Athletics- 1st (Y5/6)
- Cross Country Running (Y1 Winners)
- Ski ing/ Rockclimbing at The Chill Factore winners (KS2)
- Runners Up in Stockport for 'Get Girls Playing Football!' 2024
In addition, we hosted a Tri Golf Festival with Dave Myers for other local schools and in 2024 won the Host of the Year School in 2024 by Stockport SHAPES for our KS1 Cross Country event attended by 200 children!
Real favourites with the children have included attending;
- Manchester City Academy Football Tournament (3rd - Manchester schools Y3 boys/ 2nd Y6 boys)
- Manchester United (3rd - Y3 boys)
- Stockport County North West championships Metro Cup where we just missed out on entering the finals.
We can't wait to see what next year has on offer...! (We are hoping for a trophy cabinet soon - so come on All Saints' WE CAN DO IT!)
Sports Day 2024
Sports Day 2024 certainly was a fantastic morning welcoming all our families onto the school field again this year for our FUN WATER EVENTS, with many wonderful comments given about the organisation of the event. Children worked in colour teams from Reception to Y6 to win as many points as possible for their team. We then had sprinting and cross country running races with medals for Bronze, Silver and Gold Winners and those who showed most effort and improvement. The morning was topped off with a fantastic atmostphere, music, ice pops, stickers, medals, trophies (for our Y6 stars) and certificates galore - all finished off with a little sunshine for the perfect sporting event! A huge well done to Mr. Granite, Mrs. Noble and the Marple Hall Students for leading such a wonderful morning, 'Working Together as a TEAM' - Taking Risks', 'Encouraging Learning', 'Achieving Goals' and 'Making Memories'.

Spirit of the games Awards
In line with Stockport SHAPES, all our activities for sporting events; PE lessons, competitions and Sports Day are all based on the following values. Children receive stickers, medals, trophies and plaques at the end of Y6 for representing this core sporting values.
Keeping Active!
Every year in our annual calendar, we invite in specialist sports companies and coaches and encourage children to experience different sports which they may never have tried before! Recent events have included; Boogie Bounce (trampolining), Drumz Aloud, Rock climbing, Archery, Lacrosse, Scoot Fit and Karate.
Local Sports CLub links
Throughout the year and especially in the Summer our particularly ACTIVE MONTHS, we work closely alongside various local sports clubs to enable our children to know about local clubs they can join to take part in extra - curricular activities. We are proud of our strong links with clubs who are always generous with their time and facilities to ensure that our children receive the very best sporting opportunities and experiences during their time at All Saints'. Community links at their very best!
OAA- Other Adventurous Activities
During our residentials, in Y4 at The Hollowford Centre- Castleton and in Y6- Robinwood, our children take part in various outdoor adventurous activities from; caving to zip wires, raft building to canoeing all building on team work and problem solving skills. In addition, all classes carryout Forest School Sessions as part of our commitment to outdoor learning which sometimes entail activities such as orienteering. In addition, we have had two whole school walks getting our whole school and all our staff and volunteers out into the local area for a full day of walking and getting fit! (Whilst having lots of fun and enjoying the awe and wonder of our beautiful local area in Marple!). Children have said "It's been the best day ever!" for a FREE trip where we have walked to Mellor and also Brabyns and Etherow Park, walking along the Peak Forest Canal. Wellbeing at its finest!

At All Saints', as part of our PE provision in KS2, all KS2 children from Y3- 6 attend a block of swimming at Stockport Grand Central for approximately 10 weeks each year to cover this entitlement in the National Curriculum.
At All Saints', all staff use Get Set 4 PE to plan and assess their two hours of PE taught each week to all of our children. Evidence of progress; photographs and videos of children in action are shared each half term on Tapestry to celebrate with families.