
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints' ?
The Vicar asked me ! After I retired in 2012, I wanted to make use of my experience of working in schools and an opportunity arose for me to become a governor at All Saints'. The school has strong links with All Saints' Church, where I am Deputy Warden, and I'm so pleased to be part of such a wonderful school.
Any additional information -
I managed to beat young Mr McShane in the 2015 Wilmslow Half-Marathon !
Alan Bailey - Co-opted Governor
Appointed by; | Governing Body |
Term of office: | 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2027 |
Committees: | Steering Committee Chair, Resources Committee, Pay Committee, Staff Appointment Committee and Christian Ethos Committee Chair |
Other responsibilities: | Chair of Governors, Class Governor Friend - Year 3, Wellbeing Governor. Headteacher Appraisal, |
Relevant business interests: | None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | Throughout my working life, I have enjoyed a career in education, initially as a secondary school teacher and more recently as a school Improvement Officer for Tameside MBC. I retired from full-time employment in 2012 and now work part-time as a School Consultant for Chester Diocese. |
Tracy Higgins - Co-opted Governor
Appointed by; | Governing Body |
Term of office: | 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2027 |
Committees: | Steering Committee, Curriculum Committee Chair, Christian Ethos Committee, Pay Appeals Committee, Staff Discipline Committee and Pupil Discipline Committee |
Other responsibilities: | SEND and Inclusion Governor Champion |
Relevant business interests: |
Employment at Stockport LA |
Membership of other educational establishments: | Associate Governor St Paul's CE Primary School, Stalybridge |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I am a qualified teacher and have enjoyed a career in school leadership as a Headteacher of a church school in the Chester Diocese and as Principal of a primary academy. I have provided school improvement support as a member of the Leadership Learning Alliance and a Lead Literacy Teacher and have many years of experience in school governance. |
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
I became a governor at All Saints four years ago, when my two youngest children attended the school. I was keen to provide the school with quality support and play a role in ensuring that the children of All Saints receive the best possible education. It has been a privilege to see the school go from strength to strength over the past four years and celebrate so many successes.
Any Additional Information -
I have lived in Marple from early childhood, and love it! I am married to Nick and have four children, aged 12 to 28, and we attend All Saints Church. I feel privileged to be a governor and be able to work in partnership with the school to make a positive difference to the lives of such fabulous children.
Neville Phillips - Co-opted Governor
Appointed by; | Governing Body |
Term of office: | 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2027 |
Committees: | Steering Committee, Resources Committee and Parental Complaints Committee |
Other responsibilities: | Class Governor Friend - Year 6, Health and Safety Governor. Development Governor |
Relevant Business Interests | PCC at All Saints’ Church |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | Whilst our children were at school I was a governor at the Dale Primary School for a period and on the PTA at Marple Hall School. I'm a retired Chartered Surveyor having previously been a partner in a firm of Commercial Property Consultants in central Manchester. I am a member of All Saints' Church and currently a Churchwarden. I have a wide range of interests, in particular sport and leisure activities. |

What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
I was delighted to put my name forward to be a school governor when approached by the Chair of Governors. I know that education is vital, particularly in the early years, and believe that children should be enabled to be the best they can be , whatever their background, as it prepares them to be the young people and adults who can lead happy and fulfilling lives. Now that I'm retired I'm very much enjoying having a greater involvement with our grandchildren, two of whom who are of primary school age and attend All Saints' School. I hope that my role as a school governor will give me the opportunity to contribute more to the community where we have lived for such a long time.
Any Additional Information -
I have lived in Marple for 40 years and I am married to Janet, a retired sixth form college teacher and a part-time counsellor at the University of Manchester. We have three gown up and married children who all went to school and college in Marple.
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints' ?
Being the Vicar of All Saints’ comes with its benefits! It is a real privilege to serve as a Foundation Governor. Having worked as a primary school teacher I have an active interest in education and am passionate about establishing good links between school and church. It is a real joy to be able to partner with the school and work for the good of our children’s education.
Rev. Daniel Currie - Foundation Governor
Appointed by; | All Saints' Church and Diocese of Chester |
Term of office: | Ex Officio (Vicar at All Saints' Church) |
Committees: | Curriculum Committee, Chritsian Ethos Committee and Pupil Discipline Committee |
Other responsibilities: | None |
Relevant business interests: | Vicar of All Saints’ Church, PCC at All Saints’ Church and trustee of Glo Church |
Membership of other educational establishments: | Governor of Marple Hall School |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | Before becoming a vicar I worked as teacher for over twelve years and was involved in the senior leadership of a primary school in Norfolk. |

What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
When I first became a governor my son was attending All Saints Primary School and I wanted to play a more active part in the school community. Fast forward a couple of years and I was delighted to continue my governor role as a co-opted governor utilising my knowledge of school business management. I love being part of the All Saints community and thoroughly enjoy supporting the school whilst learning from a very experienced governing board.
Alison Holmes - co-OPTED Governor
Appointed by; | Co-opted Governor |
Term of office: | 1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2024 |
Committees: | Resources Committee, Pay Committee, Pupil Discipline Committee and Staff Discipline Committee |
Other responsibilities: | None |
Relevant business interests: | None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | School Business Manager at Windlehurst School Marple |
Interests and experience related to school governance: |
School Business Manager in a local special school for 8 years, previous parent of All Saints'. |
Appointed by; | Parents |
Term of office: | 26 Nov 2023 to 25 Nov 2027 |
Committees: |
Curriculum Committee, Steering Committee, Headteacher Appriasal, Pay Appeals, Staff Appointments, Staff Discipline Appeals, |
Other responsibilities: | Vice Chair, Class Governor Friend - Year 5, Safeguarding Governor |
Relevant business interests: | Volunteer Secretary at Marple Rugby Club. Employment with Sense. |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I am a qualified primary school teacher and have learnt from experience what an important role the governors can play in supporting the staff and assisting in the running of a successful school. |
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
The recent parent governor vacancy coincided with me taking a career break and I felt it was the perfect opportunity for me to become more involved with the All Saints’ community. I am looking forward to playing a part in the future development of the school.
I have 3 boys, who attend All Saints' CE Primary School.

What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
The desire to share knowledge and experience in my local community
Sue Woodgate - Local Authority Governor
Appointed by; | Local Authority & Govening Body |
Term of office: | 1 Sep 2021 to 31 Aug 2025 |
Committees: | Resources Committee Chair. Parental Complaints Committee, Pay Committee Chair, Steering Committee and Headteacher Appraisal Committee |
Other responsibilities: | Class Governor Friend - Year 4 and Medical Conditions Governor |
Relevant business interests: | Governance at Albion Academy, Silverdale Federation, Alder Brook Primary and the High Peak Federation. Managing Director of Stockport Canal Boats Trust and Director of New Horizons. Trustee at Feryal Rajah Educational Trust. Employment as a magistrate. Trustee of Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust and Kings Multi Academy Trust. |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | 29 years' experience as a school governor in all phases and types of school |
Appointed by; | Headteacher Governor |
Term of office: | Ex Officio (Headteacher) |
Committees: |
Steering Committee, Curriculum Committee, Resources Committee, Christian Ethos Committee and Staff Appointment Committee |
Other responsibilities: | Headteacher |
Relevant business interests: | None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | Since becoming a member of All Saints’ C of E Primary School in 2010 I have been a member of the Governing Body. Prior to this I was an Associate Governor for 5 years at my previous School. I have gained invaluable experience working alongside a wide range of Governors with a vast amount of different experiences to contribute to their roles within two different Local Authorities. |

What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
In the ‘All Saints’ Way’ to truly be the best we can for the children in our care we need to be open and honest and listen to the opinions and views of every stakeholder. I therefore felt it was essential to be part of the Governing Body to reflect on the wealth of experience that each member brings in order to continue to build upon our successes and ‘reach for the stars’!
Appointed by; | PARENTS |
Term of office: | 17/12/2020 - 16/12/2024 |
Committees: | Resources Committee and Staff Discipline Appeals Commitee |
Other responsibilities: | Class Governor Friend - Year 1 |
Relevant business interests: | None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I am a qualified secondary maths teacher and previously trained and worked as a Chartered Accountant. |

In 2012 I had the privilege of spending two weeks at All Saints' as part of my teacher training. I was made incredibly welcome and I was struck by the wonderful atmosphere and great teaching.
Fast forward to a few years ago and my eldest child was awarded a place at the school. She has some additional needs and I had heard many a horror story of otherwise excellent schools being inflexible and generally unhelpful. Our experience at All Saints' couldn't have been more different. She has been welcomed and included in every sense.
As a result, I'm a huge fan of the school and the strong values that are consistently demonstrated. So when the opportunity to become a parent governor came up, I jumped at the chance to be a part of the school and help in whatever way possible. I have a varied history as a chartered accountant and secondary maths teacher and I hope that these skills can boost an already fantastic school and governing board.
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
Daniel, our vicar, spoke to me for about 1 minute one day at church, while I was helping at Playaway toddler group. I had already had some connections with AS school, mainly through involvement with the 2018 Church Week. I loved the positive ‘feel’ of the school and met an enthusiastic and caring Mrs Gaynor. Having spent many years volunteering in various children’s work, I remember thinking how I would love to be connected more with the school.
Appointed by; | Co-opted Governor |
Term of office: | 8 Oct 2023 to 7 Oct 2027 |
Committees: | Currciulum Committee, Christain Ethos Committee, Parental Complaints and Staff Discipline Appeals Commitee |
Other responsibilities: | Class Governor Friend - Year 1 |
Relevant business interests: | None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | Empoyed at The Heatons School |
Interests and experience related to school governance: |
I currently work at Heaton School, where I have been a teaching assistant for 11 years. This a Secondary Special School, within SMBC, for young people with Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple learning difficulties, Autism and Complex Medical Needs. I have served as a Co-opted staff Governor since 2016. In 2013 I completed my Foundation Degree in Supporting Teaching & Learning. Prior to this I worked as research bio-scientist, for 17 years, at Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals. Outside work, I have spent many years as a voluntary leader with children and young people, predominantly in a church based setting. In 2016, I became an accredited Godly Play Storyteller and have led many storytelling based events and services for children and their families. I’m part of the All Saints’ Church Prospects Group for adults with learning disabilities meeting monthly to encourage and support them in their faith. I enjoy getting my boots on and walking in the fresh air and rolling down small hills and jumping in muddy puddles with my 4 year old granddaughter. |
casey beever - parent governor
Appointed by; | Governing Body |
Term of office: | 1st January 2021 until 31st December 2024 |
Committees: | Curriculum Committee, Pay Appeals Committee and Staff Discipline Committee |
Other responsibilities: | None |
Relevant business interests: |
Employed by Stockport LA |
Membership of other educational establishments: | Deputy Headteacher at Stockport School, Mile End Lane |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I am a qualified teacher and have seven years’ experience in school leadership teams. I regularly present to governors and outside agencies, and contribute to the strategic development and direction of my school. |

“What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?”
Our daughter started All Saints’ in September 2020, and to be a parent governor offered an opportunity to help support a school with a brilliant reputation in the area. I am currently an Assistant Headteacher at a secondary school and have seen just how important a supportive governing body are, and how essential it is that parents can contribute to a school’s success. It’s a privilege to be part of the All Saints’ team.
“Any Additional Information”
I enjoy mountain-biking and playing 5-a-side football with other Marple dads.
Hayley Ringrose – Foundation Governor
Appointed by; | All Saints' Church PCC |
Term of office: | February 2022 – January 2026 |
Committees: | Curriculum Committee and Christian Ethos Committee |
Other responsibilities: | Class Governor friend to 2022 pupil intake (currently reception class) |
Relevant business interests: |
None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I bring public sector knowledge and experience having worked as an accountant in the NHS for over 25 years. I currently work in a policy and research role for a body supporting and advocating for colleagues in NHS finance which has many transferable skills to apply to the role of school governor. |

What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?”
It was a case of “right place, right time”! The vicar of All Saints’ church approached me at a time when I had recently stepped back from full time work and was keen to contribute to the local community. Being a governor was not a role that I’d even considered, having no experience in the education sector and not having children of my own. I knew that the links between school and church were very strong and that the school had a good reputation and standard of education and I felt I could bring a fresh perspective and skill set. A few months into the role I know it was a very good decision.
Sam Lonsdale - Staff Governor
What made you want to become a governor?
I have been interested in school governance for a while and the chance to become a governor came up at just the right time! The chance to learn from the very experienced and knowledgeable members of the school's governing body is also great for my own personal development. So far I have found my time really useful as a teacher, I can see exactly how the changes made by the governing body affect life in the classroom and vice-versa.
Appointed by; | Goiverning Body |
Term of office: | 22 Oct 2021 to 21 Oct 2025 |
Committees: | Curriculum Committee |
Other responsibilities: | N/A |
Relevant business interests: |
None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a teacher at All Saints'. I have an acute awareness of many of the issues facing teachers as professionals and want to help both my colleagues and the school however I can. Having worked at a number of schools in a variety of settings I felt as though I may be able to contribute a different perspective from time to time as well. |
Kate Noble - Co-Headteacher Governor
What made you decide to become a governor at All Saints'?
Having spent half of my life with true dedication, hard work, love and care for my All Saints’ family, it is an absolute privilege to be in this role working alongside my incredible Co Head teacher Mrs. Morton. With such a strong, experienced, knowledgeable and genuinely thoughtful team of Governors, being part of this organisation I know I will learn much from others on the team. Having close links with key Governors from All Saints’ Church is something we are so thankful for- we couldn’t wish for a better team of Governors! Working closely together with Governors as we guide our school forwards with the highest of expectations enabling all in our care to flourish; both children, staff and families, it is a real honour and one that I love every second of every day! The dream came true to be Head teacher at All Saints’ C of E Primary School and I intend to do all I can to ensure that All Saints’ continues to be a thriving, happy school where children make memories and achieve goals to set them all for a bright future ahead on their next pathway for life…
Any Additional Information
I have one precious daughter who is my absolute pride and joy!
Appointed by; | Head Teacher Governor |
Term of office: | Ex officio (Head teacher) |
Committees: | Steering Committee, Christian Ethos Committee and Staff Appointment Committee |
Other responsibilities: |
Co – Head teacher (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM) Assistant Head teacher (Wednesday PM, Thursday, Friday). RE and Worldviews Subject Leader English Subject Leader PE Subject Leader Teaching Assistant Lead Midday Lead KS1 Leader |
Relevant business interests: |
None |
Membership of other educational establishments: | None |
Interests and experience related to school governance: | Since starting at All Saints’ C of E Primary school as an NQT in 2002, I have had an amazing, successful and fulfilling career as a teacher and leader at our wonderful Primary school (which has also included being teacher Governor at All Saints’ in the past). |