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What are the aims of our Pupil Parliament?

*Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible.

*Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views.

*Feedback to pupils about what happened about their views.

*Action decisions that have been made or explain why they can’t happen.


Who can be a member of a Pupil Parliament committee in our school? 

Any pupil from Year 1 to Year 6 can apply for a position in Pupil Parliament. Each candidate can give a short speech or presentation to their peers explaining why they want the responsibility of a role and then a class election is held.


Meet Our New 2024-2025 Pupil Parliament/Eco Team

Congratulations to our new Pupil Parliament/Eco Team members. We are looking forward to their contributions to our ongoing mission to improve sustainability in our school and local community. We are very excited for the positive impact they will have.


Y1 Arla and Harvey 

Y2 Laila and Jamie

Y3 Nancy and Samuel

Y4 Violet and Caleb 

Y5 Florence and Daniel

Y6 Summer and Gabriel


Please read our Pupil Parliament Plea attached which informs you all about our new ‘MusicMagpie’ incentive to help us achieve our goal and also about our Fairtrade Award which we are very proud of! 

Eco-Schools Green Flag award!!

Our school Eco Team/Pupil Parliament are very proud to announce that we have achieved the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag Award - recognising our ongoing commitment to raising awareness of environmental issues last year!!

The award celebrates the efforts of our school’s dedicated Eco Team. It follows a year of hard work and commitment to improving sustainability in our school and community.

To achieve the Green Flag Award, our school Eco Team was required to complete a seven-step process in a single academic year. We opted to work on three core areas: energy saving, waste and healthy living and this choice was based on a school-wide environmental review, conducted to identify opportunities for action.

“Congratulations to our Eco Team, who worked incredibly hard to raise awareness of important environmental issues within our school community and beyond. I know our newly elected members of the Pupil Parliament/Eco Team will continue to build on this success – implementing new initiatives and championing changes that will help to make All Saints’ a more sustainable place to learn – now and in the future.”  

Miss McConnell, Pupil Parliament /Eco Team Coordinator

Pupil Parliament would like to share sharing some top 10 energy saving tips for our children, staff and families to try at home.

10 Energy Saving Tips
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