
The All Saints’ Way…
Working together as a TEAM
Taking Risks – children who show courageous determination in their learning
Encouraging Learning – children being curious in their learning
Achieving Goals – children having the desire to be the best that they can be
Making Memories – in a school where children are respectful, show kindness and experience joyfulness!
The Lord says "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" (Psalm 32 v8). This psalm gives us strength and courage in our convictions as curriculum designers.
Science Curriculum Intent...
At our school we want our children to be exposed to an array of diverse and engaging Science lessons where all learners are challenged to the best of their abilities. We want our learners to be active, engaging in experiments and investigations regularly. As part of this our children should be nurtured to understand the Scientific method and how to think critically and methodically. The teaching of scientific skills should be complimentary to this and be taught as practically as possible. We want our pupils to be able to express what they have learnt excitedly, and with appropriate vocabulary. Scientific vocabulary should permeate the curriculum from the earliest opportunities.
We as staff members want to ensure science is kept as relevant and relatable to the lives of all our students and consequently build our pupil’s science capital. We want to ensure our children realise the wide array of careers a Science education can lead to and aim to foster a love of the subject that can continue long after their time at All Saint’s has finished. Our ultimate aim is to see our learners continue to use science through their school lives and into their careers, be this as a hairdresser, mechanic, doctor or scientist.
We aim to use of amazing setting and outdoor learning to the greatest extent, ensuring that children can gain the benefit of outdoor learning as much as is possible for this subject.
At All Saints’, the teaching and implementation of the Science curriculum follows the national curriculum; the subject leader then monitors that this is implemented in a manner that that ensures a sequential progression of skills and knowledge over the years each child will spend with us. Science is taught every term, in every class, in every year. In EYFS it is introduced through “understanding the world.”
Here at All Saints’, we recognise the importance of teaching science in a cross-curricular approach, making as many links to other lessons as possible. The topics are chosen to engage, inspire, support and challenge all pupils. This allows children to gain a greater understanding of their learning, alongside the use of retrieval quizzes and games to support learner’s ability to retain information.
Children also access a range of extra-curricular enrichment activities to enhance their science capital, this may be through science clubs, visitor, school trips and is also woven through the content of their lessons.
Through the implementation of our carefully sequenced science curriculum, the children in our school will become more and more confident in using scientific skills and knowledge as they move through the year groups.
We monitor our children’s progress, first of all with the children using self-assessment methods and assessment for learning. Termly assessments of skills and vocabulary are given, for this we use standardised tests. Yearly assessments of skills are soon to be implemented, once staff have been given time and training to prepare for their use.
The science curriculum will ensure that the children are prepared for more demanding lessons when they arrive at secondary school. More importantly it will also ensure they carry a life-long love of the subject with them.