Our wonderful Church School!
Our Spirituality Garden-Church Week Growing Faith

We were delighted to become the first church in Chester Diocese to receive the Church & School Partnership Award, recognising the amazing link we have with our local All Saints' Church. The award aims to encourage even stronger links between Church of England schools and the parishes to which they belong.
Alongside weekly collective worships, involvement in lessons and with the Ethos Group, we regularly visit All Saints' Church for festivals such as Harvest, Easter events and Christmas concerts as well as a highlight of the calender each year being 'Church Week' during which our children learn more about the life of the church. We love our relationship with All Saints' Church and the ways in which we share Jesus with each other! Reverend Daniel Currie (Vicar), Sarah Holton (Children and Families Worker), Hev Taylor (Foundation Governors) and our Chair of Governors Alan Bailey are always smiling faces who often visit our school, to help, support and bless us all! How lucky we are!

We would like to welcome you to our Ethos Group.
We are a group of children from across Key Stage 1 and 2 who meet weekly to make All Saints’ the best Church School it can be!
Some of our tasks have included asking children, families, staff and Governors to vote for Christian Values that they feel are important to life at All Saints' C of E Primary School.
Our values chosen by the whole school community are; Curiosity, Respect, Kindness, Courageous Determination and Joyfulness. We have developed a system where we focus on a value each half term to support and inspire others to live out the values in their own life. Then the final half term of the year, we recap on all 5 values for memory and retention. We also have regular child led Collective Worships led half termly by the Ethos Team.
Ethos team have supported enhancing Reflection Areas in classrooms and even presented numerous times, at All Saints’ Church, to our SIAMS Governor Committee and to the whole School. during special festivals. In addition, we have taken part in Ethos Conferences with other Church schools from the North West to inspire us.
As you can see we have a very special and important role to play in our school!
We hope you found this insight into what we do useful and am sure that when you visit All Saints’ (in our opinion the best School ever!) you will be able to see, live and breathe our Christian vision, values and ethos.
Out of The box- Godly Play
The All Saints’ School Prayer
Dear God,
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our church, school and community.
Help our curious minds express kindness and joy.
Help us to show courageous determination so that we respect ourselves and all that is around us.
Written by the children of All Saints’