All Saints' Head Girl and Head Boy
Head Girl – Poppy
Hi, I’m Poppy. I am so pleased to be 2024’s Head Girl! When I started in Reception, I was shy and never thought about doing anything like this. I, without question, adore All Saints’ and appreciate all the years I’ve spent here developing and growing.
As Head Girl I hope to help others succeed, show visitors around and communicate my appreciation of the school with them, ask other pupils for ideas that could make the school a better place and look after children who might be upset, homesick or just need a bit of comfort from someone older.
My favourite parts of our school are our school TEAM motto (Taking Risks, Encouraging Learning, Achieving Goals and Making Memories).
Every child at All Saints’ follows the All Saints’ Christian values, which means that we respect others, use our curious minds, show kindness, use courageous determination, and show joyfulness in everything we do. Relationships are so important to us and remembering to forgive others if they do wrong. I enjoy being a part of the All Saints’ community, visiting church, helping out around Marple, litter-picking in the school grounds and working on special community projects.
My favourite subjects are English and History. I love writing poems and learning about people in the past who made the world a better place. Our lessons are fascinating thanks to our fabulous teaching teams make the most entertaining lessons and support us in every tough challenge that we face.
Lunchtime at All Saints’ is lots of fun! Our amazing lunchtime staff (who are always around to help) can sort out any problems or can just be there to have a chat. After we’ve eaten, we have a wide variety of equipment to play with such as: multi-coloured hoops, high and low hurdles, skipping ropes that count the amount of skips you do, humongous parachutes for games such as Chinese whispers and on some days such as Fun Friday there is tennis, basketball or hockey.
One thing we all love is when Daisy the duck pays a visit, on your way down to lunch you can have a look at Daisy and her ducklings in the quad near the main Reception area. It is so special!
I love our expansive range of books in our whole school library and our mini class libraries. They are a serene environment and a great place to get stuck in a book.
We have many clubs to choose from including: football, netball, dance, science, art and a languages club. A great way to learn something new! We also have sports competitions where you can win badges, trophies and certificates, but also a prize for teamwork because it’s not always about winning or losing it’s about how you behave when you’re doing it. If sports isn’t your thing, we have English and Maths competitions, recorder classes and Young Voices choir (a huge pop concert with thousands of children). We also have an Ethos group, which if you join, you can help lead in collective worship and help us understand the bible stories.
We are very lucky to have the opportunity to go on school trips like Chester zoo and in Year Four we went to Castleton as a class residential.
We have many informative assemblies, like when we had Grandad Wheels and he set up a competition for who could design the coolest wheelchair. We could add jet packs and endless chocolate fountains!
In Year Five you do the YLA (Young Leaders Award) which helps you become a leader and understand leadership roles and making a difference in the community. We had the chance to visit an elderly lunch meeting, had a chat with them and played games. They were so nice and even gave us biscuits!
We have a Pupil Parliament, which I joined in Year Five and have had some amazing opportunities to be leaders, including meeting William Wragg in The Houses of Parliament in London and debating some very important climate change initiatives at Stockport Town Hall.
At the end of term, we have dress down ‘Break The Rules’ days and we donate money to the PTA who set up and organise many activities, special visitors and events such as Forest Schools to broaden our education. The PTA are currently helping us raise money for a new trim trail on the field for us all to enjoy being physical and keeping fit and healthy.
There are so many different opportunities here at All Saints’, so come and explore! We hope to welcome you to our fantastic school…!

Head Boy SPEECH – Jack
I am honoured to have been chosen to represent our amazing school as Head boy. From the day I started in Reception, I have loved being a part of the All Saints family. At All Saints we work together as a TEAM.
Our teachers and other staff help us become the best that we can be by challenging us, encouraging us, guiding us if the road ever gets bumpy and having lots of fun! Our teachers engage us in our lessons by coming up with exciting work for us, fun problems to solve and making lessons practical. I loved learning about ratio with sweets which helped us to see and understand the meaning of ratio.
As much as I enjoy maths, English is my favourite subject because I love writing and have read some amazing books as a class. Two of my favourite books we have read are ‘Holes’ (Louis Sachar) and ‘Curse of the Maya’ (Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan.) I was lucky to see some Maya artefacts over the Summer in a museum in Oxford which were linked to the book.
In Year Six we become role models for the younger children and take our responsibilities seriously. This includes taking care of our Reception buddies. We always look out for them and check that they are settling comfortably into ‘The All Saints Way’. We love the buddy system and it is always so exciting finding out who your new buddy will be!
As a passionate sports person, All Saints provides multiple opportunities (for those who wish to take part) in sporting events where we mix with our local community and schools. I particularly enjoyed going to the athletics competition.
I have also had the opportunity to go to: a creative writing workshop, a referee course and sing at the O2 arena in Manchester with Young Voices. There are a wide range of clubs at All Saints including: football club, Netball, after and before school clubs, music clubs, growing faith gardening club and many more!
Our staff also organise lots of school trips and fun days for our school, as do the incredible PTA.
As a Christian school we always try our hardest to follow our Christian values which are…Curiosity, Respect, Kindness, Courageous Determination and Joyfulness. We change our Christian values every half term so we can learn more about them and try to show them in our everyday life. One of the highlights of the year is our church week at All Saints church. We do lots of different activities, learning about our values and God. We also go to church for other festivals and to do lots of other activities such as: Easter trails, iSingPOP and our Year Six leavers service. We are so lucky to have Sarah Holton (School and Families Worker from Church) and her amazing church team providing us with these experiences.
I'm so excited for the rest of Year Six because I know I will have many more fantastic experiences and I know you will have them too once you are part of the All Saints TEAM!!!