The All Saints’ Way…
Working together as a TEAM
Taking Risks – children who show courageous determination in their learning
Encouraging Learning – children being curious in their learning
Achieving Goals – children having the desire to be the best that they can be
Making Memories – in a school where children are respectful, show kindness and experience joyfulness!
The Lord says "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" (Psalm 32 v8). This psalm gives us strength and courage in our convictions as curriculum designers.
PE Curriculum Intent...
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
In addition, we have the following aims for all pupils:
- increased levels of wellbeing and fitness
- building confidence, making memories, achieving goals and using courageous determination in sporting competitions / festivals
- the ability to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team
- an understanding of the values of respect, fairness and equality of play
At All Saints’, our school vision and values are central to all PE lessons and we support our children to follow the SPIRIT of the GAMES values in line with Stockport SHAPES.
Our school core Christian values will build on…
- Curiosity to learn new knowledge and sports skills and be intrigued how their bodies work and muscles develop
- Respect towards other teams, coaches and referees
- Kindness towards other individuals and their needs as an inclusive school
- Courageous determination to overcome challenges and hurdles with resilience especially when at first they do not succeed
- Joyfulness from the sense of achievement gained from achieving a new goal and team success
At All Saints’, we believe that Physical Education plays a pivotal role in developing a strong sense of health and wellbeing – physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. To us, this subject is a key subject in setting a strong foundation for a healthy, positive future lifestyle and we hope that our engaging, high quality PE curriculum inspires and motivates our children to become physically literate: have a desire to lead active lifestyles in the future and become aware of the benefits of exercise. We recognise the massive impact on personal development that PE has on the whole curriculum and the whole child for life. Our aim is to foster a real enjoyment in Physical Education and for our children to find pleasure in taking part, success, excelling themselves to beat personal bests and in competitions. In addition, we aspire for our children to use their creativity (particularly in dance and gymnastics) as well as problem solving skills in team games.
We aim to provide wide-ranging opportunities through a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum. Regardless of their ability or SEND’s, all children are given the opportunity to feel confident about their ever improving skills and sporting achievements and given the chance to shine in sporting festivals. As part of the School Sports part of PESSP (Physical Education, School Sports Premium) we are striving to ensure that all children take part in thirty minutes of physical activity every day. We utilise our school grounds to the maximum to enable our children to be active throughout the school day as well as before and after school. Through our ‘Mad Dash A Day’, use of PE Ambassadors and Play Leaders at break/ lunch times and wide range of extra- curricular enrichment activities on offer, we are constantly working to achieve this important target.
Through visits to local clubs, inspiring assemblies from athletics (including Olympic athletes and athletes with disabilities), we aim to inspire all our children to GO FOR GOLD knowing that one day that sporting hero or heroine could be them…!
A rich curriculum is in place through the teaching of: dance, athletics, gymnastics, games, swimming and water safety and outdoor adventurous activities. We have 6 half term units covering; dance, gymnastics and games for all year groups to ensure breadth and balance. Through the National Curriculum and ‘Get Set 4 PE' scheme, our curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enables all children to develop their physical fitness along with their skills and knowledge.
We deliver 2 hours of curriculum lessons each week – one with our sports coach delivering a wide variety of outdoor games and one with the class teacher (Indoor Dance/ Gymnastics). Cross Curricular links are made where appropriate particularly in Dance and Gymnastics. Our experienced Sports Coach Mr. Granite, along with Mrs. Noble (clubs/ competitions co - ordinator) encourages all to participate, whether it be in; PE times, lunch time activities, clubs to foster talents, opportunities to encourage 'inactive' children or competitions to excel or feel part of a TEAM.
As part of the Stockport SHAPES School Games Partnership, we are able to participate in a wide range of competitions for our pupils against other schools, festivals, CPD for staff and leadership opportunities for our pupils. Pupils are given opportunities to compete with and against their peers (Intra competitions) and those with other local schools and across Stockport and Manchester (inter competitions).
We provide children with inclusive, engaging and challenging PE lessons, where each child is stretched to reach their full potential and adaptations made to support those with additional needs. We follow the STEP model to differentiate - SPACE, TASK, EQUIPMENT and PEOPLE so all can access lessons successfully. In addition, we are keen to further challenge our sporting stars working at Greater Depth in this subject.
In EYFS, emphasis is placed upon ‘Physical Development’ as a prime area of the EYFS framework, developing fundamental movement skills- pupil’s agility, balance and coordination linked to gross and fine motor skills as part of the two Early Learning Goals. EYFS leaders are trained as Physical Development Champions and Fundamental EYFS skills to help children be ready for their next steps. There is a strong passion for ensuring that children have opportunities to develop their Physical Development skills. After mastering fundamental movement, children in KS1 develop skills, then have the opportunity to apply these skills in games and performances in KS2. We have created a progressive curriculum allowing pupils to build a deep and thorough understanding of various sports with a broad range of techniques, skills, ideas and tactics as they move through KS2. Children are given the opportunity to return to key sporting games to check their retention and build on their existing knowledge and skills. This is particularly important at the start and end of units focusing on transferable skills between different sports.
In addition, pupils in Year 3- 6 attend swimming lessons at a local pool (Stockport Grand Central) for a 10 week block per year in KS2, to ensure that they can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Pupils in Year 6 participate in Bikeability sessions, to ensure they can cycle confidently safely and competently, in readiness for High School. As well, we encourage Active Lessons across the curriculum as well as offer outdoor Forest School experience Days with an outside provider to support with Mental Health, Wellbeing and children having extended periods outdoor being active. Year 4 and 6 attend an annual residential trip in which they undertake a series of Outdoor Adventurous Activities that are both physical and mentally challenging and encourage further team building.
Health and Safety in PE is taken seriously ensuring no jewellery/ earrings are worn for safety and that hair is tied back. Appropriate footwear is checked and promoted with children and families for safety too. In addition, an annual audit of resources and equipment is carried out for safety. All PE events attended have a thorough risk assessment.
There is a real buzz and enthusiasm with children at All Saints’ for PE that we are especially proud of. Pupil voice for PE is strong (99% enjoy PE from our KS2 survey) with many quoting that PE is fun! Motivation is high to compete and play for our school teams in sporting events. Many of our children in addition have joined other local clubs outside of school, having found talents in various sports from cricket, dance, golf to cheerleading from their sessions in school.
Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all pupils as well as developing the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes, such as responsibility over their own health, working as part of a team, and learning how to communicate well. We intend that the impact of our curriculum is therefore to motivate our pupils to utilise these underpinning skills as transferable skills into the classroom and beyond in order to live happy and healthy lives now and in the future.
PE will encourage a lifelong participation in regular movement that they enjoy, equipping them with the understanding of the positive nature of physical activity on their holistic development- body, mind and spirituality. We hope to empower every child through PE in our school to:
- Improve concentration and focus
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Improve teamwork and leadership skills
- Reduce childhood obesity and have healthier bodies
- Improve self- discipline and self- control
- Develop their confidence
- Develop physically, emotionally and socially
- Be physically literate
- Have a lifelong participation in physical activity