Religious Education and World Views

The All Saints’ Way…
Working together as a TEAM
Taking Risks – children who show courageous determination in their learning
Encouraging Learning – children being curious in their learning
Achieving Goals – children having the desire to be the best that they can be
Making Memories – in a school where children are respectful, show kindness and experience joyfulness!
The Lord says "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" (Psalm 32 v8). This psalm gives us strength and courage in our convictions as curriculum designer
Religious Education and World Views Curriculum Intent...
For children at All Saints’ C of E Primary, we aspire for our subject ‘RE and World views’ to be at the heart of the curriculum, the ‘core of the core’ of the curriculum. Our Intent is for our 5 Christian values to permeate every aspect of our children’s lives both in and out of school.
We wish for our pupils to ‘Discover God’ and develop a real passion and interest for learning about Christianity and a curiosity to learn about other world religions including those of no faith. Through our carefully crafted and challenging RE and Worldviews curriculum, we inspire our children to fully engage and develop their thoughts, feelings and views on religions, non - religions, faith and belief. Our ambition is to prepare our children to be respectful, where differences are celebrated and tolerance is explicitly taught so that children have a deep, rich understanding of equality and diversity. Our ultimate goal is to nurture our children to engage empathetically, with kindness and sensitivity in challenging conversations about: religion, philosophy, theology, human social science and ethical issues. There will no doubt be times in their lives when our children will face difficulties or need to show courageous advocacy to be bold and creators of change. This will be tackled through our focus on courageous determination.
It is our intention that pupils develop their ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues, which will in turn enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and enable them to be responsible and tolerant citizens of the future.
We aspire to ' go the extra mile' to especially support our more vulnerable children and families, including by working alongside our 'Learning Mentor' Nicola Daley who supports Wellbeing and Mental Health (SEMH)- Social, Emotional and Mental Health).
Through creative, imaginative RE and Worldviews lessons and inspiring Collective Worships (skilfully weaving in PSHE), we hope our children will find joyfulness in worship! Children will have opportunities to develop their spirituality, being calm, quiet and still and have quality time to reflect. In addition, we aspire for our children to flourish in our care, in order to serve in our local community and in our amazing wider world.
Relationships and team work are central to everything we promote at All Saints’ and this starts with our rapports with children (including our Buddy System), staff, parents, Governors and extremely close links with All Saints’ Church and Reverend Daniel Currie. Our partnership with All Saints' Church is so strong and special that we are delighted to have been awarded the 'Church School Partnership Award'.
Implementation Learning in RE and Worldviews is carefully sequenced and structured to ensure knowledge of religions and worldviews build over time and the following principles shape RE and Worldviews lessons at All Saints’ C of E Primary School;
We promote an enquiry based approach to RE and Worldviews through the implementation of the Stockport Locally agreed syllabus for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 built around strands. We use fascinating lessons plans to explore the key questions from ‘Questful RE’ to support staff with planning the highest quality RE and Worldviews sessions and the ability to assess accurately. Alongside this, we use a selection of the 'RE Today' and ‘Understanding Christianity’ schemes for further depth and detail as a Church School.
Pupils are taught about Christianity in each year group as this reflects the majority of religious traditions celebrated in Great Britain. Pupils are introduced to the concept that some people have no religious beliefs and hold a more philosophical view to the world around them (atheist, agnostic, Humanists).
Pupils in EYFS learn about their growing sense of self and their place within it. They learn about special celebratory events that take place in the community and the wider world, which often sets the foundation for future learning. In KS1 children are taught knowledge, skills and understanding about Christianity and 2 other world religions- Islam and Judaism (3 world religions in total). In KS2, children explore further the religions from KS1, as well as learning about Hinduism (4 world religions in total).
The 3 key strands explored across our RE and Worldviews curriculum are;
We maximise opportunities to bring the curriculum to life. Experiences and enrichment opportunities in RE and Worldviews include:
- Annual Church Week held at All Saints’ Church
- Meeting visitors from the local community – CIST (Christians In Schools Trust), Ethnic Diversity Services, family links, various clergy- United Reform Church, Methodist Church etc.
- Daily act of collective worship. Monday- Led by Mrs. Noble Co Headteacher or visiting clergy, Tuesday- led by Sarah Holton Children and Families Worker from All Saints' Church and our Ethos Group, Wednesday- Songs of Worship led by Mrs. Noble, Thursday - class worship linked to Picture News or relelvant local, school initiatives and Friday - Celebration led by Co Head teacher Mrs. Morton
- Whole school celebrations including' Harvest festival, Nativity plays KS1, KS2 Carol Service, Easter and Leavers Service. at All Saints' Church
- Taking part in actvities such as the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Martin's Church in Marple and our choir at the Stockport Junior Christmas Carol Concert bi annually at St. George's Church in Stockport
- Using IT to further explore religion and belief globally- Internet, video clips, Google Earth etc.
- DEAL- Drama strategies - Drama, Engagement, Active, Learners
- Making visits to religious places of worship including; Chester Cathedral, the Manchester Jewish Synagogue and Cheadle/ Hyde Mosque
- Charity events linked to community, school and Church – e.g. The Pantry Food Bank, PIE- Community Champions, Archbishop of York Trust – Y5 annual community project, Operation Christmas Child, Potter's Village- Uganda Africa, Singing at the Old Folk's Home at Christmas
- Spirituality Garden on our school field
- Growing Faith monthly gardening club for children, siblings and families from school and church
- Prayer Spaces available at different times through the year (e.g. linked to world events/ festivals etc) in particular at Easter at All Saints' Church
- Accessibility to Prayer Spaces and activities during 'Fun Friday's at lunch times with support from Ethos leaders
- Weekly Songs of Worship including songs from iSingPop’s recent concert at All Saints’ Church, traditional hymns and multicultural songs
- Godly Play/ What’s In the Box
- Rich variety of books, texts and artefacts on loan from Cheshire Library Service
- Use of class Floor Book to record learning opportunities and reflections
Our curriculum will equip our pupils to understand and appreciate other people’s values, beliefs, attitudes and religious rituals. We will create a culture of tolerance and respect, which can inspire and motivate the next generation to make the world a harmonious and better place to live in free from racism and inequality. Through this incredibly special subject, we know how powerful it is, even transformational making a real difference for living a positive life. We are bold in our commitment to ensure that All Saints' RE and Worldviews curriculum will set our All Saints' children up for living successfully and happily in multicultural Britain and for peace, harmony and unity in our diverse world now and in the future.
All Saints’ Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our church, school and community.
Help our curious minds express kindness and joy.
Help us to show courageous determination so that we respect ourselves and all that is around us.